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i want to thank you for your support. there has been so much help already that i

am passing on to my son. i am sure he will be so thankful to everyone. i will

keep all posted as to what we find out. the info that i get from him will be

days apart because of where he is. we can only do letters n phone calls(n those

get expensive) so we will have to do the best we can. thanks again n keep the

support coming as i am thankfull too. bless you n keep well

Darcy Foland <lucynwidskid@...> wrote: Hi Vicki, I think you

found the right place...alot of us here are here because a family member has Hep

C and we need the support and advice of others on what we can do to help them. I

never thought about treating my brother different because he has Hep C...like

your family feels now...they need to inform themselves that this isn't caught

because you give someone a hug, or support....maybe through the help of this

group you can give them the info they need to not treat your son badly...this is

there relative for goodness sakes...if I could I would give my brother half my

liver to keep him going.....

The healthcare system has basically told my brother he should be home laying in

bed with hospice there....and can't figure out why he isn't....he is doing some

herbal teas...watching his diet and eating small meals several times per

day....and he carries a saint Micheal pin in his wallet and a father Staneslos

Casey (from Detroit probably spelled wrong) relic in his wallet too...he is not

of the Catholic faith but was given these by our relatives that are....He is

giving his health up to God and doing the best he can do with the herbs.......he

is on many prayer lists...He developed Liver Cancer after years of having Hep

C.....his cancer is not growing and the Dr.'s tell him keep doing what he is

doing....I should say he only found out that he has cancer in September of 2006.

Blessings to you and Your Son,


suttonvicki <suttonvicki@...> wrote:

hello, i don't know where to start. i am new to this group. i don't

even know if this is where i need to be. i have just learned in the

last two days that my son has been diagnosed with hep c. he is in

prison for four years. the prison dr's have known since he was sent

there. they made excuses as to why he was not informed before now.

they had a health fair a month ago, the nurse asked him what kind of

treatment thay had him an for it. he was in total shock as he had no

idea. they are supposed to be setting up a biopsey to see how bad his

liver is. i am scared to death for him n myself. i have informed my

family of his condition as he will get out in about a year. they are

all acting like he has the plague. i feel like i am alone in the

journey. as i am sure so does my son, as i can not be there for him.

please let me know if there is a different support group that i should

join as it is not i tdhat has hep c

lost in az, vicki

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh

my help.

My help cometh from the Lord. Psalms 121


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Vickie, I am type 1-b also and currently on week four of treatment. Most

people feel fine and therefore don't even know they have hep c. I am no doctor

but 4 thousand sounds very low, and the viral load goes up and down. Mine

started at 95,000 went down to 65,00 and now 35,000. Lots are in the millions

range don't think there is a norm for viral load as it does go up and down. I

never had a biopsy but only had liver ultra-sounds. Most doctors do biopsy

before tx but just as many anymore do not. It is a gradual disease, I had mine

appox. 30 years before a random blood test showed I had active hep c. Lots of

info on net about hep. c, libraries have very good books on subject and support

groups are a wealth of info. I have another group I belong to also and they

have a weekly chat night. This group is very good at helping and caring about

each other. Take heart not a life threatening situation, stay positive. My

prayers are with you and your son. Go to American

Liver Foundation on the web also Veterans has a great site about hep c and

there are many others also. Hugs, pat

suttonvicki <suttonvicki@...> wrote: hi, i am recently new to the

group. i am here for my sons behalf. i

have recieved a letter informing me of an up date on his condition. i

am passing on this information in hopes that someone can shed some

light. please tell me what it is that this means, n what to expect as

he is only able to comunicate with me thru the mail as the phone is

really costly where he is. he is genotype 1B, and his viral load is

4thousand. he still has not had the liver biopsey yet as it keeps

getting postponed. we want to know what this means for him (in plain

english). and what stages r treatable. i have been reading some of the

groups letters; some have viral loads in the millions; where should

the viral load be? please help me understand what my son is and will

be going thru. bless you all. lost in az vicki

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Hi Vickie, I am type 1-b also and currently on week four of treatment. Most

people feel fine and therefore don't even know they have hep c. I am no doctor

but 4 thousand sounds very low, and the viral load goes up and down. Mine

started at 95,000 went down to 65,00 and now 35,000. Lots are in the millions

range don't think there is a norm for viral load as it does go up and down. I

never had a biopsy but only had liver ultra-sounds. Most doctors do biopsy

before tx but just as many anymore do not. It is a gradual disease, I had mine

appox. 30 years before a random blood test showed I had active hep c. Lots of

info on net about hep. c, libraries have very good books on subject and support

groups are a wealth of info. I have another group I belong to also and they

have a weekly chat night. This group is very good at helping and caring about

each other. Take heart not a life threatening situation, stay positive. My

prayers are with you and your son. Go to American

Liver Foundation on the web also Veterans has a great site about hep c and

there are many others also. Hugs, pat

suttonvicki <suttonvicki@...> wrote: hi, i am recently new to the

group. i am here for my sons behalf. i

have recieved a letter informing me of an up date on his condition. i

am passing on this information in hopes that someone can shed some

light. please tell me what it is that this means, n what to expect as

he is only able to comunicate with me thru the mail as the phone is

really costly where he is. he is genotype 1B, and his viral load is

4thousand. he still has not had the liver biopsey yet as it keeps

getting postponed. we want to know what this means for him (in plain

english). and what stages r treatable. i have been reading some of the

groups letters; some have viral loads in the millions; where should

the viral load be? please help me understand what my son is and will

be going thru. bless you all. lost in az vicki

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hi, i am recently new

to the group. i am here for my sons behalf. i

> have recieved a letter informing me of an up date on his condition. i

> am passing on this information in hopes that someone can shed some

> light. please tell me what it is that this means, n what to expect as

> he is only able to comunicate with me thru the mail as the phone is

> really costly where he is. he is genotype 1B, and his viral load is

> 4thousand. he still has not had the liver biopsey yet as it keeps

> getting postponed. we want to know what this means for him (in plain

> english). and what stages r treatable. i have been reading some of the

> groups letters; some have viral loads in the millions; where should

> the viral load be? please help me understand what my son is and will

> be going thru. bless you all. lost in az vicki




> Vicki,

What Pat had to say was correct. Her response to you was informed

and kind. These are the type of folks that have great value to we

heppers. Particularly good advice from her was to research the

abundant material on HCV. The more you become knowledgeable the less

reason you will have to fear. Viral loads and liver enzymes are not

good indicators of disease status. Some with huge numbers have little

damage others with low numbers may have substantial.

These numbers, and particularly the amount of fibrosis (scarring of

the liver) which is determined by a very uneventful and painless liver

biopsy have more to do with defining treatment progress etc.

The real danger is not making those healthy life style and dietary

changes which will greatly inhibit the progression of fibrosis which

is the culprit ultimately. HCV doesn't kill! Untreated HCV and

continued progression of fibrosis leading to cirrhosis is what must

concern us all. I would recommend having Iron checked. Iron overload

such as is found with Hemochromatosis (the most common genetic disease

in the world) can be very undesirable with liver disease. Its a

simple blood test. Finally, drink water, water and more water!




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hi, i am recently new

to the group. i am here for my sons behalf. i

> have recieved a letter informing me of an up date on his condition. i

> am passing on this information in hopes that someone can shed some

> light. please tell me what it is that this means, n what to expect as

> he is only able to comunicate with me thru the mail as the phone is

> really costly where he is. he is genotype 1B, and his viral load is

> 4thousand. he still has not had the liver biopsey yet as it keeps

> getting postponed. we want to know what this means for him (in plain

> english). and what stages r treatable. i have been reading some of the

> groups letters; some have viral loads in the millions; where should

> the viral load be? please help me understand what my son is and will

> be going thru. bless you all. lost in az vicki




> Vicki,

What Pat had to say was correct. Her response to you was informed

and kind. These are the type of folks that have great value to we

heppers. Particularly good advice from her was to research the

abundant material on HCV. The more you become knowledgeable the less

reason you will have to fear. Viral loads and liver enzymes are not

good indicators of disease status. Some with huge numbers have little

damage others with low numbers may have substantial.

These numbers, and particularly the amount of fibrosis (scarring of

the liver) which is determined by a very uneventful and painless liver

biopsy have more to do with defining treatment progress etc.

The real danger is not making those healthy life style and dietary

changes which will greatly inhibit the progression of fibrosis which

is the culprit ultimately. HCV doesn't kill! Untreated HCV and

continued progression of fibrosis leading to cirrhosis is what must

concern us all. I would recommend having Iron checked. Iron overload

such as is found with Hemochromatosis (the most common genetic disease

in the world) can be very undesirable with liver disease. Its a

simple blood test. Finally, drink water, water and more water!




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Will definately pray for . What a brave young

man! Mel :)

--- puddin1956 <suzyqq@...> wrote:

> Would ya'll please pray for my son. He is 18 and is

> now active duty in

> the Army. He leaves for boot camp on July 11th. He

> has ask to go to

> Iraq. I am really scared for him. I ask him why did

> he feel led to do

> this and here is what he told me, " Mom, I want to

> make sure all of us,

> including my children, can still enjoy the same

> freedoms that we enjoy

> today. " He told me that when he waw 17 and made this

> decision. He has

> never wavered on what his mission was. He is a kind

> and wonderful young

> man. Please, ya'll, add him to your pray list. His

> name is Jessie.

> Puddin





Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast

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Will definately pray for . What a brave young

man! Mel :)

--- puddin1956 <suzyqq@...> wrote:

> Would ya'll please pray for my son. He is 18 and is

> now active duty in

> the Army. He leaves for boot camp on July 11th. He

> has ask to go to

> Iraq. I am really scared for him. I ask him why did

> he feel led to do

> this and here is what he told me, " Mom, I want to

> make sure all of us,

> including my children, can still enjoy the same

> freedoms that we enjoy

> today. " He told me that when he waw 17 and made this

> decision. He has

> never wavered on what his mission was. He is a kind

> and wonderful young

> man. Please, ya'll, add him to your pray list. His

> name is Jessie.

> Puddin





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Melody my prayers are with you and your son .If you can give us an Addy for

him I bet we all would write to him.

Love to y'all,




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Melody my prayers are with you and your son .If you can give us an Addy for

him I bet we all would write to him.

Love to y'all,




Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast

with the Search weather shortcut.

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Oh, thank you for thinking of that. My mother and I were talking today that we

would love to send goodies to someone, but have no family members currently

serving. Would love to send support!


Re: My Son

Melody my prayers are with you and your son .If you can give us an Addy

for him I bet we all would write to him.

Love to y'all,




Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast

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Guest guest

Oh, thank you for thinking of that. My mother and I were talking today that we

would love to send goodies to someone, but have no family members currently

serving. Would love to send support!


Re: My Son

Melody my prayers are with you and your son .If you can give us an Addy

for him I bet we all would write to him.

Love to y'all,




Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast

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I would love to send a care package too!! Mel :)

--- carol h <cherbin1@...> wrote:

> Oh, thank you for thinking of that. My mother and

> I were talking today that we would love to send

> goodies to someone, but have no family members

> currently serving. Would love to send support!

> carol

> Re: My Son



> Melody my prayers are with you and your son

> .If you can give us an Addy for him I bet we

> all would write to him.

> Love to y'all,

> Ev.


> Ev.


> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the

> forecast

> with the Search weather shortcut.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











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Guest guest

is Puddin's son....but I will still take the

prayers too! :) Mel

--- EVELYN AIREY <EV9255@...> wrote:

> Melody my prayers are with you and your son .If

> you can give us an Addy for him I bet we all would

> write to him.

> Love to y'all,

> Ev.




> Ev.











> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast


> with the Search weather shortcut.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Guest guest

Oh! I thought two of us had son's going to boot camp. I will let ya'll know as

soon as I know. Jessie will spend about 12 to 15 weeks at boot camp. He will

then come home for about two weeks and then who knows where he will go from

there. He has ask to go to Iraq. Lord, I pray they don't send him there.


---- Melody Sumnlers <melodysumnlers@...> wrote:


is Puddin's son....but I will still take the

prayers too! :) Mel

--- EVELYN AIREY <EV9255@...> wrote:

> Melody my prayers are with you and your son .If

> you can give us an Addy for him I bet we all would

> write to him.

> Love to y'all,

> Ev.




> Ev.











> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast


> with the Search weather shortcut.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Oh boy I did get confused didn't I ? Any way my prayers are for us all and

especially for . I guess now my mind is getting affected. too.





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Guest guest

I will pray too! My dad said that him and one other

guy asked to go to the front lines and they put them

both in the kitchen. That was many moons ago. Maybe

that will work for Jessie too....Mel :)

--- suzyqq@... wrote:


> Oh! I thought two of us had son's going to boot

> camp. I will let ya'll know as soon as I know.

> Jessie will spend about 12 to 15 weeks at boot camp.

> He will then come home for about two weeks and then

> who knows where he will go from there. He has ask to

> go to Iraq. Lord, I pray they don't send him there.

> Puddin

> ---- Melody Sumnlers <melodysumnlers@...>

> wrote:


> =============

> is Puddin's son....but I will still take the

> prayers too! :) Mel

> --- EVELYN AIREY <EV9255@...> wrote:


> > Melody my prayers are with you and your son

> .If

> > you can give us an Addy for him I bet we all would

> > write to him.

> > Love to y'all,

> > Ev.

> >

> >

> >

> > Ev.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the

> forecast

> >

> > with the Search weather shortcut.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >








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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast

with the Search weather shortcut.


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Hi my name is Lorey. I signed up for the group a good while back and

have only posted a few times.

Unfortunately like everyone else on here I have had a rough time

dealing with pain. It has really gotten me down over the last several

months. I am only 38 and feel like I am 108 sometimes. My workers

comp. co. is the worst in the world. I have never felt so betrayed in

all of my life. My injury was almost two years ago and I still havent

had any success with them. Anyways, getting off of the subject why I

was responding to you. :)

I read your post about your son and wanted to let you know that he is

in my prayers. My nephew, whom will be 21 next month is leaving in

September for his second tour in Iraq. He was all for the war over

there and the understanding behind it up until recently. He has had a

major change of heart as I guess many people have. Either way, your

son with all of the others are in my thoughts and prayers.




> Would ya'll please pray for my son. He is 18 and is now active duty in

> the Army. He leaves for boot camp on July 11th. He has ask to go to

> Iraq. I am really scared for him. I ask him why did he feel led to do

> this and here is what he told me, " Mom, I want to make sure all of us,

> including my children, can still enjoy the same freedoms that we enjoy

> today. " He told me that when he waw 17 and made this decision. He has

> never wavered on what his mission was. He is a kind and wonderful young

> man. Please, ya'll, add him to your pray list. His name is Jessie.

> Puddin


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Guest guest

I can only hope that God will intervene. I know that is selfish considering that

a lot of families have lost their love ones, but I don't want to lose my son. I

cannot imagine life without my son. I would like to kick Bush's butt right out

of office. I wonder how gun hoo he would be if it were one of his children? His

speeches on how brave these kids were and what they stood for, makes me sick to

my stomach. Does he really think that makes up for the lost or eases the pain

these families feel. I know my son is doing what he believes in and loves. This

child has strong convictions and I wish now that I had not stood for the things

he now wants to defend. It would be OK if it were me, but not him. I try to tell

myself that I enjoy the freedom I do because of people like my son, but it does

nothing to ease the worry. Just pray for all our men and women over there, where

we should not be anyway.


---- Melody Sumnlers <melodysumnlers@...> wrote:


I will pray too! My dad said that him and one other

guy asked to go to the front lines and they put them

both in the kitchen. That was many moons ago. Maybe

that will work for Jessie too....Mel :)

--- suzyqq@... wrote:


> Oh! I thought two of us had son's going to boot

> camp. I will let ya'll know as soon as I know.

> Jessie will spend about 12 to 15 weeks at boot camp.

> He will then come home for about two weeks and then

> who knows where he will go from there. He has ask to

> go to Iraq. Lord, I pray they don't send him there.

> Puddin

> ---- Melody Sumnlers <melodysumnlers@...>

> wrote:


> =============

> is Puddin's son....but I will still take the

> prayers too! :) Mel

> --- EVELYN AIREY <EV9255@...> wrote:


> > Melody my prayers are with you and your son

> .If

> > you can give us an Addy for him I bet we all would

> > write to him.

> > Love to y'all,

> > Ev.

> >

> >

> >

> > Ev.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the

> forecast

> >

> > with the Search weather shortcut.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >








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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast

with the Search weather shortcut.


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Guest guest


Thank you and I am sorry that you are going through what you are. I know it

won't make you feel any better but all workers como. companies are good until

you have to use them. I had a sister who was injured and had gave loyal service

to her employer. Then she hurt her back and neck and needed workers comp. and

then the company treated her like crap. She also felt betrayed. I don't know why

they act like that especially to someone who worked hard for the company, so

Lorey try to hold your chin up and don't take it personal because workers comp.

treats all people like that. Sometimes it may be easier to know that it is not

personal with them. It just feels like it to the person that gave their all only

to be treated like crap. Don't let it make you bitter, just smarter and tougher.

Go for what you deserve because if you don't fight for yourself, it's hard to

find anyone who will unless they are getting paid. I hope this helps and keep

posting, This is a great group and it helps release tension and it's just plain

is theraputic. It really does wonders. You would not think it would but it does.


---- southgagirl31 <southgagirl31@...> wrote:



Hi my name is Lorey. I signed up for the group a good while back and

have only posted a few times.

Unfortunately like everyone else on here I have had a rough time

dealing with pain. It has really gotten me down over the last several

months. I am only 38 and feel like I am 108 sometimes. My workers

comp. co. is the worst in the world. I have never felt so betrayed in

all of my life. My injury was almost two years ago and I still havent

had any success with them. Anyways, getting off of the subject why I

was responding to you. :)

I read your post about your son and wanted to let you know that he is

in my prayers. My nephew, whom will be 21 next month is leaving in

September for his second tour in Iraq. He was all for the war over

there and the understanding behind it up until recently. He has had a

major change of heart as I guess many people have. Either way, your

son with all of the others are in my thoughts and prayers.




> Would ya'll please pray for my son. He is 18 and is now active duty in

> the Army. He leaves for boot camp on July 11th. He has ask to go to

> Iraq. I am really scared for him. I ask him why did he feel led to do

> this and here is what he told me, " Mom, I want to make sure all of us,

> including my children, can still enjoy the same freedoms that we enjoy

> today. " He told me that when he waw 17 and made this decision. He has

> never wavered on what his mission was. He is a kind and wonderful young

> man. Please, ya'll, add him to your pray list. His name is Jessie.

> Puddin


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Guest guest

I often wondered how he (Bush) would feel if his kids

were over there trying to fight against people who

blow themselves up. Does Jessie know how you feel? Be

sure and tell him and what worry you have. Maybe he

will change his mind. He is your only son so he

doesn't have to do this. Mel

--- suzyqq@... wrote:


> I can only hope that God will intervene. I know that

> is selfish considering that a lot of families have

> lost their love ones, but I don't want to lose my

> son. I cannot imagine life without my son. I would

> like to kick Bush's butt right out of office. I

> wonder how gun hoo he would be if it were one of his

> children? His speeches on how brave these kids were

> and what they stood for, makes me sick to my

> stomach. Does he really think that makes up for the

> lost or eases the pain these families feel. I know

> my son is doing what he believes in and loves. This

> child has strong convictions and I wish now that I

> had not stood for the things he now wants to defend.

> It would be OK if it were me, but not him. I try to

> tell myself that I enjoy the freedom I do because of

> people like my son, but it does nothing to ease the

> worry. Just pray for all our men and women over

> there, where we should not be anyway.

> Puddin

> ---- Melody Sumnlers <melodysumnlers@...>

> wrote:


> =============

> I will pray too! My dad said that him and one other

> guy asked to go to the front lines and they put them

> both in the kitchen. That was many moons ago. Maybe

> that will work for Jessie too....Mel :)

> --- suzyqq@... wrote:


> >

> > Oh! I thought two of us had son's going to boot

> > camp. I will let ya'll know as soon as I know.

> > Jessie will spend about 12 to 15 weeks at boot

> camp.

> > He will then come home for about two weeks and

> then

> > who knows where he will go from there. He has ask

> to

> > go to Iraq. Lord, I pray they don't send him

> there.

> > Puddin

> > ---- Melody Sumnlers <melodysumnlers@...>

> > wrote:

> >

> > =============

> > is Puddin's son....but I will still take the

> > prayers too! :) Mel

> > --- EVELYN AIREY <EV9255@...> wrote:

> >

> > > Melody my prayers are with you and your son

> > .If

> > > you can give us an Addy for him I bet we all

> would

> > > write to him.

> > > Love to y'all,

> > > Ev.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Ev.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the

> > forecast

> > >

> > > with the Search weather shortcut.

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> > Get the toolbar and be alerted to new email

> > wherever you're surfing.

> >



> >

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I feel the same way but If Bush had kids that would go over there 10 to 1 they

would not send them.I can't wait till he is out of office. I sure hope that they

send all ours kids back home ASAP. Just let those people fend for their selves

and take our kids out of it.They surely would not come over here and help us out

if we needed it.

Am I being bad in thinking like this?




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I am not sure what they are thinking. No you are not

bad at all Ev. Mel :)

--- EVELYN AIREY <EV9255@...> wrote:

> I feel the same way but If Bush had kids that would

> go over there 10 to 1 they would not send them.I

> can't wait till he is out of office. I sure hope

> that they send all ours kids back home ASAP. Just

> let those people fend for their selves and take our

> kids out of it.They surely would not come over here

> and help us out if we needed it.

> Am I being bad in thinking like this?

> Hugs,Ev.




> Ev.











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At 05:53 AM 7/8/07, you wrote:

>Would ya'll please pray for my son. He is 18 and is now active duty in

>the Army.

We certainly will pray for him, I know your scared for him as you

should be. But you also can be proud that you raised such a fine

upstanding son. With your permission, I feel like he should be

recognized as what's right with todays youth. I'd love to forward

his comments about why he want's to go to people like Colonel Oliver

North, or Senator McCain, etc. Blessing to you and your son. Dave

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