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Re: Limiting Internet Access

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Here are a few of my ideas:

1. Start with the postive: You have a new rule,

he earns 1 hours of computer time by staying on

appropriate sites. Tell him you will be checking and

when you check you will give him an additional 15 min for

each time you check and he is on appropriate sites. For up

to an additional one hour.

2. Now the consequence if you find he is not on an appropriate

site you will not give him more than the 1 hour for his school work.

3. You can adjust these times since you don't want a

meltdown or rage if he has had access to the computer say

for unlimited hours.

4. Explain to him you want him to make good choices.

You can't change behavior by punishing the negative.

And with these sensitive kids you can't give too aversive

of a punishment or they loss it. So don't do anything to

dramatic if you see him on an unwanted site. Just

say ooops you don't earn your additional time.

5. If you don't have luck with this system and I think you will if you

can manage the positive reinforcements tell him you will

have to supervise his usage or move the computer into a family

room if it is not there already. But he may go nuts

if this sounds too threatening.

I hope this is of some help.



> Hi all - I have been trying to put certain limits on my 13-year-old son's

access to various internet sites with only limited success. He has Asperger's

Syndrome and ADD but is very bright and high-functioning. He needs to sometimes

use the internet for schoolwork, plus he is very gifted musically and likes to

record his own compositions and then upload audio and videos to his own little



> HOWEVER, he discovered a channel on YouTube called YouTube Poop. Actually,

another Aspie friend who's mom isn't as restrictive as me is the one that

introduced my son to the site. It is the worst site you can imagine for an Aspie

kid. Lots of videos with short bursts of repetitive phrases, particularly words

like poop and penis. So now has become obsessed with those videos. I

blocked YouTube completely and found a nice site called Daily Motion where he

could watch acceptable videos because it allows me to block certain content.

Well, the little genius has figured out how to do an end run around me. If you

Google pretty much any YouTube channel - or anything at all really - you can

click on a " video " button at the top of the Google search page and it will show

you any of the videos it found in the search.


> Any ideas on how to confront him about this without causing a meltdown? We've

been having lots of them lately anyway, as he gets to an age where he wants to

test limits.


> I don't see how I can block this, since it's a Google search page, and he does

have legitimate school uses for Google.


> Thanks for any suggestions.




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Hi , I have 16yr old son and know what you are talking about. I have

password that has to be entered before you can use the computer. And keep the

computer in the living area. But its getting harder and harder with laptops etc.

And internet access via mobile phones, etc. I have heard of net nanny, a program

that can be installed, that you can buy and it censors a lot of things. Maybe

this would be good for you, i know what its like with a teenage boy, they find

smutty things really funny....sigh

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