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Limiting Internet Access

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Hi all - I have been trying to put certain limits on my 13-year-old son's access

to various internet sites with only limited success. He has Asperger's Syndrome

and ADD but is very bright and high-functioning. He needs to sometimes use the

internet for schoolwork, plus he is very gifted musically and likes to record

his own compositions and then upload audio and videos to his own little site.

HOWEVER, he discovered a channel on YouTube called YouTube Poop. Actually,

another Aspie friend who's mom isn't as restrictive as me is the one that

introduced my son to the site. It is the worst site you can imagine for an Aspie

kid. Lots of videos with short bursts of repetitive phrases, particularly words

like poop and penis. So now has become obsessed with those videos. I

blocked YouTube completely and found a nice site called Daily Motion where he

could watch acceptable videos because it allows me to block certain content.

Well, the little genius has figured out how to do an end run around me. If you

Google pretty much any YouTube channel - or anything at all really - you can

click on a " video " button at the top of the Google search page and it will show

you any of the videos it found in the search.

Any ideas on how to confront him about this without causing a meltdown? We've

been having lots of them lately anyway, as he gets to an age where he wants to

test limits.

I don't see how I can block this, since it's a Google search page, and he does

have legitimate school uses for Google.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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