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RE: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed w/chemicals

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I'm so sorry that for the upheaval, but after all is said and done hopefully

things will be better. I have a question rather than a suggestion. Do you think

they could just pull the carpet up and replace it with something else? The

chemicals in the carpet would worry me almost as much as the mold.



From: gfcfmommy@...

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 02:09:53 +0000

Subject: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed w/chemicals


I have an 8 yr old ds on the spectrum and a 10 yr old dd w/PANDAS/immune/gastro

problems. We just found mold on our air vents, and our property management

company is acting fast. Problem is, they are going to throw a LOT of chemicals

into our house in one day. A/C, vents, and carpet cleaning. I am so afraid that

when we get home that my kids are going to freak out over the chemicals in the

air and on the carpet. I am hoping is they do, it is temporary.

Has anyone dealt witht his? What supplements should I add to help them. They are

both on taurine, GABA, melatonin, Kirkman's Bilfilm Defense, Omega 3's and

Vit.D. My son is also on OoO 3xday. My daughter uses enzymes. Should they be

using clay baths as well? I have Enviro Detox and Merc Detox from LL's clay.

Should they be on antioxidants? Vit C?

I am terribly freaked out about this. Our neurologist just told us to rid our

home of plastics because my daughter had a " chemical " smell to her. And I have a

pretty organic house as far as cleaning supplies are concerned. I feel as if all

my hard work is going to go down the drain.

Our mold will be tested, after the clean-up to see if more is needed. Any advice

would be welcome right now.




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Sorry to say this..but Travolta thought the carpet cleaning they had done

when their son was little, was partially the reason behind his son illness and

regression. But on top of that..I would NOT put my child back into a home that

was cleaned like it sounds they are going to do ..for a while anyways. I would

demand that they use organic, safe chemicals/cleaners..even if you need a DR's

note. I would also ask for funds to house your family for a week to let the

chemicals offgas a bit. I know its a pain..we had to leave our home for a month

this summer to de flea..tried naturals for 6 months to no avail. I literally

went every weekend of that month and cleaned walls ceilings..everything with

vinigar and water. i would really try to find a way to not have your children

exposed. Wishing you the best of luck and health : )


40 and Mom to three

Tash 23 ooops..new Mommy ( I'm a Grammy to Kyri 2 )

Casey-Mae 14..sweet as pie

Elijah 3.5 .. ASD and beautiful

From: Miriam s <mirishuli@...>

Subject: RE: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed


Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 2:15 AM



I'm so sorry that for the upheaval, but after all is said and done hopefully

things will be better. I have a question rather than a suggestion. Do you think

they could just pull the carpet up and replace it with something else? The

chemicals in the carpet would worry me almost as much as the mold.



From: gfcfmommy (DOT) com

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 02:09:53 +0000

Subject: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed w/chemicals


I have an 8 yr old ds on the spectrum and a 10 yr old dd w/PANDAS/immune/ gastro

problems. We just found mold on our air vents, and our property management

company is acting fast. Problem is, they are going to throw a LOT of chemicals

into our house in one day. A/C, vents, and carpet cleaning. I am so afraid that

when we get home that my kids are going to freak out over the chemicals in the

air and on the carpet. I am hoping is they do, it is temporary.

Has anyone dealt witht his? What supplements should I add to help them. They are

both on taurine, GABA, melatonin, Kirkman's Bilfilm Defense, Omega 3's and

Vit.D. My son is also on OoO 3xday. My daughter uses enzymes. Should they be

using clay baths as well? I have Enviro Detox and Merc Detox from LL's clay.

Should they be on antioxidants? Vit C?

I am terribly freaked out about this. Our neurologist just told us to rid our

home of plastics because my daughter had a " chemical " smell to her. And I have a

pretty organic house as far as cleaning supplies are concerned. I feel as if all

my hard work is going to go down the drain.

Our mold will be tested, after the clean-up to see if more is needed. Any advice

would be welcome right now.



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Do you have any air cleaners like Oreck XL, plus can you move to another

family home for day or two while the units run, till the worst of the smell

is alleviated...?

This happened when be a fire in ou chimney. They came in and cleaned our

whole house, took everything apart for a week, and the smell of the

cleaning products drove nutso.... So we ended up moving to my

parents house for 10 days and ran big air cleaners till we got back.... At

the time, we rented them, and it really helped.....

Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed


> Hi,


> I have an 8 yr old ds on the spectrum and a 10 yr old dd

> w/PANDAS/immune/gastro problems. We just found mold on our air vents, and

> our property management company is acting fast. Problem is, they are going

> to throw a LOT of chemicals into our house in one day. A/C, vents, and

> carpet cleaning. I am so afraid that when we get home that my kids are

> going to freak out over the chemicals in the air and on the carpet. I am

> hoping is they do, it is temporary.


> Has anyone dealt witht his? What supplements should I add to help them.

> They are both on taurine, GABA, melatonin, Kirkman's Bilfilm Defense,

> Omega 3's and Vit.D. My son is also on OoO 3xday. My daughter uses

> enzymes. Should they be using clay baths as well? I have Enviro Detox and

> Merc Detox from LL's clay. Should they be on antioxidants? Vit C?


> I am terribly freaked out about this. Our neurologist just told us to rid

> our home of plastics because my daughter had a " chemical " smell to her.

> And I have a pretty organic house as far as cleaning supplies are

> concerned. I feel as if all my hard work is going to go down the drain.


> Our mold will be tested, after the clean-up to see if more is needed. Any

> advice would be welcome right now.


> Thanks,

> Susi






> ------------------------------------



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Thanks everyone for your advice. We will not be able to leave for a few days to

let it air out, unfortunately. So I guess we are stuck again. I appreciate all

your help. If anyone has any suggestions about what I can control - such as

antioxidants, etc, I would be open to any advice.

If not, we will just have to rough it with the chemicals for a while. Our

property mgmt company is not relocating us, and we cannnot afford a hotel, and

have no family in the state.



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I would go to the health department of your city and request that they either

help or insist the property management company relocate you. The company KNOWS

the mold is dangerous, more than likely it would only take a call from the

health department or an attorney to help them see that a few days in the hotel

is to everyone's advantage. What if your child gets worse from the chemicals

used to treat the mold?

Where are you?


From: gfcfmommy@...

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:19:33 +0000

Subject: Re: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed


Thanks everyone for your advice. We will not be able to leave for a few days to

let it air out, unfortunately. So I guess we are stuck again. I appreciate all

your help. If anyone has any suggestions about what I can control - such as

antioxidants, etc, I would be open to any advice.

If not, we will just have to rough it with the chemicals for a while. Our

property mgmt company is not relocating us, and we cannnot afford a hotel, and

have no family in the state.




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Do you know what exactly they are going to clean? Like are they for sure

cleaning the carpets? Could you possibly go over the carpets yourself with like

vinigar/water after they are done with them? I know here at some local hardware

stores we can rent carpet cleaners

for about $20.00. Probably the carpets will hold the most residual chemicals the

longest. I would def. give the kids CLO and vitamin C.

Not sure if there are any supplements that protect from chemicals, but will look

into it.




> Thanks everyone for your advice. We will not be able to leave for a few days

to let it air out, unfortunately. So I guess we are stuck again. I appreciate

all your help. If anyone has any suggestions about what I can control - such as

antioxidants, etc, I would be open to any advice.


> If not, we will just have to rough it with the chemicals for a while. Our

property mgmt company is not relocating us, and we cannnot afford a hotel, and

have no family in the state.


> Thanks,

> Susi


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As for protective supplements, I would do epsom salt baths frequently and

probably liver support (maybe someone else who knows more about liver support

can suggest something). I've heard good things about Liver Life by BioRay, but

anything with milk thistle is too high in oxalates for anyone with an oxalate

problem. Glycine is supposed to be very good at detoxing chemicals, and if you

can get to a far infrared sauna that is also supposed to help.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but I would move if it is in ANY way

possible. I know people who have tried throwing tons of chemicals at mold, and

it has never worked- the mold comes back. Mold is very hard to kill. It is so

toxic and chronic exposure is really, really bad. Seriously, even if you can't

move right away, I'd find a way to wrok towards it in the future.


> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks everyone for your advice. We will not be able to leave for a few days

to let it air out, unfortunately. So I guess we are stuck again. I appreciate

all your help. If anyone has any suggestions about what I can control - such as

antioxidants, etc, I would be open to any advice.

> >

> > If not, we will just have to rough it with the chemicals for a while. Our

property mgmt company is not relocating us, and we cannnot afford a hotel, and

have no family in the state.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Susi

> >


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For fleas salt the furniture/rugs etc. then vacuam it up. We left salt on rugs

overnight.It makes fleas explode when they eat it from what i read on net. We

did this like a week and they were gone. We also washed the dogs and defleaed

dogs with shampoo and salted the dogs.It absulutely worked,

From: Miriam s <mirishulihotmail (DOT) com>

Subject: RE: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed


Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 2:15 AM



I'm so sorry that for the upheaval, but after all is said and done hopefully

things will be better. I have a question rather than a suggestion. Do you think

they could just pull the carpet up and replace it with something else? The

chemicals in the carpet would worry me almost as much as the mold..



From: gfcfmommy (DOT) com

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 02:09:53 +0000

Subject: Need quick HELP !!- Mold in house, being removed w/chemicals


I have an 8 yr old ds on the spectrum and a 10 yr old dd w/PANDAS/immune/ gastro

problems. We just found mold on our air vents, and our property management

company is acting fast. Problem is, they are going to throw a LOT of chemicals

into our house in one day. A/C, vents, and carpet cleaning. I am so afraid that

when we get home that my kids are going to freak out over the chemicals in the

air and on the carpet. I am hoping is they do, it is temporary.

Has anyone dealt witht his? What supplements should I add to help them. They are

both on taurine, GABA, melatonin, Kirkman's Bilfilm Defense, Omega 3's and

Vit.D. My son is also on OoO 3xday. My daughter uses enzymes. Should they be

using clay baths as well? I have Enviro Detox and Merc Detox from LL's clay.

Should they be on antioxidants? Vit C?

I am terribly freaked out about this. Our neurologist just told us to rid our

home of plastics because my daughter had a " chemical " smell to her. And I have a

pretty organic house as far as cleaning supplies are concerned. I feel as if all

my hard work is going to go down the drain.

Our mold will be tested, after the clean-up to see if more is needed. Any advice

would be welcome right now.



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Windows 7: It helps you do more. Explore Windows 7.

http://www.microsof t.com/Windows/ windows-7/ default.aspx? ocid=PID24727:

:T:WLMTAGL: ON:WL:en- US:WWL_WIN_ evergreen3: 102009

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Thanks Sierra. I did think of milk thistle, but may go with glycine instead. We

will be leaving the house for 2 nights after they clean it up, and then air it

out before we move back in. We can't move, so we are making the best out of it

that we can. I appreciate everyone's input - that's what so great about this



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