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question for Dana

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  • 4 years later...

Dear Sissy:

There are many antivirals to try. The rash could be from die-off. Start

with low doses of the enzymes and work your way up or try a different brand

(possibly allergic to that specific brand). There are tons of antiviral

products out there to use. Give him gobs of Vitamin C to keep the effects of

die-off down and to help with the viruses. I found Buffered Vitamin C from


Research is best, but Kirkman sells some too. I have heard of other

antivirals like lysine, and black walnut hull. I think de-worming is also

needed for

these kids. I would hold off on using Vitamin A to kill the viruses for

now, and try other antiviral remedies. I have not heard of too many bad

reactions from lysine.


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  • 1 month later...

> Please help me my son his taken supplements for the amonia,but I

think is worse

Excessive ammonia is usually caused by improper protein digestion

and/or bad bacteria overgrowth. Do you give enzymes designed for

protein issues? I used OLE for bad bacteria issues.

>>he is constantly banging against objects with his hands,feet or body

and continues manipulate as well as clasp his hand.

This can be several things, including B6 toxicity [do you give B6

supplements?], yeast overgrowth, zinc deficiency or toxicity, and a

few other things.


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> Dana,

> I thought you had a son with CAPD.

Yes, #1.

>>Did chelation help the capd?

Not technically, but a few supplements have. Anti-virals, fish oil

[with mito cocktail], mB12, folic acid, carnitine for proper

absorption. Basically the same supplements that helped #2 and #3 with

language have really helped the CAPD.


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  • 2 months later...


> What we're the signs that your son was mineral toxic?

Every time I tried to add minerals, my son regressed. I bought them

individually, and it was primarily calcium and iron that caused the

problem. I used IP6, a demineralizer, and my son had nice improvements.


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If I were to use IP6, would I use it before or after ALA chelation?


> >

> > What we're the signs that your son was mineral toxic?



> Every time I tried to add minerals, my son regressed. I bought them

> individually, and it was primarily calcium and iron that caused the

> problem. I used IP6, a demineralizer, and my son had nice improvements.


> Dana


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  • 2 months later...
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> Hi Dana,

> Thanks for your reply.

> I am trying to figure all this out by books and these groups,

cannot afford the DAN Dr. in my area (he wants $1000 before I could

even make the appt.) along with all his private therapies.

I recovered my son without a doctor. You will do fine.

> I have never given my son any vitamins, I am always nervous about

vitamin toxicity.

Start with a low dose and work up as required, and as you feel


> His " stim " for the longest time, was tapping two things together,

we just realized that he has cut back on that the past few days (not

completely). Now I noticed he is back to looking at magazines (Motor

Trend, National Geographic and the newspapers) when he is excited, he

has been sticking his tongue out and mouthing with it, then he tends

to need to grab someones arm, hand etc. (Aside from being non-verbal

Autistic, he has apraxia).

These can mean yeast overgrowth or virus issues.

Mouthing was usually yeast overgrowth or food intolerance here, so you

might want to start with that. For some kids, mouthing means zinc


> If I do introduce a vitamin, is there any testing I can do to

monitor him?

This lab has a good online list of tests


> In your opinion, is a multi-vitamin a good place to start with him?

A multi will work for many kids, altho not all. My son never did well

with multis, I had to supplement individually.


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  • 6 months later...

Not Dana here, but just wanted to let you know that is what my son (18)

is recovering from. Chelation and biomed working amazingly with him. We

are using only ALA at 1/12mg per pound right now. Andy's timing. FWIW,

we never pursued an official diagnosis.


letsdetox wrote:


> I read somewhere that you had aspergers. Did chelation with ala cure

> your 'aspi' symptoms?



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> Not Dana here, but just wanted to let you know that is what my son


> is recovering from. Chelation and biomed working amazingly with him.


> are using only ALA at 1/12mg per pound right now. Andy's timing.


> we never pursued an official diagnosis.

What are you doing in addition to chelation?

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For my son, not much now. We started with addressing the yeast with

GSE. Then we added zinc, cal/mag, enzymes, probiotics, Vit A, D and C.

Then we started chelation. Oh, and we also did NoFenol. But, mostly, we

got the yeast under control and started ALA. I got the impression from

my reading, that would pretty much fix everything rather than

supplementing. We've been living an organic, whole food lifestyle with

much different than the average American diet since he was a child. So,

I guess you could add that. I can't imagine how much worse things could

have been without that lifestyle, but I get an idea from reading others'



mkarty2007 wrote:



> >

> > Not Dana here, but just wanted to let you know that is what my son

> (18)

> > is recovering from. Chelation and biomed working amazingly with him.

> We

> > are using only ALA at 1/12mg per pound right now. Andy's timing.


> > we never pursued an official diagnosis.


> What are you doing in addition to chelation?



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> I read somewhere that you had aspergers. Did chelation with ala cure

> your 'aspi' symptoms?

I have been using ALA for myself, for 2 years now. I think, like my

kids, that it is not the ALA per se, but the other supps that have

caused most of the improvement. I don't know that I am " cured " , but

most of my main symptoms are significantly reduced, and some are no

longer present.


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> I have been using ALA for myself, for 2 years now. I think, like my

> kids, that it is not the ALA per se, but the other supps that have

> caused most of the improvement. I don't know that I am " cured " , but

> most of my main symptoms are significantly reduced, and some are no

> longer present.


> Dana

Do you believe all symptoms would return if you stop the supps?

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> Do you believe all symptoms would return if you stop the supps?

Depends. Some supps I am finished with. Others I still need, altho

not at the high doses that I once required. This is the main benefit

of chelation at my house. Supps are only required for a relatively

short period of time, until the body's stores are normalized.


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  • 7 months later...
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hi Dana I just wanna ask what would be your options of chelation if your kid

doesn't want to take medicine orally and would they be as effective as the one

taken orally? Thanks :)

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> hi Dana I just wanna ask what would be your options of chelation if your kid

doesn't want to take medicine orally and would they be as effective as the one

taken orally?

Oral is the most recommended.

Some people use suppositories. This is not as effective as oral.

Some people use transdermal cream. This is not as effective as oral.

Some people use IV. This can be more or less effective than oral, but also

tends to have more significant possible side effects and problems.


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Thanks Dana I wated to use Andy's protocol on chelation but it said there that

you have to give it every 4 hours the whole day, I'm not sure if my kid would

take it, if I wake him up in the middle of his sleep that's my biggest concern.

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: Re: question for Dana

Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 11:09 AM

> hi Dana I just wanna ask what would be your options of chelation if your kid

doesn't want to take medicine orally and would they be as effective as the one

taken orally?

Oral is the most recommended.

Some people use suppositories. This is not as effective as oral.

Some people use transdermal cream. This is not as effective as oral.

Some people use IV. This can be more or less effective than oral, but also tends

to have more significant possible side effects and problems.


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> Thanks Dana I wated to use Andy's protocol on chelation but it said there that

you have to give it every 4 hours the whole day, I'm not sure if my kid would

take it, if I wake him up in the middle of his sleep that's my biggest concern.

I gave ALA 3x per day, which worked very well for my family. You can start with

that, and watch to see if your child tolerates that protocol.


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oh thanks, can you tell me the starting dosage and for how long should I keep

them on thatĀ dosage, Ā my kids are turning six an and is there a specific brand

of ALA that you use or recommend? Thanks again :)

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: Re: question for Dana

Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 10:05 AM


> Thanks Dana I wated to use Andy's protocol on chelation but it said there that

you have to give it every 4 hours the whole day, I'm not sure if my kid would

take it, if I wake him up in the middle of his sleep that's my biggest concern.

I gave ALA 3x per day, which worked very well for my family. You can start with

that, and watch to see if your child tolerates that protocol.


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> oh thanks, can you tell me the starting dosage and for how long should I keep

them on that dosage, my kids are turning six

I started low dose, like 10mg. I kept that dose until I saw no improvements for

5 rounds. Generally, it went 10 rounds with changes, and then 5 rounds of

nothing. Then I increased the dose.

Watch for yeast overgrowth.

>>an and is there a specific brand of ALA that you use or recommend?

I have used several different brands. Choose one with the fewest additives and

fillers. You can buy a hypoallergenic version from Kirkman.


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Thanks againĀ  :)

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: Re: question for Dana

Date: Monday, June 8, 2009, 9:50 AM


> oh thanks, can you tell me the starting dosage and for how long should I keep

them on that dosage, my kids are turning six

I started low dose, like 10mg. I kept that dose until I saw no improvements for

5 rounds. Generally, it went 10 rounds with changes, and then 5 rounds of

nothing. Then I increased the dose.

Watch for yeast overgrowth.

>>an and is there a specific brand of ALA that you use or recommend?

I have used several different brands. Choose one with the fewest additives and

fillers. You can buy a hypoallergenic version from Kirkman.


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