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Constipation help

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If you can handle magnesium that will get them moving. Doesn't take much.

Also coconut oil has helped. . .but in the end. . .I still feel constipated even

when I have gone regularly.


Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


Has anyone had success getting their bowels moving? What would you


TIA, Bee


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Hi Sheryl

For that constipated feeling try homeopathic nux vomica 30 ch for

20 days and stop you may see great improvement and only costs a

couple of bucks for granules.


> Hi,


> Has anyone had success getting their bowels moving? What would you

> recommend?


> TIA, Bee




> ---------------------------------


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Thanks I will do that!


bioion2000 <royk53@...> wrote:Hi Sheryl

For that constipated feeling try homeopathic nux vomica 30 ch for

20 days and stop you may see great improvement and only costs a

couple of bucks for granules.


> Hi,


> Has anyone had success getting their bowels moving? What would you

> recommend?


> TIA, Bee




> ---------------------------------


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> Has anyone had success getting their bowels moving? What would you

> recommend?


> TIA, Bee


Raw sauerkraut can be quite laxitive.

It's good for the bowels too.

Dr Jensen's bowel cleanse is good for removing impacted fecal matter from the


His book " Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management " is available online:


Some foods like proteins and carbohydrates leave little residue after digestion

so its important to eat them with some sort of fiber

to help them move along. Alfalfa tablets are a good source of fiber and

nutrients. I use them with my meals often.

Regards, Bruce

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Bee

THe following have worked for me.

1. having the lemon juice drink upon waking (gets the bile going)

2. no carbs for breakfast (lots of fats though!)

3. chlorophil mixed with water (I drink this when I exercise)

4. exercise every day for 40-150 minutes (this does not include walking)

5. yoga (this is not considered exercise)

6. chocolate and grains really block me up, so I work hard at avoiding

them (I don't always succeed :)

hope this helps


> Hi,


> Has anyone had success getting their bowels moving? What would you

> recommend?


> TIA, Bee

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I haven't had any constipation problems for years. Reason is because, until I

started this diet, I was using a couple of spoonfuls of oat brain & flaxeed meal

every morning & doing some hand-on chi qong movements in my abdominal area that

stops constipation & helps the digestive organs. It works beautifully also to

lower cholesterol & triglycerides but the bran & flax isn't on this diet. So I

was worried I'd be constipated again on this new diet. But amazingly I'm not.

Likely because of the extra fats in the meats, butter & oils I'm taking.

I don't exercise at all either because of my disabling low back pain. Exercise,

even walking, has caused me even more pain so I stopped it altogether. I hope to

get back into exercising again as soon as possible though if this diet helps

relieve my pain. It already seems to be doing so in fact, though I've only been

on it for less than two weeks, I haven't had much low back, leg or foot pain

which I had before all the time constantly. I've been too dead tired to exercise

& having other aches & pains from beginning the diet though. I hope to have more

energy soon & less pain soon & get back into exercising. Meantime I'm still

doing the chi qong hand/abdominal movements tho on days I haven't done so, I

still haven't been constipated I'm happy to say. I also think drinking the

lemon/salt juice drink daily & the lemon/olive oil drink with every meal has

helped me not be constipated.



From: isprey

THe following have worked for me.

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Dear Irene,

Wow, the message you replied to was when I first started this group

in April of 2004. Thanks for the information.

Luv, Bee

Irene wrote:

> Hi Bee


> THe following have worked for me.


> 1. having the lemon juice drink upon waking (gets the bile going)

> 2. no carbs for breakfast (lots of fats though!)

> 3. chlorophil mixed with water (I drink this when I exercise)

> 4. exercise every day for 40-150 minutes (this does not include


> 5. yoga (this is not considered exercise)

> 6. chocolate and grains really block me up, so I work hard at


> them (I don't always succeed :)

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  • 3 months later...

Caroline wrote:

> I used to take magnesium tablets (350 mg mag.oxide; 40 mg

mag.citrate, 10 mg > mag.aspartate for constipation, aches/pains.

Then I stopped taking it b/c I > read it inhibits calcium which I

take as a liquid formula B4 bedtime with > Vitamin D & phosophorus in

it also to prevent spinal & joint misalignments > while sleeping

(which it does).

==>Too much calcium in ratio to magnesium depletes magnesium in the

body. The recommended ratio is 1:1 - see my article - but take

magnesium citrate. Magnesium does not inhibit calcium absorption -

they work together. Each cell has a left-handed receptor for calcium

and a right-handed receptor for magnesium. Ensure any liquid formula

is a citrate form or it is chelated or contains an acid so your body

can absorb it properly. Minerals require acid to be absorbed.

Alternatively take vitamin C with them or the lemon and sea salt



> If I take more magnesium during the day for constipation, will I

have to > take more calcium, D & phosphorus separately too?

==>You should already be taking 1:1 calcium to magnesium ratio; your

body cannot handle any more than 500 mgs. of calcium at one time, and

be cautious about not taking too much, which can cause more problems.

Most days I only need 350 mgs. of each, but some days I need

additional magnesium. Most people are lower in magnesium than

calcium so buying them separately is a good idea so you can regulate

doses of each.


> Or should I not take the extra magnesium at all since I'm now

(finally!) > successfully able to take buffered vitamin C l/2 hr or

so B4 meals w/o upsetting my stomach? I have major problems

remembering to take the C hourly. But I do manage to take it when I

remember to between meals several times a day.

==>When you need extra magnesium for constipation you should be

successful within 3 days or less, so you only take the extra in

addition to what you already take, for 2-3 days. For those 2-3 days

you don't need to worry about the other supplements important for

absorbing calcium, i.e. phosphorus, zinc and vitamin D - just take

the amounts of those you normally would.

> (The baking soda/water sipping does help w/upset stomach/heartburn

when I'm up & around too).

==>Great - I'm glad it helps you.


> I can now also do enemas again, a major success for me after years

of not > being able to!. But only while sitting on the toilet so far

& in no other position. They're likely not as effective that way but

I do manage to retain > 3/4 bagful at least. That's prolly okay tho

since I'm a very small person @ > 4'11 " , 111 lbs. I'm not disciplined

enough tho, to do enemas daily, only a > few times a week. I've done

only plain water & /or coffee enemas so far.

==>You'd never do enemas daily - that information however is given on

other groups. It interferes with the functioning of your large colon

too much, which has very important functions, i.e. making Vitamin K

and some B vitamins, and maintaining the balance of water in the

body. Do them no closer together than 4-5 days

The best to you, Bee

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  • 10 months later...


> I am having difficulties here after two weeks on the diet. At this

> point coffee and garlic enemas are becoming a necessary habit!

==>Hi. What is your name? As my article states you only do enemas

every 4-5 days, no oftener or it can create a bad habit and also

interfere with the functioning of your large bowel. Are you posting

this to the correct group? You wouldn't use garlic enemas either

(which is antifungal), until you are totally following the diet and

taking all of the supplements recommended. Please read my article sent

to you when you joined " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " and then

get back to us with questions, and for support on following the program.

> Would it be wrong of me to use some ground or unground flax in water?

I am using plenty of good fats including CLO and coconut and butter and

> fish oil and eat a good amount of green and low carb vegetables. Also

> taking magnesium which used to help greatly.

==>No flax of any kind is recommended on this group my friend.

> The only thing else I can say is that this has been a bit of an issue

since I fractured my first lumbar vertebrae rollerblading years ago

though after a few weeks healing and chiropractic care (when I was

eating oatmeal and sprouted grains and nuts) then it wasn't a problem.

==>What do you mean by " then it wasn't a problem " ? Do you mean eating

oatmeal and sprouted grains and nuts? If you do, then the question to

ask yourself " is " do you have candida? If you do not know read my

article and you will find the URL to Dr. Crook's Candida Questionnaire.

Cheers, Bee

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For constipation help please see our Digestion Folder and ensure your

good fat intake is according to the ratios recommended in my article.

If you eat too much protein in proportion to fats it will constipate



> I am having difficulties here after two weeks on the diet. At this

> point coffee and garlic enemas are becoming a necessary habit! Would

> it be wrong of me to use some ground or unground flax in water? I am

> using plenty of good fats including CLO and coconut and butter and

> fish oil and eat a good amount of green and low carb vegetables. Also

> taking magnesium which used to help greatly.

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> For constipation help please see our Digestion Folder and ensure


> good fat intake is according to the ratios recommended in my


> If you eat too much protein in proportion to fats it will


> you.


> Bee

Thank you for your help. Yes, I thought I remembered that flax was a

bad idea. So much to remember! Sorry for leaving my name out! I will

go read the digestion section now. (to answer your questions, first

what I meant was that I did not suffer constipation when I ate

sprouted grains, and also yes I do think I have candida issues since

suddenly going low-carb caused major die-off sickness including


ears and genitals, achiness, acne, brain fog, and emotions, all

symptoms I had years ago before I cleaned up my diet in line with

Weston Price info. I just wanted to lose a few pounds and my body is

telling me a lot more. As for the coffee enemas I know that you

wrote 4-5 days between, I just felt so much better after one and

relieved also that it was too easy to repeat the next day. I do

intend to cut back to every few days.


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> > For constipation help please see our Digestion Folder and ensure

your good fat intake is according to the ratios recommended in my

article. If you eat too much protein in proportion to fats it will

constipate you. Bee

> Thank you for your help. Yes, I thought I remembered that flax was

a bad idea. So much to remember!

==>Hi Corinne. There is a lot to remember. It will help if you

would print out the handy lists in the Candida Diet Folder and in the

Candida Supplements Folder.

> Sorry for leaving my name out!

==>No worries. I just have a hard time remembering whose email

address belongs to whom.

> I will go read the digestion section now. (to answer your

questions, first what I meant was that I did not suffer constipation

when I ate sprouted grains, and also yes I do think I have candida

issues since suddenly going low-carb caused major die-off sickness

including itchy ears and genitals, achiness, acne, brain fog, and

emotions, all symptoms I had years ago before I cleaned up my diet in

line with Weston Price info. I just wanted to lose a few pounds and

my body is telling me a lot more.

==>I hope something works for your constipation - let us know what

helps most. Ooowwee you do have candida symptoms everywhere eh? You

will get a lot of help with your weight from Debby, in addition to

curing your candida. If you have read her posts you know she is

extremely knowledgeable and has great tips and help.

>As for the coffee enemas I know that you wrote 4-5 days between, I

just felt so much better after one and relieved also that it was too

easy to repeat the next day. I do intend to cut back to every few


==>Oh oh. I know how that goes. If one is good then more is

better. Your body will recover from the addiction to them, but it

may take awhile. Because you are so constipated maybe cut back on

them gradually; have one in 2 days, and then in 3 days and so on

until you are back on track again.

Hang in there Corinne. You can do this and we are here to help and

support you!!

Luv, Bee

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Sanj: Yes, we've been through this. We started GAPS on January 1st, the constipation set in about 6 or so weeks later. It was quite bad. (But of the four of us doing GAPS, only my 8-year-old got constipated.) Here are the things that helped:

1. We cut out all the nuts and nut flours for a while (Dr. Natasha's advice)

2. In the acute situation, we did enemas, even daily for a little while there. It's not super fun, but it works! If you can manage it, the best is to do a first enema to clean things out, then do a second one with a probiotic mixed in, and try to hold it for 5 or so minutes.

3. The thing that I think helped the most was that we added S. Boulardii to our list of supplements (again, Dr. N's advice). Even though S. Boulardii is often advised as something to help with diarrhea, for some reason it seemed to really help resolve the constipation. My son has been doing 1-2 poops a day ever since we started the S. Boulardii, and they are not hard and knobby any more either.

4. Make sure you are eating plenty of veggies with good fats.

5. We did not do this but I know others swear by beet kvass (I cannot get my kids to drink it, does anyone have any suggestions for making it more kid-friendly?).

6. I think some of it is dieoff, so it may also be that it will resolve itself over time, with help from the above measures in the interim.

Good luck!

Sanj wrote:A bit ago you posted about your son getting constipated and it clearing up. We're dealing with the same issue here. Did you follow the GAPS protocol or something else or did it clear up on its own? Any help you or anyone can offer is great.

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, I haven't tried this yet but you could try adding a little

beet kvass to a sweeter juice and see if you can hide it.

I did a juice cocktail yesterday made from beet greens and stalks,

apples, and cucumbers. It was really good. I put some in a sippy cup

and dd drank it right down. DH loved it, too. I bet if you added a

little beet kvass to some freshly juiced apple juice and/or carrot

juice, they would not notice it. Adults only need 4 oz of beet kvass

once or twice a day -- so even if you put a little bit in their juice,

it would help.

Ann Marie


> 5. We did not do this but I know others swear by beet kvass (I

> cannot get my kids to drink it, does anyone have any suggestions for

> making it more kid-friendly?).

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