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vaccine question

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My brother, my sister, and me had the chicken pox almost at the same

time. My brother was 19, sister 15, and I was 8. The varicella

vaccine is fairly new in the schedule from my understanding, I think

they only started giving it in 1995...so almost everyone I know had

chicken pox, and survived it. I had my chicken pox in 1986.

We all reacted to it pretty much the same way, out of school for

about 2 weeks, we passed it on to each other I think, not on

purpose, but by the time we discovered each of us had it, it was

passed around the whole house. I don't remember having a fever, I

don't remember suffering miserably except for itching like crazy

were the lesions were, and my mother putting on this calamine




> I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> teenager or adult.  Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or




> Alaska Gov Proclaims Infant Immunization




> http://www.gov. state.ak. us/archive. php?id=967 & type=6


> I just thought this was interesting being that Gov. Palin


> gave birth to a beautiful little boy last month who has Downs


> I am wondering if she is going to inject him with 50+ Vaccinations

now ?

> Perhaps we can inquire / educate ?








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It was a long time ago -- the only thing I clearly remember was being upset

that I was missing college classes - the measles were the least of my

worries. LOL

Health & blessings,

*We believe cleaning house shouldn't involve dirtying the Earth!


Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 11:02 AM, FORCED ANARCHY <FORCEDANARCHY@...>


> How bad were the measles? I know so many people are scared to death of

> them.


> P wrote:

> >

> > Hi Jen --

> >

> > I'm 48 years old and I had chicken pox at age 16 and I had measles

> > while in

> > college. Other than missing school/college, neither was an issue. :)

> >

> > By the way, I was repeatedly exposed as a child (my Mom believed in

> > sending

> > us to play with other kids or had these diseases so we could get them as

> > kids), but the only one I got as a kid was mumps.

> >

> > Health & blessings,

> >

> >

> > *We believe cleaning house shouldn't involve dirtying the Earth!

> > *http://www.shaklee.net/EcoClean/getclean

> > <http://www.shaklee.net/EcoClean/getclean>

> >

> > Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

> >

> > On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:03 PM, jen leahy <jenleahy@...

> > <mailto:jenleahy%40 <jenleahy%2540>>> wrote:

> >

> > > I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

> gotten

> > > chickenpox or measles as a

> > > teenager or adult. Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or

> > teenager?

> > >

> > >

> > > Alaska Gov Proclaims Infant Immunization week

> > >

> > >

> > > http://www.gov. state.ak. us/archive. php?id=967 & type=6

> > >

> > > I just thought this was interesting being that Gov. Palin just

> > > gave birth to a beautiful little boy last month who has Downs Syndrome.

> > > I am wondering if she is going to inject him with 50+ Vaccinations now

> ?

> > > Perhaps we can inquire / educate ?


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My impression after reveiwing studies and literature is that very

little is as " deadly " or devastating as we are told that it

is......unless some federal agency swears that it isn't.



> I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> teenager or adult. Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or




> Alaska Gov Proclaims Infant Immunization week



> http://www.gov. state.ak. us/archive. php?id=967 & type=6


> I just thought this was interesting being that Gov. Palin just

> gave birth to a beautiful little boy last month who has Downs Syndrome.

> I am wondering if she is going to inject him with 50+ Vaccinations now ?

> Perhaps we can inquire / educate ?








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

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I'm not sure about chickenpox being deadly as an adult, although it

does make you much sicker AND can make you STERILE. :-)



> I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> teenager or adult.  Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or


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I personally had chicken pox at age 18, along with more than a dozen members of


graduating class. Someone had gone to our school-sponsored grad night party with

chicken pox. We were all FINE.

I'm familiar with the idea that it's supposed to be worse for adults, though

I've never heard

about the sterility part. Are you confusing it with mumps?

> >

> > I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

> gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> > teenager or adult.  Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or

> teenager?


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Yes - adult male age 23 [before there were vaccines for either] - he had chicken

pox and mumps in the same year, but he never got tonsilitis again after that, so

perhaps his body was just detoxing itself. He was in the military and they had

decreed a tonsillectomy. It never happened, thank goodness. GALT still intact!


He was just grumpy, that's all. He water-fasted, slept and grumbled his way

through both diseases none the worse for wear. No vaccines for the last 23


Mumps is the one that MAY affect fertility. It wasn't a problem though. It

seldom is -  but it's always used to scare people into vaccinating.


He received many vaccines but not as many as they do now. He didn't drink

alcohol but smoked then. He's never been ill since except occasional colds, but

his elder son was injured by DPT vaccine. Younger son became asthmatic within

days of the old morbilli vaccine.


His children haven't had vaccines since. Grandchild, some nephews and nieces

and neighbours all unvaccinated. Cool!


Just take the time to recover AT HOME. Don't go rushing about visiting, shopping

or leaving a sick child in daycare - remember that one of the factors re disease

is overcrowding - schools and day-care fit that bill!

Most importantly check the files that Sheri has so generously provided. You will

find so many answers there. [Thank you so much Sheri, for everything.]


Nowadays I think I'd ensure he juice-fasted if he became ill. Luckily he likes

the fruit/veg juices I prepare, so perhaps he wouldn't complain so much. So many

diseases seem to involve a lack of vitamin A. Cod liver oil is wonderful

stuff and has been used for American ghetto children & SA children to

successfully prevent measles COMPLICATIONS. [Don't ask for a reference - I read

it in an IAS newletter maybe 20 years ago. :o)]


I rang our local Med Officer of Health to find out why we weren't using Vitamin

A in NZ as it was much cheaper than vaccines & didn't cripple kids, like the

measles vaccine. His answer was hilarious. Imagine a pompous voice intoning,

" There is no evidence to suggest that Vitamin A would help NZ children. "

Whaaaat? I asked if it had ever been used in NZ hospitals. " No " ... and he

repeated the ridiculous no evidence mantra. What a... never mind!


Read Archie Kalokerinos' book " Every Second Child " re the benefit of Vitamin C.


As far as I understand, we need these bacteria. They are the clean-up crew.

Remember your school biology? Producers, consumers & decomposers - we need 'em


Most people have some of the so-called dangerous bugs in their throats & remain

symptomless. They proliferate when you feed them. That is, a crappy diet will

provide a hospitable environment for them, so don't feed them. Perhaps if we

knew what growing medium gets the best results in petri dishes, we would then

know what NOT to feed ourselves. The  " soil " determines which bugs will

grow. That's why good nutrition is vital.


 It took 10 years to clear the pertussin endotoxin, post-vaccine, out of my

son's body using homoeopathy. He started at age 10. When it was gone at age 20,

the enuresis also stopped. Woohoo - a red letter day. :o) Still has seizures but

no grande mal since he was 10.


Believe me, it is far easier to care for a poxy or measly or whooping baby for,

perhaps, a few weeks than it is to look after a brain-injured baby for decades.



Pardon the capitals - it's for emphasis thanks to no bold or underlining in

Plain Text. I seldom shout - but I do shout with laughter when listening to

MOH's logic!


From: anippy <anippy@...>

Subject: Re: vaccine question


Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 2:17 PM

I'm not sure about chickenpox being deadly as an adult, although it

does make you much sicker AND can make you STERILE. :-)



> I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> teenager or adult.  Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or




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I had cp when I was 13. Other than missing Christmas celebrations,

it wasn't a big deal. I slept alot, ate a lot of soup, bathed in

oatmeal & calamine....this was in the '80's.


> > >

> > > > I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who


> > gotten

> > > > chickenpox or measles as a

> > > > teenager or adult. Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult


> > > teenager?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Alaska Gov Proclaims Infant

Immunization week

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://www.gov. state.ak. us/archive. php?id=967 & type=6

> > > >

> > > > I just thought this was interesting being that Gov.

Palin just

> > > > gave birth to a beautiful little boy last month who has Downs


> > > > I am wondering if she is going to inject him with 50+

Vaccinations now

> > ?

> > > > Perhaps we can inquire / educate ?

> >




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Out of curiosity how far apart did the members of your graduating class

come down with it? I don't get how they have convinced the public that

chickenpox is a deadly disease.

The same goes for all of the other childhood illnesses.



> I personally had chicken pox at age 18, along with more than a dozen

> members of my

> graduating class. Someone had gone to our school-sponsored grad night

> party with

> chicken pox. We were all FINE.


> I'm familiar with the idea that it's supposed to be worse for adults,

> though I've never heard

> about the sterility part. Are you confusing it with mumps?



> > >

> > > I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

> > gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> > > teenager or adult. Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or

> > teenager?

> >



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Not sure if this is what you're looking for or not...I was vaxxed as a

kid but NOT for the Varicella. It wasn't around when I was little. I

was around the pox as a kid but never got it. Well, when I was 19, I

got them. Yes they were bad (down the throat...well, EVERYWHERE!) and

yes they were irritating but it wasn't a big deal. So, not sure if you

were looking for a totally non-vaxxed child or just one that didn't

get the Varicella vax. Just thought I'd share. :)


> I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> teenager or adult. Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or




> Alaska Gov Proclaims Infant Immunization week



> http://www.gov. state.ak. us/archive. php?id=967 & type=6


> I just thought this was interesting being that Gov. Palin just

> gave birth to a beautiful little boy last month who has Downs Syndrome.

> I am wondering if she is going to inject him with 50+ Vaccinations now ?

> Perhaps we can inquire / educate ?








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




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This was 20 years ago, but I believe all got it about a week after graduation.

We were all

sick at the same time.

> > > >

> > > > I just was wondering if anyone knows of a non vaxed child who has

> > > gotten chickenpox or measles as a

> > > > teenager or adult. Is it as deadly as I have read as an adult or

> > > teenager?

> > >

> >

> >


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A coworker of mine actually had measles a few months back. She

started getting small red dots between her shoulders on her back and

it slowly spread but no other symptoms. After about a week when it

started coming down her arm she went to the doctors who solved the

mystery: Measles! She took the next 2 weeks off but was fine by the

time she came back. She's probably about 28 yrs old. I actually

was sitting right next to her (in close quarters!) going over some

stuff for work for at least an hour or two the day before. I never

got it. Not sure if I got an MMR shot or not (born in 72).



> I might actually be getting chickenpox due to the fact I was

exposed a

> few weeks back and I have been feeling rather ill (and quite

moody) off

> and on over the last few days.


> The thing I am confused about is I have no fever as of yet.


> I am not worried in the least about how serious it might be

because I

> work really hard to have a strong immune system. I am going to be

> exposed again today in hopes I get a decent case so that I can use


> as part of my documentary.


> Does anyone ion here know if it is normal for pox to come on an


> this slowly?


> I will keep everyone updated if I come down with the chickenpox.


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  • 1 year later...

At 01:12 PM 2/16/2010, you wrote:

I nanny share with another

couple and they just vaccinated their 4month old yesterday afternoon.

I've kept my 13month old(who is completely unvaccinated) away from her

the rest of Monday and all day Tuesday but will have to be going back to

work Wednesday. My daughter is currently teething, running a slight

temp, runny nose and slight cough. I'm concerned about her being

around the 4month old who received the Hep B, Hib, DTaP and

Rotavirus. Any suggestions or words of wisdom for support and

guidance? I am confident with my decision to not vaccinate but the

mother of the 4month old spoke to her doctor who assured me that the only

live virus received was in the Rotavirus and that stays in the GI tract

so unless the nanny doesn't wash her hands I shouldn't have any

concerns. On a side note, the doctor, of course, doesn't approve my

decision and is concerned about how my child will be a danger to my

friends child. I told the doctor if he is so sure his vaccines work

then what is he worried about. Ugh, makes me so


Yes, rotavirus vaccine is live and showing to be communicable to


I have no idea how long to tell you that it is.

I'll send an article I just received.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 24 & 25

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