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Dear Val: I don't have ocd, but I don't know why it couldn't be

related. If you have CNS lyme, lots of things can get short-circuited

in our brains. Also, I think I might have read somewhere that this

could be a symptom of lyme.

Blessings to you in the New Year!


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  • 7 months later...


thanks for the info. whew, i'm glad that on top of cfids i don't have ocd.

i must have a hearing disorder. noise makes me way sicker, brings about body

pains and even more exhaustion. is this common with all pwc's?


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In a message dated 8/16/99 5:00:11 PM, DJIMBE17@... writes:

<<From: DJIMBE17@...


thanks for the info. whew, i'm glad that on top of cfids i don't have ocd.

i must have a hearing disorder. noise makes me way sicker, brings about body

pains and even more exhaustion. is this common with all pwc's?



jarrett, the famous jazz musician who has CFIDS, said that when he

first got sick he couldn't even listen to music for a full year - it was too

painful and exhausting. I, too, am extremely affected by light and sound. I

wonder if this has to do with the malfunction of the

hypothalamus-pituituary-adrenal axis - i.e. since stimuli like light and

sound could make the body have an adrenaline reaction, they might simply

reinforce the HPA malfunction. Or, I wonder if since CFIDS also has

qualities of seizure disorders, if the sound/light thing could be sort of

like what happens when a seizure-prone person is faced with a strobe light.

I personally feel like light and sound can just easily make me short-circuit.

I almost feel my brain sizzling out, and then all the symptoms get worse, as

you said.


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  • 7 months later...
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HI Kaye:

What kinds of treatment have the psychologists been giving your son? My

son also has problems with depression, including multiple serious suicide

attempts when he was only ten. That does complicate the picture but

depression is very treatable and can be brought under control so the OCD

fears can be faced using CBT.

Have you read Dr. Herbert Gravitz's book, " Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:

New Help for the Family " ? This has some good tips on how to change family

life so that OCD does not have such a negative effect on everyone. The

best way to improve things however is what you are seeking, effective

treatment. If you share where you live there is probably someone on the

list who can suggest treatment providers skilled in delivering CBT.

You might need a therapist to come to your home if your son is unable to

work or go out due to OCD. Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 03:05 PM 04/10/2000 +0000, you wrote:

>I am a mother of a 26 year old who seemed perfectally fine until he

>had a minor surgery. I have MS and have had for 16 years. Our son

>came over concerned with his health after this surgery. This concern

>finally developed into OCD. He has been home with us for 4 and 1/2

>years. He has had 5 psychologists and the same amount of

>psychologists, but he is not a functioning human. I think the only


>he is going to get better is through an OCD clinic that will teach


>to face his fears under supervision.

>He has tried suicide once and threaten two more times. He

>is on SSI now so the cost is better for us but the emotional trama is

>very hard on me and my husband. Can anyone give me any

>suggestions.Please e-mail at bko@...


>Thank you for your help,

>Kaye Osborne


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  • 4 years later...

OCD can be brought on insidiously by vaccines.

Symptoms may not be immediate, but over a period of

time. Anyone with any kind of neurological disorder

*should* do research on vaccines *thoroughly.*

Knowing what i now know, i would not ever vaccinate my

children. If someone is having OCD symptoms or any

kind of neurlogical symptom, it is my oppinion that

they should at all cost avoid any kind of vaccine!

Connie in Dallas (Mother of 20 yr old who was

vaccinated in 5 of 1999 with the DT shot (which has 25

units of thermosol, 5 has been deemed safe), then

became OCD, then he self medicated. This vaccine is

extremly dangerous and the reason i think we are

seeing many children at the age of 16 & 17 in these

mental institutions! This vaccine is due when our

children are 14 or 15 years of age.

Go to Curezone.com and look under vaccines.

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OCD can be brought on insidiously by vaccines.

Symptoms may not be immediate, but over a period of

time. Anyone with any kind of neurological disorder

*should* do research on vaccines *thoroughly.*

Knowing what i now know, i would not ever vaccinate my

children. If someone is having OCD symptoms or any

kind of neurlogical symptom, it is my oppinion that

they should at all cost avoid any kind of vaccine!

Connie in Dallas (Mother of 20 yr old who was

vaccinated in 5 of 1999 with the DT shot (which has 25

units of thermosol, 5 has been deemed safe), then

became OCD, then he self medicated. This vaccine is

extremly dangerous and the reason i think we are

seeing many children at the age of 16 & 17 in these

mental institutions! This vaccine is due when our

children are 14 or 15 years of age.

Go to Curezone.com and look under vaccines.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hello everyone!

My name is and I live in Chicago. I am a single male, 60

yrs old; and I have been treated for depression, OCD and generalized

anxiety disorder for at least 15 years. I am currently on Lexapro

20 mg per day; Wellbutrin XL 300 mg per day; and Neurontin (as a

mood stabilizer) 600 mg per day.

I was told that Lexapro has a calming effect (which I believe it

does) and that Lexapro could help me with my OCD as well as

depression. I still have a lot of racing thoughts (don't know if

they are from OCD or the fact that I am a recovering

alcoholic/addict??). Also, I am going to start lowering the dose of

Neurontin with Drs. help. Two years ago it really seemed to help

with my mood and anxiety; but I am not sure what it is doing today

another than acting as a CNS depressant of sorts.

I have put on alot of weight in the last year or more. Has anyone

had weight gain as a side effect of Lexapro or Neurontin???? I

would like to know if you have.

Wellbutrin XL is a great drug. Really helps with my depression and

no sexual side effects. However, the ongoing sexual side effects of

Lexapro make me want to get off it!!!! I cannot ejaculate or hardly

get an erection anymore, nevermind the fact that I have not had a

date in along time! <G> But everyone needs some kind of " release "

now and then and I think I am going to " dry up " down there!!

Look forward to your replies,



-- In Lexapro , " bnelkin " <bnelkin@y...> wrote:

> I keep reading about Lexapro and Celexa being used as


> Lexapro was recommended to me months ago to help me calm down tics


> itching which I was assured is caused by OCD. But I really haven't

seen any

> information from anyone regarding Lexapro being prescribed for

these things.


> I hate to add any more medicines to what I already take. I have


> which is the cause of the tics, but I don't think being in a

stupor from an

> antidepressant to stop the itching is the answer. Does anyone know


> with Tourette's? I belong to a Tourette's chat group in addition

to this one, but

> this one is geared specifically to Lexapro, which is why I joined

it first. I tried

> ONE a long time ago and I didn't like the side effect, so I didn't

pursue it. I go

> back to my doctor in late July and I would like to tell him what

other people

> say and feel about Lexapro. I will have to decide then what to do.


> Thanks, anyone and everyone.

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--- Hello ,

I have gained weight from nearly all of the medications I

took,especially Paxil! Even now that I am on a very low dose of

Lexapro and Wellebutrin, I still cannot get some of this weight

off, no matter how much I diet and exercise! I just want to get down

to a NORMAL size and can't seem to do so! I am also extremely bloated

(around the stomach) and at times I look like I am pregnant(which I

am not).Does anyone else have this problem?

I used to be slender and my sister always battled her weight. Now

that she is thinner than me, she loves to rub it in and put me down.

It's weird because part of the reason I was put on medication was

because I had low self-esteem(which I believe most depressed people

have) and the weight gain just contributes to it, which contributes

to more depression, etc...

In Lexapro , " " <richardj323@s...> wrote:

> Hello everyone!


> My name is and I live in Chicago. I am a single male, 60

> yrs old; and I have been treated for depression, OCD and


> anxiety disorder for at least 15 years. I am currently on Lexapro

> 20 mg per day; Wellbutrin XL 300 mg per day; and Neurontin (as a

> mood stabilizer) 600 mg per day.


> I was told that Lexapro has a calming effect (which I believe it

> does) and that Lexapro could help me with my OCD as well as

> depression. I still have a lot of racing thoughts (don't know if

> they are from OCD or the fact that I am a recovering

> alcoholic/addict??). Also, I am going to start lowering the dose


> Neurontin with Drs. help. Two years ago it really seemed to help

> with my mood and anxiety; but I am not sure what it is doing today

> another than acting as a CNS depressant of sorts.


> I have put on alot of weight in the last year or more. Has anyone

> had weight gain as a side effect of Lexapro or Neurontin???? I

> would like to know if you have.


> Wellbutrin XL is a great drug. Really helps with my depression and

> no sexual side effects. However, the ongoing sexual side effects


> Lexapro make me want to get off it!!!! I cannot ejaculate or


> get an erection anymore, nevermind the fact that I have not had a

> date in along time! <G> But everyone needs some kind of " release "

> now and then and I think I am going to " dry up " down there!!


> Look forward to your replies,


> J.

> Chicago


> -- In Lexapro , " bnelkin " <bnelkin@y...> wrote:

> > I keep reading about Lexapro and Celexa being used as

> antidepressants.

> > Lexapro was recommended to me months ago to help me calm down


> and

> > itching which I was assured is caused by OCD. But I really


> seen any

> > information from anyone regarding Lexapro being prescribed for

> these things.

> >

> > I hate to add any more medicines to what I already take. I have

> Tourette's

> > which is the cause of the tics, but I don't think being in a

> stupor from an

> > antidepressant to stop the itching is the answer. Does anyone


> anyone

> > with Tourette's? I belong to a Tourette's chat group in addition

> to this one, but

> > this one is geared specifically to Lexapro, which is why I joined

> it first. I tried

> > ONE a long time ago and I didn't like the side effect, so I


> pursue it. I go

> > back to my doctor in late July and I would like to tell him what

> other people

> > say and feel about Lexapro. I will have to decide then what to do.

> >

> > Thanks, anyone and everyone.

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> I have put on alot of weight in the last year or more. Has anyone

> had weight gain as a side effect of Lexapro or Neurontin???? I

> would like to know if you have.

I gained 40 pounds on Paxil.

Nothing on Celexa.

8 on Lexapro (which I have managed to lose while still on medication).

Good luck :) !


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> off, no matter how much I diet and exercise! I just want to get down

> to a NORMAL size and can't seem to do so! I am also extremely bloated

> (around the stomach) and at times I look like I am pregnant(which I

> am not).Does anyone else have this problem?

What has helped for me is GI eating.

What country are you in?

I could mail you info.

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> What is GI eating?

Have a look here :


or the guy I go buy :

" The Greek Doctor´s Diet

Dr. Fedon Lindberg´s first book, with the original Norwegian title

Naturlig Slank, is now available in English in a revised and

extended form. On March 18th 2005, Rodale Publishing

(www.rodale.co.uk) launched the book in the U.K. under the English

title, The Greek Doctor´s Diet

(www.greekdoctorsdiet.com ).

" You don´t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that food can

prevent and treat disease. "

The evidence is out there: lifestyle disorders such as obesity,

diabetes and cardiovascular disease; chronic inflammatory diseases

such as asthma or rheumatic illnesses; female infertility; cancer ­

all have a great deal to do with the kind of food we eat. Dr

Lindberg, who runs a state-of-the-art clinic offering patients

multidisciplinary treatment for these degenerative disorders, shows

you how to change your lifestyle so you can control your weight and

your blood sugar and improve your overall health.

Returning to his Greek roots, he advocates a " slow-carb " approach,

based on eating natural foods and keeping a close eye on the

Glycaemic Index and the Glycaemic Load. His methods are from the

cutting edge of scientific research and his recipes, which allow you

to eat plenty of food to satisfy your appetite, are at the most

delicious end of the " Mediterranean diet " spectrum. Buy, understand,

eat and enjoy the healthy life!

Dr Fedon Lindberg was born and educated in Greece, where

he learned to appreciate the good things of life. A genetic

propensity to diabetes in his family led him to become a specialist

in internal medicine and endocrine disorders. He now runs a hugely

successful clinic in Oslo. Dr Lindberg is also an enthusiastic cook,

a food writer and a household name in Scandinavia. "

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Are these the only symptoms you have? I have had OCD tendancies that

started when my thyroid started going wacky. Now that I am on thyroid

meds, they have significantly decreased. Because hypo causes anxiety,

I think that having OCD tendanacies can be grouped with that. Have you

ever had your thyroid " PROPERLY " tested?


> Does anyone know of any natural remedies or

> vitamins/minerals that help OCD tendencies?


> Luv,

> Debby

> San , CA


> Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:

> http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/


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--- <d_timmsjosey@...> wrote:

> Are these the only symptoms you have? I have had OCD

> tendancies that

> started when my thyroid started going wacky. Now

> that I am on thyroid

> meds, they have significantly decreased. Because

> hypo causes anxiety,

> I think that having OCD tendanacies can be grouped

> with that. Have you

> ever had your thyroid " PROPERLY " tested?

Actually for what ever reason my OCD tendencies have

gotten worse lately.. could be a die off thing. I

know thyroid is affected by candida. I wonder if I'm

deficient in some nutrient that is blocked by the


I don't have any anxiety or depression.. more like a

feeling of not being able to sit still. When I can't

sit still and have to do something with my hands, my

OCD kicks in.

A friend suggested 5htp.. anyone have any experience

with it?



San , CA

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


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> Does anyone know of any natural remedies or

> vitamins/minerals that help OCD tendencies?

==>See the Depression & Anxiety Folder for help. Ensuring the person

obtains all of the nutrients the body needs certainly helps Obsessive

Compulsive Disorders, which is the diet we recommend along with

supplements and minerals from ocean sea salt.



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--- Bee Wilder <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

> ==>See the Depression & Anxiety Folder for help.

> Ensuring the person

> obtains all of the nutrients the body needs

> certainly helps Obsessive

> Compulsive Disorders, which is the diet we recommend

> along with

> supplements and minerals from ocean sea salt.

Thanks Bee,

I noticed when I check my food journal that I'm

consistently low on calcium and vitamin D, so that

might be part of the problem. Also I want to check

out B Vitamin supplements.



San , CA

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Thanks for sharing all the great info Debby, isn't it wonderful to look back

on all those symptoms that have disapated and know that they are history? I

feel elated, although very fatigued now, but still elated when I realize the

progress I have made on this diet compared to others. We have something in

common too, I was just noticing the other day how my OCD seems to be

worsening also. I must check the stove at least a dozen times now before I

leave for work. I am going to check out the file on anxiety and the 5htp

because this really annoys me. Keep up the good work girlfriend!


>From: Debby Padilla-Hudson <debbypadilla@...>

>My appetite is so different now I often have to force

>myself to eat. The only thing that got worse on this

>program was my anxiety/OCD, which has gotten tons

>better once I started taking the b-vitamins and 5htp

>that Bee recommends for anxiety.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> SNIP <


> However on the fear of contaminating other people we don't seem to

> be able to get it to go below a 2. It did start off at a 9 and has

> took a lot of tapping to get it to a 2


> We started of with even though I have this fear of contaminating

> other people I deeply........ Then moved onto even though I have

> this remaining fear of contaminating other poeple I deeply........


Sounds to me like you are dealing with a core issue. So, what to do

about it... Have you asked your client if s/he can remember the first

time s/he felt this way? I would hazard a guess that this is something

that occured in his or her childhood/early teens. I've had a great

deal of success uncovering core issues by asking that simple question.

In most of my cases, the client starts out giving me a blank look and

then, within a minute or two a memory pops into their head.

Anyway, hope that helps...


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Hi Dan,

I just got off the phone with a friend who I worked with on an OCD

related to hair pulling. It's been a week and she has has no

compulsion to yank her hair out.

When she first told me about this problem, I asked her if she could

remember the first time this occured. She homed in on it immediately

and two rounds of tapping later it was gone. She is a rarity in that

she is in tune with herself (and an absolute joy to work with, I might

add) and with most clients it'll take a little detective work to get

to the core event and/or issue. The point is, when you are able to

find the core issue/event that triggered the behavior you're trying to

treat for, it usually collapses very quickly -- usually after just a

round or two of tapping. But that's just been my experience with

seemingly complex issues.

Here's some questions to ask if you are looking to get to a core

issue/event in short order and save yourself and your client a lot of


" If you could live life over again, what person or event would you

prefer to skip? "

" When was the last time you cried and why? "

" Who/what makes you angry and why? "

" What is your biggest sadness or regret? "

" What is missing to make your life perfect? "

" Name 3 fears that you'd rather not have. "

" Will you be going to heaven? "

" What do you wish you had never done. "

" Do you remember the first time this happened? "

The original article I got these questions from is here:




> OCD and many other such issues are often multilayered. You may not

> be able to deal with the entire issue in one or even five EFT

> sessions. It is often like an onion, you remove a layer at a time,

> and then a new layer is revealed with, sometimes, different

> manifestations. There is something at the core of such situations,

> but it takes patience and persistance to find that core issue and

> deal with it.


> If you seem to be having limited success, you may wish to engage

> other alternative therapudic techniques such as homeopathy and

> Reike.


> Dan


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> >

> > SNIP <

> >

> > However on the fear of contaminating other people we don't seem


> > be able to get it to go below a 2. It did start off at a 9 and


> > took a lot of tapping to get it to a 2

> >

> > We started of with even though I have this fear of contaminating

> > other people I deeply........ Then moved onto even though I have

> > this remaining fear of contaminating other poeple I


> >


> Sounds to me like you are dealing with a core issue. So, what to do

> about it... Have you asked your client if s/he can remember the


> time s/he felt this way? I would hazard a guess that this is


> that occured in his or her childhood/early teens. I've had a great

> deal of success uncovering core issues by asking that simple


> In most of my cases, the client starts out giving me a blank look


> then, within a minute or two a memory pops into their head.


> Anyway, hope that helps...


> -Jef


Thanks Jef

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi All,

Have been wondering of late, when a compulsive behaviour should be

considered obsessive and time to do something about it. Trent has some

traits whereas they are not life threatening or extremely obsessive but very

annoying to us.

The main one I guess, is his obsession with the remote controls - okay I

know he is male and it is a male thing, but my concern here is that he has

to have them put away in the tv unit. He will stay up late though very

tired, just so he can put them away. Or like this morning, he was up at

5.30 a.m., checking where they had been put and putting them away. Is this

classed as obsessive.

Another very annoying thing he does, he keeps the family room sliding door


Watching of the television, constant flicking, which I have put down to not

understanding time and when some shows will be on. He will sit down to do

some colouring play with his cars but the door between the two rooms has to

remain open so he can keep an eye on the television, then he will be up and

down every few minutes to do a cycle of flicking.

I have been known to sit and watch programs that I am not interested in,

just to prevent him from having control. We have these days got him to

'share' the television happily, but as soon as the program you are watching

is over he wants control.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Keep smiling

Jan, mother of Trent 21yo w/DS from the Land DownUnder

Jan Lymer

Automotive Chips Away - Central Vic.

P.O. Box 302

Bannockburn 3331


Phone: 0407 070784

Fax: 035281 3269

E-mail: chipsaway@...

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Hi Jan - I thought I would share some of 's OCD behaviors.

He is obsessed with Green Eggs and Ham. I buy one book a week. He

immediately tears out the pages (and it appears it soothing for him to do so

and if I say no, he'll continue to ask until I give in). He rips them out

in a certain way and then he puts them in a circle around him. He may tap

the top corner a few times and turn the page over - and then on to the next

page. This could take 15 minutes or so and we cannot interfer with his

ritual. One book lasts a week.

He also enjoys beanie babies. He will pick one up, smell it and then

through it until it lands the way he wants it to (face down or sitting up).

He'll go through a large basket (now medium basket as they dwindle down)-

smelling each one and then throwing until he gets it right. We get him

doing this 15 minutes before the bus is due, otherwise, going out the door

can be nasty. He also destroys his beanies after awhile. I've gone through

3 vacuums this year. Yesterday I heard a vacuum- ran down stairs to find

that he tore open one of 's old stuffed animals - only it was filled

with tiny stirofoam- millions of tiny white piece covered the floor and

(really was funny though!).

may tap other things as well. He cannot be redirected once he

starts on a ritual. We have to let him finish it out. The tapping the

windows is a huge problem right now - not only are my windows at risk of

being broken, he's at risk of hurting himself. I pray for overcast and

rainy days. Winter is my favorite months. Less sun light, less attention

to shadows, curtains, blinds, etc.

Now he has some other quirks that drive me crazy. For the life of me, I

can't figure out why he likes to watch movies in french. I also can't

figure out HOW he figures out how to do that on the DVD player.





> Hi All,


> Have been wondering of late, when a compulsive behaviour should be

> considered obsessive and time to do something about it. Trent has some

> traits whereas they are not life threatening or extremely obsessive but

> very

> annoying to us.


> The main one I guess, is his obsession with the remote controls - okay I

> know he is male and it is a male thing, but my concern here is that he has

> to have them put away in the tv unit. He will stay up late though very

> tired, just so he can put them away. Or like this morning, he was up at

> 5.30 a.m., checking where they had been put and putting them away. Is

> this

> classed as obsessive.


> Another very annoying thing he does, he keeps the family room sliding door

> unlocked.


> Watching of the television, constant flicking, which I have put down to

> not

> understanding time and when some shows will be on. He will sit down to do

> some colouring play with his cars but the door between the two rooms has

> to

> remain open so he can keep an eye on the television, then he will be up

> and

> down every few minutes to do a cycle of flicking.


> I have been known to sit and watch programs that I am not interested in,

> just to prevent him from having control. We have these days got him to

> 'share' the television happily, but as soon as the program you are

> watching

> is over he wants control.


> Your thoughts would be appreciated.


> Keep smiling


> Jan, mother of Trent 21yo w/DS from the Land DownUnder




> Jan Lymer

> Automotive Chips Away - Central Vic.

> P.O. Box 302

> Bannockburn 3331

> Australia

> Phone: 0407 070784

> Fax: 035281 3269

> E-mail: chipsaway@...





> Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

> messages to go to the sender of the message.


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I have issues with Noah and food as well. He is very self sufficient and

will get whatever he wants, when he wants it. His latest thing is burritos.

He will get the beans, (I open the can and put it in tupperware) tortilla,

shredded cheese, and hot sauce. He will do every step on his own, except

rolling it up after he gets it out of the microwave! I think he may have

burned his fingers once, and won't try it again! As for chips, I buy the

little bags for his school lunch, and I have to put them in an unmarked

container...right now they are in a big flower pot on top of the freezer!

Of course I must be sure he never sees me dip into the flower pot for chips,

or that hiding place is a goner. Once he knows where something is, it's fair

game, and I will find empty bags all over the house! Thank goodness school

is starting Wednesday, so he will stop snacking all day!

So likes his movies in French eh? Noah prefers sub-titles. He has

no trouble finding this feature in the menu. And then of course there is

the incessant rewinding for the scenes he likes...yikes!

I'll say a prayer for and his meds.

Karla in Texas mom to 15 and Noah 11ds

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I believe my guy is the King of Rewind! We are slowly but surely

converting all his VHS over to DVDs........he's destroyed the VHS by rewinding.

He can still rewind the DVD but not damage them. There are times when he will

watch the whole movie backwards!

Jackie, Mom to crazy 18ds, 15, and Bradley

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " Karla Gain " <collarbone@...>


I have issues with Noah and food as well. He is very self sufficient and

will get whatever he wants, when he wants it. His latest thing is burritos.

He will get the beans, (I open the can and put it in tupperware) tortilla,

shredded cheese, and hot sauce. He will do every step on his own, except

rolling it up after he gets it out of the microwave! I think he may have

burned his fingers once, and won't try it again! As for chips, I buy the

little bags for his school lunch, and I have to put them in an unmarked

container...right now they are in a big flower pot on top of the freezer!

Of course I must be sure he never sees me dip into the flower pot for chips,

or that hiding place is a goner. Once he knows where something is, it's fair

game, and I will find empty bags all over the house! Thank goodness school

is starting Wednesday, so he will stop snacking all day!

So likes his movies in French eh? Noah prefers sub-titles. He has

no trouble finding this feature in the menu. And then of course there is

the incessant rewinding for the scenes he likes...yikes!

I'll say a prayer for and his meds.

Karla in Texas mom to 15 and Noah 11ds

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Nic likes the subtitles and changes the language-it doesn't matter which

language, Chinese, French, German-doesn't matter.

Nic will take his VHS movies or Little Golden Bocks and lay them all out on

the floor-in perfect rows. Then he makes minor changes=moves this one here.

that one there....AND, they are only certain LGBs-I have a collection of

about 150 of them and he is very particular as to which ones he uses.

In the bathtub, he lines up all his Little People along the edge. He turns

them just-so then SHWOOSH! swipes them all in the tub. Then repeats...

We have several Koosh balls and blush brushes for his sensory needs. He

touches them to his chin (Kinda like does with his food on Everybody

Loves ).

I could go on and on if I sit and think about it but most of the time we

hardly notice anymore because it's just Nic being Nic....



> ,


> I have issues with Noah and food as well. He is very self sufficient and

> will get whatever he wants, when he wants it. His latest thing is

> burritos.

> He will get the beans, (I open the can and put it in tupperware) tortilla,

> shredded cheese, and hot sauce. He will do every step on his own, except

> rolling it up after he gets it out of the microwave! I think he may have

> burned his fingers once, and won't try it again! As for chips, I buy the

> little bags for his school lunch, and I have to put them in an unmarked

> container...right now they are in a big flower pot on top of the freezer!

> Of course I must be sure he never sees me dip into the flower pot for

> chips,

> or that hiding place is a goner. Once he knows where something is, it's

> fair

> game, and I will find empty bags all over the house! Thank goodness

> school

> is starting Wednesday, so he will stop snacking all day!


> So likes his movies in French eh? Noah prefers sub-titles. He

> has

> no trouble finding this feature in the menu. And then of course there is

> the incessant rewinding for the scenes he likes...yikes!


> I'll say a prayer for and his meds.


> Karla in Texas mom to 15 and Noah 11ds




> Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

> messages to go to the sender of the message.


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LOL I wish Nic would rewind, he'll rewind for about 1 minute then watch the

ending over and over.

He likes to watch movies in FF.



>I believe my guy is the King of Rewind! We are slowly but surely

>converting all his VHS over to DVDs........he's destroyed the VHS by

>rewinding. He can still rewind the DVD but not damage them. There are

>times when he will watch the whole movie backwards!


> Jackie, Mom to crazy 18ds, 15, and Bradley


> -------------- Original message --------------

> From: " Karla Gain " <collarbone@...>

> ,


> I have issues with Noah and food as well. He is very self sufficient and

> will get whatever he wants, when he wants it. His latest thing is

> burritos.

> He will get the beans, (I open the can and put it in tupperware) tortilla,

> shredded cheese, and hot sauce. He will do every step on his own, except

> rolling it up after he gets it out of the microwave! I think he may have

> burned his fingers once, and won't try it again! As for chips, I buy the

> little bags for his school lunch, and I have to put them in an unmarked

> container...right now they are in a big flower pot on top of the freezer!

> Of course I must be sure he never sees me dip into the flower pot for

> chips,

> or that hiding place is a goner. Once he knows where something is, it's

> fair

> game, and I will find empty bags all over the house! Thank goodness school

> is starting Wednesday, so he will stop snacking all day!


> So likes his movies in French eh? Noah prefers sub-titles. He has

> no trouble finding this feature in the menu. And then of course there is

> the incessant rewinding for the scenes he likes...yikes!


> I'll say a prayer for and his meds.


> Karla in Texas mom to 15 and Noah 11ds






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