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It always amazes the many 'strange' things our kids do -

Trent constantly turns the subtitles on paytv - not sure about on DVD's

Watching DVD's flicks through and only watches the 'good' parts.

Watching Videos - fast forwards and rewinds again to watch 'good' bits.

Lines up the videos neatly in front of the tv unit.

His matchbox cars are always parked in neat rows - as in a carpark.

Certain cars are never used for the car park.

Trent will cook himself pasta - then smother it with tomato sauce, or will

make himself a snack of any left over rice again smothered with tomato sauce

- if we have ran out of tomato sauce then bbq sauce, sweet chill sauce as

long as there is a sauce to smother his food in he his happy.

2 minute noodles type meals - Trent will eat them until the cows come home.

His latest is when we go to the supermarket he has to buy a frozen pasta

meal - yuk!

- years ago to stop the over eating - I would only buy what I needed

daily - costs a bit more in the long run but saves money with the over

eating. (gee I hope that made sense).

Keep smiling

Jan, mother of Trent 22yo w/DS from the LandDownUnder

(After being very incessant with her GP is coming off half of the blood

pressure medication I have been on for the past few months and am feeling

alive again!!!! )


Nic likes the subtitles and changes the language-it doesn't matter which

language, Chinese, French, German-doesn't matter.

Nic will take his VHS movies or Little Golden Bocks and lay them all out on

the floor-in perfect rows. Then he makes minor changes=moves this one here.

that one there....AND, they are only certain LGBs-I have a collection of

about 150 of them and he is very particular as to which ones he uses.

In the bathtub, he lines up all his Little People along the edge. He turns

them just-so then SHWOOSH! swipes them all in the tub. Then repeats...

We have several Koosh balls and blush brushes for his sensory needs. He

touches them to his chin (Kinda like does with his food on Everybody

Loves ).

I could go on and on if I sit and think about it but most of the time we

hardly notice anymore because it's just Nic being Nic....



> ,


> I have issues with Noah and food as well. He is very self sufficient and

> will get whatever he wants, when he wants it. His latest thing is

> burritos.

> He will get the beans, (I open the can and put it in tupperware) tortilla,

> shredded cheese, and hot sauce. He will do every step on his own, except

> rolling it up after he gets it out of the microwave! I think he may have

> burned his fingers once, and won't try it again! As for chips, I buy the

> little bags for his school lunch, and I have to put them in an unmarked

> container...right now they are in a big flower pot on top of the freezer!

> Of course I must be sure he never sees me dip into the flower pot for

> chips,

> or that hiding place is a goner. Once he knows where something is, it's

> fair

> game, and I will find empty bags all over the house! Thank goodness

> school

> is starting Wednesday, so he will stop snacking all day!


> So likes his movies in French eh? Noah prefers sub-titles. He

> has

> no trouble finding this feature in the menu. And then of course there is

> the incessant rewinding for the scenes he likes...yikes!


> I'll say a prayer for and his meds.


> Karla in Texas mom to 15 and Noah 11ds




> Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

> messages to go to the sender of the message.


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does that move too!

--------- Re: FW: OCD



> >I believe my guy is the King of Rewind! We are slowly but surely

> >converting all his VHS over to DVDs........he's destroyed the VHS by

> >rewinding. He can still rewind the DVD but not damage them. There are

> >times when he will watch the whole movie backwards!

> >

> > Jackie, Mom to crazy 18ds, 15, and Bradley

> >

> > -------------- Original message --------------

> > From: " Karla Gain "

> > ,

> >

> > I have issues with Noah and food as well. He is very self sufficient and

> > will get whatever he wants, when he wants it. His latest thing is

> > burritos.

> > He will get the beans, (I open the can and put it in tupperware) tortilla,

> > shredded cheese, and hot sauce. He will do every step on his own, except

> > rolling it up after he gets it out of the microwave! I think he may have

> > burned his fingers once, and won't try it again! As for chips, I buy the

> > little bags for his school lunch, and I have to put them in an unmarked

> > container...right now they are in a big flower pot on top of the freezer!

> > Of course I must be sure he never sees me dip into the flower pot for

> > chips,

> > or that hiding place is a goner. Once he knows where something is, it's

> > fair

> > game, and I will find empty bags all over the house! Thank goodness school

> > is starting Wednesday, so he will stop snacking all day!

> >

> > So likes his movies in French eh? Noah prefers sub-titles. He has

> > no trouble finding this feature in the menu. And then of course there is

> > the incessant rewinding for the scenes he likes...yikes!

> >

> > I'll say a prayer for and his meds.

> >

> > Karla in Texas mom to 15 and Noah 11ds

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...


> Has anyone heard of blueberry extract for OCD?

==>No, sorry I haven't. OCD can occur because of candida, but no

fruits except lemons & limes are okay for candida.


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  • 1 year later...

Yes Dana, i can sadly say that my son has entered the OCD side of autism too.

He is currently on Zoloft, but very low dose. It has help his mood, but not

the OCD itself.

Can you be more specific regarding what you did?

I understand about PANDA (the strep) I had my son tested several times but it

was clear.

Can you tell me what OLE is and how can I get it?

I searched Lysine (found out is used for cold sores and herpes treatment).

I know you answer so many e-mails daily and can not go into details, but at

least direct me to websites if you can.

Thanks so much for the help you give to others.


bethannmulholland <bethandkenm@...> wrote:

Dana, Thanks for getting back to me on this, you confirmed my

suspicions. Can you tell me how many miligrams of each, how often,

what brand and for how long you used? Any side effects of die off?

> >

> > My son was put on Inositol recently for his OCD but it hasn't

made any

> > change in his behavior. In December, he was started on 5HTP and

> > Glycine for his outbursts, which helped for a while but recently


> > been back up. Since January he's been sick 3 times.



> At my house, OCD was related to strep [a bacteria, which I


> with OLE] and viruses, which I eliminated also with OLE, and

vitamin C

> and lysine.


> Dana



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i know what you are going thourgh my son ocd was bad and i had the dr to

increase is zoloft to 75m and it help for a while but now his ocd is starting to

get bad again so i have ask to increase it to 100m cause of his weight and size

to. becky

fabricia batlle <fabribatlle@...> wrote: Yes Dana, i can sadly

say that my son has entered the OCD side of autism too.

He is currently on Zoloft, but very low dose. It has help his mood, but not the

OCD itself.

Can you be more specific regarding what you did?

I understand about PANDA (the strep) I had my son tested several times but it

was clear.

Can you tell me what OLE is and how can I get it?

I searched Lysine (found out is used for cold sores and herpes treatment).

I know you answer so many e-mails daily and can not go into details, but at

least direct me to websites if you can.

Thanks so much for the help you give to others.


bethannmulholland <bethandkenm@...> wrote:

Dana, Thanks for getting back to me on this, you confirmed my

suspicions. Can you tell me how many miligrams of each, how often,

what brand and for how long you used? Any side effects of die off?

> >

> > My son was put on Inositol recently for his OCD but it hasn't

made any

> > change in his behavior. In December, he was started on 5HTP and

> > Glycine for his outbursts, which helped for a while but recently


> > been back up. Since January he's been sick 3 times.



> At my house, OCD was related to strep [a bacteria, which I


> with OLE] and viruses, which I eliminated also with OLE, and

vitamin C

> and lysine.


> Dana



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  • 3 weeks later...
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> What is a good anti bacterial and anti yeast protocol to do at the

same time that is natural approach?

I used biotin and GSE for yeast, and olive leaf extract for bacteria.

Oil of oregano works for both yeast and bacteria, but my son did not

tolerate it.


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  • 4 months later...

My NT son was developing some OCD issues this spring and it turned out

to be that his blood level of histamine was very high. We confirmed

this with a blood test, and he has responded really well to treatment

for this. It turns out that myself and my ASD son also have this

problem and we are doing very well with treatment. If you are

interested, I have typed up my notes about this condition (called

Histadelia) and the supplements and diet that we've used to address

it. I can e-mail this to you if you're interested. I would suspect

Histadelia in particular if there is also anxiety or depression and

allergies, but these don't have to be present.



> Can we call it " cdo " to keep it in alphabetical order?


> Laurie


> P.S. I am also looking for ideas on how to treat this.


> (Hope not to offend anyone. Just looking for a little humor.)




> **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your


> Read reviews on AOL Autos.







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I would be very much interested in your info on histamines. He has been on

anithistamines the biggest part of his life because of allergies.  He recently

started have a negative reaction to the allergy medication he was taking and

they haven't been able to find another one that works for him. He has taken

claritin, zyrtec, benadryl, and periactin. He is now on allegra, and has begun

to have tics in addition to the ocd behavior, which has increased dramatically.


Thank you,


From: purpledragonmama05 <sierra.ansley@...>

Subject: Re:ocd

Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 3:31 PM

My NT son was developing some OCD issues this spring and it turned out

to be that his blood level of histamine was very high. We confirmed

this with a blood test, and he has responded really well to treatment

for this. It turns out that myself and my ASD son also have this

problem and we are doing very well with treatment. If you are

interested, I have typed up my notes about this condition (called

Histadelia) and the supplements and diet that we've used to address

it. I can e-mail this to you if you're interested. I would suspect

Histadelia in particular if there is also anxiety or depression and

allergies, but these don't have to be present.



> Can we call it " cdo " to keep it in alphabetical order?


> Laurie


> P.S. I am also looking for ideas on how to treat this.


> (Hope not to offend anyone. Just looking for a little humor.)




> ************ **Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your


> Read reviews on AOL Autos.


(http://autos. aol.com/cars- BMW-128-2008/ expert-review? ncid=aolaut00050






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I am new to this group and it just so happens this is the first

message I saw. We were seeing an increase in my ASD son's OCD

behaviors. It has not been as bad the last week or so...since we put

him back on his antihistimine for allergies. I never considered this

could be related.

Anyway, I'd love to see your notes if you don't mind sending them to

me. 0674@...


> >

> > Can we call it " cdo " to keep it in alphabetical order?

> >

> > Laurie

> >

> > P.S. I am also looking for ideas on how to treat this.

> >

> > (Hope not to offend anyone. Just looking for a little humor.)

> >

> >

> >

> > **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in


> budget?

> > Read reviews on AOL Autos.

> >

> (http://autos.aol.com/cars-BMW-128-2008/expert-review?


> )

> >

> >

> >

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I would love to hear this info, too.


From: cindyh_95130 <cindyh_95130@...>

Subject: OCD

Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 12:50 PM


I am interested in receiving your notes on what you found to be

effective supplements for OCD.

My son has had OCD and tics for 9 years. Recently I had lab work done

which indicated he had high histamine. We started anti-inflammatories

and his tics have completely stopped. Now trying to eliminate the

obessive thoughts.

Please email me your information at h_95130

Thanks for your help.

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Sierra, I too would love a copy of your notes. My email is


Thank you, Tami



I am interested in receiving your notes on what you found to be

effective supplements for OCD.

My son has had OCD and tics for 9 years. Recently I had lab work done

which indicated he had high histamine. We started anti-inflammatories

and his tics have completely stopped. Now trying to eliminate the

obessive thoughts.

Please email me your information at


Thanks for your help.

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I would love them as well!




> Sierra, I too would love a copy of your notes. My email is



> Thank you, Tami




> Sierra,


> I am interested in receiving your notes on what you found to be

> effective supplements for OCD.


> My son has had OCD and tics for 9 years. Recently I had lab work done

> which indicated he had high histamine. We started anti-inflammatories

> and his tics have completely stopped. Now trying to eliminate the

> obessive thoughts.


> Please email me your information at



> Thanks for your help.









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Sierra, please send me this information to help my Aspie daughter who

has OCD and Perseveration -thank you so much!! My email is:


> >

> > Sierra, I too would love a copy of your notes. My email is

> tjdoran5@<mailto:tjdoran5@>.

> >

> > Thank you, Tami

> > OCD

> >

> >

> > Sierra,

> >

> > I am interested in receiving your notes on what you found to be

> > effective supplements for OCD.

> >

> > My son has had OCD and tics for 9 years. Recently I had lab

work done

> > which indicated he had high histamine. We started anti-


> > and his tics have completely stopped. Now trying to eliminate


> > obessive thoughts.

> >

> > Please email me your information at

> h_95130@<mailto:h_95130@>

> >

> > Thanks for your help.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

With my 5yo son, we saw OCD reduced with antibiotics. I would _love_ to get to

the bottom of this mystery. I also think that there is a viral component, as

we see it go _up_ shortly after dosing with Virastop:




> Is there any consensus on OCD. Is it viral? Bacterial ?

> Are there any good articles out there someone can post?

> Thanks !

> K.




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I don't have articles but when we did YeastAid on my dd, it brought out these

symptoms at first and then they went away. Yeast Aid contains antivirals and



> Is there any consensus on OCD. Is it viral? Bacterial ?

> Are there any good articles out there someone can post?

> Thanks !

> K.




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My sons ocd was gone after 3 months of chelation, a high dose antiviral

protocol, cod liver oil, many supplements, including cal, mag, sel, molyb, zinc

loading, l-taurine, l-lycine, inositol,orthomega, high doses of C to bowel

tolerence, a huge anti yeast protocol, digestive enzymes, phosphodytlcholine.

The Cod liver oil, choline, and grapeseedextract and b-50 are what were the

supplements that just preceeded his OCD leaving.

The ocd could have been social pathways in the brain blocked by pesticides,

unblocked through synergistic use of vitamin A (in cod liver oil) and choline.

This is from Megsons work.

It could have been viral or yeast related, we worked on those, it could have

been helped from the chelation. It could have been bacterial, he was on

grapeseed extract, which is known to kill bartonella in combination with cod

liver oil, which he was on. He was probably on oreganol also, for bacteria.

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Thanks for the link. The little girl in the photo looks like my child when

she was little..............her face and cheeks

were always red.

[ ] Re: OCD

> With my 5yo son, we saw OCD reduced with antibiotics. I would _love_ to

> get to the bottom of this mystery. I also think that there is a viral

> component, as we see it go _up_ shortly after dosing with Virastop:

> (http://tinyurl.com/Autism-Virastop)


> --penumbra



> >

> ------------------------------------


> =======================================================


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> Is there any consensus on OCD. Is it viral? Bacterial ?

At my house, it required anti-fungals, anti-virals, and several B vitamins to

eliminate OCD.


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Always rule out PANDAS for OCD.


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Kathy

Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 7:10 PM


Subject: [ ] OCD

Is there any consensus on OCD. Is it viral? Bacterial ?

Are there any good articles out there someone can post?

Thanks !


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  • 8 months later...

My 8 year old son was always a bit OCD but it's gotten much worse. He has to

wash his hands, and if someone else touches his clothes, he wants to wash off

his clothes. For example, we were sitting on a bench and an elderly man was

sitting with his wife on the bench also. The man's hat was on the bench next to

him and my son's leg brushed against it--we had to find a bathroom to wash off

my son's pants.

He woke up in the night last night wanting to wash again and was up for hours. I

don't want to use medication. Have any of you dealt with this before and how did

you handle it. Our psychologist gave us a book about OCD and I'm going to read

it today--hopefully it has some ideas. Thank you for any help.


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My AS daughter also has OCD traits. At age 7 she too had issues with

germs, handwashing, wanting to take showers, fear she touched


Because of the AS she does not respond or cooperate with

therapy that tries to explain to her that the OCD

is making her want to wash.

She does respond to a type of Exposure Response Prevention

that is part facts and part behavioral.

She responds to some social stories like the schools overstate

the handwashing because some kids don't wash at all.

You only have to wash after the bathroom and before you eat.

That is it. I had her go to the bathroom in the nurses office

in first grade so she could make sure she was not overwashing.

She also responds to rules the rule is you can take a shower once

in the evening and that is it. It can only last 30 min or less.

I told her the germs at home we are use too.

She doesn't seem to worry too much about contamination

at home. But she is worried that I don't wash soap bubbles

off things enough.

I did start her on Zoloft this summer 50 mg at age 11.

I was surprised it stopped the sensitivity to socks and clothes

and that her panic reaction to loud noises was helped.

Her obsessiveness was reduced but not eliminated.

She thought the medicine was poison too. I had to start her on a crumb of zoloft

and stay at that until she was comfortable.

It took over 2 months to get to 50mg but she had no adverse reactions at all.

I am sorry we didn't try this sooner. If you trial prozac or zoloft (both

prescribed for OCD) slowly very slowly and very gradual increases you can advert

any adverse reaactions. If you see an increase in agitation you just stop the

medication. That is

it. The trial is over, it didn't work.

My daughter's anxiety got so bad in 5th grade she stopped going to school.

The combination of OCD and AS is tough to treat with just therapy.


sI ca

the gernssjat eBpye t


> My 8 year old son was always a bit OCD but it's gotten much worse. He has to

wash his hands, and if someone else touches his clothes, he wants to wash off

his clothes. For example, we were sitting on a bench and an elderly man was

sitting with his wife on the bench also. The man's hat was on the bench next to

him and my son's leg brushed against it--we had to find a bathroom to wash off

my son's pants.

> He woke up in the night last night wanting to wash again and was up for hours.

I don't want to use medication. Have any of you dealt with this before and how

did you handle it. Our psychologist gave us a book about OCD and I'm going to

read it today--hopefully it has some ideas. Thank you for any help.


> maureen


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Thanks for your reply. How did you get your daughter to swallow pills or does it

come in liquid?


> >

> > My 8 year old son was always a bit OCD but it's gotten much worse. He has to

wash his hands, and if someone else touches his clothes, he wants to wash off

his clothes. For example, we were sitting on a bench and an elderly man was

sitting with his wife on the bench also. The man's hat was on the bench next to

him and my son's leg brushed against it--we had to find a bathroom to wash off

my son's pants.

> > He woke up in the night last night wanting to wash again and was up for

hours. I don't want to use medication. Have any of you dealt with this before

and how did you handle it. Our psychologist gave us a book about OCD and I'm

going to read it today--hopefully it has some ideas. Thank you for any help.

> >

> > maureen

> >


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Hi guys.

I am having a down day. It is one of those days that you don't just look one hour ahead but you look five years down the road and are horrified and can't face that much of it all at once. I think I am going to go to bed after dinner, let the kids go nuts in the house and not worry about the mess, and get up in the morning hoping I feel better. I have told them I am grumpy, can't be nice, and I am going in my room to hide. Hopefully nothing will burn down while I am in here. Some days are just like this. It is all way, way, way too much to do.....

( ) Re: OCD

My AS daughter also has OCD traits. At age 7 she too had issues with germs, handwashing, wanting to take showers, fear she touched something.Because of the AS she does not respond or cooperate with therapy that tries to explain to her that the OCDis making her want to wash. She does respond to a type of Exposure Response Prevention that is part facts and part behavioral.She responds to some social stories like the schools overstatethe handwashing because some kids don't wash at all.You only have to wash after the bathroom and before you eat.That is it. I had her go to the bathroom in the nurses officein first grade so she could make sure she was not overwashing.She also responds to rules the rule is you can take a shower once in the evening and that is it. It can only last 30 min or less.I told her the germs at home we are use too. She doesn't seem to worry too much about contamination at home. But she is worried that I don't wash soap bubblesoff things enough. I did start her on Zoloft this summer 50 mg at age 11. I was surprised it stopped the sensitivity to socks and clothesand that her panic reaction to loud noises was helped. Her obsessiveness was reduced but not eliminated.She thought the medicine was poison too. I had to start her on a crumb of zoloft and stay at that until she was comfortable.It took over 2 months to get to 50mg but she had no adverse reactions at all. I am sorry we didn't try this sooner. If you trial prozac or zoloft (both prescribed for OCD) slowly very slowly and very gradual increases you can advert any adverse reaactions. If you see an increase in agitation you just stop the medication. That is it. The trial is over, it didn't work. My daughter's anxiety got so bad in 5th grade she stopped going to school.The combination of OCD and AS is tough to treat with just therapy.Pam sI ca the gernssjat eBpye t >> My 8 year old son was always a bit OCD but it's gotten much worse. He has to wash his hands, and if someone else touches his clothes, he wants to wash off his clothes. For example, we were sitting on a bench and an elderly man was sitting with his wife on the bench also. The man's hat was on the bench next to him and my son's leg brushed against it--we had to find a bathroom to wash off my son's pants.> He woke up in the night last night wanting to wash again and was up for hours. I don't want to use medication. Have any of you dealt with this before and how did you handle it. Our psychologist gave us a book about OCD and I'm going to read it today--hopefully it has some ideas. Thank you for any help.> > maureen>

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My grandson, Dillon, was diagnosed with OCD at age 2. Yes, age 2. His obsessions had nothing to do with germs, thank goodness but they overtook everything.

We got custody of him at age 2 and the obsessions came along with him. Most are safety related.

Wet floor signs, Safety cones, traffic barrels, guns, police officers, fire trucks, hoses, death and dying, poison, spiders, coyotes, wild boars.

Then we had..Dunkin Donut cups and the running man, garage doors, roosters & chickens, gas stations, gas pumps, diesel nozzles on gas pumps, and I'm sure there are a zillion other things.

Dillon has been on Prozac since age 4. He's 8 and will be 9 in May. His obsessions can be exhausting. Right now he has several obsessions. One of the most prominent are our chickens. The most overwhelming is death, dying, poisons, will this or that kill you? since my husband had a major heart attack in front of Dillon in March 2008.

Some obsessions go away for a while and then come back again worse than ever. We were told a long time ago not to feed into his obsessions but we found that if we give in, instead of ignoring them, it makes him and his obsessions easier to deal with. So we have things around our house like wet floor signs, safety cones etc. Guns are out of the question, he understands my feelings on those. But SAFE obsessions are dealt with.

We have chickens and Pekin ducks. Why? They were Dillon's obsessions. Now we all enjoy them.


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Our son's OCD started in 6th-grade. He couldn't touch doorknobs, backs of chairs, etc. He'd even turn his plate with his wrists vs. his hands! He was so afraid he was going to die because of germs and contamination. We had many visits to the ER in the middle of the night because he was so panicked at times.

We had to go with medications. It took a few of them to get the right one. Prozac has been the best for him. I know it doesn't always work for everyone. We had to change psych's to get to this medication. (The old one was just switching too many way too many times.) And this seemed to work for my son, who is now 17. He can tolerate much more now. Not always easy for him to shake hands, and is hesitant, but can do it now. He is able to go back outside where he was afraid to before. He couldn't even enjoy our parades because he was afraid the candy had germs. Or the bags that we collected the candy in was. But he's okay with a lot of it now. I am always surprised at some of the things I think he could NEVER do because of fear of germ contamination, and he goes on and does it!

We were close to hospitalization because we didn't know what to do and he was so panicked. It all kind of came on suddenly. Without warning. But now he's able to function. He still asks if things are okay if he's afraid they might harm (or kill) him. But, for the most part, the fears are controlled.


From: mlbrownfiel <mlbrownfiel@...>Subject: ( ) OCD Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 5:58 AM

My 8 year old son was always a bit OCD but it's gotten much worse. He has to wash his hands, and if someone else touches his clothes, he wants to wash off his clothes. For example, we were sitting on a bench and an elderly man was sitting with his wife on the bench also. The man's hat was on the bench next to him and my son's leg brushed against it--we had to find a bathroom to wash off my son's pants.He woke up in the night last night wanting to wash again and was up for hours. I don't want to use medication. Have any of you dealt with this before and how did you handle it. Our psychologist gave us a book about OCD and I'm going to read it today--hopefully it has some ideas. Thank you for any help.maureen

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