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Re: I know im going to be crucified for this one.

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i couldnt agree with you more! i have caught my sons teachers and the administration in more lies than i care to think about! i am searching for a way out myself and sending you the strength to do the same. and for anyone who is going to write "know your rights" that only goes so far.. i know my rights, i have brought in an advocate, rewrote minute notes, requested meetings, hearings, sat, listened, emailed.. advocate, advocate and advocate MORE but you can only get through what the school district is going to allow you to get through. PERIOD. just because you know your rights doesnt mean your rights will be upheld in any state.. anywhere.. its no different with education than it is with employment.

( ) I know im going to be crucified for this one.

I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter is getting in school.and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being teachers and how hard they work.So let me start by saying "This is not for all the treachers that do work hard and do help our children."All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),Now.the teacher she has this year "USED TO BE" a teacher for children with special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a "regular" public school.Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had "no patience" for children of special needs.after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides, now everyday she says "i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a fault).Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter. at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and said "well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with her so she can play with it during reccess because "No one plays with her", plus the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor stone for her to keep calm.last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife asked why she was told "its the priciples rules, not mine". thats it?! no explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher "no one plays with her so she needs something to do during recess". the teachers response was "your daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will go to kids on the playground and ask "do you want to play with me?" (and yes, these are kids from her class). the kids say "no" and walk away, which usually ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in what we have come to refer to as the "clamshell position" until she builds enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.let me put it this way "THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!!". they will cover for each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school system.my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher, but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get "punished" for telling.just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the administration and "some" of the teachers.they have the special need to have "patience, understanding, education in what they are dealing with and basically compassion!!"I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is "NO ONE" that can convince me differently.i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM DISCUSTED AND HELPLESS TO HELP MY BABY !!!!!!!!im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself, wetting herself, being "manhandled (for the lack of a better term)" kicking at the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt "handle it" thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a "hidden video".here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

& feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GyW-jsuCbUand the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a roomhttp://www2.tbo.com/poll/2008/oct/17/35/should-schools-use-time-out-rooms/and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against this.I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove that we do "not" know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we find out "unexpectantly" because once again "teachers dont tell on teachers".
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All I can say is that I think homeschooling is a wonderful option. I hope your daughter gets the education she deserves. {{{{ }}}} http://www.liftupyourhearts.comFrom: <video228@...> Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 5:08:26 AMSubject: ( ) I know im going to be crucified for this one.

I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter is getting in school.

and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being teachers and how hard they work.

So let me start by saying "This is not for all the treachers that do work hard and do help our children."

All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.

last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),


the teacher she has this year "USED TO BE" a teacher for children with special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a "regular" public school.

Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had "no patience" for children of special needs.

after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides, now everyday she says "i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a fault).

Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter.

at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and said "well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.

My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with her so she can play with it during reccess because "No one plays with her", plus the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor stone for her to keep calm.

last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife asked why she was told "its the priciples rules, not mine". thats it?! no explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher "no one plays with her so she needs something to do during recess". the teachers response was "your daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.

well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will go to kids on the playground and ask "do you want to play with me?" (and yes, these are kids from her class). the kids say "no" and walk away, which usually ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in what we have come to refer to as the "clamshell position" until she builds enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.

Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.

let me put it this way "THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!!". they will cover for each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school system.

my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.

most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher, but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get "punished" for telling.

just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.

I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.

if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the administration and "some" of the teachers.

they have the special need to have "patience, understanding, education in what they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "

I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is "NO ONE" that can convince me differently.

i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM DISCUSTED AND HELPLESS TO HELP MY BABY !!!!!!!!

im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself, wetting herself, being "manhandled (for the lack of a better term)" kicking at the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt "handle it" thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a "hidden video".

here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=related

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=1GyW-jsuCbU

and the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a room

http://www2. tbo.com/poll/ 2008/oct/ 17/35/should- schools-use- time-out- rooms/

and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against this.

I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove that we do "not" know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we find out "unexpectantly" because once again "teachers dont tell on teachers".

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This sounds so familiar. My son went threw the same thing in 2nd grade. He had a

teacher that went from being in the special ed realm to the regular teaching

role. She always thought she could do better than what my DS doctors and

thereapists suggested. She would go to the school counsler and thought that she

could cure my son and also told me that she knew better than I.

We talked to the school counsler, the school principle, had multiple meetings

with the teacher. My son's outburts in class grew worse and kids started to

tease him. It was a whole year of this. He didn't want to go to school, but he

would go because he wanted to learn.

When he got to 3rd grade, he had a great teacher that would accept my direction

on how to work with him and the best approach. She helped reinforce behavore

(using 1,2,3 Magic that I was using at home)and reward the good things that he

would do.

My son is now 13 and in 8th grade. He still likes school and enjoys his studies.

Yes, kids that went to grade school with him still remember 2nd grade. My son

just tells him that he was a baby then and he is more grown up. I am very proud

of him.

Hand in there . As in every walk of life, there are good people and

clunkers. I understand what you are going threw.

Janice in Wisconsin

---- <video228@...> wrote:

> I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter

is getting in school.

> and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being

teachers and how hard they work.

> So let me start by saying " This is not for all the treachers that do work hard

and do help our children. "

> All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.

> last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was

caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),

> Now.

> the teacher she has this year " USED TO BE " a teacher for children with special

needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a " regular " public


> Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had " no

patience " for children of special needs.

> after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides,

now everyday she says " i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all

day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a


> Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter.

> at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so

i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and

said " well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.

> My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with

her so she can play with it during reccess because " No one plays with her " , plus

the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor

stone for her to keep calm.

> last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class

crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife

asked why she was told " its the priciples rules, not mine " . thats it?! no

explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher " no one plays with

her so she needs something to do during recess " . the teachers response was " your

daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.

> well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will

go to kids on the playground and ask " do you want to play with me? " (and yes,

these are kids from her class). the kids say " no " and walk away, which usually

ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in

what we have come to refer to as the " clamshell position " until she builds

enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.

> Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or

the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.

> let me put it this way " THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!! " . they will cover for

each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school


> my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.

> most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher,

but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get " punished " for


> just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.

> I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.

> if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the

administration and " some " of the teachers.

> they have the special need to have " patience, understanding, education in what

they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "

> I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just

waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is

" NO ONE " that can convince me differently.

> i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM


> im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself,

wetting herself, being " manhandled (for the lack of a better term) " kicking at

the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt " handle it "

thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a

" hidden video " .

> here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=related


> and the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a room

> http://www2.tbo.com/poll/2008/oct/17/35/should-schools-use-time-out-rooms/


> and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this

year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against


> I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove

that we do " not " know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we

find out " unexpectantly " because once again " teachers dont tell on teachers " .





> ------------------------------------



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I feel so badly for your daughter and your inability to get help!  The way they treat her is definitely not right.  I know there are really great teachers out there, but sometimes a few slip through the cracks and are in teaching for the wrong reasons. I've had experience with them also.  My children were removed from their classes because I went directly to the Director of Special Education, a wonderful woman here who really truly DOES care. Does your daughter have an IEP?  If so, I would contact the Director of Special Education directly, especially seeing as she did so well last year and has regressed this year.  That is unacceptable!

Lindsey sen


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 8:08 AM, <video228@...> wrote:


I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter is getting in school.and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being teachers and how hard they work.

So let me start by saying " This is not for all the treachers that do work hard and do help our children. " All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),

Now.the teacher she has this year " USED TO BE " a teacher for children with special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a " regular " public school.

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Oh boy! So sorry to hear this all. It sounds like my daughter's

experience from k thru 5th grade. I too couldn't believe the

issue they made of my daughter carrying her little stuffed dog

(her only friend she said). Boy this people can be so ridgid.

My daughter too was so alone. In fourth grade I picked my daughter

up for lunch daily and she ate in our minivan and we talked and

watched a short movie or listened to music. It helped her get


I too found the teachers covering for each other and unwilling to

consider my daughter's special needs. We had a neuropschologist do the whole

string of tests and advocate at the school

for more social skill support in third grade.

In fourth and fifth we found a psychologist that was

willing to come to the school and advocate. He is a professor

at the univeristy and director of that colleges anxiety clinic.

He too explained her issues and what she needed. He wanted her

in classes with in class support and a smaller lunch room


In fifth grade my daughter just refused

to go to school anymore for over 20 days straight. They

then set up after school home instruction. One of the two

teachers was so mean. My daughter refused to go to this too.

The psychologist stepped in then to advocate for another smaller setting school.

The teachers in this new school are so very helpful.

My daughter still has issues with her peers, some of the

boys are agressive but the school is very responsive

in making sure the boys have consequences for swearing

and pushing stuff like that.

It seems there is always some issue to address but at least

the school is very helpful.

I hope you can find someone to help you advocate.

I also had gotten my daughter into a charter school that was

small and supportive and a public school but she didn't

end up going since we were sent to the private speicial

ed school.

I do truely know how painful this is for both you and

your child. We just did not have the money for a private

special ed school we had to work it out with the school.

It took years to change the school setting and we had a lawyer too.

Things are better now. We still have problems but it is better.

Much better.



> I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter

is getting in school.

> and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being

teachers and how hard they work.

> So let me start by saying " This is not for all the treachers that do work hard

and do help our children. "

> All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.

> last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was

caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),

> Now.

> the teacher she has this year " USED TO BE " a teacher for children with special

needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a " regular " public


> Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had " no

patience " for children of special needs.

> after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides,

now everyday she says " i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all

day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a


> Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter.

> at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so

i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and

said " well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.

> My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with

her so she can play with it during reccess because " No one plays with her " , plus

the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor

stone for her to keep calm.

> last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class

crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife

asked why she was told " its the priciples rules, not mine " . thats it?! no

explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher " no one plays with

her so she needs something to do during recess " . the teachers response was " your

daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.

> well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will

go to kids on the playground and ask " do you want to play with me? " (and yes,

these are kids from her class). the kids say " no " and walk away, which usually

ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in

what we have come to refer to as the " clamshell position " until she builds

enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.

> Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or

the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.

> let me put it this way " THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!! " . they will cover for

each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school


> my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.

> most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher,

but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get " punished " for


> just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.

> I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.

> if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the

administration and " some " of the teachers.

> they have the special need to have " patience, understanding, education in what

they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "

> I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just

waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is

" NO ONE " that can convince me differently.

> i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM


> im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself,

wetting herself, being " manhandled (for the lack of a better term) " kicking at

the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt " handle it "

thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a

" hidden video " .

> here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=related


> and the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a room

> http://www2.tbo.com/poll/2008/oct/17/35/should-schools-use-time-out-rooms/


> and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this

year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against


> I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove

that we do " not " know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we

find out " unexpectantly " because once again " teachers dont tell on teachers " .


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Oh ,,,,

I don't think you're going to get any nasty responses.

I'm sure that most off us have felt JUST the way you do.

We DO feel your pain.......honestly.

It's horrible when you feel you don't know what to do.

When you know you're being wronged. When "the man" is wrong,,,,but will get away with it all.

This is why many of us have either changed schools, sued or pulled our kids out of the school and now home school. But we all fight this crap.....if only for while.

There are options.

Only you can decide which options to "grab"....or fight for. I've often felt that I wasn't strong enough,,,,,,,,,cause we put up with our son being sad and miserable for a couple years. Tears and sadness every morning.....It changed our family. It was horrible. Then,,,,,we yanked him when we saw that HE was changing for the worse. Our family was NOT what it should be. Life didn't have to be so damned miserable..

I hear of others fighting to keep their child IN the school and to receive the services they SHOULD be given. I am in awe of them,,,,,,,,how strong they must be. I just couldn't do it.Anyway,,,,what worked for us isn't always possible for others. Public schools is wonderful for some.....private school does it for others.

Homeschooling is a Godsend for some and Virtual school is the way for others.I'm sorry about the book, here. I just feel for you. Wondering why people are so crappy is never going to be an "answer-solved" thing. There will always be the crappy people/teachers.

We just gotta decide, personally, how much crap we're willing to take.


Keep us posted.


From: <video228@...>Subject: ( ) I know im going to be crucified for this one. Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:08 AM

I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter is getting in school.and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being teachers and how hard they work.So let me start by saying "This is not for all the treachers that do work hard and do help our children."All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),Now.the teacher she has this year "USED TO BE" a teacher for children with special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a "regular" public school.Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had "no patience" for children of special needs.after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides, now everyday she says "i dont

want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a fault).Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter. at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and said "well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with her so she can play with it during reccess because "No one plays with her", plus the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor stone for her to keep calm.last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife asked why she was told "its the priciples rules, not mine". thats it?! no explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the

teacher "no one plays with her so she needs something to do during recess".. the teachers response was "your daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will go to kids on the playground and ask "do you want to play with me?" (and yes, these are kids from her class). the kids say "no" and walk away, which usually ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in what we have come to refer to as the "clamshell position" until she builds enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.let me put it this way "THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!!". they will cover for each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school system.my wife and i have caught them in so

many lies its pitiful.most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher, but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get "punished" for telling.just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the administration and "some" of the teachers.they have the special need to have "patience, understanding, education in what they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is "NO ONE" that can convince me differently.i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM DISCUSTED AND HELPLESS TO HELP MY BABY !!!!!!!!im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself,

wetting herself, being "manhandled (for the lack of a better term)" kicking at the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt "handle it" thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a "hidden video".here are a couple of examples of pure stupidityhttp://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube. com/watch? v=1GyW-jsuCbUand the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a roomhttp://www2. tbo.com/poll/ 2008/oct/ 17/35/should- schools-use- time-out- rooms/and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this year, our

senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against this.I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove that we do "not" know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we find out "unexpectantly" because once again "teachers dont tell on teachers".

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I felt sick to my stomach reading your post, my son has a few issue this year at school, but seems to be doing not too badly. It a horrible position to be in, knowing things are happening and nothing you do seems to make a difference, and at the centre of it is this poor child that is having a hard time, when we all know with a bit of understanding it doesn't need to be this way.

I know it can be hard to fit things round work, can you get in to the school to observe a class, keep a diary of things that your daughter tells you are happening, sounds like you already know your rights, I'm not clear one the US ones, but you must be able to get in there and meet this teacher, ask her straight out if she worked as a special ed why she changed, tell her you daughter done well last year and you need to know why this has changed, ask her about her methods of teaching and discipline, all the things that you know your daughter is unhappy about, but most of all she needs to know that your daughter is a person with the right to be safe and secure at school and it is her job to provide that environment.

I hope you get results fast.

Lor B

I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter is getting in school.and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being teachers and how hard they work.So let me start by saying "This is not for all the treachers that do work hard and do help our children."All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),Now.the teacher she has this year "USED TO BE" a teacher for children with special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a "regular" public school.

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My daughter took a " Burmy " (the bag worm Pokemon - her magical best

friend off and on, especially in the 4th grade) to school in a little

canvas purse that she wore around her neck. It was OK with the teacher

without the purse, but some kid hid it one day, so the teacher

suggested she bring a carrier for the toy.

When I was in the public school system, personal property was routinely

confiscated and never returned, sometimes just on a whim. Some people

think this is OK. It is NOT OK.

I would tell the teacher and the principal that she WILL take her toy

to school with her. I don't know if that is feasible but I think it is

a small step that would be very meaningful to all concerned.


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This is what I'm afraid of when I send my son to public school. He is in a special day clinic right now. He is only 4 and he's in a preschool room. He gets treated pretty good as far as I know. I hear the teachers here in Kindergarten are really good but I don't know. I just don't want my son to get treated bad like your daughter is being treated. I am also afraid of him being bullied. He doesn't know how to tell on someone and he can't really communicate that well. If someone is picking on him and we ask, he will say no so we have no way of knowing if anyone does pick on him. I always ask him if he got in time out and he will say no. So I will have to ask someone else and they will say yes and why. n is scared of other kids. Are you dealing with any of these problems?From: a Ayotte <phrayotte@...>Subject: Re: ( ) I know im going to be crucified for this one. Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 9:26 AM

i couldnt agree with you more! i have caught my sons teachers and the administration in more lies than i care to think about! i am searching for a way out myself and sending you the strength to do the same. and for anyone who is going to write "know your rights" that only goes so far.. i know my rights, i have brought in an advocate, rewrote minute notes, requested meetings, hearings, sat, listened, emailed.. advocate, advocate and advocate MORE but you can only get through what the school district is going to allow you to get through. PERIOD. just because you know your rights doesnt mean your rights will be upheld in any state.. anywhere.. its no different with education than it is with employment.

( ) I know im going to be crucified for this one.

I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter is getting in school.and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being teachers and how hard they work.So let me start by saying "This is not for all the treachers that do work hard and do help our children."All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),Now.the teacher she has this year "USED TO BE" a teacher for children with special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a "regular" public school.Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had "no patience" for children of special needs.after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides, now everyday she says "i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a fault).Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter. at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and said "well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with her so she can play with it during reccess because "No one plays with her", plus the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor stone for her to keep calm.last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife asked why she was told "its the priciples rules, not mine". thats it?! no explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher "no one plays with her so she needs something to do during recess". the teachers response was "your daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will go to kids on the playground and ask "do you want to play with me?" (and yes, these are kids from her class). the kids say "no" and walk away, which usually ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in what we have come to refer to as the "clamshell position" until she builds enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.let me put it this way "THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!!". they will cover for each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school system.my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher, but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get "punished" for telling.just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the administration and "some" of the teachers.they have the special need to have "patience, understanding, education in what they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is "NO ONE" that can convince me differently.i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM DISCUSTED AND HELPLESS TO HELP MY BABY !!!!!!!!im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself, wetting herself, being "manhandled (for the lack of a better term)" kicking at the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt "handle it" thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a "hidden video".here are a couple of examples of pure stupidityhttp://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube. com/watch? v=1GyW-jsuCbUand the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a roomhttp://www2. tbo.com/poll/ 2008/oct/ 17/35/should- schools-use- time-out- rooms/and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against this.I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove that we do "not" know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we find out "unexpectantly" because once again "teachers dont tell on teachers".

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I, too can empathize with you over how your daughter was treated. I have a 13 y/o Aspie son. He is considered late diagnosed, since he was not diagnosed until he was 9. His change in behavior was first really noticed @ 3, and we got all kinds of "guesses" as to what was wrong and how I should handle him. Some teachers refused to handle him; or rather couldn't. The elementary school he was attending at the time had decided it was better to have him come 2hrs before school to get his lessons. He had to leave before the school started the regular school day. It was crazy until finally his 3rd grade teacher; pointed me in the right direction. Her husband worked at the mental health facility here that diagnosis disabilities. They are the ones that helped me ( along with an agency that handles school for disabled children elementary age and younger) work

with his school to get certain measures in place for him to be able to go to school. He is doing alot better now; and finally some of the same people that used to pick on him will talk to him. And he finally says that he has friends. I know at times it can be frustrating but know it will get better.

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Hi ,

I think that you will find that most everyone on this forum is very sympathetic

to what you are going through. First off let me just say that we are in a

fabulous school district but even we have had horrible teachers. We also spent

a few months at a really bad school district before we moved to this one and

yanked my son because the experience so changed his personality and behaviors.

My son is currently in 5th grade. Last year was at best wasted. He had " nice "

teachers that just had no interest in helping him in any way. My biggest

mistake was that I had developed such a good working relationship with the

special ed teacher and the rest of the school that I didn't push hard enough

when I saw problems. Unfortunately it wasn't until the end of the year that I

really fully realized how bad it had gotten. I had stopped in at the special ed

teachers classroom and was chatting with her about his progress and she told me

about somehting that had happened a few days earlier. My son had been in the

special ed room for one of his breaks to work on a paper (he was sent their when

he needed extra help). When he finished the teacher sent him back to the

classroom. When he got to his classroom the teacher told him to go back to the

special ed room for some reason. So he turned around and walked back. When he

got there the teacher said " s, why are you back? " He started to cry and

asked her " why nobody wants him? " . She felt so bad. She was just frustrated

with the regular teacher because she was constantly dumping him into the special

ed room because she didn't want to deal with him.

Your situation sounds really bad and so from my perspective, it is time to go to

war on the school district. With that in mind, I have a few questions. Does

your daughter have a diagnosis? If so do you have any supporting paperwork from

the doctor that diagnosed her? If not, can you get some? Do you have an IEP?

If you have a diagnosis of Aspergers, PDD-NOS, or HFA you should request a

meeting with the Priciple, Special Ed director and Teacher and go in there with

a lot of information about the disorders. One of the biggest diagnostic

criterial for the AS is social problems. For your daughter to, in any way, be

critisized for her inability to make friends and socially interact is APPALLING!

She needs help learning how to navigate the social realm, not be yelled at for

her problems in this area.

It seems clear to me that their is no " relationship " with the school so you

really can't make it any worse by making it clear that things need to improve or

you will make life very difficult for them. Document everything. Put all

requests in writing. Do not let them play one person against the other.

I wish you the best of luck. I hope that things improve soon. I know others

have said this, but things do get better. My son is now in the middle school

and he is doing wonderfully. He has made more progress in a few short weeks

than he did all year in 4th grade.



> I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter

is getting in school.

> and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being

teachers and how hard they work.

> So let me start by saying " This is not for all the treachers that do work hard

and do help our children. "

> All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.

> last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was

caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),

> Now.

> the teacher she has this year " USED TO BE " a teacher for children with special

needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a " regular " public


> Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had " no

patience " for children of special needs.

> after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides,

now everyday she says " i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all

day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a


> Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter.

> at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so

i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and

said " well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.

> My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with

her so she can play with it during reccess because " No one plays with her " , plus

the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor

stone for her to keep calm.

> last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class

crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife

asked why she was told " its the priciples rules, not mine " . thats it?! no

explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher " no one plays with

her so she needs something to do during recess " . the teachers response was " your

daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.

> well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will

go to kids on the playground and ask " do you want to play with me? " (and yes,

these are kids from her class). the kids say " no " and walk away, which usually

ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in

what we have come to refer to as the " clamshell position " until she builds

enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.

> Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or

the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.

> let me put it this way " THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!! " . they will cover for

each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school


> my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.

> most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher,

but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get " punished " for


> just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.

> I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.

> if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the

administration and " some " of the teachers.

> they have the special need to have " patience, understanding, education in what

they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "

> I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just

waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is

" NO ONE " that can convince me differently.

> i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM


> im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself,

wetting herself, being " manhandled (for the lack of a better term) " kicking at

the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt " handle it "

thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a

" hidden video " .

> here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=related


> and the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a room

> http://www2.tbo.com/poll/2008/oct/17/35/should-schools-use-time-out-rooms/


> and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this

year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against


> I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove

that we do " not " know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we

find out " unexpectantly " because once again " teachers dont tell on teachers " .


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  • 3 weeks later...


I think you responded to a couple of my posts before. We have an 8-year-old

daughter too. This sounds so familiar. She had an awesome year in second grade,

but this year (3rd grade) has been horrible for her. She likes adaptive phy ed

yet and her time with the speech therapist and counselor seems to be all right,

but she's alone during free time despite trying to fit in and being outgoing

toward others, and is very stressed during regular class time.

I wish there was a way to watch and/or listen to everything that is happening

to, and around, her during her school days. First of all, it would help me so I

can think of how to help her respond to certain situations and such that she is

experiencing, or if she might be misunderstanding some of them; and secondly, I

would know whether some of the people in her school could use educating or

reprimands, etc. I wish I could be a fly on the wall in her classroom, so I

could know what is really going on in there. When I'm actually there for a

volunteer day, it's not like I'm going to see a 'typical' day for her--everyone

knows I'm observing, you know? You and your family are not alone in all of this.

We understand. You are all in our prayers. --Kari


> I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old daughter

is getting in school.

> and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family being

teachers and how hard they work.

> So let me start by saying " This is not for all the treachers that do work hard

and do help our children. "

> All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.

> last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was

caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),

> Now.

> the teacher she has this year " USED TO BE " a teacher for children with special

needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a " regular " public


> Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had " no

patience " for children of special needs.

> after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great strides,

now everyday she says " i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at me all

day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to a


> Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter.

> at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife, so

i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and

said " well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.

> My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with

her so she can play with it during reccess because " No one plays with her " , plus

the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor

stone for her to keep calm.

> last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class

crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife

asked why she was told " its the priciples rules, not mine " . thats it?! no

explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher " no one plays with

her so she needs something to do during recess " . the teachers response was " your

daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.

> well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she will

go to kids on the playground and ask " do you want to play with me? " (and yes,

these are kids from her class). the kids say " no " and walk away, which usually

ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by herself in

what we have come to refer to as the " clamshell position " until she builds

enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.

> Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or

the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.

> let me put it this way " THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!! " . they will cover for

each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school


> my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.

> most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher,

but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get " punished " for


> just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.

> I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.

> if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the

administration and " some " of the teachers.

> they have the special need to have " patience, understanding, education in what

they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "

> I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just

waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is

" NO ONE " that can convince me differently.

> i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM


> im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by herself,

wetting herself, being " manhandled (for the lack of a better term) " kicking at

the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt " handle it "

thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that on a

" hidden video " .

> here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=related


> and the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a room

> http://www2.tbo.com/poll/2008/oct/17/35/should-schools-use-time-out-rooms/


> and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this

year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against


> I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove

that we do " not " know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we

find out " unexpectantly " because once again " teachers dont tell on teachers " .


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Thank you.

I just dont understand the world we live in at all.

be nice to people no matter what differences they may have.

religion,sexual orientation,killing baby seals, we even make excuses for " mass

murderers " that kill 13 u.s. soldiers for no reason.


the schools are powerless to teach these other children tollerance for the

difference of our kids???!!!

well from what i understand, the numbers in the usa right now are 1 in 105 are

born with some form of autism.

america better wake up because sooner or later they are going to " have " to deal

with this situation.

a kid supposedly walked into my daughters school with a handgun last year.

the kids heard about this and informed their parents. the parents were told by

the school that there was nothing to worry about . the situation was handled


HOME !!!!!! " . and we were also informed that the school had explained that to

all the students also.

The next time my daughter is outside crying becuase no one plays with her

because she is different, do you think the school will explain to all the kids

that she cant help what she does because has a syndrome?

do you think they will say to the kids that they should feel sorry and have

tollerance for her and maybe ask her to play, even if its on my kids terms??

I dont think so !

I think this rediculous tollerance that is taught in the schools should " work

for all!!!!! " .

the law states if one receives special treatments because they need it and

another doesnt " that is called discrimination !!!! " .

Sorry to rant, but after reading all the responses to my original post, it just

makes me see red to know that there are so many out there dealing with this.

And Why ????

becuase our kids cant help it !!!

once again it just convinces me that some of the mental midgets out there that

are actually directing the education of our children have been educated well

beyond their intelligence.

maybe in college, they should be forced to take a course in compassion to finish

their studies.

> >

> > I have written before with my discust for the treatment my 8 year old

daughter is getting in school.

> > and due to that i got a million responses about peoples Dads and family

being teachers and how hard they work.

> > So let me start by saying " This is not for all the treachers that do work

hard and do help our children. "

> > All i can say is my daughter is actually regressing this year.

> > last year (2nd grade) she had a wonderful year. She ahd a teacher that was

caring and continues to do so to this day (she asks about my daughter everyday),

> > Now.

> > the teacher she has this year " USED TO BE " a teacher for children with

special needs. she had chosen to leave that and become a teacher in a " regular "

public school.

> > Now from what i see, I honestly think she chose to do that because she had

" no patience " for children of special needs.

> > after having a terrific year last year, with my daughter making great

strides, now everyday she says " i dont want to go to schhil. my teacher YELLS at

me all day (and my daughter has yet to have the ability to lie. she is honest to

a fault).

> > Also this woman has yet to be at a PPT for my daughter.

> > at the last one i attended (before they sprang the surprise one on my wife,

so i couldnt attend), she came in until everyone sat down and then stood up and

said " well, im very busy, so i guess you can continue without me.

> > My daughter likes to bring a small toy (like a pokemon figure)to school with

her so she can play with it during reccess because " No one plays with her " , plus

the fact that since shes been doing that forever, it has become a small anchor

stone for her to keep calm.

> > last week my wife was told by the teacher (after my daughter left the class

crying) that my daughter cant bring any toys to school with her. when my wife

asked why she was told " its the priciples rules, not mine " . thats it?! no

explanation ? just TOO BAD ?!. so my wife told the teacher " no one plays with

her so she needs something to do during recess " . the teachers response was " your

daughter is the one that chooses not to play with the other kids.

> > well, thats not what we see when we pick up my duaghter from school. she

will go to kids on the playground and ask " do you want to play with me? " (and

yes, these are kids from her class). the kids say " no " and walk away, which

usually ends up with my daughter standing in the middle of the playground by

herself in what we have come to refer to as the " clamshell position " until she

builds enough confidence to walk to me or my wife and start to cry.

> > Now im sure that some of you are going to respond to confront the teacher or

the principle or the school board or ask for another PPT.

> > let me put it this way " THEY ARE ALL LIERS !!!!!!!!! " . they will cover for

each other to make sure there are no problems for themselves or the school


> > my wife and i have caught them in so many lies its pitiful.

> > most of the time we find this stuff out from my daughters last year teacher,

but we cant use her as a reference in fear that she will get " punished " for


> > just like cops dont tell on cops. teachers dont tell on teachers.

> > I am so discusted by these action i dont know what to do.

> > if anyone in my daughters school has special needs it is the the

administration and " some " of the teachers.

> > they have the special need to have " patience, understanding, education in

what they are dealing with and basically compassion!! "

> > I am convinced that some teachers just shouldnt be teachers. they are just

waiting for their pension to set in, and like their summers off. and there is

" NO ONE " that can convince me differently.

> > i cant wait to see how many nasty responses i get from this one,but I AM


> > im sure the parents of the autistic child being pushed into a room by

herself, wetting herself, being " manhandled (for the lack of a better term) "

kicking at the door, screaming and rocking on the floor because she couldnt

" handle it " thought their school and teachers were wonderful until they saw that

on a " hidden video " .

> > here are a couple of examples of pure stupidity

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6rF-PSElBE & feature=related

> >

> > and the best one is this story about the Iowa girl locked in a room

> > http://www2.tbo.com/poll/2008/oct/17/35/should-schools-use-time-out-rooms/

> >

> > and just so you know, i live in Connecticut where in just January of this

year, our senator Dodd had to go before congress to speak out against


> > I know none of these prove what is happening to my child, but it does prove

that we do " not " know what is deffinitely happening to our children until we

find out " unexpectantly " because once again " teachers dont tell on teachers " .

> >


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