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Re: Drug Screen with ADD medsing

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Had to have one when starting where I now work. They asked up front if I was

taking anything. (I was wondering what cold meds I was taking would show!)

They are, of course, looking for illegal drug use but so many people these days

seem to get ADD stuff without prescription (so I hear, like college students).

So if not asked about any current meds, I think I would volunteer the info, ask

how Vyvanse shows up on screenings, currently taking it for ADD, etc.


> DS is interviewing for jobs now and is currently taking an ADD med, Vyvanse.

Most of the prospective employers want a drug screen (if he gets that far in

interview process!) so how do you handle it so that a drug like that doesn't

kick you out?


> Do they ask up front what prescription meds you might be taking? Or you tell

them at the time?


> Anyone with experience on this, thanks!


> Sue in TN


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Thanks Chris...a couple of his interviews have mentioned how hard it is to find

someone that can even pass the drug screen. What about taking copy of

prescription? That is really the only thing he takes.

Sue in TN

> >

> > DS is interviewing for jobs now and is currently taking an ADD med, Vyvanse.

Most of the prospective employers want a drug screen (if he gets that far in

interview process!) so how do you handle it so that a drug like that doesn't

kick you out?

> >

> > Do they ask up front what prescription meds you might be taking? Or you tell

them at the time?

> >

> > Anyone with experience on this, thanks!

> >

> > Sue in TN

> >


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Speaking as an HR manager it is best to offer this information when they mention that he will need to take the drug screening; surprises are bad when this stuff comes back and he may not get the chance to defend himself.

Prescription meds of this type may require a note from a doctor (depending on the company) stating that he is on this medication so they know it is not illegal usage. ( ) Re: Drug Screen with ADD medsing

Thanks Chris...a couple of his interviews have mentioned how hard it is to find someone that can even pass the drug screen. What about taking copy of prescription? That is really the only thing he takes.Sue in TN> >> > DS is interviewing for jobs now and is currently taking an ADD med, Vyvanse. Most of the prospective employers want a drug screen (if he gets that far in interview process!) so how do you handle it so that a drug like that doesn't kick you out?> > > > Do they ask up front what prescription meds you might be taking? Or you tell them at the time? > > > > Anyone with experience on this, thanks!> > > > Sue in TN> >>

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It's been a while since I've had an employment drug screen, but at every one of them I was asked to fill out forms at the

testing site listing all medicines (OTC and prescription) that I had taken over a certain period of time before the test. These were forms for the testing facility, not the company I would be working for. Companies outsource this drug testing to companies that specialize in it.The reports that came back to HR would list the illegal drugs tested for and that the person was negative. Or if the test was failed, it would name the illegal drug that was found. I worked in HR and Benefits, so I saw quite a few of these over the years. I never saw a version that listed every substance in that person's urine. So while that must be possible, I don't think it's done. And I think (though I could be wrong), that even this little bit of information was required by HIPAA to be isolated from the rest of the personnel file. So while your son's medication should be divulged to the testing facility

when that information is requested, I don't think it needs to be provided directly to the company unless your son believes he will need special accomodations to do his job because of his diagnosis. Even then, I'd personally be inclined to not mention that until the job offer was formally made since pre-employment discrimination is easy to do and hard to prove.My husband works at a company that's only been in town a couple of years and does the pre-employment testing. He has several co-workers with ADD who are on medication for it. So evidently they passed the pre-employment drug screen.So I hope this information helps.Bronwyn

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I'm curious -- would the prescription bottle be enough (it's currently dated) or

note from doctor preferred by some companies?

> > >

> > > DS is interviewing for jobs now and is currently taking an ADD med,

Vyvanse. Most of the prospective employers want a drug screen (if he gets that

far in interview process!) so how do you handle it so that a drug like that

doesn't kick you out?

> > >

> > > Do they ask up front what prescription meds you might be taking? Or you

tell them at the time?

> > >

> > > Anyone with experience on this, thanks!

> > >

> > > Sue in TN

> > >

> >


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