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What the heck is wrong with this person...

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**please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups

someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article. this

sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to help her

son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be taken on

this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view these


I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???


I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!

" God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


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Wow! I wish they could post the wonderful things that are happening like, a

non/never verbal 7 yr old girl is now telling you letters! Sure people can get

carried away but you can do that with anything. Sad to me that that Mom is so

miserable, but much more sad that years of effort are being mocked


> **please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups


> someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article. this

sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to help her

son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be taken on

this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view these



> I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???

> http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/?p=3144#comment-64144


> I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


> http://fortheloveofmybugs.blogspot.com/






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I'm done reacting to these people. Fuel their fire by trying to argue with

them. We aren't going to change their mind and it will only take energy away

from the job you have at home.



> **please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups


> someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article. this

sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to help her

son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be taken on

this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view these



> I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???

> http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/?p=3144#comment-64144


> I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


> http://fortheloveofmybugs.blogspot.com/






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My comment to this blog post.

There are always 2 sides to a story. I think it is wrong to cut and paste

someone else's words without their permission. I think vaccines can injure some

children and that injury may look like autism. I think my child does not fall

into that category. I am not anti-vaccine, but I do think vaccines need to be

looked at more carefully. Not everyone fits a standard of care and what may help

one person may be harmful to another. I don't want to cure myself or my son of

autism. I would like to be as healthy as possible. I have a not well understood

auto immune disease, for which mainstream medicine has few answers or

treatments. I use biomedical interventions for my son and myself. I do it

because it works. I stumbled across this journey quite by accident, not because

I read some website and took medical advice from a stranger on the internet. My

doc suggested dietary changes to help my nursing baby and it worked for both of

us. I see nothing wrong with eating natural, whole foods and taking the

nutrients that may be deficient in your diet. I see nothing wrong with

treatments to address real medical problems that seem to be ignored simply

because a child has autism. It is medical neglect to ignore chronic health

problems simply because a child is autistic. I actually replied to the August

2009 post that this is all centered around and suggested that she help her self

so she could be the best for her child. I have been through dark times parenting

2 very difficult special needs children. I never stopped loving them and I never

did anything for them that I did not research, seek opinions from medical staff

and trusted friends, and decide on my own motherly instincts what was the right

thing to do. I don't have to prove myself to anyone. My husband and I are the

ones who choose what is right for our children, not the author of this blog, not

the government, not my mother-in-law, not my neighbor, not a group's


Read more: http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/?p=3144#comment-64195#ixzz0RwPvNjYx


> **please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups


> someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article. this

sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to help her

son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be taken on

this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view these



> I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???

> http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/?p=3144#comment-64144


> I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


> http://fortheloveofmybugs.blogspot.com/







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you are so right!

> >

> > **please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups

> >

> > someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article.

this sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to

help her son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be

taken on this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view

these posts????

> >

> > I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???

> > http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/?p=3144#comment-64144

> >

> > I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!

> >

> >

> >

> > " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> > courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "

> >

> > http://fortheloveofmybugs.blogspot.com/

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Good idea. Let go and let god, if you can, I laways say. Some people have no

life and get kick out of messing with people on the internet.



From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 5:51:01 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: What the heck is wrong with this person...


I'm done reacting to these people. Fuel their fire by trying to argue with them.

We aren't going to change their mind and it will only take energy away from the

job you have at home.



> **please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups


> someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article. this

sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to help her

son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be taken on

this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view these



> I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???

> http://leftbrainrig htbrain.co. uk/?p=3144# comment-64144


> I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


> http://fortheloveof mybugs.blogspot. com/






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> > I'm done reacting to these people. Fuel their fire by trying to argue with

them. We aren't going to change their mind and it will only take energy away

from the job you have at home.


, if you are reading this board, please know that the person who has stolen

your words about your WONDERFUL child is SO sick that we should probably have

pity on him/her. May God bless you and your son in finding your way. I will pray

for you.

Kimmie (Kim)

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Is there any chance that this '' person is actually the blogger?...As in

they've joined the group, as ; made up a story about her autistic son and

then lingered for a little while and then made her story look bad by belittling

autism biomedical groups?, OR(maybe this is taking it a bit far?) is a

parent of, or is related to an autistic child for whom biomedical intervention

went wrong.



From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...>

Sent: Thursday, 24 September, 2009 1:16:28 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: What the heck is wrong with this person...


Hi Jenn, it is horrible what this person has done, but you are drawing more

attention to " " and I don't think that's what she would want. If I were

" " , I would want you to delete your messages and then post a more generic

message about us all being careful because what we write could be passed around

the internet.


> **please note** I'm posting this message on a few groups


> someone on another group posted this link to a very disturbing article. this

sicko copied and pasted a mother's words and attacked her for trying to help her

son. Also, the gfcfkids group is mentioned. Can any legal action be taken on

this person??? How does this person have access to the group to view these



> I don't understand what type of " article " this is...is it a personal blog???

who is this sicko???

> http://leftbrainrig htbrain.co. uk/?p=3144# comment-64144


> I'm very saddened by such a post. This person has noooo clue!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


> http://fortheloveof mybugs.blogspot. com/






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