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Not bringing work and tests home from school--nearly failing now

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The school knows my child hides or destroy's these papers. I got the first

progress report and my son is nearly failing all subjects--had a parent teacher

conference a week before the report and they never brought up failing grades!

So, I sent a letter asking for copies of the tests and the school only gave me

2--they said my child brought home all the other tests and they don't have

copies of what he brought home. How would you proceed with this? I think I need

to have an iep mtg, but how do I try to understand why my child is doing so

poorly without the tests? WWYD???

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Its terrible when you get the progress report and hear they aren't doing well, a

little late. Last year after this happened I started sending a.weekly email to

my sons teachers to see how he was doing, any concerns and what homework he was

missing. This helped him not get to far behind and kept the teachers informed

on how her was doing. We are.again doing that this year and it seems to help.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

<doyourecycle@...> wrote:

>The school knows my child hides or destroy's these papers. I got the first

progress report and my son is nearly failing all subjects--had a parent teacher

conference a week before the report and they never brought up failing grades!


>So, I sent a letter asking for copies of the tests and the school only gave me

2--they said my child brought home all the other tests and they don't have

copies of what he brought home. How would you proceed with this? I think I need

to have an iep mtg, but how do I try to understand why my child is doing so

poorly without the tests? WWYD???


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I would ask that the teachers provide you a syllabus of all assignments and

tests so you know what to expect and when. You should also request them to keep

a copy your son's work just in case it doesn't make it home. If they cannot copy

it then they should find another method of sending you the original. I agree

with that you should start communicating with them via email on a

regular basis so that you can better track your son's progress/status. In my

son's school they have everything - assignments & grades online but not all

teachers update the site.

Ask for an IEP meeting so that your request will become part of the official IEP

rather than simply a request that may be ignored.



> The school knows my child hides or destroy's these papers. I got the first

progress report and my son is nearly failing all subjects--had a parent teacher

conference a week before the report and they never brought up failing grades!


> So, I sent a letter asking for copies of the tests and the school only gave me

2--they said my child brought home all the other tests and they don't have

copies of what he brought home. How would you proceed with this? I think I need

to have an iep mtg, but how do I try to understand why my child is doing so

poorly without the tests? WWYD???


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we do that as well. Liz does fine on tests and such, her problem was always with assignments and getting them handed in. Now that we are keeping on top of it with her guidance counseler, who then asks her teachers and gets back to us, school is going MUCH better

From: mcuttler@...Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 14:06:47 -0400Subject: Re: ( ) Not bringing work and tests home from school--nearly failing now

Its terrible when you get the progress report and hear they aren't doing well, a little late. Last year after this happened I started sending a.weekly email to my sons teachers to see how he was doing, any concerns and what homework he was missing. This helped him not get to far behind and kept the teachers informed on how her was doing. We are.again doing that this year and it seems to help. Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone <doyourecycle@...> wrote:>The school knows my child hides or destroy's these papers. I got the first progress report and my son is nearly failing all subjects--had a parent teacher conference a week before the report and they never brought up failing grades!>>So, I sent a letter asking for copies of the tests and the school only gave me 2--they said my child brought home all the other tests and they don't have copies of what he brought home. How would you proceed with this? I think I need to have an iep mtg, but how do I try to understand why my child is doing so poorly without the tests? WWYD???>

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Is your child classified under IEP? Apparently he is not in special

education classes or if he is shame on the teacher.

If he is classified I would update the IEP with a request

for many accomodations to help your child.

Do you know if your child has a slow processing speed or executive

function deficits. Does he have attentional issues?

It is likely he does have some of this or that anxiety

or special interests affects his learning.

I would put the problem back on the school that he

be placed in a more supportive setting that helps

him keep his attentional on his work and that

work is done in school.

I would ask for an IEP meeting in writing and ask that

the school revise his IEP to help him be more successful and

improve his grade. If the school claims he is not

motivated ...don't by that ...shame on them ...he has

a disability.

I had a neuropyschologist do an evaluation at age 9 and

she made many recommendations. It was costly ($3000) insurance

paid some of it. But in the long run it is worth it ..

few schools want to take intiative.

Best of luck,



> The school knows my child hides or destroy's these papers. I got the first

progress report and my son is nearly failing all subjects--had a parent teacher

conference a week before the report and they never brought up failing grades!


> So, I sent a letter asking for copies of the tests and the school only gave me

2--they said my child brought home all the other tests and they don't have

copies of what he brought home. How would you proceed with this? I think I need

to have an iep mtg, but how do I try to understand why my child is doing so

poorly without the tests? WWYD???


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