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Re: Adult Support groups

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We're in Wi - Fond du Lac.

Anyway,,,,,,,I know that if you contact the Autism Society of Wisconsin, they could help you with info or maybe who to further contact. Their email is www.asw4autism.org . I've emailed them before and they've always gotten back to me within a dayor so.

I know of some with kids that are on Disability.......so that may be of some financial help.

Do you have a doc that you can ask further questions of?

Good luck and keep us posted.


From: tpavlet <tpavlet@...>Subject: ( ) Adult Support groups Date: Friday, October 30, 2009, 7:41 PM

I have been diagnosed with Aspergers right after my daughter was, where she is getting treatment from school and professional as well. As for myself, I have been "seeing professionals" for 20+ years, with all different types of diagnoses, from quacks to real pros, but now since I know, I'm in need of adult support from others, like myself, on the how to deal with everyday things.Also, since I am unable to get a "real job", where can I receive some type of aide for my family? Tired SS, that was a joke, was told that Aspergers "isn't bad enough to qualify." Do have health insurance, which is supplied through state (WI), there to its a joke which doesn't cover "mental professional aide" due to the same reasons as SS. My spouse, works full time and does not offer health there.Have been a (I hate this term) stay home Dad for nearly 10 years, raising two girls, which are now going to school. I'm not trying to get a sob story here, nor am I

wanted to get something for free or not willing to work, but I am very limited on my capabilities. I just need some type of aide and/or support, verbal or financial to become productive human. Is there something near me here in WI, that I can go to? Anything from federal? If so where? Thank you for your time.

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I am in Southeast Wi. Currently replying remotely. I have some information

bookmarked and will share when I get home. I have a 13 year old ds with

Asperger's. Hang in there. There are places to get some support. I will post

more on Sunday.

Janice in Wisconsin

---- tpavlet <tpavlet@...> wrote:

> I need both types of supports groups, one for my daughter (Tweener) and for

myself (for which I have Aspergers). Are there any programs and support groups

in WI? If so where? Are there any type of funds? Federal or state? Have tried

SS, was told that " Asperger's wasn't considered to be bad enough. " Have so many

questions. Can anybody help us? Thank you.






> ------------------------------------



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> Apply for services from your state's Vocational Rehabilitation Department.

They will provide job training and placement. They should be able to assist you

with finding a job in which you are interested.

> Lindsey sen

> http://5kidswdisabilities.wordpress.com

I had a couple of times, never got anywhere nor called back. There funds are so

depleted and/or budget cut, up to a 3yrs waiting list and Asp. isn't considered

a disability for adults as it is for kids. Plus my age, 40+, doesn't help


I'm not just saying this because I don't want to work, I do, or work the system

for $, its just the way it is. That is why I am reaching out. Trying to learn

what is all out there for my family and myself.

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