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OCD, GI tract, PANDAS Valtrex and GSE

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I'm cross-posting to hopefully find some answers so sorry if you see this

elsewhere. This is regarding OCD, GI tract infections, Valtrex and GSE.


I don't know how much anybody wants to read...so I'll try my best to keep it

short. But it feels very complicated and I'm not really sure what to do next. Do

I plow thru this time period or stop?


I have a problem right now and I'm thinking its virus, bacteria or PANDAS, or

even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but not sure.  My dau has OCD behaviors

that had substantially gone into remission last summer but are now back in

raging full force. Its actually a little embarrassing what she does. She spends

all her time focusing on the swishing tails of horses and pretending she is a

horse. Yes, my little angel puts on anything that will hang out of her waistband

and spends much sneaked time, waving it back and forth and looking over her

shoulder at it. Her brain is quite turned off right now - auditory processing

and attention are very difficult.  Her reading is pretty good, but math sense

has completely fled. Whereas she used to wake up and help me around the house

before her tutor ( Autism Scholarship student) arrives I am now dealing w a

crabby, back-talking kid who wanders around dropping things everywhere w no

purposeful activity.


In the fall, we did 20 days of Diflucan after a period of silly, giggling ADHD

behavior and she responded well.  I did nothing for bacteria at that time and

maybe not enough loading of probiotic - honestly I can't remember. Since then,

she is having very foul gas, very hard time sleeping, the purple allergy looking

rings under her eyes returned even tho I'm using No-Fenol which has always

helped in the past, and her behavior has deteriorated. Her stools are large,

well formed and med brown. They are so solid sometimes they don't go down the

toilet. I saw a stool yesterday that had some white ribbons in it - I can't

think of a food we ate that would leave that behind so I'm wondering if it could

have been pieces of tapeworm. I didn't take it out of the toilet but it looked

like it was possible that it might have been segmented. 


Over the years I have finally noticed seasonal cycling of behaviors - esp in

late fall leading up to holidays - irritability, moodiness, disorganized, weepy,

clingy, and she always gets cold sores and impetigo outbreaks on her face.  I

had the impetigo cultured last yr and it was positive for Staph, but not Strep -

however, I personally believe she carries - or has carried- Strep as well. The

Dr said she was harboring this up high in her nasal cavity. I can't stop her

from picking her nose so she is constantly introducing bacteria of course. With

an older adopted kid there is always trauma to think about, and the question is,

how much of this is psychological stress and how much is biological in origin?

She has a dx of PDD so there is the addition of the excitement and increase in

activity of the holidays and her poor transitioning skills. Just getting out

Halloween decorations sends her up the chimney - never mind St. Nick.  I think I

said this

last week - I was looking at photos of past Christmases and realized there

hasn't been one where she didn't have cold sores and impetigo in her face. This

yr I'd like it to be different.


I started 5 drops of GSE 3 days ago just as an immune system booster and

immediately she began to revive a sore throat that has been lingering for

weeks.  Is this die off of something?   Her brother took 5 drops of GSE last

night before dinner and within 20 minutes was holding his face which had

turned red and hot, his ears were fire engine red and he said the left side of

his face and the back of his neck hurt badly. He also has had swollen glands and

an off and on sore throat for weeks. Since we've been doing GSE after dinner and

I didn't see these dramatic reactions I wonder if theres a difference with food

or on an empty stomach?


What does this tell me?  Do they have viruses that the GSE is stirring up? I'm

wondering if  Dec 2 is the time to begin making my kids sick w die off - like

how long will this last? 


My dau has a surgery next week that has already been postponed because 3 weeks

ago she had a cold sore and impetigo outbreak. So I gave them each a Valtrex and

a Benadryl and put them to bed early. Son got up feeling great this morning w no

sore throat - dau was in bed for 14 hrs and woke up at 10 am this morning

feeling and looking better ( I would too after 14 hrs).  Now I'm wondering if

its possible to give Valtrex while you are fighting viruses w biomeds and

enzymes?  Does the Valtrex suppression help kill the virus or does it force it

back into dormancy where the biomeds can't reach it?  I have searched the

internet on this and have come up empty handed.


Having lived thru yeast die off, I know the joy :) that is waiting at the other

end when its over and the sunshine comes out on a brand new kid that you can't

believe was in there all the time. So I'm willing to deal w die off, but I am

not sure I'm doing the right things here and how to steer this. 


So my dilemma is....is this viral, parasites, bacterial or behavioral?  Will

Valtrex be ok to use w biomeds and enzymes and how much, how long, dangers, etc.


PS. We have been doing Neurofeedback and my son has also been doing EMDR. There

is a body link here to this work. But that would take an even longer post.


I appreciate any wisdom on this, and I am going to cross post this to some other



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