Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 Abso-friggen lootley,A paper trail is a must. I just wished I could have recorded my last phone call from my son's principal. No one would ever believe me to quote her from that call. Btw, has anyone ever " wired " their kid at school??? Wonderin about that one myself. On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 6:22 PM, rushen janice <jrushen@...> wrote: You are going to love this one, Roxanna....when the Asst. Principal called ...we talked for quite a while...I stood FIRM....I didn't let her back me into a corner...she had me on speaker phone with the Spec.Ed. Supervisor whom I truly like. Anyways, this is the good part...the part I want to laugh at and know you will get a big kick out the end of the conversation, the asst. principal said ....Just call me right away with any problems...I would prefer that than emails. Ha! Don't think so...Roxanna taught me to leave a paper trail.....thank you. And, that is what I am doing...after our conversation, I emailed her back and reiterated what we discussed. hee hee...thanks Roxanna....I am such a good learner and you are such a good teacher. jan Janice Rushen " I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope " From: T <juice00000msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb. > > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO! > > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea) > > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference he should get one for all the time he lost last year. > > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure??? > > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >> Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 lol, I'm glad you are such a great learner! I'm not sure your school administrators are as glad. lol. Roxanna "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily. TJ > > > > > > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb. > > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO! > > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a I gave them some choices: > > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea) > > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time > > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference he should get one for all the time he lost last year. > > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day. > > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure??? > > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments. > > > > > > > > jan > > > > > > > > > > Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 Oh, how I wish I had many a times...especially when my son after telling his teacher the he didn't go to lunch detention (he told the God's honest truth....he went to one told him to go to lunch he didn't)....and the teacher turned on him and said "Your mind games might work on your mother, but they don't work on me". Of course when I called she totally denied it.....yeah right! Where did my son get "mind games" from...we never say that at home???? Hmmmmmmmmm! Makes ya wonder. Another time....I was in an IEP meeting ....teachers and principal. My son sat there fidgeting the whole entire time...she the principal move her arm out to the side in a gesture and my son copied her....she turned to my son and in the ugliest of ugly voices said to him...."Are you mocking me?". Duh son as AS and ADHD and you think he is mocking you...he doesn't even know what that means...and if you knew him and watched him this entire would have seen him moving the entire time...he might have copied her motion but Mocking? No Way. Let me tell you ...I was LIVID. I still can not stomach this our meeting we were talking about spelling and how doesn't spell well and she had to go about herself when she was a child and her spelling troubles...excuse me...we are not here about "YOU"! That was a really really bad one meeting...I ended up shouting at his case manager...she said I threatened her....see she kept throwing my son's bottle out....we put gingerale or 7-up in it as he won't drink water or milk and the other drinks (fruit drinks,red dyes) give him hives....she the casemanager kept bringing ...President Bush's eat healthy garbage...I said he is not buyig it at school and if you throw his bottle away again (it was a plain, no label gatorade bottle) I am going to contact the school borad and the superintendent of education. She claims that was a threat .....and I said no ...YOu threatened my son by telling him if he brought his bottle one more time...he would whatever. I was SO ANGRY...I started YELLING at this teacher...who the heck did she think she was...she was picking on my son said other kids were drinking soda right out of the can in the classroom. Oh, every time I think about this teacher I see the wicked witch of the west and my blood starts to boil....ugh............. Thank goodness she is behind us now....and I pray we never get any one like her again. She had a baby and I said to myself...she better watch out .... what goes around ...comes around...not that I wish anything bad on anyone.... jan Janice Rushen "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope" From: T <juice00000msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >> Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 You know it irks me ....they think we are DUMB!! I think that is why I started this whole thing with the bus...i know it is illegal....the civil libertiers union would LOVE to get their hands on is discrimination ....discrimination against special needs children....they take away 15 to 30 min. of their education time. I wonder what the federal government would say....a school day is 6 1/2 hours ...not 6 1/4 or 6.....hmmmmmmmmmmmm! Jan Janice Rushen "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope" From: T <juice00000msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >> Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 Don't think I didn't think of that when my son was in school, even thought of some how sending him with a video recorder to see just went on in the class rooms. It's not a bad idea. From: T <juice00000msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb. > > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO! > > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea) > > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference he should get one for all the time he lost last year. > > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure??? > > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >> Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 27, 2009 Report Share Posted June 27, 2009 > > Abso-friggen lootley, > > A paper trail is a must. I just wished I could have recorded my last phone > call from my son's principal. No one would ever believe me to quote her from > that call. Oh, , don't ever buy into this thought. Write up what happened in concrete, explicit terms, follow that with your own impressions and conclusions, making sure to include anything that touches on laws being broken (you don't have to mention the laws--they know the laws--just mention the actions) and e-mail/mail it off to the principal's boss(es). Indicate that you expect some action to be taken. Keep it professional! I guarantee you, even if YOU never hear anything, that principal will have to answer some questions. And you may even be surprised and see some changes in behavior. Ruth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2009 Report Share Posted June 28, 2009 It is really upsetting. Things like that upset me too. But it is good stuff to use as leverage to get your kid a good educational program, which you are doing. Roxanna "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily. TJ > > > > > > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb. > > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO! > > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a I gave them some choices: > > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea) > > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time > > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference he should get one for all the time he lost last year. > > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day. > > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure??? > > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments. > > > > > > > > jan > > > > > > > > > > Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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