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Re: Mild Aspergers? - Robin re OCD

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Hi again Robin,

Your son sounds like he suffers as much as mine with the scrupulosity. It is

horrible, OCD getting all tangled up in their faith. prays lots too.

LOL, I know what you mean about " don't pray " ; I was also getting that way about

" don't read the Bible! " and even have suggested not going to church. Because it

" pricks his OCD " what he hears there or probably just feels while there, he

feels like such a sinner, no way he'll ever get to Heaven, etc. His OCD also

has bad/mean thoughts popping into his head about God, Jesus and so on. SIGH!

I suffer a bit with the scrupe myself, since teen years, but I always just

shrugged all of it off as OCD, he can't manage that.


> Hi ,,

> Thanks for getting back with me.  Sorry I haven't gotten back to you......


> Anyway,,,,,,where in NC are you?  We used to live in ville.


> So,,,,thanks for your info on OCD.  My son, also has the Scrupolosity......

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So, did you say he took something for the OCD? Does it seem to work?

he's getting better than he was........thank "God"......

He still prays and mumbles things, like reassurances to himself, in a way.

But, at least he isn't crying at night about feeling the devil was trying to turn him away from being good, etc. That was horrible.

He's in a small parochial school now, and when the kids say something that Ian doesn't "approve" of.,,,,,,,,,yep, you heard me right,,,,,,,,,,,he tells them that they "shouldn't say that".....so they do it more. It's usually after Bible class and when the teacher is out of the room for a while,,,,,and they will talk about a demon possessing men, or whatever,,,and this totally throws him over the deep. Cause, the kids will talk about a "rumor" of something that happened around here (kid spooky stuff)....but Ian can't take it.Anyway,,,,they do it now, to bug him. I've brought it up to the teacher and we've even considered taking him out of Bible class....

but the school says they are working at it and "want the best" for Ian.


It's hard, cause kids shouldn't be mean,,,,,,,and yet,,,,I, sadly, can understand why they're bugging him, ya know? I'm not defending the kids, but I can see why, when Ian yells or gets freaked out about what is being said.

It's some kids' nature to pick on others............public school or parochial.......

I rambled......sorry.

Anyway,,,,,,,,Just wanted to say that I "hear you"............

Have a super day.


From: <@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Mild Aspergers? - Robin re OCD Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:51 AM

Hi again Robin,Your son sounds like he suffers as much as mine with the scrupulosity. It is horrible, OCD getting all tangled up in their faith. prays lots too. LOL, I know what you mean about "don't pray"; I was also getting that way about "don't read the Bible!" and even have suggested not going to church. Because it "pricks his OCD" what he hears there or probably just feels while there, he feels like such a sinner, no way he'll ever get to Heaven, etc. His OCD also has bad/mean thoughts popping into his head about God, Jesus and so on. SIGH! I suffer a bit with the scrupe myself, since teen years, but I always just shrugged all of it off as OCD, he can't manage that.>> Hi ,,> Thanks for getting back with me. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you......> > Anyway,,,,,, where in NC are you? We used to live in ville.> > So,,,,thanks for your info on OCD. My son, also has the Scrupolosity. .....

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Robin, isn't taking any meds for his OCD. Refuses to (he's 20 yrs).

He'd feel much better if he would take some, I tried to get him to try for just

6 months or something but he refused. Wants to beat it on his own he says!

Well he's been fighting it for a few years now, but that Aspie stubborness....

Oh, I've overheard when he vents mentioning the devil, wonder if it was

similar to what your son was going through! mumbles a lot too.

I know what you mean about the other kids. stays active in church, I

don't know how he manages it either, what with the thoughts, feeling he's going

to hell, etc.

You have a good day too!


> So, did you say he took something for the OCD?   Does it seem to work?

> he's getting better than he was........thank " God " ......

> He still prays and mumbles things, like reassurances to himself, in a

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Yeah,,,,,I hear him mumbling, "I KNOW I'm going to heaven, so I KNOW that I don't have to say it over and over"......

So it's like a mixture of "reassurances to himself about the thoughts/urges being his OCD and probably to the devil himself that he's saved.

It's so hard. Cause, if I would have heard about a kid doing what my son does and has said and the hours of crying and ick,,,,just torture,,,,I'd swear they were crazy.

But,,,,then you see it in your kid and you KNOW they're not crazy........in the sense.

That damned OCD/Scrupe.....it sucks......bad.

Do you ask your son to get on some meds or have you just layed off?

From: <@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Mild Aspergers? - Robin re OCD Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 12:00 PM

Robin, isn't taking any meds for his OCD. Refuses to (he's 20 yrs). He'd feel much better if he would take some, I tried to get him to try for just 6 months or something but he refused. Wants to beat it on his own he says! Well he's been fighting it for a few years now, but that Aspie stubborness. ... Oh, I've overheard when he vents mentioning the devil, wonder if it was similar to what your son was going through! mumbles a lot too. I know what you mean about the other kids. stays active in church, I don't know how he manages it either, what with the thoughts, feeling he's going to hell, etc. You have a good day too!>> So, did you say he took something for the OCD? Does it seem to work?> he's getting better than he was........thank "God"......> He still prays and mumbles things, like reassurances to himself, in a

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Any way you can do an inservice with Ian's class? Then maybe they

could understand and be helpful rather than making it worse. Also,

there are usually a few key kids in the class who can help smooth

things over. If possible, the teacher could get them to volunteer to

be buddy's and help him get through these things, show him how to

handle it. Some parochial schools have community services hours and if

yours does, they could earn time by helping him, playing with him at

recess times or lunch, etc.?


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) Re: Mild Aspergers? - Robin re OCD

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:51 AM


Hi again Robin,

Your son

sounds like he suffers as much as mine with the scrupulosity.

It is horrible, OCD getting all tangled up in their faith.

prays lots too. LOL, I know what you mean about " don't pray " ; I was

also getting that way about " don't read the Bible! " and even have

suggested not going to church. Because it " pricks his OCD " what he

hears there or probably just feels while there, he feels like such a

sinner, no way he'll ever get to Heaven, etc. His OCD also has bad/mean

thoughts popping into his head about God, Jesus and so on. SIGH! I

suffer a bit with the scrupe myself, since teen years, but I always

just shrugged all of it off as OCD, he can't manage that.


> Hi ,,

> Thanks for getting back with me.  Sorry I haven't gotten back to



> Anyway,,,,,, where in NC are you?  We used to live in ville.


> So,,,,thanks for your info on OCD.  My son, also has the

Scrupolosity. .....

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Good ideas, Roxanna.

I'm keeping this one.From: <@ hotmail.com>Subject: ( ) Re: Mild Aspergers? - Robin re OCD Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:51 AM Hi again Robin,Your

sonsounds like he suffers as much as mine with the scrupulosity. It is horrible, OCD getting all tangled up in their faith. prays lots too. LOL, I know what you mean about "don't pray"; I was also getting that way about "don't read the Bible!" and even have suggested not going to church. Because it "pricks his OCD" what he hears there or probably just feels while there, he feels like such a sinner, no way he'll ever get to Heaven, etc. His OCD also has bad/mean thoughts popping into his head about God, Jesus and so on. SIGH! I suffer a bit with the scrupe myself, since teen years, but I always just shrugged all of it off as OCD, he can't manage that.>> Hi ,,> Thanks for getting back with me. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you......>

> Anyway,,,,,, where in NC are you? We used to live in ville.> > So,,,,thanks for your info on OCD. My son, also has the Scrupolosity. .....__________________________________________________

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