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Release date for Adam movie

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I just received a notice a few minutes ago that said the movie ADAM (which

I am SO anticipating seeing!!) will be released on January 5 in case there

are others out there that are interested in purchasing it too.

Has anyone seen the movie? If so, what did you think of it? I have read a

lot of great reviews, but ultimately have yet to see it for myself.

Hope everyone is doing well




NOTICE: DVD announced for Adam

> This message is to inform you that a DVD for ADAM (2009) will be released

> on January 5, 2010. If you would like more information, click on the link

> below or copy the address into your web browser.


> You can also sign up to be reminded when it's actually released.


> http://videoeta.com/movie/111292


> VideoETA.com



> ---

> NOTE: This message is not spam. You, or someone posing as you, requested

> that this reminder be sent on November 18, 2009 from an address of

> []. Unless you have requested other reminders or have

> subscribed to our weekly mailing list, you will not receive any further

> messages from us.


> If this message was not requested by you, please notify us at

> reminder@...



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