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Re: New here, new to Asperger's

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Yes it is called Melatonin and my took that when he was age 3. A dose of 1 mg

works wonders.

I learned with meltdowns you need to validate feelings, be firm in what you want

and then change the subject. Our Aspie Angels need to have us put words to

their feelings, have us tell them what we want and then put closure to it. Try

it. It is amazing how it works.


rushen janice wrote:

> Welcome Amber.  Have you seen a psychiatrist and a psychologist with her

yet? It is good that you got her dx early...it will give you more time to work

with her as you siad she is a challenge.


> When she has her meltdowns... do you give in? What do you do? Do you tell her

to go to her room where it is quiet and safe?  The reason I ask is that my son

used to have melt downs and I gave in.....and I think I made the wrong move. 

Now he is 13 1/2 and it is so hard but I am not giving in any more.  When he

starts screaming and raging....I send him to his room.  There he can scream and

cry all he wants.  I ignore him (try to...ha ha). It is working out much

better....the tantrums are getting less and less.  And, the amount of time he

spends in his room is less too!


> Also, i know some  people spoke about an over the counter herbal medicine (I

don't think it is medicine) to help their children with sleep.  I think it is

called Melantonin.  You could ask the pharmacist.. .i am not sure if your

daughter is old enough to take it.


> Remember, we are all here for you.  The days can be really hard...i

know...but just knowing we are all out there helps.  I know.


> Jan

> Janice Rushen


> " I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope "

> From: Amber <amber_norton27> Subject: ( ) New here,

new to Asperger's Date: Monday, June 22,

2009, 2:32 AM

> Hello, I am so happy I found this group. My 3 1/2 year old daughter was just

diagnosed with Asperger's. We feel so alone! We have always known she is

different, and she has always been a very challenging child. She was diagnosed

back in March with Anxiety, OCD, Selective Mutism, and a Sleep Disorder. She

also saw an OT for Sensory Processing Disorder. When we went back for our

follow-up appointment this past week, the diagnosis was changed to Asperger

Syndrome. My dh and I feel that it is an appropriate diagnosis. Our daughter has

been very challenging with her behavior. We are constantly walking on egg shells

around her, as she seems to constantly be having meltdowns. She is very defiant,

and wants to be in charge. If things don't go her way, she explodes and takes

hours to calm down. I stay home with her and my 1 year old, and I am exhausted.

Her social skills are definitely lacking. She does not have any interest

interacting with

> children her own age. She fights with them, or flat out tells them she

doesn't want to play. She does have a couple friends, but they are all several

years older, and she doesn't really do real interactive play with them, more or

less just follows them around and observes. She spends most of her day outside

hunting for bugs. She has no fear of spiders or bees, and tantrums when I refuse

to pick them up for her.. She loves animals of all kinds and always has from

what I can remember. When she was just 15 months old and we were at a petting

zoo, she went around giving all the goats kisses! She is also very into

transportation. Cars, trains, buses, cranes, planes, etc. all really interest

her. She is a very bright child. She had a very large vocabulary early on (50+

words at a year) and is constantly saying things that amaze us. She has an

amazing memory, she does not forget anything. I think that pretty much sums her

up. We are

> awaiting help. Our Early Intervention is closed for summer break (until July

6), so we are trying to be patient! We are having a real challenge with her

right now, as she is constantly in meltdown, and constantly crying or screaming

at us. She has also started having night terrors which makes her already

challenging sleep behavior even more difficult to deal with. I'm looking forward

to connecting with other parents dealing with this. It's so hard having a

different child...especially when other people just don't get it. Amber


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I've never used melatonin on myself or daughter, but a friend of mine swears by

it for her three boys (the youngest is about 4). She gets a spray form of it at

Whole Foods. The spray is squirted under the tongue, apparently. She says it's

kind of hard to find, though, because the bottles fly off the shelves as soon as

a shipment arrives. I guess a lot of other moms use it, too!




> Yes it is called Melatonin and my took that when he was age 3. A dose of 1 mg

works wonders.


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