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RE: Best Books on AS???

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Freaks Geeks and Asperger's Syndrome is the best book out there for getting into the mind of an autistic child, as it was written by one instead of written by an autistic adult like most other books.

From: have_faith_2008@...Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 06:35:28 +0000Subject: ( ) Best Books on AS???

Hi There,I am looking for the best books on parenting an asperger's child. There are many on Amazon and I need help narrowing down the best for us and the ones with the most practical help, combined with help for me to get educated and understand what is going on in my son's head? I have heard of the books "Look Me in the Eye" and "Born on a Blue Day" that are both written by men with AS, so I have been told. Any thoughts on those books? Thanks!!! (-: Lori

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es, yes...that was a great book...I need to get my copy back...I loaned my copy out....ugh! I hate when people don't return things and you have to beg for them.


From: G <fnofsports@...>Aspergers Treatment Sent: Mon, November 23, 2009 12:46:18 PMSubject: RE: ( ) Best Books on AS???

Freaks Geeks and Asperger's Syndrome is the best book out there for getting into the mind of an autistic child, as it was written by one instead of written by an autistic adult like most other books.

From: have_faith_2008Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 06:35:28 +0000Subject: ( ) Best Books on AS???

Hi There,I am looking for the best books on parenting an asperger's child. There are many on Amazon and I need help narrowing down the best for us and the ones with the most practical help, combined with help for me to get educated and understand what is going on in my son's head? I have heard of the books "Look Me in the Eye" and "Born on a Blue Day" that are both written by men with AS, so I have been told. Any thoughts on those books? Thanks!!! (-: Lori

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Hi Lori,

I am currently reading "look me in the eye" my life with Asperger's by Robison. The book is really good. It helps you to understand what live is like for someone with AS and their trials and tribulations.

Also, I have read "A parent's guide to Asperger Syndrome and Hi-Functioning Autism" and it was really well written and easy to understand and very helpful.

I also have "School Success for Kids with Asperger Syndrome" which i have read a bit of and will get back to it later on. It as well is very informative.

Another good book is "The Complete Guide To Asperger Syndrome" by Tony Attwood.

Tony Attwood travels the world doing seminars on Asperger Syndrome and is very helpful on the subject.

I also have done alot of research on the internet about AS.

My son was diagnosed with AS in June of this year and he is 16 years old.

I hope the above helps you in your quest for knowledge.

Good luck!

a in Canada

From: have_faith_2008@...Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 06:35:28 +0000Subject: ( ) Best Books on AS???

Hi There,I am looking for the best books on parenting an asperger's child. There are many on Amazon and I need help narrowing down the best for us and the ones with the most practical help, combined with help for me to get educated and understand what is going on in my son's head? I have heard of the books "Look Me in the Eye" and "Born on a Blue Day" that are both written by men with AS, so I have been told. Any thoughts on those books? Thanks!!! (-: Lori

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On Jul 22, 3:26pm, " Lori " wrote:

} I am looking for the best books on parenting an asperger's child. There ar=

} e many on Amazon and I need help narrowing down the best for us and the one=

} s with the most practical help, combined with help for me to get educated a=

} nd understand what is going on in my son's head? I have heard of the books=

} " Look Me in the Eye " and " Born on a Blue Day " that are both written by men=

} with AS, so I have been told. Any thoughts on those books? Thanks!!! (-=

Those are both very interesting books but not what I would recommend

as the first to start with for practical help. They are memoirs and

might give you some insight into what the experience is like for your

child - but of course all people are different and they might not apply

at all. (_Look Me in the Eye_ did give me some fresh insight into an

acquaintance I've found very annoying for years! ;-) )

I really like the book _a Parents Guuide to Aspergers Syndrom and

High Functionig Autism_, because it was the first thing I'd read

that sounded like my child.


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