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Re: Re: Ode to Gum

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lol, love the ode to gum! lol.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) excellent IEP meeting

" Asperger " < >

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 8:03 PM


I was quite nervous because moved from the intermediate school

(5th and 6th) to the middle school this year.  They've been doing the

right things all along but it's just a little scary working with all

new people.  Anyway, it was great.  It was just a " draft " so nothing is

etched in stone but they were very excited to hear about our new OT

evaluation and they want to use info from it to help remain in the

classroom longer.  Right now he gets up to use the bathroom 2-4 times

most classes.  They are working on a sensory diet as well as scheduled

sensory activities.  The math teacher, not a special ed person at all,

suggested maybe would stay in class more if he could rock in a

rocking chair at the back of the room.  I asked if he could chew gum

and it was a resounding " YES " from everyone.  I'm sending him in with

some gum tomorrow and I'm going to buy some more tomorrow because I

didn't have as much here as I thought I did.  Everyone working with

is attending Asperger workshops, a video will be shown to the kids

about asperger syndrome.  I didn't even have to provide MY copy of the

video because they have it in THEIR collection.  The guidance counselor

really REALLY does get Asperger syndrome.  I can't imagine a more

beautiful IEP meeting.  They take their time, want to get it right and

have great ideas for HELPING and not just getting him to blindly

obey orders which aspie kids can't do as far as I can tell.  Anyway,

yes, it was good.  It really annoys me that all schools can't be like

this.  Really it is easier and probably less expensive to just provide

what a kid needs than it is to fight parents!






mimbanash (DOT) com



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