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Well, the weeks over, did all the Mom's (and Dads) and kids survive okay?

Wow, this has been a stressful week on this list! Was Ashton the only one

who came home early? That's really not bad at all is it? Well, for

statistics I mean, not for Leah and Ashton! LOL Good news for me this

morning. Teacher said that the aide she wanted for Seth got the job. Now,

hope I am as impressed with her as his teacher is! LOL I will meet her next

week and observe her with the kids before I get too excited. LOL

, how did all your home improvement jobs go? Get them all done?

Someone else said they had their kitchen torn apart and the bathroom sink in

the tub! LOL Who was that, and did you finish? LOL

Glad all the kids are back and I'm looking forward to some happier posts now!

Glad camp doesn't come for another year. LOL That was way too sad and

depressing for me! LOL Don't know how all you Moms did it! LOL

Gail, Mom to; Seth-4, jo-8, Becky-9, -23, Jen-24, Grandma to Errick-4

and wife to -my hero

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In a message dated 8/11/00 10:56:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Scherb@... writes:

<< Gail,

We got the kitchen finished, carpets cleaned, and 2 coat of poly... on the

entryway floor. I still have to put the beds back together. Essie and I

have to have our hair cut. And I would love to get her picture done. But

most things are done. Garry has been sick all week with stomach flu? lood

poisoning? Can't be too far from a bathroom!!! Hope he is better tomorrow

so we can take Essie to the zoo in Sacramento.

Actually my boys don't come home until the 17th----so I have a few more



Wow!! Good thing the boys are gone, with Garry being sick. Are the boys

doing okay? Sure wish we could post pictures, would love to see your group!

Enjoy the rest of your " break " , well, I guess break! LOL You will be

totally exhausted by the time the boys get home.


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In a message dated 8/11/00 11:59:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Scherb@... writes:

<< Gaill,

Last call to the camp was Tuesday and they were fine. Garry really misses

all the 'action'. He'll be glad when they are back. I can post pictures

directly to you. Will do it later.


I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! Thanks

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you sound sooooo busy and sooooooo energetic.....can you please send some my

way......have you had time to stop and just enjoy being the girls of the

house.....how did the camp handle jj's gluten diet...did they make the food

for him themselves...... you can do my kitchen too, i just need new

countertops and tile in between the cabinets...hehehe enjoy the rest of your

time and have some fun....take care, leah

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>>, how did all your home improvement jobs go? Get them all done?

>>Someone else said they had their kitchen torn apart and the bathroom sink in

>>the tub! LOL Who was that, and did you finish? LOL


We got the kitchen finished, carpets cleaned, and 2 coat of poly... on the

entryway floor. I still have to put the beds back together. Essie and I

have to have our hair cut. And I would love to get her picture done. But

most things are done. Garry has been sick all week with stomach flu? lood

poisoning? Can't be too far from a bathroom!!! Hope he is better tomorrow

so we can take Essie to the zoo in Sacramento.

Actually my boys don't come home until the 17th----so I have a few more


& Garry, parents of (9 ds), (8 ds/g-tube), JJ (6

ds/autism/celiac), (5 ds), and Esther (3 ds). All adopted.


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Last call to the camp was Tuesday and they were fine. Garry really misses

all the 'action'. He'll be glad when they are back. I can post pictures

directly to you. Will do it later.

& Garry, parents of (9 ds), (8 ds/g-tube), JJ (6

ds/autism/celiac), (5 ds), and Esther (3 ds). All adopted.

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I sure hope you take some time to just have some fun and relax and stop

working so hard while the kids are at camp. You've got a few more days so

make the most of them and I don't mean scrubbing floors. Love, Marisa

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  • 7 months later...
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Thanks,I live in Orinda, that's in the SF Bay Area. My case worker is

supposed to be looking into camps for Brook for this summer for me, but I

haven't heard anything from her yet.


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Funny, I was born and raised in Berkeley and later graduated from Pinole

Valley High. When I was a teen I worked for " camping unlimited for retarded

children "

and we would take kids from the state hospital on outings. Thinking back now

most of those kids only had down syndrome. Little did I know it was the

beginning of a life with " disabilities " . I think they may still be around

" hopefully with a better name " .


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Thanks for the info, I sent them an email this morning after looking at

their website. It looks really nice. Last year his camp was okay but very

rustic and the pool was not heated. Brook lives for water so it would be

great if he could enjoy himself in a heated pool. Brook needs a 1:1 which

makes it a lot harder to find a placement because he will wonder off and of

course go straight for the pool.


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Thanks for the info, and it's nice to meet someone from my little part of

the world. My husband and I actually met at UC Berkeley. My son Brook went

to Camping Unlimited last year which is also called Camp Krem. It is a little

comfusing. This year they only had one time slot availablefor him with a 1:1

aide, the second week of June, which would have meant taking him out of the

last week of school to put him in camp which doesn't make sense to me. Also I

have a son who will be graduating from 8th grade this June and so we wouldn't

want to take him on a vacation the last week of school and have him miss the

parties and graduation etc.

We took that time slot last year becasue we had to go to Florence for my

sisters wedding and we needed somewhere for Brook to go. So this year they

only had the same time slot available for some reason. We also had to pay for

it ourselves last year since the regional center was giving us the run

around. This year they claim they will pay for it but I don't know if we can

find a program for him. We need the break though.

Thanks again


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Hi, I post very infrequently but scan the posts...several years ago I worked

at a group home for kids with autism. Then went to Camp Costonoan near San

...I think in the hills above Saratoga. The regional center paid. The

kids LOVED it. They would even accept kids who had severe behavioral issues

who required 1:1 support, but they only had so many slots for them so it was

essentcial to sign up early. Here is a web site:



Loren Spina

Re: Re: camps


Thanks,I live in Orinda, that's in the SF Bay Area. My case worker is

supposed to be looking into camps for Brook for this summer for me, but I

haven't heard anything from her yet.


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Be sure when your son has his Regional Center IPP that camp is written in,

then when it's time to go to camp there are no hassles. Funny to here

Camping Unlimited is still around after 30+ years, they must be doing

something right..strange about the June dates though.

My dad was a Berkeley fireman for 30 years. Small world.


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I got a response from Camp Costonoan that they don't have any 1:1 spots

left for the summer, but they do have 3:1. I doubt that they would accept

Brook as a 3:1, but I'll call to see what the criteria are. I wonder how

early one has to sign up to get a spot for a 1:1. Meanwhile I talked to my

sister who lives in Boston today and she said she could come out and watch

him so we could go on a vacation. So maybe we'll get to go somewhere after



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I let Camp Kren know that I was interested in Sept. Received and sent

applications in Nov. Got confirmation during Christmas vacation.

& Garry, parents of (10 ds), (9 ds), JJ (7

ds/autism/celiac), (6 ds/ADHD/Celiac), and Esther (4 ds). All adopted.

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In a message dated 3/16/01 6:34:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, ct616@...


<< hope you do find a camp and get away....do you have to send shampoo to

camp? >>

LOL LOL LOL Sorry Marisa, BUT, that was funny!!!!!!!! Gosh, I'm going to

get it now. You have my permission to laugh your *whatever* off when I post

that Seth has done some wonderful decorating at my house! LOL


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sometimes family members can be helpful....don't you wish ALL families would

make such nice offers? hope you do find a camp and get away....do you have to

send shampoo to camp?

Re: Re: camps


I got a response from Camp Costonoan that they don't have any 1:1 spots

left for the summer, but they do have 3:1. I doubt that they would accept

Brook as a 3:1, but I'll call to see what the criteria are. I wonder how

early one has to sign up to get a spot for a 1:1. Meanwhile I talked to my

sister who lives in Boston today and she said she could come out and watch

him so we could go on a vacation. So maybe we'll get to go somewhere after



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i know its hard to get into camp sometimes, we just got the forms for nathan

last week, and im almost done filling them out, was waitning for iowas

city-UIHC trip to be done and made sure they are on list of nathan info

receivers it helps when caring for him. shawna.

>From: smilinggail@...



>Subject: Re: Re: camps

>Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 08:39:35 EST


>In a message dated 3/16/01 6:34:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, ct616@...



><< hope you do find a camp and get away....do you have to send shampoo to

>camp? >>


>LOL LOL LOL Sorry Marisa, BUT, that was funny!!!!!!!! Gosh, I'm going to

>get it now. You have my permission to laugh your *whatever* off when I


>that Seth has done some wonderful decorating at my house! LOL



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  • 2 years later...
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In a message dated 6/16/03 4:05:19 AM Central Daylight Time,


> We have camps for kids with special needs in both Greenville and

> Spartanburg, SC. It cost $50/a week if you are a county resident and $200 if

you are

> not. Family Support Funds can sometimes pay for it. I have not let Bridget

> go yet.


> A friend with a 14 yr old daughter is allowing her to go. She is an escape

> artist, but with one on one counselors, they say they are safe.


> Bridget is such a home body. She did not like Girl Scout Day Camp. I'm not

> sure she will like this overnight camp. I'll have to look into to it,

> though.


> mom to Bridget 10


I just want to add on here to look at your child's style and the style of the

camp you are looking at. There are lots of special needs camps in our area.

Most are for kids and adults with more abilities than my son. Some are very

focused on religion and have chapel each day. Some have volunteers and staff

working with the campers. Check out the ratio. Find out what a typical day is


and what activities will be done during the week. What do they do if a child

chooses not to participate?

OK, now i " m done.


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  • 1 year later...

I can't find the original post about camps in the North East.... could someone please re-direct me to it??




In a message dated 1/22/05 3:26:09 AM Central Standard Time, Autism and Aspergers Treatment writes:

for those interested in summer camps in the northeast....

HI Maralee

That looks neat, but the northeast is very expensive. I have a feeling, without even looking, that the camps are not affordable to me.

Where are some like this near us, in the midwest? IL has none, but how about WI or whatever around here? If anyone knows, let me know.


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BTW, i think almost ANY CAMP we send our kids to would be very expensive...hundreds of dollars. I've casually investigated a few in the past more for fun than with serious intent.



-----Original Message-----From: designs [mailto:scottdesigns@...] Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:00 AMAutism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: Re: camps

I can't find the original post about camps in the North East.... could someone please re-direct me to it??




In a message dated 1/22/05 3:26:09 AM Central Standard Time, Autism and Aspergers Treatment writes:

for those interested in summer camps in the northeast....

HI Maralee

That looks neat, but the northeast is very expensive. I have a feeling, without even looking, that the camps are not affordable to me.

Where are some like this near us, in the midwest? IL has none, but how about WI or whatever around here? If anyone knows, let me know.


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  • 4 years later...
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We can always use more camps for kids with autism. I'll think on my answer. Meantime, what state are you in? Nina On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 01:30 +0000, " ashley " <afeutz1@...> wrote: I am working to coordinate summer camps for children with autism. I was wondering what parents, or guardians would want from a summer camp.Thanks--

Nina Forest


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  • 2 months later...
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Was wondering if anyone has ever sent their kids to a camp name Down Home Ranch?It is near Austin. And if so did your teenager like it? My son is 19. Would you recommend it? Please let me know asap. Thanks so much. p

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it is 45 mins from Austin.From: MacAllister <smacalli@...>Subject: Re: ( ) camps Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 3:23 PM

Charis Hills is a camp I sent my son too a couple of years ago. I think they go as high as 19? It's located near Fort Worth and I liked it. I've never heard of Down Home Ranch and I live in Austin, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad or anything. I just haven't heard of it one way or the other.

"Over-optimism is waiting for you ship to come in when you haven't sent one out."

From: Patti Journey <pjpoo78363 (DOT) com> Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2009 3:15:20 PMSubject: ( ) camps

Was wondering if anyone has ever sent their kids to a camp name Down Home Ranch?It is near Austin. And if so did your teenager like it? My son is 19. Would you recommend it? Please let me know asap. Thanks so much. p

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  • 11 months later...
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The BEST camp Jan went to was Timber Trails Girl Scout camp. It is run

by the Girl Scout council office in Hartford, CT. It did an amazing job

on being inclusive. One of Jan's tent mates was wheel chair bound, but

not developmentally disabled. There was never a shortage of people to

accompany and sometimes push the wheel chair down the dirt trails. That

girl did a lot of photography.

The woman running the program made a special trip to the camp to watch

Jan go through the obstacle course because none of her disabled campers

had tried that camp program before.

The WORST camp Jan went to was Camp LeMar, in the Poconos. It was for

the developmentally disabled only and run with an iron hand by Lee

Marone. Janet basically rebelled and half way through the summer ran

away from camp, causing a great panic, although she was perfectly at

home in the woods and simply followed game trails to a road where one of

the search teams picked her up. We spent the rest of the summer trying

to convince her that she was wrong, but she knew in her heart that she

had won.

Good luck finding places for your kids this summer.


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