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Re: B12 Immunizations

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Night wakings, hyperactivity and make funny faces/sticking out the tongue

were what we saw. The face/tongue thing is a good sign. The night wakings

and hyperactivity lasted about 10-12 weeks and for us, it was worth waiting


My son was older than your child but we saw my son go from single words to

2-3 word phrases within 36 hours of his first shot.


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In a message dated 9/22/2009 11:29:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

DAB00@... writes:

Just about to begin Neubrander protocol with 28 month old. Other than

hyperactiity, any other side-effects experienced?

What were the positive outcomes for this age (range) child? Thanks!

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Most people I've talked to seem to have the same time period, maybe a

little shorter. We were seeing a lot of positives too so the negatives were

tolerable because we saw the good it was doing.

I'm trying to remember, and I think my son was wide awake and ready to go

from 1am to 4am then went back to sleep. It was either that or 4am to 6am.

We had night wakings with something else too and I can't remember which

time frame went with which.


In a message dated 9/22/2009 2:03:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

bellaluna000@... writes:

We are considering this as well, but wondering if we should wait for a

school break, although we really don't have a break that long. Are the

effects typically that long lasting?

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We are considering this as well, but wondering if we should wait for a school

break, although we really don't have a break that long.  Are the effects

typically that long lasting? 

From: ratlenhum@... <ratlenhum@...>

Subject: Re: B12 Immunizations

Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 12:54 PM


Night wakings, hyperactivity and make funny faces/sticking out

the tongue

were what we saw. The face/tongue thing is a good sign. The night wakings

and hyperactivity lasted about 10-12 weeks and for us, it was worth waiting


My son was older than your child but we saw my son go from single words to

2-3 word phrases within 36 hours of his first shot.


Need ideas for birthday/holiday gifts? Have suggestions? Check out


(http://www.ratlenhu m.freewebpages. org/toylist. html)

In a message dated 9/22/2009 11:29:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

DAB00@... writes:

Just about to begin Neubrander protocol with 28 month old. Other than

hyperactiity, any other side-effects experienced?

What were the positive outcomes for this age (range) child? Thanks!

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what time did you typically give the shots and were you using other

night/supplementations such as melatonin, and if so, regular or time-released? 

From: ratlenhum@... <ratlenhum@...>

Subject: Re: B12 Immunizations

Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 2:07 PM


Most people I've talked to seem to have the same time period,

maybe a

little shorter. We were seeing a lot of positives too so the negatives were

tolerable because we saw the good it was doing.

I'm trying to remember, and I think my son was wide awake and ready to go

from 1am to 4am then went back to sleep. It was either that or 4am to 6am.

We had night wakings with something else too and I can't remember which

time frame went with which.


In a message dated 9/22/2009 2:03:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

bellaluna000 writes:

We are considering this as well, but wondering if we should wait for a

school break, although we really don't have a break that long. Are the

effects typically that long lasting?

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> Just about to begin Neubrander protocol with 28 month old. Other than

hyperactiity, any other side-effects experienced?

> What were the positive outcomes for this age (range) child? Thanks!

B12 shots are NOT an immunization.

I used oral mB12, and it helped my son with language, social skills, behaviors,

OCD, and elimination of a few stims.

It required carnitine, folic acid, and B2 for proper absorption, and did tend to

increase yeast, so watch for that.


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