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Re: Naive question about IEP and private schools

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The IEP will transfer to the private school with your childs school records. The private school may follow all of it, part of it, or they may chose to do their own evaluations and use none of it. I would encourage you to get the eval's done ASAP at the public school, and before your child transfers.. it is free to you now and the BA and PA along with what ever evaluation program they use (like Basc) could save you a small fortune if the private school asks parents to pay for it.

From: Leds62 <leds62@...>Subject: ( ) Naive question about IEP and private schools Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 4:43 PM

This may be a naive question because I'm learning about all this but if my son attends a private school and continues to attend a private school K-6 what can our local school district offer us through an I.E.P.? We were told to go through one now because he hasn't entered Kinder yet and by law they need to offer him some services prior to Kinder but afterwards do they by law have to offer him services even though he will attend a private school? We live in San Diego. I bought a book NOLO on I.E.P. today just to familiarize myself with this process.

Thanks in advance. - L.

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We also live in California, so you should be following the same rules as what

has been explained to us. Our kids also go to private school. However, my

son's kindergarten teacher just recommened that we get our son evaluated for AS.

So my understanding is that the school district will provide a pretty extensive

evaluation and come up with an IEP, which is what services they would offer us

IF we enrolled in our public school. We are in the process and they have to do

all the tests within 60 days of our first meeting, which was yesterday. So my

son is going to be going to tons of meeting with the psychologist, speech

therapist, OT, RSP, nurse, etc... They will be doing an IQ test, a battery of

academic tests, sensory tests and a bunch more. So in 60 days they will have a

plan. School ditricts (here) do not diagnose, but we are having our medical

insurance diagnose him, so we will know more on that next month. Anyway, all

this testing is totally free through the school district, even though we go to

private school. However, they will not treat us or give us any services unless

we enroll in our home school. But, if we stay in private, we can still apply to

the district that our private school is in, and they WILL provide some services,

but most likely it would only be about 10% of what we would get if we were

actually going to public school. If you have a good public school who will give

you lots of services (if your child needs them) it may be worth it to move him

to public, but it depends on the school, kid, environment, etc... In our case,

our school has only 15 kids in our K classes, while he would be in with 25 in

public. So they would have to offer tons of services for it to be worth it to

us... Especially if we are able to get some speech and OT through our

insurance... So it will depend on what we find out in the next month or two...

We still need a diagnosis, although I strongly suspect mild aspergers... Hope

that helps... all the best...



> From: Leds62 <leds62@...>

> Subject: ( ) Naive question about IEP and private schools


> Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 4:43 PM

















> This may be a naive question because I'm learning about all this but if my son

attends a private school and continues to attend a private school K-6 what can

our local school district offer us through an I.E.P.? We were told to go through

one now because he hasn't entered Kinder yet and by law they need to offer him

some services prior to Kinder but afterwards do they by law have to offer him

services even though he will attend a private school? We live in San Diego. I

bought a book NOLO on I.E.P. today just to familiarize myself with this process.



> Thanks in advance. - L.


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I'm a teacher in San Diego. If you let me know what district you're in, I can

find out what you can expect and let you know!

> >

> >

> > From: Leds62 <leds62@>

> > Subject: ( ) Naive question about IEP and private schools

> >

> > Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 4:43 PM

> >

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> >

> > This may be a naive question because I'm learning about all this but if my

son attends a private school and continues to attend a private school K-6 what

can our local school district offer us through an I.E.P.? We were told to go

through one now because he hasn't entered Kinder yet and by law they need to

offer him some services prior to Kinder but afterwards do they by law have to

offer him services even though he will attend a private school? We live in San

Diego. I bought a book NOLO on I.E.P. today just to familiarize myself with this


> >

> >

> > Thanks in advance. - L.

> >


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