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Natural Consequences..that crack you up?

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So many of us seem to be able to relate to serious temper tantrums/outbursts that I cannot be the only one who has experienced this. Have your kids ever been in the middle of a tantrum and experienced immediate natural consequences of their actions...that just crack you up??

Here is my example...

We had been water painting earlier in the day. The paints were put up, but I hadn't emptied the cup of water yet. was sitting at the kitchen bar trying to avoid homework. He got angry and started throwing a fit. I moved his homework out of the way, and turned around just in time to see him hit the plate that had the cup of water on it. The water flew up in the air and completely soaked him!!! I had to walk away to hid my laughter, but couldn't control myself. Finally, an immediate natural consequence because of his own actions...lol.

He did not find it funny, but we did get a great lesson out of it. I did reinforce that I wasn't laughing at him personally, but at the situation.

There are so many stressed out times in our lives, a little laughter doesn't hurt sometimes, right?



"So you see! There's no end to the things you might know,Depending how far beyond Zebra you go!" ~Dr. Seuss


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My son done the same kind of thing when we told him it was time to leave the park we were at, he kicked off and hit the bucket of sand that he had, it went all over him, in his face and hair, we had to turn away cause we were laughing. You could tell by the look on his face he knew he'd done it to himself, so couldn't get angry with anyone else for it.

From: Ashleigh Crane <ashleighcrane@...>Subject: ( ) Natural Consequences..that crack you up? Date: Thursday, 10 September, 2009, 12:12 AM

So many of us seem to be able to relate to serious temper tantrums/outbursts that I cannot be the only one who has experienced this. Have your kids ever been in the middle of a tantrum and experienced immediate natural consequences of their actions...that just crack you up??

Here is my example...

We had been water painting earlier in the day. The paints were put up, but I hadn't emptied the cup of water yet. was sitting at the kitchen bar trying to avoid homework. He got angry and started throwing a fit. I moved his homework out of the way, and turned around just in time to see him hit the plate that had the cup of water on it. The water flew up in the air and completely soaked him!!! I had to walk away to hid my laughter, but couldn't control myself. Finally, an immediate natural consequence because of his own actions...lol.

He did not find it funny, but we did get a great lesson out of it. I did reinforce that I wasn't laughing at him personally, but at the situation.

There are so many stressed out times in our lives, a little laughter doesn't hurt sometimes, right?


____________ _________ __~Ashleigh~

"So you see! There's no end to the things you might know,Depending how far beyond Zebra you go!" ~Dr. Seuss

www.picturetrail. com/ashleigh1976

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If I had no sense of humor I'd be dead by now. Mostly, I find I'm laughing at

my own misfortunes. Sometimes I laugh at the amazing things says.

Sometimes they're inappropriate, other times they're just frighteningly


I can't think of a really good natural consequences moment like you had. That

was just perfect. No paperwork was damaged and nobody was injured, but the

consequence was quite clear and not complicated by a parent imposing the


Once when was very small he wanted to go out in the snow with no shoes or

coat. He was starting to screech about it so I just let him go out like he

wanted to. It was in the 20s outside. My husband thought I was insane. I

said, " Just watch, he'll be back " . Within a VERY short time he came back in put

on his coat and shoes and all the winter gear. He never fought about putting on

winter things ever again.

I've had a lot of fun watching adults suffer the natural consquences of not

knowing how to deal with . Now THAT is funny. When we moved to Texas I had

to find a new chiropractor. I found one and had to take the kids with me when I

went. The kids immediately started acting up and making too much noise. The

chiropractor said, " If you can't be quiet I'll make you leave the room. " I

thought, " Hmm, this should be interesting. " She already knew had asperger

syndrome. Rayleigh wasn't 4 years old yet. She always thought it was funny to

get all wound up. Anyway, after a while when the kids didn't stop she took

them out of the room. Rayleigh cried. went APESHIT. He was going

completely berserk and in those days he could be aggressive and a bit scary.

The chiro figured out pretty quickly that she was full of crap. Of course the

fact that I was in tears, too, probably just made her feel worse. She said, " I

think maybe we need to let you handle this. " WELL DUH! It was tough at the

time but it always makes me laugh now. We had the same situation at 's

school in TX. They tried to blame me, tried to say he was emotionally disturbed

which didn't fit with anything ANYONE else had ever said. Everyone had said,

" He has asperger syndrome but he's well adjusted. " Everyone who has worked with

SINCE then has said he is a delight to work with. If he was disturbed, it

was the school that was disturbing him. LOL. They learned from natural

consequences, too. After 5 months of hell we did get what we needed. was

sent to another school in the district. I'm happy to say that can advocate

for himself very well. He is better at using words now. At one time it was

fists and feet and teeth and sharp objects and heavy objects and whatever he

could find that he thought would make an impression on anyone. He'd threaten

murder and suicide once he was more able to express himself verbally. I'd get

calls asking if seemed any different. They have to investigate suicide

threats. would come home and be totally happy with me. Once he came home

and told me all about the island he wanted to build in our back yard.

Definitely typical behavior. He said these things in order to fight back

in the only way he knew how at the time.



> So many of us seem to be able to relate to serious temper tantrums/outbursts

that I cannot be the only one who has experienced this. Have your kids ever

been in the middle of a tantrum and experienced immediate natural consequences

of their actions...that just crack you up??


> Here is my example...

> We had been water painting earlier in the day. The paints were put up, but I

hadn't emptied the cup of water yet. was sitting at the kitchen bar

trying to avoid homework. He got angry and started throwing a fit. I moved his

homework out of the way, and turned around just in time to see him hit the plate

that had the cup of water on it. The water flew up in the air and completely

soaked him!!! I had to walk away to hid my laughter, but couldn't control

myself. Finally, an immediate natural consequence because of his own



> He did not find it funny, but we did get a great lesson out of it. I did

reinforce that I wasn't laughing at him personally, but at the situation.


> There are so many stressed out times in our lives, a little laughter doesn't

hurt sometimes, right?


> ~Ashleigh

> _______________________

> ~Ashleigh~


> " So you see! There's no end to the things you might know,

> Depending how far beyond Zebra you go! " ~Dr. Seuss


> www.picturetrail.com/ashleigh1976


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