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Now What?

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I am having almost similiar like problems. These are my symptoms:

chest feels like a cement truck is on it, pains in the middle and

left side of my chest. I get shortness of breath or I feel like I have

to take a deep breath to get enough air. I also got a rash the other

day on my arm, and when I went to the doctors, he said it was stress

and I was having an anxiety attack. Have you been under alot of

pressure lately? Oh, and when I was in the doctors office, I started

crying and I didn't really know why, I guess I was just really stressed


I am not for sure if what you have is lyme related, but it sounds like

stress and anxiety too.

Hope you feel better soon.


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I know *exactly* what you are talking about! Last month I wound up in the ER

because I had all of your symptoms, plus I actually kept fainting (in and out

of consciousness about 10 times). They thought I was having a heart attack.

I thought I was having a heart attack! They did all the heart tests, did a

chest x-ray, did a CT scan of my brain, and all was well. The bottom line:

Anxiety/Panic Attack. I am on

Ativan 0.5mg three times a day, but I haven't been very good about taking it 3

times a day. I believe it is directly related to Lyme Disease, since I have

NEVER had these problems prior to Lyme, and it is documented (anxiety/panic

attacks) as a possible symtom of Lyme. The ER doctor was an idiot, who once

he found out I was " fine, " he then told me that I was taking too much

medicine, needed to stop taking Flexeril (I CANNOT live without Flexeril or

the muscle spasms are so severe that I cannot move), and I needed to go to a

pain clinic. I wound up with costochondritis from the severe spasm under my

ribs on the right side and hurt for days to come (this one spasm was the one

that finally made me literally hit the floor and not move again until the

paramedics arrived). I had to beg for something for the pain and spasms

because this doctor just told me to go home! He finally gave me an injection

of Toradol (I think, if I remember correctly), which helped for a couple of

hours and burned like h*ll going in. Needless to say, I didn't follow this

jerk's instructions, called my doctor, and will continue with my current

treatment. I hope this long story helps and answers your question!


Chrissy Ü

In a message dated 10/29/98 9:54:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, jeand@...


<< I've been so happy lately because I haven't had any flares and now, welllll

... not sure if this is lyme related or not but I sure would like some

input from you guys on this.

I have been having some feelings of chest pressure and feeling like I

wanted to jump out of my skin lately. It got so bad Tuesday that my heart

was pounding, I couldn't catch my breath, I was alternating between cold

sweats and freezing. I was crying uncontrollably. NOT pretty!

I went to my doc after fighting this for about six hours and he literally

threw me in a wheelchair and pushed me over to the hospital where they

immediately did an EKG, took about a gal. of blood and hooked me up to

telemetry. That was just the start of the heart tests.

After many different tests the consensus is that I am getting rushes of

epinephrine ... for some reason or another. Thank goodness, there are no

heart problems. The doc says it could be caused by food allergies, stress,

or whatever. He's really not sure but the way he explained it is ... I get

this epi rush, which causes my heart to start pounding, which makes it hard

to catch my breath, which makes me breathe funny, which makes me think

something is seriously wrong, which scares me, which causes the cold

sweats, etc. Fun stuff!!

So anyway, he gave me a Rx for Xanax in case it happens again, so I will

calm down and get through the rush. I am also going to learn relaxation


Has anyone else had this happen and do you think it could be lyme related?

I've had lyme since 1991 and never had this problem until just about a

month ago and I have not added any new foods to my diet ... same old stuff.

No food allergies at all, ever. Kind of makes you want to say ....


Any input would be appreciated!!



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Dear Chrissy and Ann,

I have had the same symptoms as you have had. About 4 years ago I started

having panic attacks and they went away 2 years ago. It was hell!!!! You

think you are dying. Since just being diagnosed with lyme a month ago , I

have been getting mini panic attacks. The worst thing about lyme is that you

have so many symptoms that people start thinking you make things up. I just

wish for one day that my husband could feel what I feel to understand what I

go through. He is so good to me but at times he gets frustrated. Anyone

going through this? I want to see some light at the end of the tunnel. I

have good days and some really bad days. I have been working hard and I

think I need to take some time off from work to get well.

To everyone out there-keep your heads up! Ironic as it sounds, I think that

everything we go through in our lives is for a reason. You are all in my



> [Lyme-aid] Re: Now What?


> From: AREELQT3@...


> Hi,

> I know *exactly* what you are talking about! Last month I wound up

> in the ER

> because I had all of your symptoms, plus I actually kept fainting (in and

> out

> of consciousness about 10 times). They thought I was having a heart

> attack.

> I thought I was having a heart attack! They did all the heart tests, did

> a

> chest x-ray, did a CT scan of my brain, and all was well. The bottom

> line:

> Anxiety/Panic Attack. I am on

> Ativan 0.5mg three times a day, but I haven't been very good about taking

> it 3

> times a day. I believe it is directly related to Lyme Disease, since I

> have

> NEVER had these problems prior to Lyme, and it is documented

> (anxiety/panic

> attacks) as a possible symtom of Lyme. The ER doctor was an idiot, who

> once

> he found out I was " fine, " he then told me that I was taking too much

> medicine, needed to stop taking Flexeril (I CANNOT live without Flexeril

> or

> the muscle spasms are so severe that I cannot move), and I needed to go to

> a

> pain clinic. I wound up with costochondritis from the severe spasm under

> my

> ribs on the right side and hurt for days to come (this one spasm was the

> one

> that finally made me literally hit the floor and not move again until the

> paramedics arrived). I had to beg for something for the pain and spasms

> because this doctor just told me to go home! He finally gave me an

> injection

> of Toradol (I think, if I remember correctly), which helped for a couple

> of

> hours and burned like h*ll going in. Needless to say, I didn't follow

> this

> jerk's instructions, called my doctor, and will continue with my current

> treatment. I hope this long story helps and answers your question!

> Hugs,

> Chrissy Ü


> In a message dated 10/29/98 9:54:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> jeand@...

> writes:


> << I've been so happy lately because I haven't had any flares and now,

> welllll

> ... not sure if this is lyme related or not but I sure would like some

> input from you guys on this.


> I have been having some feelings of chest pressure and feeling like I

> wanted to jump out of my skin lately. It got so bad Tuesday that my

> heart

> was pounding, I couldn't catch my breath, I was alternating between cold

> sweats and freezing. I was crying uncontrollably. NOT pretty!


> I went to my doc after fighting this for about six hours and he literally

> threw me in a wheelchair and pushed me over to the hospital where they

> immediately did an EKG, took about a gal. of blood and hooked me up to

> telemetry. That was just the start of the heart tests.


> After many different tests the consensus is that I am getting rushes of

> epinephrine ... for some reason or another. Thank goodness, there are

> no

> heart problems. The doc says it could be caused by food allergies,

> stress,

> or whatever. He's really not sure but the way he explained it is ... I

> get

> this epi rush, which causes my heart to start pounding, which makes it

> hard

> to catch my breath, which makes me breathe funny, which makes me think

> something is seriously wrong, which scares me, which causes the cold

> sweats, etc. Fun stuff!!


> So anyway, he gave me a Rx for Xanax in case it happens again, so I will

> calm down and get through the rush. I am also going to learn relaxation

> techniques.


> Has anyone else had this happen and do you think it could be lyme

> related?

> I've had lyme since 1991 and never had this problem until just about a

> month ago and I have not added any new foods to my diet ... same old

> stuff.

> No food allergies at all, ever. Kind of makes you want to say ....

> hmmmm.


> Any input would be appreciated!!


> Ann

> >>



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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> I have been having some feelings of chest pressure and feeling like I

> wanted to jump out of my skin lately. It got so bad Tuesday that my heart

> was pounding, I couldn't catch my breath, I was alternating between cold

> sweats and freezing. I was crying uncontrollably. NOT pretty!



Dear Ann: These were early symptoms for me in August. I still get

chest pressure and palpitations, but they are apparently not really

happening - that is, my brain only thinks they are happening! I got

hooked up to a holter heart monitor and each time I thought I was having

pain or racing heart, nothing was showing up. I have neurological lyme,

so they told me that my brain signals are getting mixed up. Early on, I

was also crying uncontrollably, for absolutely no reason! I was

actually in the ER when I had a crying spell, and the nurse [a really

mean SOB] kept yelling: Why are you crying? Why are you crying? To

which I responded - I don't know!

The crying has gone away now, but it was sure lyme related in my



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Hi, Lovette:

I too had the pressure, racing heart, etc....also feeling like I wanted to

" jump out of my skin " .....Xanax did the job for me but I did not want to live

on that for the rest of my life. I tried Kava kava, a natural herb with

excellent results. You might want to mention it to your doctor. Just a

thought....hope things turn around for you.


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  • 10 months later...

Wow, I know you were kind of wishing something

was wrong right? At least then you can treat it.

Hopefully your doctor will be willing to work with you on

the thyroid issue and if not I really urge you to

find someone who will.<br><br>Keep us posted on how it


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  • 4 months later...


Just tell you doctor that you want the copy of your medical file for personal

reasons. You don't have to tell her why. What state are you in? Each state

has different laws as to your access of you medical records. The following page

answers the question for people in New York. I would assume that the other 49

states have very similar rules.


Just be firm that you want them and that you won't take no for an answer. Good



[ ] Now what?

From: EHallswife@...

I got through to my former doctor's office regarding picking up my medical

records. The nurse said no problem. I have a small file, so come on in, sign a

release, and I can have it in the morning. I'm hoping to have it in my hands

when I go to see the neurologist who's looking for MS. I clearly remember going

in @ a year ago with a strange, painful rash that had several oval shaped marks

that were white in the center, red around the outside, and very hot to the

touch. In addition to that rash I had a low grade fever and flu symptoms (does

this sound like Lyme's???) Anyway, the doctor herself calls me back and leaves

a message stating that she can't understand why I need the record since I have

nothing to indicate Lyme or MS. I'm just about ready to go through the roof!!!

Any suggestions from you veterans.

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Hello ,

I was diagnosed with Lyme and Babesia. Within one or two months I developed what

I call the rash from hell. Mine was like your rash. Fever too. Ranging from 99.5

~ 101. My rash might have been bigger than yours because it had hundreds of

those white spots. The pain was big time. Strangely enough the drug store

variety of anti-biotic cream killed the fire in the rash. I have had it several


I hope this helps,


EHallswife@... wrote:

> From: EHallswife@...


> I got through to my former doctor's office regarding picking up my medical

records. The nurse said no problem. I have a small file, so come on in, sign a

release, and I can have it in the morning. I'm hoping to have it in my hands

when I go to see the neurologist who's looking for MS. I clearly remember going

in @ a year ago with a strange, painful rash that had several oval shaped marks

that were white in the center, red around the outside, and very hot to the

touch. In addition to that rash I had a low grade fever and flu symptoms (does

this sound like Lyme's???) Anyway, the doctor herself calls me back and leaves

a message stating that she can't understand why I need the record since I have

nothing to indicate Lyme or MS. I'm just about ready to go through the roof!!!

Any suggestions from you veterans.




> ---------------------------

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In a message dated 1/31/00 6:19:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

EHallswife@... writes:

<< Anyway, the doctor herself calls me back and leaves a message stating that

she can't understand why I need the record since I have nothing to indicate

Lyme or MS. >>

tell the doctor not to worry her pretty little head about whether you NEED a

copoy of your records...just GET EM....

have to tell you doctors sometimes feel threatened by patients asking for

copies of things..in this day of changing insurances and doctors, EVERYONE

here should be getting copies of EVERYTHING done on them...

one to review the test.....(if I had a neg Western Blot, but two lyme

specific bands...I would push for treatment, where a lot of doctors would

say...oh it was negative...negative does not always mean negative

...TWO...to save u time and money and letter writing down the road....and even

making contact with an office you were dissatisfied with

and THREE...to save you $$ getting them...a doctors office person will

usually make quick copies for you as you ask for recent tests no charge...but

if you wait till you are no longer a patient, they can and will charge a

fee...and you may also be missing some tests they neglect to copy for you....

my daughters doctor told my daughter her EBV test was negative. In the mail

came the cop when I got home that night...guess what...three different

igg/igm tests...all HIGHLY positive...err he was reading wong kids chart....

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  • 1 year later...

I called Sherri when I read her message. We talked for awhile.

She was never offered the job as moderator when she came back and is

far too polite to mention it. I think that since she started this

group she should have automatically been put back in her spot. But

what do I know? I am not going to bicker or argue or any such

nonsense. I am here to give and receive support to a weight loss

group. There may be some problems with . She said she had sent

me a message but I have not received it. I have also asked her to

include me if she starts another group. I intend to get healthy.

It would be nice to do it in a mutually supportive venue, but I will

do it either way. Sherri was not chased away, she choose to leave. As

have I believe 9 other original members over time for a variety of

reasons. Rather than pointing fingers, or trying to lay blame on one

another, that time would be better spent thinking of ways to keep

this group together. A little tolerance, kindness, and acceptance go

a long way. The size of a post, whether or not someone acknowledges

every one of our posts or someone has a bad day are hardly worth the

price we are paying. Stop lurking, get working.






> assumed?? shame on us!

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hard to look ahead when you don't look back too, have you tried

looking over your old exercise logs, you have probably really

increased your strength. I'm a picky eater too and the food is a drag

and a little hard to force down, but I just keep trying new recipes

and looking for variations, I mostly only eat the eggs and cc plus

tofu for protein and then fill in with smoothies made from whey

protein and fruit. I have worked out 20 or 30 easy things to make and

eat, I worked up all the nutrition and I am happy with the portions

so there isn't much thinking or planning except for dinner(5) which

still needs to resemble dinner for my kids. Maybe a week off after

12 will give you the push to go on

> I don't know if they're something in the air or what but I'm in the

self pitying mode at the moment too. I'm in week 11 and certainly

will trudge along and finish C1,

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Hi Kim~

I have been lurking mostly the past few days but I had to reply to your


IMHO what you are feeling right now is not that uncommon. In fact I am quite

sure most of the women on this board has felt this way along their fitness

journies [i know I have and I still feel this way every so often] I mean

every now and again you just get tired, worn out and dragged down by the

responsibilties of being a wife, mother, and for some a co-worker if you

work outside the home. It is very frustrating to commit to something for 12

weeks with high expectations and then to just fall short of what you wanted

or thought would be good at the time when you started the 12 weeks. But hey

look at it this way look how far you have come in the 12 weeks think about

where you would have been if you did not start the 12 weeks when you did.

Sure it is a lot of hard work to maintain the enthusiasim that is needed to

follow this lifestyle and to continue getting the results that you want but

if you don't continue then you will never make it to where you wanted to go

and then you will be even more depressed because you will have given up.

Yes you need to take some " me time " and figure out what it is that you want

and how quickly you want it. Then you need to come up with a plan to make it

happen [right down new goals, right down the obsticales that may get in the

way, and then right down a plan to get over those obsticals when you reach

them]. Take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and admire the hard work

and progress that you have already made...be proud of your achievements,

then move forward and make some more.

Some one once said [maybe on this site] that there is always room for

improvements and that a transformation is always an ongoing thing~because

just when you think you may be close to your goal then you think maybe just

maybe you may want to improve yourself a little further... it may not

necessary be with a weight loss goal but maybe a stregnth goal or competing

in something like a marathon or fitness competition or just to keep up with

the kids in their daily activities. The point is that there will always be

something that you will want to improve on to keep you moving forward.

Like I said I struggle with this every so often as well...I have days when I

will tell myself why bother it would be much easier to just eat whatever and

whenever and to be able to sleep in instead of dragging my but out of bed to

work out etc...then after I dwell in self pitty and take stock in my

situation I realize that 1]I haven't been getting to bed on time as I

should...which is why I am tired, 2] when I am tired then I have no energy

to plan ahead thus the cheating begins, 3] then the lack of enthusiasm and

depression sets in because I let myself down. So I will force myself to bed

on time and after a day or 2 of the proper sleep I feel like I can get back

to my schedule and continue on with my goals.

So I hope this has helped you and to focus on what YOU want to do as far as

your goals. Don't ever give up on the goals because if you do then they will

never turn into reality they will always remain a dream and a regret of I

should have done it when I had the chance.


Now what?

> I don't know if they're something in the air or what but I'm in the self

pitying mode at the moment too. I'm in week 11 and certainly will trudge

along and finish C1, but in thinking beyond it, I'm at that point where I

think I have to do a lot of fine tuning to lose that last bit of fat and I

just don't want to. Part of me thinks, you look pretty good, good enough

anyway compared to most around - and here's the good part - " for having two

kids " . lol I'm certainly not where I ultimately want to be, not really

close even, yet I just hate the whole nutrition thing. I'm not a food

" freak " at all - lol - I just want to not pay attention to it so much and

one, am getting tired of it, and two, certainly don't want to make it even

more difficult. I'm so picky that it's just such a pain (I'm the don't like

eggs or cc girl).


> I think part of it is I thought that if I stuck through the whole

challenge (which I have and not missed a workout, though have missed some

meals every now and then) that I would have made more progress. I did make

pretty good progress but I think I stared too long in the beginning at the

pics in the book! lol Not very realistic but I didn't know it at the time.

I also can't say I feel any more energetic than when I started so that's not

really helping matters. I've met all my other goals (except for body fat

loss, which was a guess though in the beginning), except for the having more

energy one. I'm not really tired or anything (though was yesterday), at

least not more than can be expected with a 9 month old and a 3 yo, but

definitely expected to have more energy by now. Let's just say I thought

I'd have a spring in my step by now! lol


> Anyway, I think I'm kind of wanting a kick in the butt or something, or to

see if others feel/have felt the same way, especially those who really don't

like " dealing " with food that much, if you kwim. It seems like I can't at

this point write down some more goals as at the moment I only " kind of " want

them. Sorry if I'm coming across as whiny or something here - but I thought

this would be the place to go to get my thoughts back in order!


> Thanks for reading! :)

> Kim




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Joann, that was quite well said! Ok - I'm off to bed too!

> Hi Kim~

> I have been lurking mostly the past few days but I had to reply to


> post~

> IMHO what you are feeling right now is not that uncommon. In fact I

am quite

> sure most of the women on this board has felt this way along their


> journies [i know I have and I still feel this way every so often] I


> every now and again you just get tired, worn out and dragged down

by the

> responsibilties of being a wife, mother, and for some a co-worker

if you

> work outside the home. It is very frustrating to commit to

something for 12

> weeks with high expectations and then to just fall short of what

you wanted

> or thought would be good at the time when you started the 12 weeks.

But hey

> look at it this way look how far you have come in the 12 weeks

think about

> where you would have been if you did not start the 12 weeks when

you did.

> Sure it is a lot of hard work to maintain the enthusiasim that is

needed to

> follow this lifestyle and to continue getting the results that you

want but

> if you don't continue then you will never make it to where you

wanted to go

> and then you will be even more depressed because you will have

given up.


> Yes you need to take some " me time " and figure out what it is that

you want

> and how quickly you want it. Then you need to come up with a plan

to make it

> happen [right down new goals, right down the obsticales that may

get in the

> way, and then right down a plan to get over those obsticals when

you reach

> them]. Take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and admire the

hard work

> and progress that you have already made...be proud of your


> then move forward and make some more.


> Some one once said [maybe on this site] that there is always room


> improvements and that a transformation is always an ongoing


> just when you think you may be close to your goal then you think

maybe just

> maybe you may want to improve yourself a little further... it may


> necessary be with a weight loss goal but maybe a stregnth goal or


> in something like a marathon or fitness competition or just to keep

up with

> the kids in their daily activities. The point is that there will

always be

> something that you will want to improve on to keep you moving



> Like I said I struggle with this every so often as well...I have

days when I

> will tell myself why bother it would be much easier to just eat

whatever and

> whenever and to be able to sleep in instead of dragging my but out

of bed to

> work out etc...then after I dwell in self pitty and take stock in my

> situation I realize that 1]I haven't been getting to bed on time as


> should...which is why I am tired, 2] when I am tired then I have no


> to plan ahead thus the cheating begins, 3] then the lack of

enthusiasm and

> depression sets in because I let myself down. So I will force

myself to bed

> on time and after a day or 2 of the proper sleep I feel like I can

get back

> to my schedule and continue on with my goals.


> So I hope this has helped you and to focus on what YOU want to do

as far as

> your goals. Don't ever give up on the goals because if you do then

they will

> never turn into reality they will always remain a dream and a

regret of I

> should have done it when I had the chance.


> Joann

> Now what?



> > I don't know if they're something in the air or what but I'm in

the self

> pitying mode at the moment too. I'm in week 11 and certainly will


> along and finish C1, but in thinking beyond it, I'm at that point

where I

> think I have to do a lot of fine tuning to lose that last bit of

fat and I

> just don't want to. Part of me thinks, you look pretty good, good


> anyway compared to most around - and here's the good part - " for

having two

> kids " . lol I'm certainly not where I ultimately want to be, not


> close even, yet I just hate the whole nutrition thing. I'm not a


> " freak " at all - lol - I just want to not pay attention to it so

much and

> one, am getting tired of it, and two, certainly don't want to make

it even

> more difficult. I'm so picky that it's just such a pain (I'm the

don't like

> eggs or cc girl).

> >

> > I think part of it is I thought that if I stuck through the whole

> challenge (which I have and not missed a workout, though have

missed some

> meals every now and then) that I would have made more progress. I

did make

> pretty good progress but I think I stared too long in the beginning

at the

> pics in the book! lol Not very realistic but I didn't know it at

the time.

> I also can't say I feel any more energetic than when I started so

that's not

> really helping matters. I've met all my other goals (except for

body fat

> loss, which was a guess though in the beginning), except for the

having more

> energy one. I'm not really tired or anything (though was

yesterday), at

> least not more than can be expected with a 9 month old and a 3 yo,


> definitely expected to have more energy by now. Let's just say I


> I'd have a spring in my step by now! lol

> >

> > Anyway, I think I'm kind of wanting a kick in the butt or

something, or to

> see if others feel/have felt the same way, especially those who

really don't

> like " dealing " with food that much, if you kwim. It seems like I

can't at

> this point write down some more goals as at the moment I only " kind

of " want

> them. Sorry if I'm coming across as whiny or something here - but

I thought

> this would be the place to go to get my thoughts back in order!

> >

> > Thanks for reading! :)

> > Kim

> >

> >

> >

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Thank you Joann. It does help.


Now what?

> I don't know if they're something in the air or what but I'm in the self

pitying mode at the moment too. I'm in week 11 and certainly will trudge

along and finish C1, but in thinking beyond it, I'm at that point where I

think I have to do a lot of fine tuning to lose that last bit of fat and I

just don't want to. Part of me thinks, you look pretty good, good enough

anyway compared to most around - and here's the good part - " for having two

kids " . lol I'm certainly not where I ultimately want to be, not really

close even, yet I just hate the whole nutrition thing. I'm not a food

" freak " at all - lol - I just want to not pay attention to it so much and

one, am getting tired of it, and two, certainly don't want to make it even

more difficult. I'm so picky that it's just such a pain (I'm the don't like

eggs or cc girl).


> I think part of it is I thought that if I stuck through the whole

challenge (which I have and not missed a workout, though have missed some

meals every now and then) that I would have made more progress. I did make

pretty good progress but I think I stared too long in the beginning at the

pics in the book! lol Not very realistic but I didn't know it at the time.

I also can't say I feel any more energetic than when I started so that's not

really helping matters. I've met all my other goals (except for body fat

loss, which was a guess though in the beginning), except for the having more

energy one. I'm not really tired or anything (though was yesterday), at

least not more than can be expected with a 9 month old and a 3 yo, but

definitely expected to have more energy by now. Let's just say I thought

I'd have a spring in my step by now! lol


> Anyway, I think I'm kind of wanting a kick in the butt or something, or to

see if others feel/have felt the same way, especially those who really don't

like " dealing " with food that much, if you kwim. It seems like I can't at

this point write down some more goals as at the moment I only " kind of " want

them. Sorry if I'm coming across as whiny or something here - but I thought

this would be the place to go to get my thoughts back in order!


> Thanks for reading! :)

> Kim




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Thanks for your help. My dh and I are going to do what you suggested this

weekend - come up with a list of things we both like, especially things we can

make a big batch of, and then go from there. I tend to get overwhelmed by

recipes - Oh, I should try that one, or that one, or that one - then I don't try



Re: Now what?

Hard to look ahead when you don't look back too, have you tried

looking over your old exercise logs, you have probably really

increased your strength. I'm a picky eater too and the food is a drag

and a little hard to force down, but I just keep trying new recipes

and looking for variations, I mostly only eat the eggs and cc plus

tofu for protein and then fill in with smoothies made from whey

protein and fruit. I have worked out 20 or 30 easy things to make and

eat, I worked up all the nutrition and I am happy with the portions

so there isn't much thinking or planning except for dinner(5) which

still needs to resemble dinner for my kids. Maybe a week off after

12 will give you the push to go on

> I don't know if they're something in the air or what but I'm in the

self pitying mode at the moment too. I'm in week 11 and certainly

will trudge along and finish C1,

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  • 1 year later...
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Keep us posted!



> [Original Message]

> From: Beller, Ceidlen <cbeller@...>

> thekeel@... <thekeel@...>

> Date: 6/9/2004 8:28:58 AM

> Subject: RE: Now what?


> Thanks for the suggestions, Keely. I'll proceed.


> Unfortunately, Sunday is the only time I'm available for a hot line call,

> and this weekend I'll be running a conference. I certainly hope my


> clears up before the next opportunity. It occurs to me that I used to


> this way for days/weeks several times each winter, with the constant nose

> blowing & throat clearing. What a reminder of how far I've come. '-)


> Ceidlen



> Now what?

> >

> > Hi, Keely,

> > I need some advice. I started a cold last Thursday, and began getting


> > of it with Immunics immediately. It kept coming back to my


> > spiral, physical and universal physical bodies for an entire day, and


> > finally departed.

> >

> > Saturday I woke up with nasal congestion and a frog in my throat.

> Testing,

> > I determined that it was NOT related to the cold, nor to the allergies

> that

> > have not put in an appearance yet this season. I found and was able to

> > remove the stuffiness from my gravitational, emotional and physical

> bodies,

> > but it won't stay away! I'm OK for 15-30 minutes, then I have to do


> > removals.

> >

> > Clearly, I need to go further, as I'm getting very frustrated with this

> > stuffiness/frog after 48 hours of lots of removals. I have not been


> to

> > do a whole-body removal, I have to check all the bodies over and over. I

> > consistently get the response that it is not related to the cold or

> > allergies, and I've run out of ideas. It's curious to me that it's in


> > emotional body. Any suggestion on where to go next?

> >

> > Ceidlen

> >

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Is this the authorization from your CI Center that you qualify or is

it an insurance approval. What happens next really depends on which

of these and sometimes it varies from center to center. If you

don't have insurance approval yet but do qualify for the implant,

most centers will apply for the insurance and as soon as that goes

thru you get the date. Some centers will set the date at the same

time they apply for the insurance. This question might best be

answered by your audiologist but congratulations - no matter what

the answer is.


> I got the authorization for surgery yesterday. Now what?

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I met the requirements and qualified a month ago, then I needed to

wait for

the approval from the insurance company to go ahead with surgery,

which I

just received.

Yesterday, I emailed my audiologist and haven't heard from her. I'm

not taking

it personally since I don't think she's at the computer much unless



The thought of making a phone call... sigh.


> > I got the authorization for surgery yesterday. Now what?

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The answers you saw to " wait " are accurate now. Your center will find a date

with the hospital that the surgeon can take for your surgery. It's an elective

sugery so it all depends how busy the hospital is and how busy the surgeon is.

So, to answer your question, you now wait to hear back from the center with your

surgery date and that shouldn't take too long but you do need to keep in mind

that it's a holiday weekend and vacation times for many people, even in the

health fielt, so just be patient. It's the last step. You've made it.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Your doctor is mistakenly using the " Free Androgen Index " and

thinking that it proves that your T is not actually low. The free

androgen index can be helpfull only if your sex hormone binding

globulin are very high, it can show that SHBG is a problem for you

if the F.A.I. comes back high. However, as in your case, where SHBG

is low, the F.A.I. is a useless measurement. The endo has no idea

what he is talking about. Your T level is way too low and you are

hypogonadal. Your low T is the cause for your low libido and no

morning errections. Unaddressed, your low t will make your life a

lot less enjoyable than it can be, and will also increase your risk

for a variety of diseases and health problems.

You need to find a doctor who treats low t and treats it well.

Again, if I understand your comments correctly, and as far as male

hormones are concerned, the endo is an idiot. Find a doctor in your

area who is experienced with hormone therapy. Your endo is right

about one thing, the doctor does not have to be a " specialist "

(because there is no official title for a male hormone specialist),

as long as they treat hypogonadism and are comfortable doing so.


> I just recieved my results from the new endo. I test at 226 for


> But he says I really have a level of 600 to 700. The problem is,

> supposedly, is a protein. The test results say for SHBG I am a


> Then it says , corrected testosterone 703- completely normal. I

> have no clue what this means. I called the endo and he said that


> was not an endocrine problem and go see my GP. I have no libido


> not even morning erections. I have no idea where to go next.

> Anyone have a clue?

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Did you get your Estradiol tested?

What does it mean when you say corrected 703 T levels.

It doesn't hurt to get it tested again as well, I had one test come

back and my levels were really high and all test before and after

showed my T levels were low.

> I just recieved my results from the new endo. I test at 226 for


> But he says I really have a level of 600 to 700. The problem is,

> supposedly, is a protein. The test results say for SHBG I am a 9.

> Then it says , corrected testosterone 703- completely normal. I

> have no clue what this means. I called the endo and he said that


> was not an endocrine problem and go see my GP. I have no libido


> not even morning erections. I have no idea where to go next.

> Anyone have a clue?

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I had my E2 checked a while ago and was fine. As far as the 703 T, the endo is

saying that if you " correct " the protein problem, I am assuming that he is

talking about SHBG, then my T level will go up. He gave me no clue as to how to

fix the protein other than go to my primary. I had my T tested about a month

and a half ago and it was 163. I have been on bromocriptine to lower my


Re: Now what?

Did you get your Estradiol tested?

What does it mean when you say corrected 703 T levels.

It doesn't hurt to get it tested again as well, I had one test come

back and my levels were really high and all test before and after

showed my T levels were low.

> I just recieved my results from the new endo. I test at 226 for


> But he says I really have a level of 600 to 700. The problem is,

> supposedly, is a protein. The test results say for SHBG I am a 9.

> Then it says , corrected testosterone 703- completely normal. I

> have no clue what this means. I called the endo and he said that


> was not an endocrine problem and go see my GP. I have no libido


> not even morning erections. I have no idea where to go next.

> Anyone have a clue?

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Lab results showing serum T 226 ng/dL means 226. Period. I've never heard

of a " corrected " level. That and the prior T 163 mean you have hypogonadism.

Get copies of your lab results and find a doctor who treats it. Where do you

live? We might be able to find someone near you.

Thank your lucky stars this endo decided not to treat you. For some unknown

reason, many endos seem to be clueless about male hormone issues.

Who prescribed the bromocriptine? I'm not familiar with it, but a prolactin

blocker seems fairly sophisticated. Not what I would expect from your endo.

What was your E2? What a doctor might think was " fine " might not be so.



> > I just recieved my results from the new endo. I test at 226 for

> T.

> > But he says I really have a level of 600 to 700. The problem is,

> > supposedly, is a protein. The test results say for SHBG I am a 9.

> > Then it says , corrected testosterone 703- completely normal. I

> > have no clue what this means. I called the endo and he said that

> it

> > was not an endocrine problem and go see my GP. I have no libido

> and

> > not even morning erections. I have no idea where to go next.

> > Anyone have a clue?




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