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Re: you can lead a horse to water..... but

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thank you Debra.

actually my big mouth and ability to spout over has finally paid off.

we finally had gotten help from an advocate for our daughter.

after meeting with her, we discovered that not only had the school done what she

considered " an illeagal ppt " because they had not informed us that it was

happening. but they also falsified the documents by marking the spot that we

" nulified the 5 day notification time for the iep " and they also stated that i

was present during it (all of what was not true).

the advocate also discovered that they actually modified the iep and had taken a

lot of items out of it that my daughter was supposed to be given, and was no

longer (such as sensory diets, access to a paraprofessional, modified phs ed,

etc, etc.). my advocate saw red after she spotted this. the school ahs no idea

what they are in for.

because they dont realize that our advocate actually works for the state of

connecticut department of education. so to say the least " they are in for the

suprise of their lives! " .

she stated when we go into the iep she will introduce herself. after that she

will give them " 1 " day to reinstate everything they had ataken away. she also

states that she is going to suggest (with the states backing and threat of

lowered state funding) that the principle of my daughters school (who is the

perpetrator of all the falsities and changes) be terminated " imediately " by the

board of education of the town or they will face prosecution for falsifying

documents that they foeward to the state. OOPS on the principles part.

no big loss there. the priciple has been the one giving us a hard time and lying

the entire way through.

but as far as my big mouth. the advocate statedi was well spoken and orate my

points very well, so sge was wondering if i would speak in front of the states

legislative board to create a " non descrimination clause toward children with

invisible dissabilities " . which means that (just as i had said in other threads)

children would be taught to treat children of invisible dissabilities with the

same amount of respect as any other child would be treated. so in other word

" instead of our children with aspergers conforming to a world that is impossible

for them to conform to, the world would have to conform to them " .

I was elated to be asked. our advocate thought that i would make some excellent

points (provided i kept my italian temper to a minimum) that no politition

wanting to be voted back in will not ignore if they want to keep their jobs (in

fear that they might look like they dont care about these childrens needs).

so thanks for taking the time to read my rants. but at this point i have






From now on, consider me the S. Patton of asperger syndrome.



> ..... I love the way you think...... I am still nodding yes to this one

and chuckling...:)



> " once again it just convinces me that some of the mental midgets out there

that are actually directing the education of our children have been educated

well beyond their intelligence.


> maybe in college, they should be forced to take a course in compassion to

finish their studies.:


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Wow - This is great news about your advocate. Please tell us more and let us

know what happens.

If you are General Patton, then I'm the Mama Bear for AS. My school district

also tried similar illegal practices until I got an advocate, too.

With the help of my advocate and then a lawyer, I eventually asked for and got

the district to pay for my son's tuition at a private school for AS kids, but if

I had the time and money, I would have loved to have prosecuted everyone who

knew better, but broke the law anyway.

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