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How to handle dropping off my 4yo at preschool?

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My 4yo son was recently diagnosed with AS. He went back to preschool this week

and did surprisingly well the first day of class, but today he had an explosive

meltdown on the way to class and during drop off. His assistant teacher passed

us in the hallway and offered a warm smile and friendly greeting, " Hello Izaak. "

That's all it took for him to start kicking, screaming and chewing on his hands.

Once in his class, he tried to run out three times and I left him crying and

screaming with the teacher restraining him. It breaks my heart.

I have two questions . . .

1. What do you do when your child bolts from his class? We've had this issue

at other places where I've tried dropping him off. He's actually run into the

parking lot looking for me. I just gave up this summer and didn't leave him

anywhere, but can't and don't want to now that school is back in session.

2. What should I tell his teachers about greeting him? It sounds crazy, but I

think he'd prefer to walk in the room and be almost invisible to everyone. He's

always had a problem with people other than his " safe people " looking at him.

Should I ask them not to greet him until he's comfortable?

He will have an itinerant teacher from the school district, working with him

twice a week for 45 min, but I don't know exactly when that is going to start

and she's not going to be there during drop off. Any advice or suggestions you

have to offer would be greatly appreciated!

Take care,

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