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>what basis they told you you have diabetes


>My sugar was 141.


Belle, was it 141 after an extensive (8 -12 hours) of fasting?

or was it 141 at a normal checkup, which you did NOT prepare for by fasting?

or right after a fairly large meal?

my father, in his late 70's, was diagnosed with diabetes after a series of

small strokes,

but after that, though his normal, non-fasting sugar level hovered around

150 and above, he was allowed to eat whatever he wanted (mostly candy,

cookies, sweetened cereal..I mean this guy would dump a half cup of maple

syrup on a bowl of oatmeal)...141 on this scale is like on the lower

borderline of impaired glucose tolerance, barely above normal..and if you

had just eaten a heavy meal, it IS normal

only if you had been fasting for a long time before the test, should this

number be of any concern...

as far as I understand it anyway

Joanie...who spent lots of time arguing with my father about his diet, but

the doctors and nurses just said don't worry about it...he will probably

outlive me, at this point

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>what basis they told you you have diabetes


>My sugar was 141.


Belle, was it 141 after an extensive (8 -12 hours) of fasting?

or was it 141 at a normal checkup, which you did NOT prepare for by fasting?

or right after a fairly large meal?

my father, in his late 70's, was diagnosed with diabetes after a series of

small strokes,

but after that, though his normal, non-fasting sugar level hovered around

150 and above, he was allowed to eat whatever he wanted (mostly candy,

cookies, sweetened cereal..I mean this guy would dump a half cup of maple

syrup on a bowl of oatmeal)...141 on this scale is like on the lower

borderline of impaired glucose tolerance, barely above normal..and if you

had just eaten a heavy meal, it IS normal

only if you had been fasting for a long time before the test, should this

number be of any concern...

as far as I understand it anyway

Joanie...who spent lots of time arguing with my father about his diet, but

the doctors and nurses just said don't worry about it...he will probably

outlive me, at this point

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  • 4 months later...
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Is there an alternate website. This page didn't come up.



[ ] Introduction

> Hello,


> I am new to this list and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is

> Tom Berryhill and I live in Missouri. I am very interested in all

> types of alternative medical equipment and methods. I have been

> working with Mr. Lee Crock of Caldwell, Ohio for the last year. He

> has a method and device that many have used for treating cancer with

> fast and positive results. Just wondering if any on this group have

> used his method? An interesting article about this device is located

> at:


> www.keelynet.com/biology/crock.htm


> I would really like to talk with anyone on or off list that have

> tried this method or would like more information. My email is

> twb8899@...


> Sincerely,

> Tom



> Learn more about cancer:

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htm

> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158


> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the


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Hi Tom,

I haven't used the method, but since you have, would you mind sharing your

experience with it?



[ ] Introduction

> Hello,


> I am new to this list and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is

> Tom Berryhill and I live in Missouri. I am very interested in all

> types of alternative medical equipment and methods. I have been

> working with Mr. Lee Crock of Caldwell, Ohio for the last year. He

> has a method and device that many have used for treating cancer with

> fast and positive results. Just wondering if any on this group have

> used his method? An interesting article about this device is located

> at:


> www.keelynet.com/biology/crock.htm


> I would really like to talk with anyone on or off list that have

> tried this method or would like more information. My email is

> twb8899@...


> Sincerely,

> Tom

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hi frank in dublin

this is rosemary in ny.

I sure can relate to your pain. i just turned forty. I have had psoroasis

for about 12 years fairly mild. about a year ago i started to have a lot of

pain in my wrists and fingers. as i work on the computer all day i thought

it was carpal tunnel syndrome. i was sent for a nerve test and was diagnosed

with moderate carpla tunnel. i was told i would need surgery. within a few

weeks my feet begain to ache badly and my toes swelled up. then my ankles.

soon i could hardly walk. the pains in my hands soon traveled to my elbow.

soon i couldn't sleep through the nite. i couldn't even pull the sheet over

myself. my docter started me on vioxx. which helped a little. but over

just a few months i got steadily worse. i was finally sent to a

rhuemetologist. last sept he put me on mtx in addition to the vioxx. it did

nothing for me except give me cold sores around my mouth. folic acid helped

that though. i thought i would have to stop working. by this time two of my

fingers were bent and i could not straigthen them. i was getting really

scared! i don't know how i made it through those days. in nov i reluctantly

started on enbrel injections. after the first injection i saw a 50%

improvement. after a few more i was almost back to normal. last month i

stopped the mtx. and now i take the vioxx every other day instead of daily.

i know i must continue the injections and the vioxx cause i stopped for

awhile when i had the flu and it all came back!.

i wish you well.


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In a message dated 21/04/01 04:46:37 GMT Daylight Time, frank_sheerin@... writes:

I have decided to go down the Homeopathic medicine path first before MTX, cos I like my pint of Guinness too much.

Hi ,

And Welcome ! Wise choice deciding to go the Homeopathic route.

You may have seen a post from NIGEL regarding his home page, and Neways products. They produce a Catalogue, and it is well worth a look at. If you contact Nigel, I am sure he will put one in the post for you.

I am not sure how the Moderators 'feel' about advertising on our group, (we'll soon see !!!), but this is really one to look at, as, in IMHO these products can help us.

On a personal note, after reading many posts now, it does seem to me, with the exception of one or two people, 'conventional' medicine, somehow, does not seem to be working. Any thoughts on this from the group ??

Mike (from the UK)

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hi frank nice to meet u i am 36 from the isle of man, and i have this

for 14 yrs now, unfortunately it doesn't get better as far as i'm

concerned, and have now started the methotrexate, i have tried

chloriquine and sulphasalazine but to no avail, so there fore i can

only drink moderately as in once a week, but the doc says i can have

1 now and again, if u get much worse i would advise u to try

something stronger. but if homepathic treatment works please tell me

i would like to know, i have pain in my feet, hands, wrists,

shoulders and the fatigue kills me somedays.

if u do get worse my advise is apply for disability living allowance,

mobility component that is some help from social security.

nice to chat with someone else who is young.

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In a message dated 4/20/01 10:46:37 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

frank_sheerin@... writes:

<< Even though I wake up in the morning feeling like a 90-year old, and

have to take the stairs one at a time, I think that I am lucky

compared to some of you, in that I have no trouble sleeping. This

leads me to a question - am I in the early stages, and will I

gradually get worse if I don't go on Methotrexate or similar ? >>

Hi -

Wow! I finally found another PA sufferer who sleeps!! No one on here but me

seems to have no trouble in sleeping. My opinion on the MTX is that I feel

this disease should be treated as aggressively as possible to avoid as much

permanent joint damage as possible. I understand about liking your Guiness

(however you spell it - and I like it too!) but my opinion is I can live with

alcohol but not without my liver. I've had elevated liver enzymes on MTX

even being 100% sober - but everything is a trade off and everyone should

make their own choices.

Welcome to the group!

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In a message dated 4/21/01 7:08:19 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

picbond@... writes:

<< with

the exception of one or two people, 'conventional' medicine, somehow, does

not seem to be working. Any thoughts on this from the group ?? >>

Hi Mike -

Well, I can't say that conventional medicine has been 100% effective in

controlling my PA, but I can say it has enabled me to go on with my life. I

tend to look at all sides as far as the treatment goes. I take the

conventional Vioxx, Prednisone (I've just stopped), and MTX, but I also take

EPO, Flaxseed, B12, Vit. E, gloucosamine, extra folic acid, and a

multivitamin. I figure I'll hit it with everything I've got :)


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For those of you who have feet problems, I just found a wonderful pair of

shoes that make an incredible difference. They are called prowalkers by

Rockport. They are the most incredible shoes, and they certainly won't be

the last pair I get. It is almost like walking on air, and when just 3 days

ago I could bearly walk, I can't speak highly enough of them. The cost a

lot, 150.00 Canadian but they are worth every penny!

Rev. Mitch McVeigh

St. 's Presbyterian Church, Aurora, ON


ICQ 5055914

P.S. Don't forget to visit the Hunger Site today and every day.

Every time you do you feed a few hungry people somewhere in the world.


http://health. visit this site and $1.00 will be donated by

to find a cure for Breast Cancer. It doesn't cost you anything but a little


http://www.EndCancerNow.com to raise money for all cancer reasearch through

the American Cancer Society.

http://www.Christssafetynet.com my SAFE site for kids who love Christ and

want to enjoy the internet without worrying about inappropriate banners and


http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/6710/index.html my personal


Have a virus? Check http://www.antivirus.cai.com ITS FREE and WORKS

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In a message dated 23/04/01 09:53:56 GMT Daylight Time, TADEL630@... writes:

Well, I can't say that conventional medicine has been 100% effective in controlling my PA, but I can say it has enabled me to go on with my life.

I tend to look at all sides as far as the treatment goes. I take the conventional Vioxx, Prednisone (I've just stopped), and MTX, but I also take EPO, Flaxseed, B12, Vit. E, gloucosamine, extra folic acid, and a multivitamin. I figure I'll hit it with everything I've got :)


Seems you are firing with all 'barrells!!!'....

How long have you been taking all these drugs ?

I only ask because no one (at least I don't think so), can report back on the long term effect of taking these drugs.

Mike (from the UK)

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In a message dated 23/04/01 15:22:51 GMT Daylight Time, tailfin@... writes:

RE: shoe recommendations - for the women - Ryka is a sneaker company that

makes shoes only for women. They are wider in the forefoot, but have a

narrow heel so your heel won't slip out.

I got mine at Lady foot Locker. they are so comfy.

Any good websites for footwear ??

Mike (from the UK)

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RE: shoe recommendations - for the women - Ryka is a sneaker company that

makes shoes only for women. They are wider in the forefoot, but have a

narrow heel so your heel won't slip out.

I got mine at Lady foot Locker. they are so comfy.

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Hi Mike - I've been on MTX and Vioxx about 2 years as well as the Vit. E and EPO

and other vitamins - I just added the flaxseed.

I believe in attacking this aggressively. When I was diagnosed, I could hardly

walk. Now I'm pretty good except first thing in the a.m. when I'm really stiff

or late at night when tired and trying to climb the stairs.

I'll say again, no, I'm not what I was 2-3 years ago - but I'm coping. And I

know the " drug cocktail " is what let's me cope.

Take care,

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  • 4 months later...


You may want to investigate Gaston Naessens 714X. He

lives in Canada.

Several patients testified at his trial in the late

1980's about the efficacy of his non-toxic 714X.

Apparently several hundred doctors are prescribing it

in Canada today. It does not cure anything, nor

does it kill cancer cells which is what mainstream

medicine is obsessed with. What it does do is boost

the immune system so that it is capable of defeating

the cancer naturally. I hope this helps. Gavin.

See a 1994 interview with Naessens by Moss below


Another article below


--- Yannick Turgeon <yannickt@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone!


> My name is Yannick, I'm 28 and I leave in Québec,

> Canada.


> My aunt (Lucille - 58) has had two cancer in the

> mouth in the last three years and they have been

> removed. Since she is not good enough in english,

> I'm doing research on the Net for her in this

> language.


> We'd like to know what she should do to prevent

> another one. We didn't do ANY reseach on the

> Internet yet. Our quest start here!


> Thanks you very much for your help.


> Yannick



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 3 months later...

Dear ,

I was so happy to receive information about your site, I just joined

using my daughter's address and I have already posted at least

5 or 6 responses today to others on the site. I am also just

beginning to acquaint myself with using the computer...all my

children are trying to be patient with me with modern technology. My

dad, a doctor, gave me this site a few days ago and I already have

been comforted by reading others' letters posted. I am not alone,

which is usually how I feel. I have wonderful friends and family

that support me, but unless one suffers with PA they cannot truly

sympathize. Thanks for initiated this site. Good luck, hope to hear

from you, and I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday

season... hopefully less painful for you.

Sincerely, (in Amman, Jordan) American residing here for now...

> Hi fellow list members,


> My name is . I am a 38 yo wife and mother of three (8,10

& 12). I

> live in

> Connecticut. I have had psoriasis since the age of ten, psoriatic


> since

> my teens and Sjogrens Syndrome for the last ten years. I also have


> and have had a TIA and a Pulmonary Embolism.


> Two of my children have psoriasis already. I am praying that it

remains mild

> and also for no arthritic involvement.


> Over the past six years, the PA has been so severe that I have


> treatment with DMARDS such as Neoral, Cyclosporin A, Azulfidine,


> Plaquenil, Imuran et al. I have had varying success for varying

> lengths of time with them alone or in combination. Pain management


> been a struggle at times, as has been my ability to handle the

extreme fatigue

> and the life changes I have to make when my health status changes

> (frequently). With the support of God, my friends and family , as

well as

> cyberfriends who understand, I have been able to adjust fairly well

to the

> uncertainties of autoimmune disease. I am very grateful for just

having had

> a relatively pain free summer with my three children - the first

one in five

> years

> where I did not need hired help to help me care for my own

children . It was

> wonderful, and we cherished every moment.


> Currently, I am about three weeks into a moderate flare of the P,

PA and

> Sjogrens. Fatigue is the most debilitating of the symptoms for me

this flare

> around. Thank goodness, so far the pain has been tylenol

manageable (major

> miracle!)


> I am looking forward to a nice relationship with you all on the



> Sincerely,



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  • 2 months later...

Welcome Michele II,

Actually, as you noticed, the groups founder spells her name with

two " ells " (), so if everyone pays close attention to

spelling, there shouldn't be too much confusion. ;-)

Very little of the classic Internet " lingo " is used here. The primary

lingo of this forum has to do with diseases and drugs, ie:

P = Psoriasis

PA = Psoriatic Arthritis

MTX = Methotrexate

RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis

RD = Rheumatoid Doctor (or sometimes just " rheumy " )

NSAIDS = Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (Naproxen, Vioxx,

Celebrex, etc)

DMARD = Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drug (MTX, Enbrel, Remicaid,


For an introduction to Internet lingo, check out:




(Note that the second URL above will undoubtedly wrap over into a

second line, so you'll need to copy/paste it back together into a

single line in your browser's Address field)

Welcome aboard!

-- Ron

> Hello all. I have just joined this group today. It is

> comforting to know that there are people to talk to that can

> truly understand how I feel, although, I wish that I was

> alone in this. I'm am very new to this " group " contact. I

> have never even been in a chat room before, I am aware that

> there is a certain " lingo " used, but I do not know any.

> Please bear with me, I am not a computer expert, and may seem

> like I don't respond or participate, it is just the " Novice "

> in me. I understand that the Founder of this group is

> S. from CT. I too am Michele S. from Ct. and I will

> be 38 next month. Anyway, I just wanted to say " hello " to all

> of you and wish you all the best of health and happiness.

> Sincerely, Michele

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Hi Cliff,

That is a great testimonial you have with good information on your

site. In fact, I was so inspired that I went to the fridge to get

take my Essential 3-6-9 capsules that my dad had included in my goodie

bag. Then I read further and saw that you did not think that the

capsules were very good. I found that very interesting and was even

wondering if mine were any good because I did not refrigerate mine

after opening, and had them left out for several months. (Now I check

all labels of my supplements before I open them to see if they need to

be refrigerated.)

Did you follow any special diet with your Flax Seed Oil program to get

your cancer reversed?

I am glad you joined us. Which group had the invitation to join this

group? It is always very encouraging to hear of people who are having

success in regaining their health.

Well, I must dash for now. I finally received a copy of my blood work

that I was waiting for. Now I have to go and see if I was given it

all. Talk to you later. :-)

Kind regards,


Message: 6

Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 15:32:50 -0500

From: " Cliff Beckwith " <spinner@...>

Subject: introduction


When I saw the invitation I decided to log on for a bit at least and

see whether I will still have time to keep up with things.

I was dxd with Advanced Prostate Cancer in January of 1991 and became

aware of Flaxseed Oil as used by Dr. Budwig in Germany.

I believe that there are different approaches that can stop cancer and

I am aware that there are at least 30 different strains of Prostate

cancer that all react somewhat differently to any approach and my

Oncologist tells me that that is true of all cancers.

I will simply put up our website and it is up to each one of us to do

with anyone of these things what they will.



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I am sorry sometimes my laptop has a mind of it's own. Anyway my daughter

was diagnosised at twelve, she is now fourteen. She is on voltaren and

azulfadine. These drugs have been around a long time so they understand the

side effects and know what to monitor. Her doctor is excellent and does not

use relatively new drugs on children. It is important to see a Pediatric


Hope this helps.

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Dear Crystal,

My heart breaks for your little girl. Even as a sufferer of psoriasis,

psoriatic arthritis, RA, and osteoarthritis, I can not imagine what it would be

like for someone so young. There are so many medications on the market that can

help alleviate the pain of arthritis, but as a child she is prohibited from

taking them. I wish I could offer you some advice. One thing that does help

but only for a brief time are warm baths or showers. It soothes the pain of the

arthritis. Ask your doc if a hot tub would help. I had one and it did help but

I had to give it up when I retired on disability because I could no longer keep

up the payments. If he thinks this would be beneficial and you can afford one,

just remember not to keep the water hot. There is no need for it to be over 100

degrees. I just can't think of anything else. Give her a gentle hug for me.

My heart goes out to you and your daughter.


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Shirley, thank you so much for your kinds thoughts and words. Celeste goes

back to the rheumatologist on Tuesday and I will ask her then about the hot

tub, I will do anything I can to take away her pain. I was wondering about

something I asked the nurse the other day and would love to get some others

input on this. We have only lived in Florida a little over a year and when I

asked the nurse if the dampness here could be making Celeste sick like this,

she said yes. That she has had it but it didn't come out until we moved here.

Any relate to this? I know my Mom who has RA, is miserable when she comes

here. She gets the nodules and gets real sick and tired. I am willing to pack

up and move anywhere that she will be more comfortable if anyone knows where

that might be please let me know. Thanks again, Crystal

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