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My best suggestion would be to find yourself a good Naturepath (ND) or Homeopathic Doctor. There are other ways to get past the problems you are facing. For depression, Bach Flower Remedies are the thing that I use and highly recomend. A change in your diet to deal with yeast sensitivities would also be great. Once you get everything working in a fine tuned balance, the other syptoms and problems will work themselves out. I ONLY use homeopathic remedies these days, and avoid medical doctors like the plague. It is very easy to get prescription medications, but they do not solve the problem. The key is to get to the root.. and work from there.

Perhaps someone in your area.. (whereever that is) can suggest a good ND for you to try.

Best of luck



From: " Marsh" <calendargrl1@...> Hi everyone,I am new to this list. It was suggested to meby the vulvardisorders group.I am 27.I have vulvar vestibulitis, interstitial cystitis,Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fatigue, depression,allergies(adult onset),constant yeast infections, the cream inserts irritateme more.I haven't had my thyroid tested yet.I am currently taking: (as of 1 month ago)MSMAcidophilusGrapefruit Seed Extract douche every other weekDiflucan twice weeklyEstrace Cream dailyAllegra (as of three years ago)Prozac (as of three years ago)Pyridium as needed for bladder (as of 7 years ago)Anyone have any comments on doses or items that I am taking?Or suggestions on other things to try.I will skim archives, as I know most of these topicshave already been discussed, but if you don't mindre-iterating for the newbies, I would greatly appreciateit!Thanks everyone! :)

Servings of fruit a day: 0 1 2+

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I found some relief from yeast infections by inserting

yogurt with live cultures (nonfat, no sugar, of

course) mixed with powdered acidophilus at night and

flushing it out in the morning with a vinegar douche

for four consecutive nights/days. I used the washed

disposable douche containers that have a screwcap and

wide mouth opening for the yogurt. I do this every

month after my period. It seems to help me.

--- Cheryl Anne Graham <imphoenix48@...>


> From: " Cheryl Anne Graham " <imphoenix48@...>


> Hey everybody!


> My name is Cheryl. I am new and I am excited to be

> on this list. I found

> that I had yeast overgrowth relatively recently. It

> was a relief after the

> hell of sickness I had been going through for the

> previous 2 and a half

> years. I was so ill I could hardly work or make

> plans to do anything. What

> I am finding hard now is the diet. Everybody says

> you can eat a different

> thing. What do you guys do? Do you eat apples, or

> not? Do you eat

> potatoes? Does somebody really need antifungal

> drugs, or will lemon juice,

> acidophilus and garlic be enough?


> What does everybody think?


> Cheryl



> >From: " Marsh " <calendargrl1@...>

> >Reply-candidiasisonelist

> >candidiasisonelist

> >Subject: new

> >Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:30:39 -0000

> >

> >Hi everyone,

> >I am new to this list. It was suggested to me

> >by the vulvardisorders group.

> >I am 27.

> >I have vulvar vestibulitis, interstitial cystitis,

> >Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fatigue,

> depression,allergies(adult onset),

> >constant yeast infections, the cream inserts

> irritate

> >me more.

> >I haven't had my thyroid tested yet.

> >

> >I am currently taking: (as of 1 month ago)

> >MSM

> >Acidophilus

> >Grapefruit Seed Extract douche every other week

> >Diflucan twice weekly

> >Estrace Cream daily

> >

> >Allegra (as of three years ago)

> >Prozac (as of three years ago)

> >Pyridium as needed for bladder (as of 7 years ago)

> >

> >Anyone have any comments on doses or items that I

> am taking?

> >Or suggestions on other things to try.

> >I will skim archives, as I know most of these

> topics

> >have already been discussed, but if you don't mind

> >re-iterating for the newbies, I would greatly

> appreciate

> >it!

> >

> >Thanks everyone!

> >

> > :)

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Hi ,

Hope you are feeling better. I also take MSM with Glucosamine. Do you find

it helps you? I recently started taking it and had to start at about 1/4

the recommended dose. I upped it to half the dose today though but it still

gives me a stomach ache.




> From: " Marsh " <calendargrl1@...>


> Hi everyone,

> I am new to this list. It was suggested to me

> by the vulvardisorders group.

> I am 27.

> I have vulvar vestibulitis, interstitial cystitis,

> Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fatigue, depression,allergies(adult onset),

> constant yeast infections, the cream inserts irritate

> me more.

> I haven't had my thyroid tested yet.


> I am currently taking: (as of 1 month ago)


> Acidophilus

> Grapefruit Seed Extract douche every other week

> Diflucan twice weekly

> Estrace Cream daily


> Allegra (as of three years ago)

> Prozac (as of three years ago)

> Pyridium as needed for bladder (as of 7 years ago)


> Anyone have any comments on doses or items that I am taking?

> Or suggestions on other things to try.

> I will skim archives, as I know most of these topics

> have already been discussed, but if you don't mind

> re-iterating for the newbies, I would greatly appreciate

> it!


> Thanks everyone!


> :)






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  • 6 months later...

Hi Amy

Welcome to the group. This is usually a very active group. It is very common

for celiac's to have candida too.

You for sure have all the symptoms of candida. The best way to the candida

at bay is to avoid sugar and yeast products.

have you had any allergy testing

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> Hi Amy

> Welcome to the group. This is usually a very active group. It is very


> for celiac's to have candida too.

> You for sure have all the symptoms of candida. The best way to the candida

> at bay is to avoid sugar and yeast products.

> have you had any allergy testing


Hi ,

In my case, I was tested for Celiac's, but the test was negative


I have had allergy testing and am allergic to mold, dust mites and

fragrances. Plus from personal experience, I know I am allergic to many

antibiotics (although now I wonder if the antibiotics just killed the good

stuff and the yeast flared up, giving me the hives all over). Scented soaps

will also give me hives. Gold is the only jewellery I can wear, I am even

allergic to the hypo-allergenic stuff.

I am feeling better after dropping sugar, but I know there is more I could

be doing to rid my body of yeast that I don't know about. Obviously I still

have a problem with it if I can get a flare up after eating sugar just


Does anyone know of any really good web sites with lots of great



Amy Hyatt

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> Does anyone know of any really good web sites with lots of great

> suggestions?

Try Tripp's site. Her recovery, (includes the programme plus

loads of recipe and snack tips), is somewhat inspiring and there are

lots of details and FAQs. Worth a try:


As well as the no sugar diet, you need to be taking some form of

anti-fungal. The strongest and best seems to be Formula SF 722


you can find out about on 's site with purchase details). Also,

you'll need probiotics to replace teh good flora in your intestines

which was there before the yeast took over. If you clear out the

yeast parasite, you must repopulate the space or else the yeast vcan

grow right back and you end up spiralling back round and round with

Candida for years on end, whereas you could get rid of it once and



All the best,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Minti,

You will find lots of friends and support here on this list..

I have a daughter Jodie 10 Ds and a son Danny 14 .......

Jodie is mainstreamed at a private college and is doing great....

We live in Ballina NSW Australia.....

If you ever want to chat about our girls let me know......

Trish (mum to Danny (13) nds and

Jodie (10) ds


> Hi I am new to your list. My name is Minti Froh and I just moved to

> Gaithersburg, MD. I have 3 daughters, Ariana 8, 2nd grade (DS), 6,

> 1st grade and Alaina 3. Ariana and attend their neighborhood


> They all look different and act different, LOL. Here is a link to some

> recent pictures of my little angels:


> http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=152589 & a=9094114


> I look forward to getting to know many of you. Thank you to Vicki S. for

> introducing me to your group. Do I know anyone else?

> Minti Froh

> froh@...





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  • 2 months later...

Hello Pattie

My name is , I have talked with your daughter a few times at my

arthritis website. I am the creator and the admin of JRA World. She

has talked with of few of us that have grown up with arthritis since

our childhood, we are now in our early 20's. I am trying to get

ahold of some of the other teenagers that have been coming to the

site, so she has some more people around her age to talk with. She

has also sent me the link to her site I am going to have it put up on

our links page of JRA World. If you contact the Arthritis Foundation

they have some brochers that you can take to her school to help

explain her condation to the teachers. That might help them

understand a little better what is going on with your daughter. I

know alot of adults don't understand that kids get Arthritis too.

Arthritis foundation aslo has a website you can find them at

http://www.arthritis.org I hope this kinda helps you out, others

will be by soon also. I believe this is the link to your daughters

website. http://communities.msn.com/JRAKidz

JRA World/Arthritis Insight


The World is getting smaller all the time-

share, live, laugh, learn...you never have to feel alone...

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Dear Pattie, How old is your daughter? My daughter is 5 and was on Naprosyn

for over 2 years. We stopped because she was brusing very easily and badly. I

too thought the drug didn't work as well as ibuprofen, but administering a

drug 3 times a day proved to be impossible. She is now on Voltaren and

Sulfasalazine and is doing ok. Although her white blood cells came back low

her Dr. suspects it's because of a cold and recent sinus infection. As far as

what other kids say to her I can only say I think about what I will tell

le when that starts to happen to her. She is in kindergarten so I know

that will come up eventually. I hope by than she will know that some people

will understand and be compassionate and some won't. That is the world we

live in. Just let her know she should try not to let their ignorance make

her feel any less about herself. I have discovered how extra special these

JRA kids are. My girl is the sweetest little thing and often comforts me in

my despair. I hope all goes well for your daughter and for your family. Happy

Holidays and God Bless, Blanca

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My daughter has poly JRA also. At first she took motrin( which

is an NSAID) like naprosyn. It did not work. She now takes

sulphasalazine and is doing great on it. Unfortunately she has

uveitis now(whole different subject). Yes, there are many different

drugs that I,m sure could help your daughter. Studies now show it is

better to treat the arhtritis more aggressively in the beginning to

avoid more complications down the road. Do you go to a pediatric

rheumatologist. VERY IMPORTANT!!!. I feel if your daughter is not

fucntioning well on the naprosyn you should definately consider

another class of drugs. Has she had any joints injected? That helps

alot also. As fkor her classmates I agree with s post that you

need to educate others in her class about this disease and that some

days may be good and others bad. Maybe you can bring in her blood

work to show them that she does have this illness. It sounds like she

is old enough that her classmates would understand if they saw

concrete proof. Good for her with her web site. Some day my who

is almost 3 will have kids like your daughter to look up to. Take

care, Bonnie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pattie,

Sometimes all a child will be given is an NSAID, a non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drug. There are several in the same class and one may

work better than another. My son takes 25mgs of indomethacin twice a day

and it works better for him than Naprosyn or Relafen did. If that

doesn't control the pain or inflammation well enough the next step up is

usually to add a DMARD, a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug. This

class of medicines can actually change the course of the disease and

limit progressive deterioration of the joints. Two of the most commonly

prescribed DMARDs are methotrexate and plaquinel. My son takes both to

help treat his systemic JRA. Is your daughter seeing a pediatric

rheumatologist? When is her next appt? If possible, try keeping a diary

of your daughter's symptoms from day to day, being specific about the

type of pain or stiffness, which joints are affected, how long it lasts,

etc. Share these findings with your daughter's doctor and mention your

concerns about her treatment plan.

Is your daughter's name Syd? If so, we got her email message. I think

it's great that she decided to form a new community for kids with JRA :)

Take care,


PS ... I'm sorry that your daughter has been having some issues with her

peers about her symptoms. We haven't had that experience with my son and

his friends.

Pattie wrote:


> Hi my name is Pattie. My daughter was dx'd with polyJRA 3 months ago,

> and is currently on naprosyn. It doesn't seen to be helping much and

> she is getting worse. I wanted to know if any other children are

> taking stronger meds and what was the criteria for taking the leap

> from a minor drug to a stronger drug. The school has modified a 504

> plan for her because she has a difficult time writing for long

> periods of time. But she is having some difficulty with her peers,

> they do not seem to beleive that she is not faking. They think that

> when they see her being normal that she is faking it when she feels

> bad. I have tried to explain to her that they are not having the same

> experience as her and that it is even hard for adults to understand,

> so she needs to be even more careful about taking what children say

> too seriously. We live in So Cal and would appreciate any refferences

> to support groups and or sites on the web. Thanks-Pattie

> p.s. she started her own site for kids with JRA, but I'll have to get

> the address from her tomorrow ;o)

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In a message dated 1/8/2001 6:09:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ind1spo@... writes:

<< hi, my wife and I just became grandparents for the third time. A boy. he

has been diagnosed with downs. We joined this group to learn more about it


Awww...congratulations!! My son is now 7 years old and has a special

relationship with his grandpa. He calls him once a week (with a little

help..but he does ask to call him). My dad looks forward to those phone


Welcome to this list!!

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Welcome to the group, this bunch has a would of info .

So tell us more about this new and wonderful delight that has come into your

life Grandpa and Grandma.

Congradulaions to whole and new wonderful world.

I am Carolyn Mom to Darran 18 (DS)



hi, my wife and I just became grandparents for the third time. A boy. he has

been diagnosed with downs. We joined this group to learn more about it

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In a message dated 1/8/01 5:09:43 PM Central Standard Time,

ind1spo@... writes:

<< hi, my wife and I just became grandparents for the third time. >>


Congrats & welcome!!


Jimmy 13

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I just sent my son off to school. His name is Maverick. He is 10 yrs old

and has DS.

We had our usual busy morning. Up about 5:30 and playing with his WWF

wrestling guys. Making his bed, putting away pj's, feeding the cats.

Regular morning chores. He had picked out his favorite Backstreet Boys

outfit to wear since he is performing with his CD for music class today. He

watched his favorite cartoon, Dragontales, then he watch Caillou (sp) and was

inspired to go skating. Well, that also meant digging out the hockey sticks

and finding a puck because we all know that if we skate we are a part of the

MIGHTY DUCKS. It was drizzling rain so he didn't ride the bike, swing, or

skateboard today, thank goodness. He fought over toys with the little ones

and he gently nurtured the fussing 3 month old.

AT school he is in a regular classroom where he has the support of an aide.

He is in 4th grade. He is fully included. Some kids with ds are in a

self-contained classroom, and some are partially mainstreamed. It's a

personal choice that each family has to make. He is reading at a 1st grade

level and very proud of it. He is doing simple math....not a favorite of

his....reading is more exciting, (of course, PE is best,,,just like with my

11 yr old son!!) He just finished a soccer season. He participates in a

jumprope club. Last night he went with his father brother and sister to the

4H meeting. Last year was the first year he was old enough to show an animal

and he was so ready!! He raised a pig, with the support of his sibs, and

sold it at auction. He camped out at the fairgrounds with the rest of the

4Hers for the week. He also participates at church. He acolytes, he sings

with his group. He played a drum solo at the Christmas program. He enjoys

going to his friends, visiting his grandmother, helping me cook, playing any

and all sports with his fathers. Cops are his heros, atheletes are a close

second. He is very loving, wild, gentle, thoughtful, impulsive and

impatient. He is wonderful.

He also had open heart surgery at 4 months, has speech that is difficult to

understand, wets his pants when excited or he doesn't want to bother leaving

the activity he is doing. He needs more supervision than most 10 yr olds,

he gets more critisism than most 10 yr olds. My heart swells when I see him

reaching out to others and it breaks when I see him rejected by others. And

both happen. And they always will.

Enjoy your grandson, know that he is capable of SO MUCH and that he and his

parents will need loving family support.

I am not trying to gloss over the hardships that his family will endure, and

that is why the support groups are here online or in your community. (Our

city even has a support group for grandparents!!). There will be ups and

downs but still and all, the most important thing to remember is that first

and formost, he is your grandson!!


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Hi Steve and family, congrats on the birth of your

third grandchild !Our first one is ,8, who also

has down syndrome and we have three others.He has been

the light of our lives and has brought such a special

joy into our lives. sdevelopment is slow but

steadyand with early intervention and good teachers he

will amaze you with all the things he will

accomplish.Trust me these boards are a wealth of info

,help and caring and any questions you have to ask

someone here can answerhelp you with it .Welcome to

the world of the special child.

--- steve oechsle <ind1spo@...> wrote:

> hi, my wife and I just became grandparents for the

> third time. A boy. he has been diagnosed with downs.

> We joined this group to learn more about it



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Carole, wife of Rich, mom to and , m-i-l to and ,

grandmom to ,8 ,with d.s.and a.s.d. and 6 with adhd and possible

a.s.d.and Logan 2 year old wild child, and Seth 7months old and better known as

the gerber baby!

In the hour of adversity be not without hope for crystal

rain falls from the black clouds

Persian poem


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I was diagnosed in 93 to have hep c after

donating<br>some blood. I was shocked. I thought I was clean.<br>I

didn't feel sick and I didn't look sick. I began<br>to

go the public library and use the computers.

We<br>weren't allowed to use e-mail or chat at the <br>library

so I concentrated at learning as much as<br>I could

by going to diseases and medicine at Ya-<br>hoo.

Later, I started getting passes to go to the<br>medical

libraries in Green Bay (where I came from). I spent most of

my time there reading gas-<br>troeneterology books

and journals. I also contact-<br>ed several hepatitis

organizations who regularly<br>send me mailings. The best thing

I can tell you to do is learn how to read

laboratory results, <br>especially your own. And be prepared

to make some<br>lifestyle changes.<br>Take


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Hi Steve,

Welcome to the list , you will find many new friends here.

I have a daughter Jodie 10 DS and she had a very special bond with my dad,

but sadly passed away last Feb, to describe their love would be to say it

was perfect in everyway, enjoy your new grandson , you will have many years

of love and affection from him.

If you would ever like to write privately please feel free to,

We live in Ballina , NSW,Australia..

Trish (mum to Danny (14) nda and

Jodie (10) ds

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I have no idea what the dr is telling me some

days, and I have worked in hospital settings. I think

you are right, I need to nail the dr down to showing

me and allowing me copies of my lab results. I hated

research and statistics in college, now I want to know

everything out there about this.

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The doctor can not keep your lab results from

you.<br>They're your records - that's the law. You may want to

know that laboratories do not always use<br>tests that

are universal. As an example, the range<br>may be

different for what's normal for a white<br>blood cell.

Important, is wether the finding is in<br>normal range

-above or below. I could kick myself<br>in the butt for

not learning more about medicine<br>when I was in

college but that's neither here nor<br>there. On the

bright side, I'm convinced a person<br>can live a rather

lenghty, seemingly healthy life-<br>style before

transplantation is necessary. I have<br>days when I don't think

about hepatitis and no one<br>reminds me. I will tell

you this, if you're drink-<br>ing alcohol please

stop. Alcohol allows the virus<br>(hep c) to multiply

faster.<br>Take care,<br>

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

> Hi I'm new to this list and just thought I would say hi.I also


> like to say that I am sorry for the lenght of this post.

> I was diagnosed with lymes in 1989. We figure that it was in 1982

> that I was bitten. I was only 11 at that time so my symptoms went

> unnoticed by others for about a year. Until I figured out that they

> were not going away but only getting worse. My progress was long,

> hard & painfull with no form of relief. It wasnt until late 1989


> I was having vision trouble(seeing double images not one on top of

> the other but side to side)that my eye doctor got the biggest clue


> the puzzle. I was so happy that we finally had a name to put with


> problem. No longer was I just one of " those lazy kids that didnt


> to do anything but lay around or trying to get sympothy,(I would


> found another way~ believe me!)from people.By this time I had been


> every doctor possible and had heard so many rotten things form them

> from blaming my mother to a " head problem " and then the one that


> didnt know what was wrong but that I was not going to live much

> longer.Then I went to another doctor for that simple blood test.But

> he was not much help saying that in fact my test was positave but

> that many test are postiave when infact they should be negative.


> he left the room. I found another doctor after that that offered

> treatment that ment I was to have treatment by IV for a few weeks.


> had this treatment in Feb.of 1990. After all this I am not very


> of doctors when it comes to discussing lymes and I dont talk with

> them about it. I dont remember much of anything when it comes to


> tests that I had or the medications. Nothing worked all those


> I did take alot of perscription Motroin.

> The in 1995 I was diagnosed with fibro. nothing has helped with


> symptoms either I have 4 children under the age of 7 and I run a

> daycare, So I need some help in pain relief. I dont know much about

> either diseases but I need to get it together and start I would


> to read anything I can get.


How sad that you have suffered so much for so long, and very likely

needlessly had you had proper treatment. Others on this list who are

better qualified will no doubt be replying with specific

suggestions. In the meantime you will find a wonderful collection of

information if you simply type in key words " lots of links on lyme

disease " and then press " Lyme Disease Resources " at the top of the

list. I would look for a support group in your area and ask them for

referrals to one or more Lyme-literate MDs. You may find that you

need to travel a long distance to get proper care. Do whatever you

need to do to get the best help you can find. Very likely when you

treat what seems to be your chronic Lyme Disease itself with

antibiotics, your pain will geatly improve or resolve. Many people

find that antibiotics such as zithromax or biaxin that penetrate

deeply into the tissues works wonders for the kind of symptoms you

are describing. For the eyes/central nervous system you will likely

need a second type of antibiotic. Keep searching until you find what

works for you. Glad you are now tapping into the information that is

available online and elsewhere. cws

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Jackie

You might want to try a douche make with hydrogen peroxide (food grade). It

worked for me

in the past. if you want the amounts just e-mail me.

jackie penn wrote:

> Hello,

> My name is Jackie. I have been lurking for a bit.

> I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I recently started taking Glucophage

> XR 500 for that. It has helped with the weight loss some.

> I follow the Atkins diet as well.

> I have Fibromyalgia too.

> I have been considering if I need to discuss Candida with my doctor. I have

> vaginal itchiness mostly. I had a Diflucan and took it. It stopped the

> itching. But I am finding that the itching is starting to come back and it

> has been about 5-6 days since taking the Diflucan.

> I don't take antibiotics and do follow a very low carb diet.

> Is there anything I can get over-the-counter that wouldn't interfere with

> the Atkins diet. I don't want to mess with the creams!

> I would eat the yogurt but it has too many carbs for my diet plan.


> Joyfully,

> Jackie

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome !

Here's a couple links in case you haven't seen them yet:

<A HREF= " http://www.909shot.com/ " >National Vaccine Information Center</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm " >Vaccination Information &

Choice Network - Vaccine/Vaccination/Immunization


<A HREF= " http://www.access1.net/Via/ " >VACCINE INFORMATION & AWARENESS</A>

*this last one has state/ legal info

Oh! I also like thinktwice.com =)

CherylO in MI

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