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Re: Re: probiotics...Dr. Ron's Friendly Flora

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Here are some thoughts on what I know of EM

and how it differs from other probiotics. Although kefir is the closest

in that it is a synergistic colony.

So in the basic Food grade EM from SCD

there are the following microbes: Bifidobacterium animalis, Bifidobacterium

bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus

bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus

plantarum, Lactococcus diacetylactis, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus

thermophilus, Bacillus subtilis var natto, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodopseudomonas


However, the important difference I know of

is the fact that these species have been “persuaded” to grow synergistically.

They grow in a community often called a consortium and help each other out,

they are said to be metabiotic, where each organism creates favorable

conditions for the growth of the others. So in other words if you take all

of the listed species above and put them together and ferment them on molasses you

do not get an EM mother culture. How the various species (and different

formulas have slightly different mixes of microbial species) are persuaded to

grow in this consortium is the technology that Dr. Higa in Japan developed and

is continued by the few master brewers in the world, SCD & EMRO being the 2

I know of in the US. In essence the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

What also differentiates EM from other

probiotics is that it was first developed for use in agriculture and spread to

other uses including waste management, livestock health, odor control & environmental

remediation and also to human health (I guess we’re sort of livestock).

So these consortium of bacteria are useful in all sorts of ways by setting up

their synergistic colonies in various places they basically establish a more

beneficial “normal flora” that helps control the “bad boys”

that cause problems when they get out of balance—whether the place is a garden,

a manure pile, the guts of livestock animals or a polluted lake.

One other difference is that EM unlike any

other probiotic I know of has a rather mystical side that has its own followers

(for example, some think that it is connected with creating ORMUS elements).

Whether to take it, of course is a very

individual decision, I am of the mind that the more fermented foods the better

when your system can handle it, or as you said something else to add to our gut’s

repertoire. I don’t know of any studies done on it for human health

conditions, but you can find anecdotal evidence as with many other probiotics.

Though some people drink it, just because we like how it tastes (an acquired

taste for most) it is often a powerful detoxer and I would recommend anybody

who decides to experiment with it start out on the tiniest amount.

Hope that helps,



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Millie Krejci

Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:12


Subject: [ ] Re:

probiotics...Dr. Ron's Friendly Flora

Lynne and and others,

I have been to Vinny's site and I want to really understand EM, but

don't really get it still. Is this something to take in addition to

kefir, fermented foods and probiotics? Does it have something the

others don't have???

I once ordered a blueberry EM drink, can't remember from where, maybe

Wilderness Family and I had forgotten I even had it. Is it like soil

based organisms in the sense of something else to add to our

repertoire of good things for our guts?

Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for all the replies on this.  I am confident I can cover most of my probiotic program just with this, cheaply and effectively.MaureenOn Mar 31, 2008, at 12:15 PM, <castella@...> wrote:I've been using SCDworld EMs in addition to the Bio-Kult for a few weeks now, so I would be happy to hear of any other experiences.Take care,Alice - HSing mom to Alice (w/DS) born Thanksgiving Day 1995 :-)Hopewell Junction, NY http://www.frontiernet.net/~castella/ 

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