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Book Recommendations

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Re: book recommendations

|At 12:17 PM 3/28/00 -0500, you wrote:

|>Hello list:


|>My 9 year old son has been diagnosed with depression, GAD,OCD and

ODD. There have been many books written on how parents can help their

children cope with these disorders but I am looking for books written

to the child. " Putting on the Brakes " is a book that helps children

with ADHD understand their disorder. I am looking for books written

in the same manner but that help children with depression or anxiety


Any suggestions would be welcome.


|>Thanks and blessings to all!



|I just reviewed a book called Up and Down the Worry Hill. It is a

|children's book about OCD. It may be better for a slightly younger


|but it does help understand OCD. The author is A. Wagner and it is


|Lighthouse Press.


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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 1/12/01 11:02:30 AM Central Standard Time,

globe_amaranth@... writes:

<< I have to venture to guess that many of us here are

Type As. >>

I am a type O - supposedly that " meat-eating " type. I am also a committed

vegetarian. My family thinks that I am unhealthy because I don't eat meat.


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  • 5 months later...
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A book I would have to suggest is How To Raise A Healthy Child In

Spite Of Your Doctor, by Mendelsohn. In addition to talking

about vaccine side effects (might be outdated, I'm not sure...) he

also gives ways to treat these diseases yourself and covers many more

topics like circumcision and ritalin and skin problems and starting

baby on solids...

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I will second this suggestion. It was the ONLY book I read in '87 along with a

few of his newsletters...and this was before adding more vaxxes and knowing what

we do now aboutht e toxins in the vaxxes. So if was a bad idea then, it's so

much more scary now. It's a great starter book as it covers many issues. And

he WAS a doctor(deceased now) but I believe his sons are carrying the torch to

some degree? There are not so long ago interviews with Dr. Mend...and I'm not

sure if it's old interviews repeated or with his sons. I don't know when he

dies so ,as I said, I THINK...



" The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will forever walk

about outside of your body. " Katharine Hadley

A book I would have to suggest is How To Raise A Healthy Child In

Spite Of Your Doctor, by Mendelsohn.

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The first book I read was short and simple, and I recommend it.

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?

A Parent's Guide To Childhood Shots

by Neil Z.

I had to order it from a local alternative book store. It is published by

New Atlantean Press and I believe http://thinktwice.com has their catalog.


New Port Richey FL

book recommendations

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, this is a good one:

" What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization " by

Good luck to you!


~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

~ - 10/5/99

~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01


My sister is now overdue and waiting for her first baby to arrive. For

some reason she finds anything I say threatening (she is my older sister

and has always found this a problem)...so I have to present my thoughts

very carefully. I have not yet mentioned the vaccine issue for this

reason...also because I know it won't be such an issue until she holds her

baby for the first time and feels that need to protect him.

I can already hear her " YOU don't vaccinate your kids? How can you put

them in danger like that? WE were vaccinated and are fine.....I don't even

want to get into this " etc you know the drill. I know plenty of answers to

what she might say but me as her younger sister she won't hear me, I know

that by now. Her hubby is more willing to listen somewhat.

At any rate the best way I can think of is to present them with a good

book. Something not too radical, by an MD probably, that would present the

risks to them and get them thinking. Enough, hopefully to do their own

research and eventually look online. I cannot present them with internet

links or printouts at this point because it would not be taken seriously

( " you can find ANYTHING on the internet if you really want to " ) and would

never even be looked at I'm sure.

I would appreciate any suggestions so very much. I obviously can't force

an issue with them, nor would that be beneficial because she would not even

give me the time of day, sadly. (this is the same woman who freaked on me

when I had my first daughter and told her about us using cloth

diapers......she did not have any kids and I was merely telling my family

about what we were doing because I thought they would be interested. She

saw it as a threat somehow even then to her wanting to use disposibles,

which is obviously her own choice anyway). So I know I will be presented

with a defensive front regardless.

I understand and respect their decisions but need to know for myself and

for their kids that I at least presented them with the risks. I would feel

just awful if I had not even tried and her child was damaged kwim?

Anyway, thanks so much,

, proud SAHmama of nursling n 2/12/99

and Hannah Rae, born 2/12/01

loving & devoted wife to !

attachment / instinctive parenting, wholistic minded happy family!



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In a message dated 6/24/01 11:09:30 PM GTB Daylight Time,

memechose@... writes:


I understand and respect their decisions but need to know for myself and

for their kids that I at least presented them with the risks. I would feel

just awful if I had not even tried and her child was damaged kwim?

Anyway, thanks so much, >>


I would suggest getting her the Smart Medicine book by Zand.It has a decent

but short section on vaccines,and if she does vaccinate she will find the

other sections very useful for treating ear infections,bowel

problems,URI's.Just put a book mark in the immunization section.I bought a

few at a book outlet store once for only $7 and gave to neighbors.I had

gotten my own at the hfs for $20.On line I see it at


for $13

Here a link to the page online from SM book:

http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/Article.asp?PageType=Article & Id=1579

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Yes this is my " bible " for when my kids get sick, I think it is a

great book.

Re: book recommendations

> In a message dated 6/24/01 11:09:30 PM GTB Daylight Time,

> memechose@... writes:


> <<

> I understand and respect their decisions but need to know for myself and

> for their kids that I at least presented them with the risks. I would


> just awful if I had not even tried and her child was damaged kwim?


> Anyway, thanks so much, >>

> ,

> I would suggest getting her the Smart Medicine book by Zand.It has a


> but short section on vaccines,and if she does vaccinate she will find the

> other sections very useful for treating ear infections,bowel

> problems,URI's.Just put a book mark in the immunization section.I bought a

> few at a book outlet store once for only $7 and gave to neighbors.I had

> gotten my own at the hfs for $20.On line I see it at

> http://www.juicers.net/index.html

> for $13


> Here a link to the page online from SM book:

> http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/Article.asp?PageType=Article & Id=1579





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  • 2 years later...
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Hello Martha,

There is also The

Neurofeedback Book: An Introduction to Basic Concepts in Applied

Psychophysiology, by and , published by AAPB.

Good reading,

François Dupont, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Psychologie clinique, de la santé et de

la réadaptation

Thérapie, évaluation et consultation


privée http://infonet.ca/dupont_phd

Clinical, health, and rehabilitation


Therapy, assessment, and consultation


practice fdupont@...

Université/y d’/of Ottawa;  Service de santé

/ Health Services

100-100 Marie-Curie, Ottawa, Ontario,  K1N 6N5 Canada

Tél. : (613) 564-3950 poste / ext. 250 ;  Fax : (613) 564-0758

De :

neuroresrchr@... [mailto:neuroresrchr@...]

Envoyé : 12 juin 2004 23:58

À :

Objet : Book


A hometrainer asked about some additional reading she

could do - beyond Symphony in the Brain and the 20 Hour Solution. My

suggestions are below.

I'd love to see what others have enjoyed - espcially

books that help put neurofeedback in the larger context of

neuroscience. My recommendations reflect my interest in attachment

disorder and brain plasticity so may not be of interest to everyone, but I

do love authors who can make an interesting story (for those of us not

trained in neurology) out of brain research!

#1! The Mind and the Brain by Schwartz and

Sharon Begley - very readable, a fascinating account

of recent research demonstrating the " trainability " of the


Also The Developing Mind by Siegel, or the

Emotional Brain by ph LeDoux.

More specific to neurofeedback is the book edited by

and Abarbanel - Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback - some

pretty heavy duty chapters on how neurofeedback might be working in addition to

chapters by leaders in the field on specific applications of


Other favorites, anyone? Also a couple people

said they couldn't open the forms I attached through the listserve. I'm

happy to send them back channel if anyone else had trouble.


Martha Lappin, PhD

Alternative Health Care Research, Inc.

10841 Split Oak Lane

Burke, VA


Attachment: vcard [not shown]

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Where would a hometrainer buy this book? I can't find it at Amazon or and Noble online.

Another book that has been recommended to me is "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" by G. Amen. It's not pure neurofeedback either.

Dawn Miner - soon to be hometrainer

-----Original Message-----From: fdupont@... [mailto:fdupont@...]Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:22 AM Subject: RE: Book recommendations

Hello Martha,

There is also The Neurofeedback Book: An Introduction to Basic Concepts in Applied Psychophysiology, by and , published by AAPB.

Good reading,

François Dupont, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Psychologie clinique, de la santé et de la réadaptation

Thérapie, évaluation et consultation

Pratique privée http://infonet.ca/dupont_phd

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You can call 303-422-8436 or go to http://www.aapb.org/store/search.cfm and do a search for The Neurofeedback Book and purchase it on line.


RE: Book recommendations

Where would a hometrainer buy this book? I can't find it at Amazon or and Noble online.

Another book that has been recommended to me is "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" by G. Amen. It's not pure neurofeedback either.

Dawn Miner - soon to be hometrainer

-----Original Message-----From: fdupont@... [mailto:fdupont@...]Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:22 AM Subject: RE: Book recommendations

Hello Martha,

There is also The Neurofeedback Book: An Introduction to Basic Concepts in Applied Psychophysiology, by and , published by AAPB.

Good reading,

François Dupont, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Psychologie clinique, de la santé et de la réadaptation

Thérapie, évaluation et consultation

Pratique privée http://infonet.ca/dupont_phd

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What forms are you referring to? Anything I'd be interested in??

Other favorites, anyone? Also a couple people said they couldn't open the forms I attached through the listserve. I'm happy to send them back channel if anyone else had trouble.


Martha Lappin, PhDAlternative Health Care Research, Inc.10841 Split Oak LaneBurke, VA 22015

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  • 1 year later...

I would recommend Bruce Fife's book Eat Fat, Look Thin with 5 stars! Actually

if there was a higher rating than 5 stars I'd like to give it 11 stars! It is

fabulous, it reeducates a person on good fats, bad fats, need for fats and many

other good health information points. It is just an overall excellent source of

information that I would recommend to ANYONE! It has several really good recipes

in the back that I have used as well. I don't know about many people but

reeducateing my brain on fat from all the brain washing was a hard thing, I was

so " low fat " oriented it was pitiful. This really explained in easily understood

terms backed up by study after study why your body needs fat, but more

importantly good fat and why it is so healthy. I know what he writes is true now

from personal experience. My first pregnancy I ate hardly any fat trying not to

gain weight, I ate all carbs and felt like I was starving all the time. I gained

more than 50 pounds--probably closer to 60 since I wouldn't even step on the

scale that last month and all of my extra pounds are due to this pregnancy. My

next two I was more familiar with eating healthier--I gained 32 pounds with my

son and had 6 pounds left after a month from his pregnancy. With my twins I

gained 34 pounds and had 4 pounds left after two weeks and after 7 weeks was 3

pounds less than my prepregnancy weight with them.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm listening to the cd version of " Devil in the Details " right now.

Anyone ready to laugh at ocd would love to hear this book. Having

the author read it to me makes sure her unique (funny) way of

thinking comes through to me.

She's had me rolling many times - like when she went into this long

routine about the many uses of kleenex . . . from an ocd

perspective. She pokes fun at the day to day oddities of the


I like when she talks about her family's reactions to her ocd.

What's funny to me right now is that even though the little stories

and the punch lines are rolling around my head the past few days, I

can't really share them with very many people - you'd have to have

ocd or live with someone who does to get them.



> Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for book

> recommendations for our 13-year old son.


> For those of you interested in scrupulosity, I came across a very

> interesting book called Devil in the Details, by Traig.


> In the book, the author tells of her battles with scrupulosity as a

> child. Despite the seriousness of the subject matter, she manages to

> present her story in a humorous manner.



> Shlomo


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  • 10 months later...

To Nacy Berndt and any others-

We are new to all of this and would greatly appreciate more

information about KTM, Dr. K, and homeopathics. Are there books we

can buy which chronicle more about Dr.K or whatever homeopathics you

have found helpful. We did purchase one recently with a purple cover

but the name escapes me, what is the KTM, how long and how often do

you use it. I have Buhner's books so I am not asking for information

about that right now.

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There are two sites:



Those are the ones I know with direct info from him.

As for homeopathics, I dont' know what to suggest you. There's

someone screenname Truthfinder () in lymenet.org that will be

glad to inform you about lyme treatments. Very good threads in the

past were done by her, concerning all possibly lyme protocols using

homeopathy. If you do a search there, you'll probably find these

posts. Type 'homeopathy', ' ', 'Ledum', 'Aurum arsenicosum',

you'll get to her detailed info about different protocols for lyme.

If you read German, there are many more stuff from Dr. K. Contact me

in private, I'll give you the contact where you can buy DVDs and


The KMT, well, a few people here are using it. I'm a fan of it, as

I'm a fan of Buhner's herbs. I didn't use it daily, but I used it

very often, specially in times of trouble.

Check also www.betterhealthguy.com. is also a KMT user.

Hope this helps.



> To Nacy Berndt and any others-

> We are new to all of this and would greatly appreciate more

> information about KTM, Dr. K, and homeopathics. Are there books we

> can buy which chronicle more about Dr.K or whatever homeopathics you

> have found helpful. We did purchase one recently with a purple cover

> but the name escapes me, what is the KTM, how long and how often do

> you use it. I have Buhner's books so I am not asking for information

> about that right now.


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  • 9 months later...
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In a message dated 7/7/2008 9:48:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

woodopetedog@... writes:

finished " The Vaccine Safety Manual " by and " The

Vaccine Book " by Sears and I think I need to keep reading. Can anyone

suggest one or 2 more books to me?

I am getting " How to raise a healthy child.... " today so I will be

diving into that but I'd like to read another book or 2 on vaccines

before making decisions.

Also any basic child care books that you might recommend too?

Thanks again,


What Your Doctor may NOT tell you about children's vaccinations

How to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor

Naturally Healthy babies and Children

**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

fuel-efficient used cars.


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These 2 DVDs from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, come highly recommended:

Vaccines: The Risks, Benefits and Choices


Vaccines: What CDC and Science Documents Reveal




OK, I have finished " The Vaccine Safety Manual " by and " The

Vaccine Book " by Sears and I think I need to keep reading. Can anyone

suggest one or 2 more books to me?

I am getting " How to raise a healthy child.... " today so I will be

diving into that but I'd like to read another book or 2 on vaccines

before making decisions.

Also any basic child care books that you might recommend too?

Thanks again,


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A shot in the dark

Barbara Fisher

Re: book recommendations

In a message dated 7/7/2008 9:48:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

woodopetedog writes:

finished " The Vaccine Safety Manual " by and " The

Vaccine Book " by Sears and I think I need to keep reading. Can anyone

suggest one or 2 more books to me?

I am getting " How to raise a healthy child.... " today so I will be

diving into that but I'd like to read another book or 2 on vaccines

before making decisions.

Also any basic child care books that you might recommend too?

Thanks again,


What Your Doctor may NOT tell you about children's vaccinations

How to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor

Naturally Healthy babies and Children

************ **Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

fuel-efficient used cars. (http://autos. aol.com/used? ncid=aolaut00050


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The Vaccine Guide by Randall Neustaedter;

Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the

American Brain by Harriis Coulter.

And check this link for multiple articles:



book recommendations


> OK, I have finished " The Vaccine Safety Manual " by and

> " The

> Vaccine Book " by Sears and I think I need to keep reading. Can

> anyone

> suggest one or 2 more books to me?

> I am getting " How to raise a healthy child.... " today so I will

> be

> diving into that but I'd like to read another book or 2 on

> vaccines

> before making decisions.

> Also any basic child care books that you might recommend too?


> Thanks again,

> Tori



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