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Re: PA and Anxiety

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Before you try medication, try relaxation techniques. Sign up for a

Yoga class, listen to solo piano music at bedtime and work on

relaxing each part of your body--one part at a time.

Living in a state of anxiety is not a pleasant or healthy experience.

I did take medication for occasional anxiety before I learned to

control it with Yoga.

Good luck.

in KS

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Hi Judy -

There are many non drug ways to improve sleep and calm you down. Don't

exercise right before bed, don't use caffiene after 12 noon, take a hot bath

about 1/2 hour before bed, but most importantly (for me anyhow) find a way to

reduce your stress level. Whether it is reading a good book, a favorite

movie or TV show, yoga, meditation, or even a good sound beating up of your

pillow - whatever it takes. You need to clear your mind and calm down your

thought process. Foods play an important part too - turkey and warm milk

really do make you sleepy. I have seen recommendations that you have a light

complex carb. snack before bed - nothing spicy!

I'm really lucky in that I see many in this group have trouble sleeping and

trouble with pain. My " painkiller " is sleep. As soon as I feel

uncomfortable, the first thing I do is close my eyes and focus on trying to

clear my mind. I can usually drift off unless the pain is really severe.

Well, I hope you find something to help - maybe reading some long and boring

email from us " frequent posters " ??? LOL

Good luck,

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Hi Judy & all

I just read your letter and my heart goes out to you you sure have a lot to

cope with and I can understand your anxiety who would not be anxious with

your load I can relate to you fully I have a MVProblem and I have had the

lung bones with awful pains. but most of all I had a racing heart palpations

all the time I was put in the too

hard & nurotic basket but I persisted and kept just going back to Drs put in

hospital and sent home this went on for 3years when in the end I asked for

another opinion and on that consulation I was

sent straight to hospital

to have a angiogram done and had a major lad

blocked I was balloned my palpitations eased for a little while then they

came back with a vengence and my Dr put the holter moniter on me once again

and they found I had severe disrythums and a pace maker was inserted within

2days. So please go back to your Drs and persist and dont put your self down

with just anxiety. You would have depression but who wouldn't I did and I

went on deptran 70mg a night and found that it helped I am rather anxious at

present as I am about to have my pace maker tested as I have been having

some little flutters and some dizzy turns which is a sign of a new battery

coming up.

I thank God every day for allowing me to go to a Christian Dr that listened

to me so the best of luck Judy I will keep you in my prayers.


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  • 5 years later...

HI Jim

The spiro has calmed me down quite a bit. I have suffered from anxiety from PA

for some time.

I used to be a relaxed person now I am startled easy and some what fearfull. Its

all PA related. Its like being wired on 1000 cups of expresso. ita

the following article shows a correlation between PA and anxiety


http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=50959 I thought this was

interesting since I've had an anxiety problem for some time. I guess the PA is

the culprit.


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