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Glad to hear you have a flame going now. Keep fanning it!!!!!


-- Re: Re: hello

hi chuck

i again was able to get into the hypothyroid group as a moderator,

this is something that happens only sometimes, i have not been able to

figure out why i can sometmes, but not at other times.

i tried to give you moderator privileges, but i learned that only the

group owner can do that, i have no idea who cure_zone happens to be, but

they are listed as the group owner. i am not able to get a hold of

dusan of norway, either. maybe i should send an email to cure_zone

asking them to relinguish owner control, and giving it to me or you.

i was able to give you unlimited posting powers,

the moderator has limited powers, such as what the group system

allows or what the actual group owner decides to bestow upon the


i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can

approve them in a timely manner.

i will continue to try to solve these problems, as well as approving

posts in a timely manner.

some of the members have sent me very nice emails of sympathy and

support, and i would like to thank them. it has given me some hope,

motivation, and desire to continue.

i apologize for the previous neglect of the moderator duties, as i was

not up to it, and for a long time did not even realize i was still the

designated moderator for the group.

hope the holiday season brings good health and prosperity to all members.

ira m fine aka iramfine@... moderator

Chuck B wrote:

> Ira,


> Against my better judgment, I have volunteered to help out with the

> moderating, if that is possible. If Dusan is no longer involved, why

> don't you try to make me a moderator? The main problem we have had is

> with new subscribers not being able to post for weeks after they sign

> on. Have you been the one giving them permission, or does that

> eventually happen automatically?


> Thanks,

> Chuck

> gumboyaya@...

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I believe I have already stated my views as to whether or not this group needs a

moderator to approve messages. In case you did not receive that communiue,


repeat myself. We could use a moderator to get new people onto the system

quickly, and deal with any problems. However, we do not need a monitor


to approve (or disapprove) messages. We have been taking care of posting to


group just fine, and if you have set up the group to only work with your


it should be changed, because that is not what we want.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

Glad to hear you have a flame going now. Keep fanning it!!!!!


-- Re: Re: hello

hi chuck

i again was able to get into the hypothyroid group as a moderator,

this is something that happens only sometimes, i have not been able to

figure out why i can sometmes, but not at other times.

i tried to give you moderator privileges, but i learned that only the

group owner can do that, i have no idea who cure_zone happens to be, but

they are listed as the group owner. i am not able to get a hold of

dusan of norway, either. maybe i should send an email to cure_zone

asking them to relinguish owner control, and giving it to me or you.

i was able to give you unlimited posting powers,

the moderator has limited powers, such as what the group system

allows or what the actual group owner decides to bestow upon the


i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can

approve them in a timely manner.

i will continue to try to solve these problems, as well as approving

posts in a timely manner.

some of the members have sent me very nice emails of sympathy and

support, and i would like to thank them. it has given me some hope,

motivation, and desire to continue.

i apologize for the previous neglect of the moderator duties, as i was

not up to it, and for a long time did not even realize i was still the

designated moderator for the group.

hope the holiday season brings good health and prosperity to all members.

ira m fine aka iramfine@... moderator

Chuck B wrote:

> Ira,


> Against my better judgment, I have volunteered to help out with the

> moderating, if that is possible. If Dusan is no longer involved, why

> don't you try to make me a moderator? The main problem we have had is

> with new subscribers not being able to post for weeks after they sign

> on. Have you been the one giving them permission, or does that

> eventually happen automatically?


> Thanks,

> Chuck

> gumboyaya@...

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bear339@... wrote:


> I appreciate all that you are trying to do for this group. Most of the

> things you said?sounded fine to me?but I really don't like the idea of

> needing someone to approve our posts....

That would not happen here. You are thinking of a fully moderated list.

The moderator and owner have the option of leaving that door wide open.

We just need someone to respond to new subscribers within a day or two

instead of waiting for several weeks.


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Okay, that sounds good.

What exactly did Ira mean then when he said:

" i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can

approve them in a timely manner. "

Re: Re: hello

bear339@... wrote:


> I appreciate all that you are trying to do for this group. Most of the

> things you said?sounded fine to me?but I really don't like the idea of

> needing someone to approve our posts....

That would not happen here. You are thinking of a fully moderated list.

The moderator and owner have the option of leaving that door wide open.

We just need someone to respond to new subscribers within a day or two

instead of waiting for several weeks.



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You wrote:


> Okay, that sounds good.


> What exactly did Ira mean then when he said:


> " i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can

> approve them in a timely manner. "

Ask Ira. We had been discussing approving " new posters " rather than

" posts. " To me, the setting that would best insure approval in a timely

manner would be " automatic. " Perhaps he intends to read them all first.

I wouldn't.

Truly moderated lists have relatively little traffic, because no one

likes to get the response from the moderator telling them whether their

submission has been approved or not. Some like that sort of bottleneck.

I don't and would certainly not propose to impose it here, although I do

participate as a contributor to such lists and have never had a

" submission " rejected. It is also a heck of a lot of work for the

moderator. When moderating a list, I would only volunteer to step in

when there were problems. Perhaps a better title would be " facilitator. "


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I think that there has been a misunderstanding on my part here ....


When I said this to Ira:

> I appreciate all that you are trying to do for this group. Most of the

> things you said sounded fine to me, but I really don't like the idea of

> needing someone to approve our posts....

You said:

" That would not happen here. "

So it seemed to me like you knew something that I didn't, or that you

understood exactly what Ira's post meant.

So then, to try and understand, I said:

What exactly did Ira mean in his post then when he said:

" i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can approve them

in a timely manner. "

And you replied with:

" Ask Ira. "

I didn't understand that what you meant (I think) in the first response was:

" I'm really not sure what Ira meant by his post, but I myself know that we won't

have to have someone approve each post here. "


Re: Re: hello


You wrote:


> Okay, that sounds good.


> What exactly did Ira mean then when he said:


> " i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can

> approve them in a timely manner. "

Ask Ira. We had been discussing approving " new posters " rather than

" posts. " To me, the setting that would best insure approval in a timely

manner would be " automatic. " Perhaps he intends to read them all first.

I wouldn't.

Truly moderated lists have relatively little traffic, because no one

likes to get the response from the moderator telling them whether their

submission has been approved or not. Some like that sort of bottleneck.

I don't and would certainly not propose to impose it here, although I do

participate as a contributor to such lists and have never had a

" submission " rejected. It is also a heck of a lot of work for the

moderator. When moderating a list, I would only volunteer to step in

when there were problems. Perhaps a better title would be " facilitator. "



More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -


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Chuck, Mr. Fine said that he set the settings to have all posts go through him,


that he would approve posts in a timely manner. I don't like that either and




Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:

bear339@... wrote:


> I appreciate all that you are trying to do for this group. Most of the

> things you said?sounded fine to me?but I really don't like the idea of

> needing someone to approve our posts....

That would not happen here. You are thinking of a fully moderated list.

The moderator and owner have the option of leaving that door wide open.

We just need someone to respond to new subscribers within a day or two

instead of waiting for several weeks.



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Thank you for taking this on. I know with all that you are dealing

with it can be difficult. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I do have to agree with Roni in that I do not like the idea of a

moderator sensoring our posts. What we are doing is working and we

have been able to communicate our disagreements to inappropriate posts

effectively. I am not sure I would stay with the group if one person

had power over all our posts. There is valuable information out there

from everyone. It would be a shame to possibly miss something because

one person may not think it needs to be seen.

I appreciate you wanting to take this on but I think, if possible

majority should rule on this subject.



-- In hypothyroidism , Roni Molin <matchermaam@...> wrote:


> I believe I have already stated my views as to whether or not this

group needs a

> moderator to approve messages. In case you did not receive that

communiue, I'll

> repeat myself. We could use a moderator to get new people onto the


> quickly, and deal with any problems. However, we do not need a

monitor moderator

> to approve (or disapprove) messages. We have been taking care of

posting to the

> group just fine, and if you have set up the group to only work

with your approval,

> it should be changed, because that is not what we want.


> Roni


> Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

> Glad to hear you have a flame going now. Keep fanning it!!!!!

> cw


> -- Re: Re: hello


> hi chuck


> i again was able to get into the hypothyroid group as a moderator,

> this is something that happens only sometimes, i have not been able to

> figure out why i can sometmes, but not at other times.


> i tried to give you moderator privileges, but i learned that only the

> group owner can do that, i have no idea who cure_zone happens to be,


> they are listed as the group owner. i am not able to get a hold of

> dusan of norway, either. maybe i should send an email to cure_zone

> asking them to relinguish owner control, and giving it to me or you.


> i was able to give you unlimited posting powers,


> the moderator has limited powers, such as what the group system

> allows or what the actual group owner decides to bestow upon the

> moderator.


> i also set up the control to notify me of all posts so that i can

> approve them in a timely manner.


> i will continue to try to solve these problems, as well as approving

> posts in a timely manner.


> some of the members have sent me very nice emails of sympathy and

> support, and i would like to thank them. it has given me some hope,

> motivation, and desire to continue.


> i apologize for the previous neglect of the moderator duties, as i was

> not up to it, and for a long time did not even realize i was still the

> designated moderator for the group.


> hope the holiday season brings good health and prosperity to all



> ira m fine aka iramfine@... moderator


> Chuck B wrote:

> > Ira,

> >

> > Against my better judgment, I have volunteered to help out with the

> > moderating, if that is possible. If Dusan is no longer involved, why

> > don't you try to make me a moderator? The main problem we have had is

> > with new subscribers not being able to post for weeks after they sign

> > on. Have you been the one giving them permission, or does that

> > eventually happen automatically?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Chuck

> > gumboyaya@...







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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi ,

Welcome :) I too have " spirited twins "

(fraternal boys) who just recently turned 4, plus

an older 7 year old son to boot! It has been

chaos and survival mode since my twin boys were

born. I am just now getting to a place where I

can look honestly at my own self care and take

the baby steps to make the necessary changes.

There is a wonderful book (has nothing to do with

Candida,), but everything to do with self care

and would be a great support for anyone with

health challenges, called " The Pace of Grace; the

Virtues of a Sustainable Life " by Kavelin

Popov. This book combined with this group,

Duncan's whey/inulin/selenium/probiotic protocol

and the wonderful book " Body Ecology Diet " by

Donna Gates have really helped me begin to heal,

though it is all in baby steps. Honoring what you

can do and not allowing the guilt to control you

when you don't care for yourself the way you know

you want to. Instead, looking at the guilt as a

messenger that a change needs to take place and

then letting it go. Sending you a warm welcome.

May you find what you need here. Be Well, Azalyne

>Hi. I have been reading the psots for a couple months now and just

>wanted to introduce myself. I am 36 and have had acne as a teenager

>so I am sure the antibiotics are the culprit in my case. Also, I am

>sure all the antibiotics that go into our meat and dairy doesn't help


>I got diagnosed at the Whitacker Wellness center. I did the 3 day

>stool sample. I do have a question though. Two of the samples had

>yeast but one didn't. I thought that was strange. Any comments?


>Anyhow..I have not done the diet yet. I know..bad, bad, bad. I jsut

>feel so lost. Not sure what I can and can't eat. I also don't really

>know what supplements to take except the probiotics. Is Three-lac

>good? Any reason why I shouldn't just take Diflucan and get rid of

>it?? I know I need to sit down and take a good hard look at

>everything. I can't seem to find the time as I have 2 year old twin

>boys that are very spirited..the new politically correct term for

>hyper!! LOL


>Well, thank you all for your openness and willingness to share your







~*~Embrace a pace of grace and hold an attitude

of gratitude as you nurture yourself daily, only

then can you give from a full cup to those you

love. Be Well~*~

Azalyne SkyeOlson

Natural Birth Educator/Lactation Consultant,

SCD/GF/CF Nutritional Coach, Nourishing Natural

Foods Chef, Wild Mushroom Identification,

Herbalist, MMS Distributor

831 406-0910 cell

831 728-0283 home office



" Carefully watch your THOUGHTS, for they become

your WORDS. Manage and watch your WORDS, for they

will become your ACTIONS. Consider and judge your

ACTIONS, for they have become your HABITS.

Acknowledge and watch your HABITS, for they shall

become your VALUES. Understand and embrace your

VALUES, for they become YOUR DESTINY. "

-Mahatma Gandhi

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Hi ,

Diflucan is something that some people on the list have felt has helped them.

Some others feel that it may kill some of the weaker yeasts while not killing

the stronger form and then the void is later filled by the stronger yeasts.

Also, you need to be careful with these meds if you have any liver or gall

bladder complaints. But the trick here is to do your homework and see what works

for you. Diflucan can also be a long term med.

The diet is not that difficult to follow, but you need to be consistent with

it.Check out previous posts to help you get up to speed. Understanding that

little ones will take up so much time, just try to ease into it and do what you

can. Maybe by starting to stay away from sugars, high glycemic foods and grains

to start. Just a suggestion there are many here far, far more experienced than I


BTW. Where and what is the Whitaker Wellness Center?

Be well,

<Rn2b@...> wrote:

Hi. I have been reading the psots for a couple months now and just

wanted to introduce myself. I am 36 and have had acne as a teenager

so I am sure the antibiotics are the culprit in my case. Also, I am

sure all the antibiotics that go into our meat and dairy doesn't help


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GREAT news Debby. Sounds like 2008 is going to be a really healthy one for alot

of us !

Enjoy the great health you're experiencing and thanks for letting us all know

how you are and giving the great boost for us all.



[ ] Hello

It has been good to read all of your posts, and I too have been out of sorts

too. I hope that all of you too have a blessed New Year!

I finally saw my GI and things are looking up for me! My lft's had risen

drastically and she had me do labs each week.....originally , she had me on

weekly for 3 MONTHS!!!! YIKES....but now she has given me reprieve for twice a

month! YEAH!

My GI put me back on the 6MP after she had some of the typical AIH labs which

showed that I was beginning a flare. Since I have lost all of this weight...(108

lbs now,) I will do just about anthing to NOT take prednisone. Now that I am on

the 6MP, I am responding. My total bilirubin is the key....it was going up, but

now it is down and I am thrilled!

Bottom line, I did not go into a flare, and am back on the 6mp for the rest of

my life...and that is OK.

Thanks for the support! I hope all of you have a great rest of the week and



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Thanks Dee...yes, it IS going to be a good year!


[ ] Hello

It has been good to read all of your posts, and I too have been out of sorts

too. I hope that all of you too have a blessed New Year!

I finally saw my GI and things are looking up for me! My lft's had risen

drastically and she had me do labs each week.....originally , she had me on

weekly for 3 MONTHS!!!! YIKES....but now she has given me reprieve for twice a

month! YEAH!

My GI put me back on the 6MP after she had some of the typical AIH labs which

showed that I was beginning a flare. Since I have lost all of this weight...(108

lbs now,) I will do just about anthing to NOT take prednisone. Now that I am on

the 6MP, I am responding. My total bilirubin is the key....it was going up, but

now it is down and I am thrilled!

Bottom line, I did not go into a flare, and am back on the 6mp for the rest of

my life...and that is OK.

Thanks for the support! I hope all of you have a great rest of the week and



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Debby I am so happy for you. You lost all the weight and now the good news about

not being back on Prednisone.

I have a couple of questions. Did you always take 6mp or did you take Imuran? I

have always taken Imuran and it makes me nauseous. I also start back into flares

within 1 to 2 yrs after stopping the Prednisone.

Thanks and good luck the WV Hillbilly


[ ] Hello

It has been good to read all of your posts, and I too have been out

of sorts too. I hope that all of you too have a blessed New Year!

I finally saw my GI and things are looking up for me! My lft's had risen

drastically and she had me do labs each week.....originally , she had me on

weekly for 3 MONTHS!!!! YIKES....but now she has given me reprieve for twice a

month! YEAH!

My GI put me back on the 6MP after she had some of the typical AIH labs which

showed that I was beginning a flare. Since I have lost all of this

weight...(108 lbs now,) I will do just about anthing to NOT take prednisone.

Now that I am on the 6MP, I am responding. My total bilirubin is the key....it

was going up, but now it is down and I am thrilled!

Bottom line, I did not go into a flare, and am back on the 6mp for the rest of

my life...and that is OK.

Thanks for the support! I hope all of you have a great rest of the week and



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Hi All

Nina hope you feel better soon it seems to be a bad year

for colds and gastro problems. I think it is the weather one

day hot the another day cold wish it would make up it`s mind. (hee,hee)

Debbie great news for you hope it continues to be a great year

for everyone I can`t speek for everyone but 2007 really was

not a good year for me and I am glad that it is over.

Have a good one

in Montreal


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  • 3 weeks later...

>Hi Cheryl,

You always have some type of options! Even with an HMO! You can

research, network in your area and find out who you can switch to if

you are not happy with your PCP, or any other specialty...

There are exceptions, and it does take some time and paperwork, but

definitely worth your effort:)

I hope your epidural went well and gave you some relief.

I've had to make many adjustments in my activities of daily living

since my diag. in 2005, but I have found some very helpful ideas,

support, and great education with this group!

Please take care,


> My name is Cheryl. I have a herniated disc in L5. I have been on

> heavy pain meds and they do not help. They are like sugar pills. I

> am going through a series of epidurals that started 2 weeks ago and

> that is was a

> very bad experience. It seemed to do more harm than good. I have a

> double coming up this Monday and am already fearful. The doctor


> I see is an HMO doctor so I have no choice in who sees me. I get


> little information from him. I just found out 2 weeks ago that the

> disc is herniated on both sides, hence the double on Monday. I have

> had arthritis for years in my spine and elsewhere but this past

> September the disc blew. Sometimes the pain and depression that


> with it is unbearable. I can no longer walk my dog a mile every

> morning at dawn. My world has gone to gray. I was an avid gardener

> and wonder what lies ahead for me. Last September I could hardly


> the lawn tractor. Well that is the short of it. I hope to get to


> you folks. I pray that I learn something here. My hubby doesn't

> understand. I really do not have anyone to talk to about it. Thank

> You for listening. Cheryl


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Yes, Sue, undenatured whey is anti-inflammatory in three ways at


-- by virtue of being an imnmunomodulator that quiets an overactive

immune response.

-- by quenching inflammation caused by free radical cascades

(oxidative stress).

-- by breaking down inflammation-causing toxins.

You could also call it anti-inflammatory by virtue of suppressing

some pathogenic organisms in the gut that would cause inflammation by

producing toxin load at the bowel lining.



> Duncan,



> Does whey have properties of being considered an anti

> inflammatory?


> thanks : )


> =^.^=

> Sue K






> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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/Hi there The Other Marguerite.....:)

Someone sent me an e mail swearing I had asked a question and I had not.

She SWORE it WAS MEEE then I told her there must be another Marguerite..

Well Hi there!

Welcome... So I will sign Marguerite S and you can Sign Marguerite M...LOL!

Take care!! :)

Happy Valentines Day too~~

........Count YOUR Blessings!

Miracles happen ONLY

for those who believe!

For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone,

but those of another praying for us.


The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.

My success is measured by my willingness to keep trying. "

- Anon.


In a message dated 2/13/2008 9:11:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

mmmckinney1@... writes:

Marguerite S, Yes there is another Marguerite on here. The first time I saw

a reply from " you " ...I thought...I didn't write that! I didn't know there was

another Marguerite! My maiden name was Shay, so I used to be Marguerite S.

Now I am Marguerite M. It is a very uncommon name, not used very

often....especially with our spelling. Nice to meet you.

Marguerite M


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Thanks for letting me no.

Darin Nice to meet you to

[ ] Hello

Marguerite S, Yes there is another Marguerite on here. The first time I saw a

reply from " you " ...I thought...I didn't write that! I didn't know there was

another Marguerite! My maiden name was Shay, so I used to be Marguerite S. Now I

am Marguerite M. It is a very uncommon name, not used very often....especially

with our spelling. Nice to meet you.

Marguerite M

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Click now for great LSAT prep courses and watch your scores soar!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

--- In , Penkoff


> Welcome .......talk, vent or ask away.


Hi thanks for the reply, so good to be able to talk about this

condition, even though it is not me who has it, I still hate seeing my

partner suffer the way he does, and knowing I cant do a bloody thing

for him except be as supportive as possible.

We are thinking of moving to the city as we live in a town which they

call a city but its not! We are moving because as soon as my fella

gets sick they cannot deal with him here in Geraldton Western

Australia, so therefore we have to travel 500kms just to see his

rheumy and other specialist doctors in Perth Western Australia.

And as you know when you are not working, because I myself are on a

disability pension for a bad back, you just cant keep coming up with

the cash to go to and from every time shit hits the fan. (so to speak).

My Partner has just about tried everything, no doubt like a lot of

people out there with PA and Humira is his last resort, so fingers


Thanks for the chat

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Is the laminectomy to fuse or what?

paul <paul708@...> wrote: im a 52 year old male in california im

going in for a laminectomy on

sept 4 2008 can any one shed any light on this surgery and the recovery

stage and what to expect thanks in advance

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Guest guest

I had a laminectomy but it was at l4-l5 and it was so they could get into my

spinal cord...only thing I have had at my neck was anterior cervical fusion of

two disks. Hopefully someone can tell you what to expect. Good luck.

paul <paul708@...> wrote: my surgery im having on sept 4 2008 for a

laminectomy they will remove

the lamina from c2 c4 c5 c6

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