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Only thing that can happen is his DHT can go up when I was on gels it was up

3x's the top of the range. My Dr. said not a problem unless it has an effect on

my Prostate like slow voiding. The other problem for me is the testosterone

going through the skin was not supporting my joints and muscles I know of a few

men this has happened to. We did not know it was the gel and as time went on I

was in a lot of pain and house bound.

When I switched to shots thanks to one of the guys telling me this after my

first shot the pain was better.

Also for a lot of guys the gels drive up Estradiol levels for me it was worse

then the shots. And it stops working after a time and levels come down. Other

then this not a problem I have been on TRT over 26 yrs and the only problem I

have it getting old.



> From: Molly <mollylynnbrown@...>

> Subject: Hello


> Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 9:07 PM

> Hi all,


> I'm wondering if anyone knows of any long term health

> risk from using

> andro-gel, my guy has been on it for about 2 years, due to

> testical

> cancer.


> Molly



> ------------------------------------



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Hi Molly & welcome.

Androgel & Testim tend to increase DHT more so than injections as

there is an abundance of 5 alpha reductase in the skin that converts

testosterone to DHT. Along the lines of Phil's reply, DHT can cause

prostate growth. However, it seems that there's a certain combination

wherein this occurs: DHT in the presence of low testosterone & high


Is your husband getting his DHT tested when he has labs done? Ask his

doctor about adding that test so he can see what effect Androgel may

be having on his DHT levels.

Thick skin can hinder absorption. The question is, can Androgel cause

a thickening of the skin, thereby ending its usefulness?



> > From: Molly <mollylynnbrown@...>

> > Subject: Hello

> >

> > Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 9:07 PM

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I'm wondering if anyone knows of any long term health

> > risk from using

> > andro-gel, my guy has been on it for about 2 years, due to

> > testical

> > cancer.

> >

> > Molly

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Hi Molly,  I am relatively new to this group also.   I have been using Androgel

for about 5 years due to the loss of one testicle in 1997.   My t-levels had

fallen and the doc put me TRT.   In April this year, the other testicle had to

be removed due to atrophy and severe pain.   I believe me levels have fallen

even more.   My doc gave me orders for new blood work to determine if I need to

increase or change TRT.   The only side effect I have is that due to the amount

I apply each day ( 6 pumps) ,  I can taste the medication.   My doc told me this

is nothing to be alarmed about.  Some people can " taste "   certain medications

that applied transdermally.     

From: Molly <mollylynnbrown@...>

Subject: Hello

Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 1:07 AM

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any long term health risk from using

andro-gel, my guy has been on it for about 2 years, due to testical



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, that's how it's commonly done :( -- at least you're in the right

group now to set the stage for your recovery :)



> Hi all, I wonder if it is possible for a person to get this sick by

> overeating, eating the wrong foods, and being under stress for


> It seems like I am the candida poster girl. My symptoms? 2 out of 4

> times tested positive for lupus, occasional arthritis, red rash


> face, inflammatory bowel disease, low thyroid, overweight, constant

> infections, horrible allergies, pain in different places after


> sugar, itching in hands and feet after eating sugar, athlete's

foot. I

> was (am) really worried about the pain after sugar on one side of


> head by the ear or in the inner ear, in the rib cage, sometimes can

> feel inflammation there) extreme fatigue after eating sugar, mental

> fogginess, and depression/anxiety. oy, I am a mess. I want to

believe I

> can get better.


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Is it possible?!?! Sugar is what IS CAUSING your problems to be so


GET OFF THE SUGAR!!!! You'll feel like a different person in days,


your IBD, lupus (inflammation), arthritis, weight...will be MUCH more

tolerable. Sugar is the worst thing for anyone to put in their body,

but for you, it is quickly killing you...


> Hi all, I wonder if it is possible for a person to get this sick by

> overeating, eating the wrong foods, and being under stress for


> It seems like I am the candida poster girl. My symptoms? 2 out of 4

> times tested positive for lupus, occasional arthritis, red rash


> face, inflammatory bowel disease, low thyroid, overweight, constant

> infections, horrible allergies, pain in different places after


> sugar, itching in hands and feet after eating sugar, athlete's



> was (am) really worried about the pain after sugar on one side of


> head by the ear or in the inner ear, in the rib cage, sometimes can

> feel inflammation there) extreme fatigue after eating sugar, mental

> fogginess, and depression/anxiety. oy, I am a mess. I want to



> can get better.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Tabitha


I think we all feel a bit like you do. And we wonder if we are ever going to get

better. Recently however I had some advice from a practitioner is Sydney

Australia who deals with these yeast related cases. He said that recurring yeast

infections  are a result of mercury from leaking fillings in the body - and

until you get rid of it, you wont permanently get rid of the problem. I have

also read that elsewhere aswell.


For that reason I have started on a course of Zeolite, which is a product that

takes heavy metaals out of the body. But it wont attack your amalgam fillings

because it only picks up free floating metals. My dentist also recommended it

and showed me studies of heavy metals in the body, before and after using

zeolite. She didnt sell it or have any personal interest in it. Another person

on this site also who doesnt normally post, also made the effort of telling

other group members of her success with zeolite.


A course of treatment takes around 3 months. The best brand from accounts and

studies I have read is waiora. Unfortunately, its not especially cheap but I

have been put onto a much cheaper brand in australia if anyone is interested.

But I'm not sure of the quality. It is available through the practitioner who is

treating me.


I'm not the expert. I can only pass on what I have been told that a person wont

get better until they get the mercury from leaking amalgam fillings out of their

body. This is the reaon that I have started taking the zeolite.



<tabitha.wilbur@...> wrote:

From: tabitha.wilbur <tabitha.wilbur@...>

Subject: Hello


Received: Wednesday, 12 November, 2008, 2:08 AM

Hi my name is Tabitha and I am new to this group. I finally had to find

other people that can understand what I am going through. I have had

yeast infections my whole life but they seem to be getting worse the

older I get. I am 26 now and I am so frustrated. I feel like I do just

about everything to avoid getting one. I dont use sented anything, no

soap down there, no bubble baths, I wipe the right way, no tampons, no

douch, I mean the list still goes on with the things I dont do and now

I am trying to avoid fruits and breads. I am going to go crazy. I am

already a healthy eater. But I love my fruits and I love to bake. I

also take a suppplement everyday. Its by Natures Way and is called

Primadophilus bifidus. I have been checked so many times for stds even

though I am married and have only one partner and of course they always

come up negetive. The doctor says I have an over growth of yeast and

gardnerella. Sorry that I am going on and on I just need some help.


Find your perfect match today at the new 7 Dating. Get Started

http://au.dating./?cid=53151 & pid=1012

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Helen is right. I've been researching heavy metal chelation (relating to

autism, ADHD, asthma anda allergies) to remove heavy metals from your body.

Once thing you want to do before you try taking supplements to remove heavy

metals is to get your amalgam (silver) fillings replaced by a qualified

dentist. You can find one here:

http://www.iaomt.org/patients/search.aspx (this one is preferred)


Also, check out this video on how a 25yo amalgam is still releasing mercury



From what I understand you have to take supplements to support the adrenal

gland and other things before even getting your amalgams replaced.

For more information you can join


A lot of people recommend buying this:


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Glutathione is the natural molecule you're looking for with regard to

mercury transport from the body. Paste in the following sequence into

PubMed's search box; here's the PubMed address:


( " glutathione depletion " OR " selenium depletion " mercury)

all good,



> From: tabitha.wilbur <tabitha.wilbur@...>

> Subject: Hello

> candidiasis

> Received: Wednesday, 12 November, 2008, 2:08 AM







> Hi my name is Tabitha and I am new to this group. I finally had to


> other people that can understand what I am going through. I have


> yeast infections my whole life but they seem to be getting worse


> older I get. I am 26 now and I am so frustrated. I feel like I do


> about everything to avoid getting one. I dont use sented anything,


> soap down there, no bubble baths, I wipe the right way, no tampons,


> douch, I mean the list still goes on with the things I dont do and


> I am trying to avoid fruits and breads. I am going to go crazy. I


> already a healthy eater. But I love my fruits and I love to bake. I

> also take a suppplement everyday. Its by Natures Way and is called

> Primadophilus bifidus. I have been checked so many times for stds


> though I am married and have only one partner and of course they


> come up negetive. The doctor says I have an over growth of yeast


> gardnerella. Sorry that I am going on and on I just need some help.

> Thanks

















> Find your perfect match today at the new 7 Dating. Get

Started http://au.dating./?cid=53151 & pid=1012



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Hi Tabitha.

Check out knowthecause.com. Doug Kaufmann has been teaching and

writing about fungus for over 30 years now. Even has his own TV

health show and many books. Fungus isn't just in certain body parts.

even tho it may manifest itself there. Fungal overgrowth affects the

entire body, different people in different ways.

You need to not only clean up your diet, but you'll need to take anti

fungals internally too. Doug has created a diet plan to TRY to see if

it helps, plus tons of information. There is also a forum of like

minded people dealing with these same issues at:


It's good that you've started taking care of your health so young.

Easier to get well, than playing 'catch up' like me at age 57!! Hope

to see you at the forum.



> > Hi my name is Tabitha and I am new to this group. I finally had to

> find

> > other people that can understand what I am going through. I have

> had

> > yeast infections my whole life but they seem to be getting worse

> the

> > older I get. I am 26 now and I am so frustrated. I feel like I do

> just

> > about everything to avoid getting one. I dont use sented anything,

> no

> > soap down there, no bubble baths, I wipe the right way, no tampons,

> no

> > douch, I mean the list still goes on with the things I dont do and

> now

> > I am trying to avoid fruits and breads. I am going to go crazy. I

> am

> > already a healthy eater. But I love my fruits and I love to bake. I

> > also take a suppplement everyday. Its by Natures Way and is called

> > Primadophilus bifidus. I have been checked so many times for stds

> even

> > though I am married and have only one partner and of course they

> always

> > come up negetive. The doctor says I have an over growth of yeast

> and

> > gardnerella. Sorry that I am going on and on I just need some help.

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find your perfect match today at the new 7 Dating. Get

> Started http://au.dating./?cid=53151 & pid=1012

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...


> hello i have started the programe since 2 week but i have chronic flu

> and i have to take medecine some times to calm it if not i suffer i

> sneeze many times specially in the early morning is not just a flu is

> chronic since 3 years and i always take medecine

> could help to avoid this so i can continou in the program

+++Hi There. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

Your flu-like symptoms are caused by candida being killed off, which is

called " die-off symptoms " - see this article for a thorough explanation

of what you are experiencing:


All medicines are toxic to your body, so taking them means your body

has to work harder to detoxify them. Taking them puts you into

a " Catch-22 " problem, which is a vicious cycle.

To assist your body during " die-off symptoms " do what you can to help

your body detoxify and also do some of the natural cold/flu treatments -

see these articles:



The best in health, Bee

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> hello Bee my name in Abba since i started the program i feel that i

> loose weight and i have also diarrhea is that normal specially im new

> to the program and thanks for ur help

+++Hi Abba. Welcome to our group. Many people loose weight at first

since they are lowering their sugars/carbs. Weight is the least of

your concern when you have candida. I lost a lot of weight on my

candida program 23 years ago, but my weight eventually normalized as I


+++It is common to get diarrhea since it is one of the ways your body

gets rid of toxins, therefore it is a die-off/detoxifying symptom - see

this article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal2.php

Also, if you've had diarrhea in the past your body will " retrace " it

during natural healing, like it does all previous illnesses, diseases,

injuries, etc. - this is according to Hering's Law of Cures:


In order minimize die-off symptoms you need to change over to this

program gradually - see Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...


> hello Bee my brother has diabets since long time and he suffers and

> alays takes drugs is there any diet program for this ?

> about me bee im in the program since one month and wanna eat rice or

> breat what should i do

+++Hi Abba. Yes, your brother can do this program to help his

diabetes, since a good high fats, low carb diet helps most!

+++You are having cravings and withdrawal symptoms for rice and bread,

which is normal when you start on this program. Here's some articles

to help you:


The best to you, Bee

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Let us know your name, please.

I know, it is sooo frustrating to get different pieces of the health puzzle and


contradicting information. Maybe you will be inspired by reading some of

Success Stories

on Bee's website.

Bee's diet has been arrived at from her own experience curing her Candida (she


through things that worked and things that didn't, like we all have). What is

so unique and

appealing to me about Bee's approach is that it uses the body's own healing

power to cure

us. She uses only whole foods, real foods and certain proven and simple

supplements to

help us regain our health.

Finally, you need to realize that the yeast is fed by sugar. Many foods become

sugar in

our bodies: grains, alcohol, fruits, high-glycemic veggies, dairy (except

butter)-- in

amounts that are too high for Candida people. So allowing berries and apples,

etc is not

helping you. Because you have to starve the yeast while you are simultaneously


your body with superior, healing nutrition.

Many doctors/healers do not get this concept fully. They don't have enough

training in

nutrition, they believe dangerous lies about nutrition (ie: " good " fats are bad

for you,

grains should be the cornerstone of your diet, don't eat meat eat soy products,

etc, etc,

etc) or they think the sugar threshold for yeast is higher than it is and allow

their sugar-

addicted patients to eat things that they really mustn't. (We Candida folks

will do

ANYTHING to justify eating our precious breads and cookies and fruits and grains


yogurts and alcohol... because the yeast is demanding it!!)

Once you cure your Candida--and it's a month of Natural healing for every year

of illness-

- you can eat a small amounts of foods that got you into this mess in the first

place. But,

I recommend you really try to focus on making the changes that will heal you and

then see

if you ask the same question about eating those troublesome foods when you are


You may have a very different feeling about them when that time arrives. You

will also

have a different perspective on what " normal food " is.

Read the success stories and Bee's outlines of the program. Especially about

the healing

power of the good fats you will be enjoying instead of sugars.

As for your request to list allowable foods... it's just not practical to list

everything you

CAN eat. The list would be too long. It is much easier to remember the shorter

list of

foods you must avoid, don't you think?

All the best,



> I guess my main question besides a list of allowable foods is whether I will

ever be able

to eat a normal diet again. I read more than once that a person can eat clean

but one

piece of fruit will put them right back into a candida state.


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> hello Bee yesterday i had a very bad headche and i tool some drugs

> like adol i broke the diet what should i do

+++Hi Abba. Do not be upset that you broke the diet. Just get right

back on it and do not be mad at yourself. We are human.

When you get a headache, take white willow bark capsules for the

pain. Can you get it there? It is natural and doesn't cause

problems like drugs do. Take it according to the label on the package.

Also to help headaches take a hot bath, and put a hot wet cloth on

your head while in the bathtub. Lay down after your bath and put hot

cloths on your head. Also drink some good herbal tea, and do some

deep breathing exercises:


It also helps to eat some protein and fat right away, like a poached

egg with some butter or coconut oil.

Let me know how you are doing.

The best to you, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...


> hello Bee im in the program im already slim and i lost weight while im

> in the program is there any way or special program to gain more weight

+++Hi there. Weight is the very least of your problems when you have

candida. As you continue on this program your weight will normalize

more and more. I lost a lot of weight on my candida program too, but

it came back. Now I'm 5 feet 6 inches tall, and weight 135 lbs.


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Hi Jan!

I am just wondering...so does your neck crack when you just move it, or when you

flex it? I had an accident at work about 10 months ago. Well, when it first

happened I was so focused on my lower back pain I didn't pay as much attention

to my neck pain. I mean it hurt, but it wasn't as acute as the lower back. About

5 months ago I started having this burning in my left arm and numbness when I

raised the arm to about shoulder level, like resting it on the steering wheel,

it is in my middle finger and a little bit in the first and ring fingers. I

finally saw another Dr, not the work comp dr that my job had hired to treat me,

and he finally started treating my lower back pain. I told him about the neck

pain and the arm pain and he did an MRI and EMG on it. He found a bulging disc.

I was wondering about the cracking because my neck cracks when I move it, and

sometimes I get this like electric shock that shoots down the left arm. I just

got a cervical epidural

injection yesterday. It is a little bit painful today at the injection site,

but I will say that the actual procedure was not as painful as the lumbar one I

had 3 weeks ago. That one felt like when he put the cortisone in, like he hit a

nerve, I likened it to when the dentist hit a nerve in my mouth. Ever since then

my back has hurt worse than ever! I don't know if that is normal or not. I am

supposed to have a discogram in 5 days, totally freaking out about that because

of what I have read about them, and the fear of the unknown. I am feeling very

alone in all of this, because no one I know has ever gone through this. I wish I

had a first hand account of what someone else went through with it, and exactly

what happened, like step by step of the procedure. Anyway...sorry, I am just

scared and I really want to be done with all of this, and hopefully soon I


Thanks for listening, Sara

From: Jan G <jangil@...>

Subject: Hello

spinal problems

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 10:48 AM

Don't know if I have posted yet but my name is Jan and I live in


Dakota, yes we do have electricity here. I was only 17 when I was working as

a nurses aid, I bent down to pick up a handkerchief and ended up not being

able to stand back up due to pain. I went to a doctor who said it was

Sheuermans (sp), Disease. I would only have aches from time to time until

1984 after I had my second to the youngest daughter (I had already had a set

of twins and a single birth), my doctor did x-rays and told me it was

degenerative disk disease in my lumbar region. In a day or so he called and

said get off all meds #5 is on it's way. During that pregnancy I had

terrible trouble with my back, ended up in the hospital a couple of times,

last 3 months on bed rest to try to carry baby to term. After that until

about 1997 I had off and on pain, while do a data entry job the found DDD

in the Cervical spine, and just for the fun of it he x-rayed the thoracic

(sp) and there was it was.

My doctors have me on Tylenol Arthritis, Oxycodone (as Needed). I also take

flexeril at night. This combination has been working since 1997. Last year

I had to have a Bone Scan done for another condition, they say that the

vertebrae in my neck are starting to stack on top of each other. The doctor

there said he as surprised I could even move my neck. When I see my family

doc on Thursday I am going to ask him for a referral. On Monday I had to

have a nerve block on my shoulder for a surgery. Tues, Wed and Thurs I had

the episodes with my neck where I hear a cracking and feel what I call

shocks in my my neck, once I rubbed it they went away for a bit.

Well that is me

Jan (Fargo)

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Go to the archives for the group and search for your walk through a

diskogram. I think I remember there being several of us who posted a step by

step description of our procedures. That should answer your questions but if it

doesn't, let me know and I will write it all up again for you.

Have a wonderful day!


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Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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Mine are not painful, it just feels like an electrical shock kind of thing. I

thought it was just something weird that happened to me. I have never really

said anything about it, until I talked to this dr about it.

From: Jan G <jangil@...>

Subject: Re: Hello

spinal problems

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:42 PM

Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The

shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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Okay I am going to do that, and I really appreciate it!!

From: Lexie <lexie@...>

Subject: Re: Hello

spinal problems

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:31 PM


Go to the archives for the group and search for your walk through a

diskogram. I think I remember there being several of us who posted a step by

step description of our procedures. That should answer your questions but if it

doesn't, let me know and I will write it all up again for you.

Have a wonderful day!


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Today has been challenging. I told my sweet life mate that I was sorry. my

spine illness, the not walking causes some depression ad i was sorry if my anger

about that lows on to them. My pain is great today, i fell out of bed the other

night. our bed is about 3 feet off the ground, its a mattress for the spine, i

hurt my leg and back. today my back/hip hurts badly. I hope this finds

everyone well.




Re: Hello

spinal problems

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:42 PM

Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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Sorry to hear about your falling out of bed, that didnt help Im sure.

Last nite I was very testy and bite my husbands head off... sometimes the pain

just wears your patience down....

I have to remember to not take him for granted. Thanks for your email to remind

me of that.


Re: Hello

spinal problems

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:42 PM

Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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I am sorry for your pain! I totally understand that! I fell down after tripping

over something on the floor, and then I tripped over my own feet trying to get

down the stairs. ARGGHHH...now I am really painful and trying really hard not to

be too crabby at my hubby and kids. He called me on it last night, that I was

being snappy at everyone. I just try to still do the things I need to do around

the house and stuff, I try not to do anything I am not supposed to, but I think

I push it. I am soooooo worn out all the time. The other night I was just so

tired my skin hurt! I don't know how to explain it other than that!

I have been doing a lot of applogizing since this happened. My husband has taken

on a lot of the household stuff that I usually do. I have a hard time giving up

the control. I have said I am sorry more in the last 10 months than I have

probably my whole life!


From: Jan G <jangilcableone (DOT) net>

Subject: Re: Hello

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:42 PM

Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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Sorry for your pain too. I know it's difficult to maintain a positive outlook

and attitude when these things happen.

I have an appointment with a neurologist in a couple of days. I can't wait.


spinal problems

From: sbs_1975@...

Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:07:24 -0800

Subject: Re: Hello

I am sorry for your pain! I totally understand that! I fell down

after tripping over something on the floor, and then I tripped over my own feet

trying to get down the stairs. ARGGHHH...now I am really painful and trying

really hard not to be too crabby at my hubby and kids. He called me on it last

night, that I was being snappy at everyone. I just try to still do the things I

need to do around the house and stuff, I try not to do anything I am not

supposed to, but I think I push it. I am soooooo worn out all the time. The

other night I was just so tired my skin hurt! I don't know how to explain it

other than that!

I have been doing a lot of applogizing since this happened. My husband has taken

on a lot of the household stuff that I usually do. I have a hard time giving up

the control. I have said I am sorry more in the last 10 months than I have

probably my whole life!


From: Jan G <jangilcableone (DOT) net>

Subject: Re: Hello

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:42 PM

Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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thank you to everyone that responded about my pain yesterday. I am very

grateful. It was difficult enough when the doctor told me my legs were

going, and soon i would have to resolve myself to being in a motor chair.I

have known a long time that this was coming, however when it arrives,

preparing for it in your emotions still blows you away a bit. I try to look

at it as merely transporation froom a to b. I am doing just okay. i am

most aways postive type person. thanks for being there is what i wanted to

say. Thanks to your support, perhaps now I can get back to my painting as i

am an artist and I am suppose to be getting ready for an art show. thanks




Re: Hello

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:42 PM

Yes I do have what feels like a cracking, grinding noise. The shocks I

feel are not painful but they radiate from my neck into my head. I had

thought it was related to my Paxil, but I have been off it for 2 weeks and I

had the shocks on tues-thurs. I don't think it is withdrawal.

Jan (Fargo)

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