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how many people out there just cant afford an advocate ?

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it amazes me. in a country that has the american govermnent giving money to

anyone that asks for it (including multi million dollar studies to find out if a

sperm whale farts !).

why wouldnt they put aside (or offer) a fund to people that just cant afford an

advocate to get their child what our government says they are entitled to to

begin with (according to the no child left behind laws)?

my wife and i have done all of our own advocating (and im sure everyone out

there that has done the same knows its no picnic)

and secondly, i would love to know why schools are not fined or forced to

reimburse the people that had to hire an advocate if the school system knows

they are supposed to provide something for an aspie student, but dont ?

trust me.

my wife and i have caught our school system " skimping " or just plain hiding the

fact that they know they are supposed to provide certain programs for my

daughter but just dont.

we even know a teacher that has left my daughters school because she said she

was " discusted " when she was told by the pricipal of the school to " not say

anything to a parent about their child if they suspect the child has special

needs " . not because of legal aspects, but because the school system gets a

certain amount of money to use for programs for these children " BUT " if they

dont have to use the money for " those " children " they can use it for something

else ! "

my wife found out " purely by accident " that in 1st grade, my daughter was being

sent to the pricipals office an average of 2-3 days a week because of her


we were acually informed by this ex-teacher that it was happening.

and we were finally told that we should have my daughter brought to a

neurologist to be tested " only after " we approached the school (who originally

denied it was happening, until we brought the ex-teacher to confront them about

it in front of us.

i want ot know " why " the schools are " not " held accountable for this ?

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