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very effective and can get it from me for less.


Re: Anxiety

In a message dated 2/6/02 3:15:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

donnamae58@... writes:

> Dr. D addresses stress for O's in ER.

Isn't Catchecol (spelling?) recommended by Dr. D. for stress in O's. You


order it from North American Pharmaceuticals. I have taken it, but am not

sure if it did anything or not.

Sharon (Ontario) Canada

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>I don't recall if Joyce has discussed her health issues. Are you able to plan

a regular, vigorous form of exercise? That is the #1 Dr. D. recommendation,

although some of the foods also help, such as ginger. If I am feeling a little

hyper or on edge, I drink ginger tea. It calms me immediately. I think

discusses aspects of some other foods too, and he discusses which avoids will

make stress/anxiety worse.<

I'm sorry to say that don't exercise regularly. I started running with my DH in

1986 after we both quit smoking. He has been running at least 40 + miles a week

since then , and races many times each year. I quit soon after..He is always

after me to start some form of aerobic exercise. I am able to start , but never

have stuck with if longer than 6 months. I actually ran several races years ago.

But it seems like I am always getting sidetracked finding excuses,and then after

missing a few days I just forget it.( I am proud of him he has qualified once

again to run the Boston Marathon.) He is also an O Now it makes sense why he

Loves running, racing and other vigorous exercise so much ! He told me he feels

so much better and I can tell when he misses a few days- he is miserable to be

around. I think he is addicted.(I should be so lucky;)

I recently started rebounding.-I read it cleans out the lymph system, and I can

get aerobic quickly doing it.

I wasn't aware that exercise was so important in regards to anxiety. I heard it

helps depression, but I am on the hyper to manic side. I am so glad you wrote!

Thank you , I am going to " just do it!

I also have a cup of ginger tea steeping I ALWAYS have a root in my freezer. (my

favorite food is Chinese) I am going to sit and read about those avoids.


True Silence Is The Rest Of The Mind; It Is To The Spirit What Sleep Is To The

Body, Nourishment And Refreshment.

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Just a nippet to ya'll......

I bought ALL my vitamins from ....and we are

very pleased with them so far.


--- Dekany <info@...> wrote:

> very effective and can get it from me for less.

> love

> Re: Anxiety



> In a message dated 2/6/02 3:15:12 PM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> donnamae58@... writes:



> > Dr. D addresses stress for O's in ER.


> Isn't Catchecol (spelling?) recommended by Dr. D.

> for stress in O's. You

> can

> order it from North American Pharmaceuticals. I

> have taken it, but am not

> sure if it did anything or not.


> Sharon (Ontario) Canada



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 2/28/2002 3:26:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

StarDantzer@... writes:

> Has anyone else had to deal with anxiety problems due to Lyme disease? I am

> having a difficult time right now with this and was wondering what may have


> helped others through a similar situation. Any info would be appreciated.


> a


I have had anxiety and panic attacks since getting sick in 1994.. They were

one of my very first symptoms and never went away :(


Daughter Of Judy 6/26/43 - 8/20/99 &

Lou 11/20/42 - 9/7/79

Wife to Lou


Mommy to:

My Lhaso Apso Six Pack

Lady, Trouble, Onyx,

Bruiser, & Shadow

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In a message dated 2/28/02 3:29:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

PrincessKiara70@... writes:

> I have had anxiety and panic attacks since getting sick in 1994.. They were

> one of my very first symptoms and never went away :(

> Robyn

Robyn, have you tried any meds or anything? I cannot continue the way I am

going right now. I have full body muscle twitching and anxiety through the

roof. My neurologist in NYC says that she feels I was allergic to Flagyl and

that Bicillin may have played a part in my current problems. Both of these

drugs are neurotoxic I believe. Anyway, I am having so much anxiety that I

can barely function. I just want my old, miserable, sick little life back~

minus the anxiety!



Do me a favor Doc ~ Tell me something good.

Blair ~ The Exorcist

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I know that Bicillin is VERY powerful and can bring on a massive herx at any

time....all of my herxes seem to consist of anxiety/panic attacks...I think

the neurotoxins you refer to are from the Lyme dying off and not the abx


Just my .02



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In a message dated 2/28/02 6:35:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

sarahmadderra@... writes:


> I have RMSF and take an antidepressant which helps w/anxiety(effexor).

> Also keeping busy helps to focus on something else. Sort of a distraction



I am sorry , I don't know what RMSF is...



Do me a favor Doc ~ Tell me something good.

Blair ~ The Exorcist

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Oh a: this is such a miserable reaction. I also was on buspar for

anxiety but not now. I have also found some help in the over the counter

homeopathic remedies. I used to have panic attacks and that was awful ... do

know you have all of us who care for you and have been there and may continue

to revisit those hard places in this illness.

May you find a good remedy that works well for you.


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I have RMSF and take an antidepressant which helps w/anxiety(effexor). Also

keeping busy helps to focus on something else. Sort of a distraction

[ ] Anxiety

Has anyone else had to deal with anxiety problems due to Lyme disease? I am

having a difficult time right now with this and was wondering what may have

helped others through a similar situation. Any info would be appreciated.



Do me a favor Doc ~ Tell me something good.

Blair ~ The Exorcist

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Hi a:

I am on a constant daily supply of Buspar (3 - 15 MG tabs per day)

for anxiety, and I take the Homeopathic product called Hyland's Insomnia

for panic attacks and problems sleeping. These work will for me in general

- although some herxheimers give me a certain level of anxiety I just have

to live with.


At 03:21 PM 2/28/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Has anyone else had to deal with anxiety problems due to Lyme disease? I am

>having a difficult time right now with this and was wondering what may have

>helped others through a similar situation. Any info would be appreciated.




>Do me a favor Doc ~ Tell me something good.

> Blair ~ The Exorcist



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In a message dated 2/28/02 11:31:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

alopeztcr@... writes:

> Oh a: this is such a miserable reaction. I also was on buspar for

> anxiety but not now. I have also found some help in the over the counter

> homeopathic remedies. I used to have panic attacks and that was awful ...

> do

> know you have all of us who care for you and have been there and may

> continue

> to revisit those hard places in this illness.


> May you find a good remedy that works well for you.


> Donna


Thank you Donna and all who responded, for your posts. I am really having a

hard time lately. It is very difficult as I have no help and I am alone with

my two daughters. My Mom just went into the hospital and I guess I really

need to build up a better support around myself. It is hard though after

being sick for so long. I do not get much opportunity to get out and meet

people. Some on the list have suggested I try Klonopin. I am going to look

into it. My doc gave me Zoloft and I try to take it at night. But I find that

it gives me these horrible 'jerks' when I am asleep. Not light little jerking

episodes but hard, violent full body jerks. I am afraid that I have a very

low seizure threshold. Again, thank you all.



Do me a favor Doc ~ Tell me something good.

Blair ~ The Exorcist

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Hello Donna:

When you were taking Buspar, how did it work for you and do you

recall how much you took at the time?

I take 3 - 15MG per day which works most of the time unless I have a bad

herx. (like I am right now) and then I still feel like I'm jumping out of

my skin!!!

Thank you:


At 11:30 PM 2/28/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Oh a: this is such a miserable reaction. I also was on buspar for

>anxiety but not now. I have also found some help in the over the counter

>homeopathic remedies. I used to have panic attacks and that was awful ... do

>know you have all of us who care for you and have been there and may continue

>to revisit those hard places in this illness.


>May you find a good remedy that works well for you.



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a: you have all of us with you in spirit and I just hope your mom

gets well and out of the hospital soon and your symptoms get relieved.

Keeping you in my meditations. Could your girls give you a gentle massage

early evening until you find something that will help you? I wish our lyme

support group had a place in a warm setting where we could help each other in

person. Anyone with a place in Kauii or Mauii where we can meet one day..sit

by a palm tree, watch the beautiful sunsets and sunrises and ....heal

together? Hawaii, I am told, has this wonderful spirit intrinsic to its land

and people.

Warm healing wishes,


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Glen: I used to take 15 mg three times a day also and it seemed to really

help. Then I went on this rebellion of all the meds I was taking and cut it

out of my daily routine. I think I may go back on it if I feel the anxiety

returns now that I am on rocephin and expecting bigger herxes which may mean

the anxiety and the twitches. What I feel now is that the rocephin I am now

on may be a big factor in getting into another remission (I had one brief

remission in last 1 and 1/2 years after the last rocephin I had received).

But I also take xanax now (which I didn't in past) which probably keeps my

anxiety down.

I don't have babesia anymore but do have erlichia/borrelia.

Best wishes,


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Very Interesting Donna:

I never stopped any of my meds. other than the exceptional time

when i have a REALLY hurting Herx.!!!! and I will give myself a break from

one dose of my oral abx. (WHAT?!) Yes; sometimes but rarely I cheat like

that when I just don't want to feel any worse than I do. I fact I was

tempted this morning as my herx. is bad (and on top of that I think that

because my wife died on the 22nd I my system is reacting to all that at the


My worst time of herxing was when on Mepron for Babesia. I

actually couldn't take the suggested amount of that stuff and cut back to

the tolerable level - but got rid of Bab. anyway!! I also mentioned

Hyland's Insomnia - no one seems to know about this but my LLMD in PA, also

a Dr. " B. " used to actually stuff four of these under my tongue when I

would come into his office with anxiety and rapid heart beat and that

calmed everything down (good for 4 hours usually). I can take these for

anxiety and/or sleep when I need. Absolutely NO interaction with any other

meds and no side effects whatsoever. For anyone interested there is a toll

free phone # at:


Thanks and better health to you:


At 06:22 PM 3/2/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Glen: I used to take 15 mg three times a day also and it seemed to really

>help. Then I went on this rebellion of all the meds I was taking and cut it

>out of my daily routine. I think I may go back on it if I feel the anxiety

>returns now that I am on rocephin and expecting bigger herxes which may mean

>the anxiety and the twitches. What I feel now is that the rocephin I am now

>on may be a big factor in getting into another remission (I had one brief

>remission in last 1 and 1/2 years after the last rocephin I had received).

>But I also take xanax now (which I didn't in past) which probably keeps my

>anxiety down.


>I don't have babesia anymore but do have erlichia/borrelia.


>Best wishes,



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Glen: grief is so hard on us..mind, body and soul. I lost my 19 yo son who

was my best friend and was one person who lifted me up no matter what had me

down. I got very ill a little over 1 year after he and then my mom left. I

am no stranger to this grief. Please nurture yourself with good food and

friends...support system is so critical. If you have the ability, try to get

grief counselling. Compassionate Friends is a group that has special groups

for people who lose their spouses or their children. You might find it in

the white pages of your local phone book. I wish I could have done these

things...I grieved by overwork, overexercise and trying to run away.

Ultimately, it caught up with me. Also your local hospital may have the name

of local grief support groups.

I was an ER nurse and also a critical care nurse and I never realized what

grief really was until I went through it myself. All those years and the

things I saw, I imagined I would somehow be prepared but it helped me not at




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Glen: This life is a short journey and for reasons unclear, we have our

destinies to complete before we join the ones who left. I always love to

think of birth as the wave coming to shore and death as the wave going to an

unseen shore. We, too, will join them on that not too distant shore when it

is our time.

Thank you for sharing. Love will keep us strong and, ultimately, it is the

one element that is forever indivisible. We are given our angels in this

life and they come in any number greater than one. Your angels are still

with you and always will be.

Healing light for you,


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Thank you Donna:

Perhaps you are right. I like to think of myself as able to

handle a lot - although I know that emotionally I am more fragile with Lyme

than I was before (!!!). Grief counceling is a good idea as I well know

and support is important too. This list is support for sure and I have a

few church friends (where I used to play the organ for quite a few

years). I am getting so that I can drive to this Church now and that is

going to help a lot. (I have trouble driving very far yet because of

motion sickness, etc. - but it is getting a little better.)

I too lost a child. It was a favorite Daughter who died at only 22

of Kidney Failure. She was the one who knew me the very best and we

communicated on a deep level. Her life was and IS an inspiration to me -

the grace and lack of complaining as she suffered through so many

problems. She was also blessed to have a very real angel with her that she

used to tell me about from when she was very young who stayed right with

her to the end. She was indeed a special child and a special person.

Thank you again for this advice and the fact that you care and are so

willing to share.

Peace and better health to you:


At 05:23 PM 3/3/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Glen: grief is so hard on us..mind, body and soul. I lost my 19 yo son who

>was my best friend and was one person who lifted me up no matter what had me

>down. I got very ill a little over 1 year after he and then my mom left. I

>am no stranger to this grief. Please nurture yourself with good food and

>friends...support system is so critical. If you have the ability, try to get

>grief counselling. Compassionate Friends is a group that has special groups

>for people who lose their spouses or their children. You might find it in

>the white pages of your local phone book. I wish I could have done these

>things...I grieved by overwork, overexercise and trying to run away.

>Ultimately, it caught up with me. Also your local hospital may have the name

>of local grief support groups.


>I was an ER nurse and also a critical care nurse and I never realized what

>grief really was until I went through it myself. All those years and the

>things I saw, I imagined I would somehow be prepared but it helped me not at






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Dear Glen,

Our most sincere condolences...

You may want to try flower essences (they're quite potent, self-

regulating & very effective in helping with emotions) - we've found

them to be very helpful!

Email off list, if interested (no financial interest, justdon't want

to clog list with OT info).



> Glen: grief is so hard on us..mind, body and soul. I lost my 19

yo son who

> was my best friend and was one person who lifted me up no matter

what had me

> down. I got very ill a little over 1 year after he and then my mom

left. I

> am no stranger to this grief. Please nurture yourself with good

food and

> friends...support system is so critical. If you have the ability,

try to get

> grief counselling. Compassionate Friends is a group that has

special groups

> for people who lose their spouses or their children. You might

find it in

> the white pages of your local phone book. I wish I could have done


> things...I grieved by overwork, overexercise and trying to run


> Ultimately, it caught up with me. Also your local hospital may

have the name

> of local grief support groups.


> I was an ER nurse and also a critical care nurse and I never

realized what

> grief really was until I went through it myself. All those years

and the

> things I saw, I imagined I would somehow be prepared but it helped

me not at

> all.


> Blessings,


> Donna





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Dear Donna,

As ALWAYS, yet another profoundly true & beautifully eloquent


Thank you for sharing!


> Glen: This life is a short journey and for reasons unclear, we

have our

> destinies to complete before we join the ones who left. I always

love to

> think of birth as the wave coming to shore and death as the wave

going to an

> unseen shore. We, too, will join them on that not too distant

shore when it

> is our time.


> Thank you for sharing. Love will keep us strong and, ultimately,

it is the

> one element that is forever indivisible. We are given our angels

in this

> life and they come in any number greater than one. Your angels are


> with you and always will be.


> Healing light for you,


> Donna




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  • 9 months later...


Calmes Forte' is a homeopathic blend you can buy at most healthfood stores. It is perfect for anxiety and sleepelessness, and completely safe.

Peace, Jeanine


>From: "Mark Chiocchi"

>Reply- >" " ,"Hepatitis C Help"

>Subject: [ ] Anxiety >Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 12:09:25 -0500 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: [] >Received: from n23.grp.scd. ([]) by mc4-f19.law16.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:11:20 -0800 >Received: from [] by n23.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 12 Dec 2002 17:09:14 -0000 >Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_3_0); 12 Dec 2002 17:09:11 -0000 >Received: (qmail 98178 invoked from network); 12 Dec 2002 17:09:10 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m9.grp.scd. with QMQP; 12 Dec 2002 17:09:10 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO hotmail.com) ( by mta3.grp.scd. with SMTP; 12 Dec 2002 17:09:11 -0000 >Received: from mail pickup service by hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:09:11 -0800 >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-2436732-3515-1039712953-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: markchiocchi@... >X-Apparently- >Organization: MTC >X-Priority: 3 >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106 >X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106 >Message-ID:

>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Dec 2002 17:09:11.0395 (UTC) FILETIME=[309B5B30:01C2A201] >X--Profile: markchiocchi >Mailing-List: list ; contact -owner >Delivered-mailing list >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-2436732-3515-1039712953-hepc=hotmail.com@... > >Hi all. > >Having Hep C can anyone recommend something natural for Anxiety that will be okay and not hurt the liver. >Sincerely, >Mark Chiocchi MSN 8 helps ELIMINATE E-MAIL VIRUSES. Get 2 months FREE*.

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Calmes Forte'?? Is the spelling right can't seem to fine anything about it.

Sincerely,Mark Chiocchi

[ ] Anxiety >Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 12:09:25 -0500 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: [] >Received: from n23.grp.scd. ([]) by mc4-f19.law16.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:11:20 -0800 >Received: from [] by n23.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 12 Dec 2002 17:09:14 -0000 >Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_3_0); 12 Dec 2002 17:09:11 -0000 >Received: (qmail 98178 invoked from network); 12 Dec 2002 17:09:10 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m9.grp.scd. with QMQP; 12 Dec 2002 17:09:10 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO hotmail.com) ( by mta3.grp.scd. with SMTP; 12 Dec 2002 17:09:11 -0000 >Received: from mail pickup service by hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:09:11 -0800 >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-2436732-3515-1039712953-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: markchiocchi@... >X-Apparently- >Organization: MTC >X-Priority: 3 >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106 >X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106 >Message-ID:

>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Dec 2002 17:09:11.0395 (UTC) FILETIME=[309B5B30:01C2A201] >X--Profile: markchiocchi >Mailing-List: list ; contact -owner >Delivered-mailing list >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-2436732-3515-1039712953-hepc=hotmail.com@... > >Hi all. > >Having Hep C can anyone recommend something natural for Anxiety that will be okay and not hurt the liver. >Sincerely, >Mark Chiocchi


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Thanks. Just a note I found it at a better price. Here is the link.

Sincerely,Mark Chiocchi

http://allstarhealth.com/detaildisplay.asp?ref=inktomi & prodid=436









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[printer friendly format] [email this to a friend]Manufacturer's Description:CALMS Forte tablets are composed of four botanicals long used by the homeopathic medical profession to soothe and quiet irritated nerves and edginess without sedatives or tranquilizers. In addition, CLAMS Forte offers five biochemic phosphates in 3X poten cy, which according to the Biochemic Theory of Medicine, feed and strengthen the nerves of the body to withstand everyday stress and strain.Manufacturer's Suggested Usage: As a relaxant: 1 tablet 3 times daily, preferably before meals. In insomnia: 1 to 2 tablets 1 hour before retiring.Each unit provides:PassifloraAvena SativaHumulus LupulusChamomillaCalcium Phosphateand Natrum PhosphateFerrum PhosphateKali PhosphateMagnesium PhosphateManufacturer' s Warning:Do not use if imprinted cap band is broken or missing. If symptoms persist for more than seven days or worsen, consult a Health Care Professional. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health professi onal before using this product. Keep this and all medications out of reach of children.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 0 Servings per Container: 0

Amount Per Serving

% Daily Value**

Supplement Facts Not Specified by Manufacturer

** Percent Daily Value is based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.† Daily Value not established.

50 tabs (see details)

Retail:Save: Our Price:


Serving Size: 0 Servings per container: 0

(you can always remove it later)

100 tabs (see details)

Retail:Save: Our Price:


Serving Size: 0 Servings per container: 0

(you can always remove it later)

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