Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 It sounds a bit to me like he's tired of school and trying to find a new way too fit i. Probably when acts poorly at school the kids all laugh with him instead of at him and for a couple seconds he feels accepted. Think of a young Bart Simpson there. Then when it is you or your mom or some other adult he is probably just acting out from stress. This isn't to say his behavior isn't wrong, but he is probably acting out from other stimulous in his life. As for his acting out last night, what exactly was he doing? Most of the time I have seen behavior like this its a mixture of OCD and asperger's, not just asperger's. So I must ask does he show any other signs OCD? I mean there is only so much you can do in the bathroom, but if your spending 5-10 minutes washing your hands... yea it will take forever. Theory of the mind difficulties + obsessive habits and rituals = disaster 9 times out of 10. I think what he needs the next couple days is for them to be as stressfree as possible. It sounds a bit like a 4 or 5 day vacation (not sure if he has tomorrow) couldn't have come at a better time, but of course if he has the stress of a very different schedule in an unfamiliar environment (at least a little bit). So yea, celebrating your boyfriends kids birthday might not be the best idea tomorrow, and might not be entirely fair to either one of them (your son gets in trouble and the other boy will feel robbed of his party.) If they get along just fine it might be a better idea to invite him over later to hang out and to play with whatever he got for his bday. Sadly, I don't think depression is that uncommon in kids like him. I wasn't that depressed in 2nd grade, but by 4th grade certainly, and by 6th or 7th grade suicidal thoughts were starting to creep in. I wish I could say it will get better right away, and in some ways it will like the stressors for you should get better sooner rather then later (most of the "brattyness" gets better around middle school I have found) but he is probably going to be stressed for years. Here are a couple suggestions for you. 1) You CANNOT ever yell at him. In fact, probably best if you never direct your anger at him. I know this is hard, I know sometimes it seems like he isn't listening to a word your saying unless you yell, but yelling will just stress him out more. You can still punish him in just about whatever way you do, just make sure to be reassuring while you do it (example: "I am doing this because I know your a good boy and this isn't like you"). Note, acting out of anger tonight doesn't make you a bad mom, but you do need to control it in the future if he is going to get happier. 2) He needs a friend more then just about anything else. I know this can seem impossible to achieve but schedule a playdate or whatever with another kid with asperger's or ADHD or whatever that tends to be on the outside looking in more often then not. If he your boyfriends kid is nice to him and doesn't mind an annoying lil bro type (make very sure of that first!) then he might make a good friend. You would be amazed at how much that one good friend does for you. I was never popular at school but when I had the one good friend I tended to be a lot happier then when I didn't and I could list them all off to you now (Mike E. and Tim (who hated each other btw lol) during elementary school, Rocky during 6th grade, Mike A. during the first part of 8th grade, Troy during the first part of 9th grade (note the last two pretty much betrayed me after a while, the second far more then the first but he was part of a very different clique... still good while it lasted) during 11th grade (finally a friend who was just as messed up as I was lol, he was living in the RTC here, thank God because I don't know if I would have survived 11th grade without him, that was when my depression was just about at its worst), and Matt in my senior year). Even having one friend all those times made me so much happier 3) Don't get too down on yourself. You probably made a mistake tonight, guess what, I am just about willing to bet that just about anyone in here has made the exact same one with similiar results, God knows my mom made it a few times before, doesn't mean shes a bad mom. If you get too down on yourself its just going to make things worse. But on the same token try try try not to do it again, for his sake. 4) When and where possible try to make his homelife as stressfree as possible. Some thoughts for this, try to go to the store when it is as empty as possible, always hard with younger guys but if there is a way to do it, try, there aren't many places as stressful to a young aspie as the store (noises and crowds... even at 23 I still must say YUCK!). I am sure his bedtime prevents this on weekdays, but generally around 8 or 9 at nite the store is empty... if hes allowed to stay up that late on a Friday or Saturday its worth trying. Also in my hometown we have 2 Hy-Vees and a Shnooks (probably misspelled that) as our grocery stores. The Hy-Vees have been here forever and therefore have a huge clientale and are always busy. The Shnooks has been here maybe 2 or 3 years and theres never more then 2 or 3 dozen cars in the parking lot... I so grealy prefer going to Shnooks, especcially considering the prices are roughly equal. I am sure there are other ways that you must determine yourself, and I know the critics out there will say, "But life is stressful" but when you have a depressed 8 year old on your hands, help him out a bit. 5) Tickle him more... okay probably not real advice but he is probably goofy (not quite sure why I just said probably...) and goofy kids need ticklings, so always always be tickling him! 6) Feel free to talk to me on Messenger, I am known in parts as the UOPHA (unofficial official parent helper aspie, I gave it to myself :-p), so sometimes I am good at helping GMs out. I think thats enough for now, really don't get too down on yourself, I am sure your doing a great job and he should turn out to be a great kid. Nobody likes this time but it will get better (and worse) in time before it all gets better . This coming from someone who is right now a boomerang kid... lol. From: gina9431@...Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:21:05 +0000Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses.Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically.....that's a whole different story!So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling "blah, blah, blah" and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!!!). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are "good") and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does.Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!!Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the "Disneyland" Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! Bing brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 , can I just say I am SO glad you’re a part of this group Excellent email !!! =) From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of G Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 6:37 AM Aspergers Treatment Subject: RE: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! It sounds a bit to me like he's tired of school and trying to find a new way too fit i. Probably when acts poorly at school the kids all laugh with him instead of at him and for a couple seconds he feels accepted. Think of a young Bart Simpson there. Then when it is you or your mom or some other adult he is probably just acting out from stress. This isn't to say his behavior isn't wrong, but he is probably acting out from other stimulous in his life. As for his acting out last night, what exactly was he doing? Most of the time I have seen behavior like this its a mixture of OCD and asperger's, not just asperger's. So I must ask does he show any other signs OCD? I mean there is only so much you can do in the bathroom, but if your spending 5-10 minutes washing your hands... yea it will take forever. Theory of the mind difficulties + obsessive habits and rituals = disaster 9 times out of 10. I think what he needs the next couple days is for them to be as stressfree as possible. It sounds a bit like a 4 or 5 day vacation (not sure if he has tomorrow) couldn't have come at a better time, but of course if he has the stress of a very different schedule in an unfamiliar environment (at least a little bit). So yea, celebrating your boyfriends kids birthday might not be the best idea tomorrow, and might not be entirely fair to either one of them (your son gets in trouble and the other boy will feel robbed of his party.) If they get along just fine it might be a better idea to invite him over later to hang out and to play with whatever he got for his bday. Sadly, I don't think depression is that uncommon in kids like him. I wasn't that depressed in 2nd grade, but by 4th grade certainly, and by 6th or 7th grade suicidal thoughts were starting to creep in. I wish I could say it will get better right away, and in some ways it will like the stressors for you should get better sooner rather then later (most of the " brattyness " gets better around middle school I have found) but he is probably going to be stressed for years. Here are a couple suggestions for you. 1) You CANNOT ever yell at him. In fact, probably best if you never direct your anger at him. I know this is hard, I know sometimes it seems like he isn't listening to a word your saying unless you yell, but yelling will just stress him out more. You can still punish him in just about whatever way you do, just make sure to be reassuring while you do it (example: " I am doing this because I know your a good boy and this isn't like you " ). Note, acting out of anger tonight doesn't make you a bad mom, but you do need to control it in the future if he is going to get happier. 2) He needs a friend more then just about anything else. I know this can seem impossible to achieve but schedule a playdate or whatever with another kid with asperger's or ADHD or whatever that tends to be on the outside looking in more often then not. If he your boyfriends kid is nice to him and doesn't mind an annoying lil bro type (make very sure of that first!) then he might make a good friend. You would be amazed at how much that one good friend does for you. I was never popular at school but when I had the one good friend I tended to be a lot happier then when I didn't and I could list them all off to you now (Mike E. and Tim (who hated each other btw lol) during elementary school, Rocky during 6th grade, Mike A. during the first part of 8th grade, Troy during the first part of 9th grade (note the last two pretty much betrayed me after a while, the second far more then the first but he was part of a very different clique... still good while it lasted) during 11th grade (finally a friend who was just as messed up as I was lol, he was living in the RTC here, thank God because I don't know if I would have survived 11th grade without him, that was when my depression was just about at its worst), and Matt in my senior year). Even having one friend all those times made me so much happier 3) Don't get too down on yourself. You probably made a mistake tonight, guess what, I am just about willing to bet that just about anyone in here has made the exact same one with similiar results, God knows my mom made it a few times before, doesn't mean shes a bad mom. If you get too down on yourself its just going to make things worse. But on the same token try try try not to do it again, for his sake. 4) When and where possible try to make his homelife as stressfree as possible. Some thoughts for this, try to go to the store when it is as empty as possible, always hard with younger guys but if there is a way to do it, try, there aren't many places as stressful to a young aspie as the store (noises and crowds... even at 23 I still must say YUCK!). I am sure his bedtime prevents this on weekdays, but generally around 8 or 9 at nite the store is empty... if hes allowed to stay up that late on a Friday or Saturday its worth trying. Also in my hometown we have 2 Hy-Vees and a Shnooks (probably misspelled that) as our grocery stores. The Hy-Vees have been here forever and therefore have a huge clientale and are always busy. The Shnooks has been here maybe 2 or 3 years and theres never more then 2 or 3 dozen cars in the parking lot... I so grealy prefer going to Shnooks, especcially considering the prices are roughly equal. I am sure there are other ways that you must determine yourself, and I know the critics out there will say, " But life is stressful " but when you have a depressed 8 year old on your hands, help him out a bit. 5) Tickle him more... okay probably not real advice but he is probably goofy (not quite sure why I just said probably...) and goofy kids need ticklings, so always always be tickling him! 6) Feel free to talk to me on Messenger, I am known in parts as the UOPHA (unofficial official parent helper aspie, I gave it to myself :-p), so sometimes I am good at helping GMs out. I think thats enough for now, really don't get too down on yourself, I am sure your doing a great job and he should turn out to be a great kid. Nobody likes this time but it will get better (and worse) in time before it all gets better . This coming from someone who is right now a boomerang kid... lol. From: gina9431@... Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:21:05 +0000 Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses. Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically.....that's a whole different story! So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling " blah, blah, blah " and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!!!). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are " good " ) and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does. Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!! Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the " Disneyland " Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! Bing brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 First off, you're not a terrible mother. A stressed one, but not terrible. If you're terrible than so am I. Everyone gets at the end of their rope. My son, , is 12 and when he was 7 he was much like your son is right now. He was in a terrible situation at school where all his behavior stuff was taken out of his IEP. The wrong environment at school can cause other issues like oppositional behavior which I think your son might be exhibiting. Here are my suggestions: Keep working with the school but take the attitude that your son is advocating for himself in the only way he knows how. You don't have to tell THEM this, but when you deal with him remember that. Don't punish him for something he did on the bus or at school no matter what mean notes you get. It's already too late anyway and punishment and negativity only makes it worse when it's something he can't control and I expect it is. Impulse control was terrible for us at age 7. Now at 12 with a history of 3 great schools from 2nd to 7th and a lot of help he has a LOT more impulse control. He has more impulse control than his 9 year old sister. Sure, she's younger, but he was operating at her emotional level or younger for a long time. Keep at the school and make sure you tell them it's THEIR job to figure out what to do with him when they have him because you're not there to do anything about it. You can agree to talk to him to try to figure out WHY and you can give them suggestions for how to handle things but don't punish him for bad behavior at school. Reward him if someone says he did something right because positive is always good. Ignore as much bad behavior as you can. Going slower may be something he really NEEDS to do. I have some of the same issues as my son. I am so uncoordinated that when I've tried to rush I've broken bones. I just have to go slower. Here are my rules about what battles I will fight. If someone is getting hurt, I have to do something. If property is being damaged, I have to do something. If there is a safety issue, I have to do something. If the behavior upsets me so much that I'm likely to lash out I try to do something before I get to that point. Obviously, if going slower drives you crazy and he can't help it you'll have a conflict with this one. Allow extra time. When he's having a hard time you can tell him, " I know you're a great kid and that you don't want to behave this way. You want everyone to know what a great kid you are. " You'd be amazed how far I get with this. As long as no hurt, damage, safety issues are happening ignore the behavior as much as you can and let him know when he's doing the right thing. Figure out what his triggers are. Read, " Raising Your Spirited Child " The author's last name is Kurcinka, I think. It is a small, paperback with practical suggestions for figuring out the causes of behavior and what to do. I chose the town I'm living in now because the school where would start here had a very well thumbed copy of this book. It just struck me as being SO RIGHT! There were other things, but seeing this book really made me feel it was a good place. It has been just staggeringly amazing here. Soo sooo good. You don't have to read the whole book, just look for things that you think pertain to your situation. Or read the whole thing since it's not that huge. I don't think I ever read it all I just read bits here and there but it's fantastic. Before the party do a social story. Put your son in the first person. When we go to Bill's party I will have to ride in the car for 20 minutes. Bill will get presents. I can eat cake and watch Bill open presents. I can't open the presents. If I am upset I can... (ask mom to take me outside, go to the car...whatever you think will help him) If he can't take himself out of a situation then you take him out. Don't make it like a punishment. Just tell him you feel like he's having some trouble and maybe he needs a break. You can even call it a " cuddle time-out " if you think he'll like that. Then take him in a quiet place and cuddle or rock if he wants. You can talk to him about cuddle time-outs in advance. Ask him if he would like to try that the next time he's upset. He doesn't WANT to be this way but he can't help it and he won't get the control if someone doesn't teach him how. Cuddle time-outs teach him that he can do something positive if he's reached his limits. Help him discover his own limits. You can say to him, " I think you need a break " or if you know he's on his way to being over stimulated you can ask him if he needs a break. Doing this over and over again will eventually help him figure out he needs to do it himself. My son does all of this and at 7 I couldn't take him to the park without him biting people we didn't even know. Anyway, this is the stuff I've done. I could be wrong and maybe there are other ways but my own situation was made much better by the stuff I'm telling you here. It's worth a try. It won't be easy at first and for a while it will be kind of up and down maybe. Keep us posted. Let me know if you try something I've suggested because I'd love to hear if it's working for you. Don't worry, you're doing great. The fact that you ask for help means a lot. Hugs, Miriam > > I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses. > > Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically.....that's a whole different story! > > So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling " blah, blah, blah " and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. > > The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!!!). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are " good " ) and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. > > I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? > > He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does. > > Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!! > > Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the " Disneyland " Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 Hi! I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I can SOO relate! My son will be 8 in February, also in 2nd grade, and this sounds SO famliar! It seems he's either really terrible (as you described) or REALLY good. On a good day, or at least during a good chunk of time, I feel so guilty and just want to give him the world. I'll even start to wonder why I've broken my back doing everything I've been doing! Then, during a meltdown, I'll remember where we truly are! I recently made a connection--that the most accurate way to describe Aspergers is that the person afflicted does not understand that the world does NOT revolve around them. I truly believe this--it does NOT come from any source of maliciousness--just the mere fact that that is how their brains operate. So you take this social-emotional difficulty that stems from sensory issues within and couple it with their brain only recognizing their view of life--it can be volatile! Unfortunately, I don't have any answers. Try not to be hard on yourself!!!! Keep striving to make sure he knows he is loved and keep striving to make time (and energy) for positive. I know how exhausting this can be sometimes! Hopefully, your mom supports whatever structure you have in line and is consistent with your methods. Unfortunately, my mother-in-law, who is probably with him a lot, does not--dad really doesn't either. I am always frustrated because my son does SO well with rigid structure and routine and they are constantly undoing any progress I make. Having said that, I have strongly urged my mother-in-law to attend a Grandparent Support group (for Autism). I don't think she'll go, but I believe it to be a good idea. Just know you have a friend out here who feels the same way! Too bad we don't live near each other so we could try to get our sons to be friends! LOL (we're in AZ) Take care! Lori On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:21 PM, gin2504 wrote: > I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few > weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he > is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in > 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is > to get worse as the year progresses. > > Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today > from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have > asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his > behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they > don't want to give him any more help because he does well > academically.....that's a whole different story! > > So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad > for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today > he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write > sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling " blah, blah, blah " > and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). > It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my > Mom. > The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting > late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to > be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the > bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, > and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to > eventually!!!). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does > everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The > world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of > this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all > the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying > hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat > down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else > (and starts naming kids he knows who are " good " ) and not him. He > hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't > want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. > I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he > hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked > me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another > school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is > someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything > wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out > because of how the kids are treating him? > He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in > social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about > him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is > soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is > respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know > how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he > thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let > him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't > like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a > child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him > no matter what he does. > > Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what > everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way > more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my > boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year > old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably > act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress > out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My > boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, > quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it > more than I should!! > > Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. > I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the " Disneyland " > Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 It's me again...sorry I already answered, but I read 's response (Which I agree with) and remembered I meant to suggest meds. I don't know if your son is medicated, but I recommend trying to find the right one. I was very hesitant, but we are utilizing Prozac (for OCD/Anxiety) and Vyvanse (for ADHD) and both are doing WONDERS for him! They really haven't helped the social yet (except for relieving the depression that usually follows--he may have his meltdown but it is shortlived and less frequently) but we get such greater periods of time of " good " and they are much more frequent! Best of luck! Lori On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:07 AM, G wrote: > It sounds a bit to me like he's tired of school and trying to find a > new way too fit i. Probably when acts poorly at school the kids all > laugh with him instead of at him and for a couple seconds he feels > accepted. Think of a young Bart Simpson there. Then when it is you > or your mom or some other adult he is probably just acting out from > stress. This isn't to say his behavior isn't wrong, but he is > probably acting out from other stimulous in his life. > > > As for his acting out last night, what exactly was he doing? Most of > the time I have seen behavior like this its a mixture of OCD and > asperger's, not just asperger's. So I must ask does he show any other > signs OCD? I mean there is only so much you can do in the bathroom, > but if your spending 5-10 minutes washing your hands... yea it will > take forever. Theory of the mind difficulties + obsessive habits and > rituals = disaster 9 times out of 10. > > > I think what he needs the next couple days is for them to be as > stressfree as possible. It sounds a bit like a 4 or 5 day vacation > (not sure if he has tomorrow) couldn't have come at a better time, but > of course if he has the stress of a very different schedule in an > unfamiliar environment (at least a little bit). So yea, celebrating > your boyfriends kids birthday might not be the best idea tomorrow, and > might not be entirely fair to either one of them (your son gets in > trouble and the other boy will feel robbed of his party.) If they get > along just fine it might be a better idea to invite him over later to > hang out and to play with whatever he got for his bday. > > > Sadly, I don't think depression is that uncommon in kids like him. I > wasn't that depressed in 2nd grade, but by 4th grade certainly, and by > 6th or 7th grade suicidal thoughts were starting to creep in. I wish > I could say it will get better right away, and in some ways it will > like the stressors for you should get better sooner rather then later > (most of the " brattyness " gets better around middle school I have > found) but he is probably going to be stressed for years. Here are a > couple suggestions for you. > > > 1) You CANNOT ever yell at him. In fact, probably best if you never > direct your anger at him. I know this is hard, I know sometimes it > seems like he isn't listening to a word your saying unless you yell, > but yelling will just stress him out more. You can still punish him > in just about whatever way you do, just make sure to be reassuring > while you do it (example: " I am doing this because I know your a good > boy and this isn't like you " ). Note, acting out of anger tonight > doesn't make you a bad mom, but you do need to control it in the > future if he is going to get happier. > > > 2) He needs a friend more then just about anything else. I know this > can seem impossible to achieve but schedule a playdate or whatever > with another kid with asperger's or ADHD or whatever that tends to be > on the outside looking in more often then not. If he your boyfriends > kid is nice to him and doesn't mind an annoying lil bro type (make > very sure of that first!) then he might make a good friend. You would > be amazed at how much that one good friend does for you. I was never > popular at school but when I had the one good friend I tended to be a > lot happier then when I didn't and I could list them all off to you > now (Mike E. and Tim (who hated each other btw lol) during elementary > school, Rocky during 6th grade, Mike A. during the first part of 8th > grade, Troy during the first part of 9th grade (note the last two > pretty much betrayed me after a while, the second far more then the > first but he was part of a very different clique... still good while > it lasted) during 11th grade (finally a friend who was just as > messed up as I was lol, he was living in the RTC here, thank God > because I don't know if I would have survived 11th grade without him, > that was when my depression was just about at its worst), and Matt in > my senior year). Even having one friend all those times made me so > much happier > > > 3) Don't get too down on yourself. You probably made a mistake > tonight, guess what, I am just about willing to bet that just about > anyone in here has made the exact same one with similiar results, God > knows my mom made it a few times before, doesn't mean shes a bad mom. > If you get too down on yourself its just going to make things worse. > But on the same token try try try not to do it again, for his sake. > > > 4) When and where possible try to make his homelife as stressfree as > possible. Some thoughts for this, try to go to the store when it is > as empty as possible, always hard with younger guys but if there is a > way to do it, try, there aren't many places as stressful to a young > aspie as the store (noises and crowds... even at 23 I still must say > YUCK!). I am sure his bedtime prevents this on weekdays, but > generally around 8 or 9 at nite the store is empty... if hes allowed > to stay up that late on a Friday or Saturday its worth trying. Also > in my hometown we have 2 Hy-Vees and a Shnooks (probably misspelled > that) as our grocery stores. The Hy-Vees have been here forever and > therefore have a huge clientale and are always busy. The Shnooks has > been here maybe 2 or 3 years and theres never more then 2 or 3 dozen > cars in the parking lot... I so grealy prefer going to Shnooks, > especcially considering the prices are roughly equal. I am sure there > are other ways that you must determine yourself, and I know the > critics out there will say, " But life is stressful " but when you have > a depressed 8 year old on your hands, help him out a bit. > > > 5) Tickle him more... okay probably not real advice but he is probably > goofy (not quite sure why I just said probably...) and goofy kids need > ticklings, so always always be tickling him! > > > 6) Feel free to talk to me on Messenger, I am known in parts as > the UOPHA (unofficial official parent helper aspie, I gave it to > myself :-p), so sometimes I am good at helping GMs out. > > I think thats enough for now, really don't get too down on yourself, I > am sure your doing a great job and he should turn out to be a great > kid. Nobody likes this time but it will get better (and worse) in > time before it all gets better . This coming from someone who is > right now a boomerang kid... lol. > > > > From: gina9431@... > Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:21:05 +0000 > Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! > > > > > I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few > weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he > is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in > 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is > to get worse as the year progresses. > > Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today > from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have > asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his > behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they > don't want to give him any more help because he does well > academically.....that's a whole different story! > > So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad > for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he > threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences > for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling " blah, blah, blah " and the > bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's > one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. > The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting > late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be > pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom > (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is > what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!!!). This > is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very > slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! > Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough > tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. > We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I > start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me > that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows > who are " good " ) and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I > would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd > grader is talking like this. > I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he > hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me > (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another > school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is > someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything > wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out > because of how the kids are treating him? > He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in > social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about > him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is > soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is > respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know > how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought > I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know > that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way > he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think > this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he > does. > > Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what > everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way > more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my > boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year > old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably > act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress > out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My > boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, > quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it > more than I should!! > > Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I > am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the " Disneyland " > Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Bing brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. > > & form=MFESRP & publ=WLHMTAG & crea=TEXT_MFES\ RP_Local_MapsMenu_Resturants_1x1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 I think has some great suggestions. I'd also throw in that doing sentences at home for something he did at school might not be a good idea. I totally understand why you might try that, but I wouldn't do it. When my son was in Kind-1st grade, I used to be told that I should "support the school at home" by doing things like this too (giving him a consequence at home if he wasn't good at school.) The problem with this, was that he was in trouble a lot at school, which just meant he was also in trouble at home a lot. And I wasn't seeing what was happening at school so I was taking someone's interpretation of his behavior, assuming they were right, and then punishing him based on this person's interpretation. I also knew there was something else going on w/ D besides ADHD and I knew D didn't like to disappoint people so him being in constant trouble was just too much for him to take. One day it dawned on me that Dylan was spending most of his days in trouble and I could tell he was about to give up. I sat him down and told him I expected him to be good in school and make good choices, but he would have consequences at school for his behavior there and consequences at home for his behavior here. The two weren't going to be mixed up anymore. I think one of the best things I did going forward was to try and understand his intent when he misbehaved and talk through that with him so he could learn that his intent might've been right/understandable but his action was not so he needed to change his action. This worked miracles for us. I'm not certain his teacher/admin at school knew him well enough to be able to quickly determine his intent so they assumed he was doing things to be "bad" on purpose or "for attention." This is how I explained it to Dylan when we stopped disciplining him at home for school behavior. I told him I thought he was like a filled up balloon when he started school each morning but throughout the day, due to his struggles at school with the kids/teacher/administration/noises/etc..., air started leaving his balloon and by the time he got home, his balloon was flat. His family was his oxygen. So it was up to us to start putting air back in his balloon as soon as he got home so it would be filled up by the next morning again, and that's what we did. I would still talk with him about what happened at school that day and we'd try to talk things through, but he wouldn't have a negative consequence. His whole demeanor changed once he realized he could have a clean slate when he walked inside his house. It's like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. So that's a long post basically encouraging you to not punish him at home for school behavior. Leave that to the school. When he gets home, let him start over with a clean slate. It might also help him relieve stress. "Over-optimism is waiting for you ship to come in when you haven't sent one out." From: G <fnofsports@...>Aspergers Treatment Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 4:07:12 AMSubject: RE: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! It sounds a bit to me like he's tired of school and trying to find a new way too fit i. Probably when acts poorly at school the kids all laugh with him instead of at him and for a couple seconds he feels accepted. Think of a young Bart Simpson there. Then when it is you or your mom or some other adult he is probably just acting out from stress. This isn't to say his behavior isn't wrong, but he is probably acting out from other stimulous in his life. As for his acting out last night, what exactly was he doing? Most of the time I have seen behavior like this its a mixture of OCD and asperger's, not just asperger's. So I must ask does he show any other signs OCD? I mean there is only so much you can do in the bathroom, but if your spending 5-10 minutes washing your hands... yea it will take forever. Theory of the mind difficulties + obsessive habits and rituals = disaster 9 times out of 10. I think what he needs the next couple days is for them to be as stressfree as possible. It sounds a bit like a 4 or 5 day vacation (not sure if he has tomorrow) couldn't have come at a better time, but of course if he has the stress of a very different schedule in an unfamiliar environment (at least a little bit). So yea, celebrating your boyfriends kids birthday might not be the best idea tomorrow, and might not be entirely fair to either one of them (your son gets in trouble and the other boy will feel robbed of his party.) If they get along just fine it might be a better idea to invite him over later to hang out and to play with whatever he got for his bday. Sadly, I don't think depression is that uncommon in kids like him. I wasn't that depressed in 2nd grade, but by 4th grade certainly, and by 6th or 7th grade suicidal thoughts were starting to creep in. I wish I could say it will get better right away, and in some ways it will like the stressors for you should get better sooner rather then later (most of the "brattyness" gets better around middle school I have found) but he is probably going to be stressed for years. Here are a couple suggestions for you. 1) You CANNOT ever yell at him. In fact, probably best if you never direct your anger at him. I know this is hard, I know sometimes it seems like he isn't listening to a word your saying unless you yell, but yelling will just stress him out more. You can still punish him in just about whatever way you do, just make sure to be reassuring while you do it (example: "I am doing this because I know your a good boy and this isn't like you"). Note, acting out of anger tonight doesn't make you a bad mom, but you do need to control it in the future if he is going to get happier. 2) He needs a friend more then just about anything else. I know this can seem impossible to achieve but schedule a playdate or whatever with another kid with asperger's or ADHD or whatever that tends to be on the outside looking in more often then not. If he your boyfriends kid is nice to him and doesn't mind an annoying lil bro type (make very sure of that first!) then he might make a good friend. You would be amazed at how much that one good friend does for you. I was never popular at school but when I had the one good friend I tended to be a lot happier then when I didn't and I could list them all off to you now (Mike E. and Tim (who hated each other btw lol) during elementary school, Rocky during 6th grade, Mike A. during the first part of 8th grade, Troy during the first part of 9th grade (note the last two pretty much betrayed me after a while, the second far more then the first but he was part of a very different clique... still good while it lasted) during 11th grade (finally a friend who was just as messed up as I was lol, he was living in the RTC here, thank God because I don't know if I would have survived 11th grade without him, that was when my depression was just about at its worst), and Matt in my senior year). Even having one friend all those times made me so much happier 3) Don't get too down on yourself. You probably made a mistake tonight, guess what, I am just about willing to bet that just about anyone in here has made the exact same one with similiar results, God knows my mom made it a few times before, doesn't mean shes a bad mom. If you get too down on yourself its just going to make things worse. But on the same token try try try not to do it again, for his sake. 4) When and where possible try to make his homelife as stressfree as possible. Some thoughts for this, try to go to the store when it is as empty as possible, always hard with younger guys but if there is a way to do it, try, there aren't many places as stressful to a young aspie as the store (noises and crowds... even at 23 I still must say YUCK!). I am sure his bedtime prevents this on weekdays, but generally around 8 or 9 at nite the store is empty... if hes allowed to stay up that late on a Friday or Saturday its worth trying. Also in my hometown we have 2 Hy-Vees and a Shnooks (probably misspelled that) as our grocery stores. The Hy-Vees have been here forever and therefore have a huge clientale and are always busy. The Shnooks has been here maybe 2 or 3 years and theres never more then 2 or 3 dozen cars in the parking lot... I so grealy prefer going to Shnooks, especcially considering the prices are roughly equal. I am sure there are other ways that you must determine yourself, and I know the critics out there will say, "But life is stressful" but when you have a depressed 8 year old on your hands, help him out a bit. 5) Tickle him more... okay probably not real advice but he is probably goofy (not quite sure why I just said probably...) and goofy kids need ticklings, so always always be tickling him! 6) Feel free to talk to me on Messenger, I am known in parts as the UOPHA (unofficial official parent helper aspie, I gave it to myself :-p), so sometimes I am good at helping GMs out. I think thats enough for now, really don't get too down on yourself, I am sure your doing a great job and he should turn out to be a great kid. Nobody likes this time but it will get better (and worse) in time before it all gets better . This coming from someone who is right now a boomerang kid... lol. From: gina9431verizon (DOT) netDate: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:21:05 +0000Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses.Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically. ....that' s a whole different story!So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling "blah, blah, blah" and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!! !). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are "good") and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful.. ..he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does.Guess I'm looking for suggestions! ! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!!Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the "Disneyland" Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!! !!! Bing brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 You are not the worst mother ever. I'm impressed that you already have your son in social skills therapy at his young age. It took me a long, long time to find the right label for my son and then figure out how to get services. So well done! From my perspective, it sounds like you are doing all the right things, but that the school is letting your child down by punishing him for his disability instead of working with his strengths. If things continue the way they are now, then school will become a toxic environment for your son and you don't want that to happen to him. Let me share some insight on why your art teacher is frustrated with your son. My son loves to draw - but he shut down in art class. The class was just too noisy and chaotic for him. He got overwhelmed by smells and could not make himself touch certain kinds of paints and glues. He also was bad with scissors and so would delay doing anything with scissors. The teacher was often out of the room during art and so he was teased and bullied when the teacher wasn't looking. He could not follow the instructions because they were verbal and he just could not figure out what he was supposed to do. Ask the art teacher if she could provide him with written step-by-step instructions and let him sit with kids that will be supportive and not bully him or tease him when the teacher's back is turned. Ask the teacher to give him alternative assignments if your child has some sensory issues that he has no control over that will push him over the edge. I'm guessing that the extreme meltdowns he is having at home with family are a direct result of the amount of pressure and stress he feels at school from his teachers and his peers. Keep copies of the nasty notes from the bus driver and the art teacher. Keep a log of the phone calls you make and get from the school. Bring your records with you to any meetings with Special Education to help emphasize that what the school is doing (or not doing) is not working and that your son needs more accommodations than he has now. At home make sure that your son knows that he is loved, but that it is not acceptable to throw things to disturb others. He needs to find ways to blow off steam that does not hurt or frighten others. Does he have a handheld game he can use to focus on to help calm himself down? Is there music that he can listen to on a CD player or IPod? Does he have a room he can go to at school or at home that he can use to give himself a time out? Does he understand that he has AS and so really can't control a lot of what he does? When I explained to my little boy that he had AS and that I finally understood that a lot of things he did he really had no control over and so it wasn't really his fault - I could see a heavy load lift from his shoulders. A good book for kids is " All Cats Have Aspergers " . It has lots of pictures of cute kittens with simple statements about AS that may help your son (and maybe his teachers) understand why your son acts the way he does. My last tip is to get an advocate to go to the meetings with you. It really makes a difference. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 Ummmm thanks... From: nicole.obrien@...Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:21:24 -0330Subject: RE: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! , can I just say I am SO glad you’re a part of this group Excellent email !!! =) From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of GSent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 6:37 AMAspergers Treatment Subject: RE: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! It sounds a bit to me like he's tired of school and trying to find a new way too fit i. Probably when acts poorly at school the kids all laugh with him instead of at him and for a couple seconds he feels accepted. Think of a young Bart Simpson there. Then when it is you or your mom or some other adult he is probably just acting out from stress. This isn't to say his behavior isn't wrong, but he is probably acting out from other stimulous in his life. As for his acting out last night, what exactly was he doing? Most of the time I have seen behavior like this its a mixture of OCD and asperger's, not just asperger's. So I must ask does he show any other signs OCD? I mean there is only so much you can do in the bathroom, but if your spending 5-10 minutes washing your hands... yea it will take forever. Theory of the mind difficulties + obsessive habits and rituals = disaster 9 times out of 10. I think what he needs the next couple days is for them to be as stressfree as possible. It sounds a bit like a 4 or 5 day vacation (not sure if he has tomorrow) couldn't have come at a better time, but of course if he has the stress of a very different schedule in an unfamiliar environment (at least a little bit). So yea, celebrating your boyfriends kids birthday might not be the best idea tomorrow, and might not be entirely fair to either one of them (your son gets in trouble and the other boy will feel robbed of his party.) If they get along just fine it might be a better idea to invite him over later to hang out and to play with whatever he got for his bday. Sadly, I don't think depression is that uncommon in kids like him. I wasn't that depressed in 2nd grade, but by 4th grade certainly, and by 6th or 7th grade suicidal thoughts were starting to creep in. I wish I could say it will get better right away, and in some ways it will like the stressors for you should get better sooner rather then later (most of the "brattyness" gets better around middle school I have found) but he is probably going to be stressed for years. Here are a couple suggestions for you. 1) You CANNOT ever yell at him. In fact, probably best if you never direct your anger at him. I know this is hard, I know sometimes it seems like he isn't listening to a word your saying unless you yell, but yelling will just stress him out more. You can still punish him in just about whatever way you do, just make sure to be reassuring while you do it (example: "I am doing this because I know your a good boy and this isn't like you"). Note, acting out of anger tonight doesn't make you a bad mom, but you do need to control it in the future if he is going to get happier. 2) He needs a friend more then just about anything else. I know this can seem impossible to achieve but schedule a playdate or whatever with another kid with asperger's or ADHD or whatever that tends to be on the outside looking in more often then not. If he your boyfriends kid is nice to him and doesn't mind an annoying lil bro type (make very sure of that first!) then he might make a good friend. You would be amazed at how much that one good friend does for you. I was never popular at school but when I had the one good friend I tended to be a lot happier then when I didn't and I could list them all off to you now (Mike E. and Tim (who hated each other btw lol) during elementary school, Rocky during 6th grade, Mike A. during the first part of 8th grade, Troy during the first part of 9th grade (note the last two pretty much betrayed me after a while, the second far more then the first but he was part of a very different clique... still good while it lasted) during 11th grade (finally a friend who was just as messed up as I was lol, he was living in the RTC here, thank God because I don't know if I would have survived 11th grade without him, that was when my depression was just about at its worst), and Matt in my senior year). Even having one friend all those times made me so much happier 3) Don't get too down on yourself. You probably made a mistake tonight, guess what, I am just about willing to bet that just about anyone in here has made the exact same one with similiar results, God knows my mom made it a few times before, doesn't mean shes a bad mom. If you get too down on yourself its just going to make things worse. But on the same token try try try not to do it again, for his sake. 4) When and where possible try to make his homelife as stressfree as possible. Some thoughts for this, try to go to the store when it is as empty as possible, always hard with younger guys but if there is a way to do it, try, there aren't many places as stressful to a young aspie as the store (noises and crowds... even at 23 I still must say YUCK!). I am sure his bedtime prevents this on weekdays, but generally around 8 or 9 at nite the store is empty... if hes allowed to stay up that late on a Friday or Saturday its worth trying. Also in my hometown we have 2 Hy-Vees and a Shnooks (probably misspelled that) as our grocery stores. The Hy-Vees have been here forever and therefore have a huge clientale and are always busy. The Shnooks has been here maybe 2 or 3 years and theres never more then 2 or 3 dozen cars in the parking lot... I so grealy prefer going to Shnooks, especcially considering the prices are roughly equal. I am sure there are other ways that you must determine yourself, and I know the critics out there will say, "But life is stressful" but when you have a depressed 8 year old on your hands, help him out a bit. 5) Tickle him more... okay probably not real advice but he is probably goofy (not quite sure why I just said probably...) and goofy kids need ticklings, so always always be tickling him! 6) Feel free to talk to me on Messenger, I am known in parts as the UOPHA (unofficial official parent helper aspie, I gave it to myself :-p), so sometimes I am good at helping GMs out. I think thats enough for now, really don't get too down on yourself, I am sure your doing a great job and he should turn out to be a great kid. Nobody likes this time but it will get better (and worse) in time before it all gets better . This coming from someone who is right now a boomerang kid... lol. From: gina9431verizon (DOT) netDate: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:21:05 +0000Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses.Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically.....that's a whole different story!So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling "blah, blah, blah" and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!!!). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are "good") and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does.Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!!Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the "Disneyland" Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! Bing brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. Windows 7: I wanted simpler, now it's simpler. I'm a rock star. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 On Jul 24, 12:12pm, " gin2504 " wrote: } } w through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an exc= } use?? I think this is really important information he's giving you. It sounds like he doesn't know what's expected of him. My son's teacher and aide go all-out to let my son know what's expected of him and it makes a huge difference. His teacher prepares a schedule just for him every day, with built in rewards and breaks, etc. I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have a= } lways tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I = } just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical = } for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him = } no matter what he does. My little boy is just the same age and he is obsessed with love right now, and sees many things I do as proof that I do or don't love him. Keep talking with him about love, reminding him that even people who love each other get mad at each other sometimes, and that he gets mad at *you* sometimes, but still loves you when the mad is over. Give him as much affection as he can comfortably accept. (In my son's case, this is virtually unlimited.) Thinking about this makes me realize that it helps me a lot to... how do I put it... really nurture my own affection for him. That makes it easier for me not to yell or fly off the handle, which just makes things worse. When I think about him affectionately, do special little things for him, it not only reminds him that I love him, but it reminds *me* too. Willa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 Hi,,,, First, after reading this, my heart was breaking for you and your son. And I just gotta say that I'm soooo happy that your mom is there. She sounds wonderful. My first idea to you,,,,,,is that I'd actually not go to Tgiving if you feel something may happen. It's not fair to him to go somewhere, where you know he's going to lose it due to how it's been for him lately. Just spend the day with him....hiking.........going somewhere or doing something he'd like. A little bit of time for just you two, with no judging, ya know? These kids freak out because of the inability to handle their emotions, a lot of the time. If he's going through such a terrible time at school.......then of course he's gonna be freaking out everywhere. Poor guy. And being mean to him can definitely cause these behaviors that you're experiencing. Again,,,,,poor guy....and you. I know that since you're a single mom, that you can't probably yank him out of school, but he needs He's telling you it's horrible. He's telling you how sad he is. Definitely talk with his doc or therapist........and the school. I'm not one for pushing meds,,,,but sometimes they are lifesavers. When my son and daughter were going thru really rough times, I thanked God for meds to help them. I wish I could hug you and tell you to home school him. To get him out of the situation.... Keep us posted, please. Robin From: gin2504 <gina9431@...>Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 9:21 PM I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses.Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically. ....that' s a whole different story!So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling "blah, blah, blah" and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!! !). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are "good") and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful.. ..he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does.Guess I'm looking for suggestions! ! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!!Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the "Disneyland" Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!! !!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 I'm on the same page as you for this , I've told my son that his teacher deals with things at school, I only want to know what has happened, this way at least I get a version of events without my son worrying he is going to receive more punishment for the same thing. And this way we can have a discussion about what happened and why, turning it into a learning experience. From: MacAllister <smacalli@...>Subject: Re: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! Date: Wednesday, 25 November, 2009, 16:54 I think has some great suggestions. I'd also throw in that doing sentences at home for something he did at school might not be a good idea. I totally understand why you might try that, but I wouldn't do it. When my son was in Kind-1st grade, I used to be told that I should "support the school at home" by doing things like this too (giving him a consequence at home if he wasn't good at school.) The problem with this, was that he was in trouble a lot at school, which just meant he was also in trouble at home a lot. And I wasn't seeing what was happening at school so I was taking someone's interpretation of his behavior, assuming they were right, and then punishing him based on this person's interpretation. I also knew there was something else going on w/ D besides ADHD and I knew D didn't like to disappoint people so him being in constant trouble was just too much for him to take. One day it dawned on me that Dylan was spending most of his days in trouble and I could tell he was about to give up. I sat him down and told him I expected him to be good in school and make good choices, but he would have consequences at school for his behavior there and consequences at home for his behavior here. The two weren't going to be mixed up anymore. I think one of the best things I did going forward was to try and understand his intent when he misbehaved and talk through that with him so he could learn that his intent might've been right/understandabl e but his action was not so he needed to change his action. This worked miracles for us. I'm not certain his teacher/admin at school knew him well enough to be able to quickly determine his intent so they assumed he was doing things to be "bad" on purpose or "for attention." This is how I explained it to Dylan when we stopped disciplining him at home for school behavior. I told him I thought he was like a filled up balloon when he started school each morning but throughout the day, due to his struggles at school with the kids/teacher/ administration/ noises/etc. .., air started leaving his balloon and by the time he got home, his balloon was flat. His family was his oxygen. So it was up to us to start putting air back in his balloon as soon as he got home so it would be filled up by the next morning again, and that's what we did. I would still talk with him about what happened at school that day and we'd try to talk things through, but he wouldn't have a negative consequence. His whole demeanor changed once he realized he could have a clean slate when he walked inside his house. It's like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. So that's a long post basically encouraging you to not punish him at home for school behavior. Leave that to the school. When he gets home, let him start over with a clean slate. It might also help him relieve stress. "Over-optimism is waiting for you ship to come in when you haven't sent one out." From: G <fnofsportshotmail (DOT) com>Aspergers TreatmentSent: Wed, November 25, 2009 4:07:12 AMSubject: RE: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! It sounds a bit to me like he's tired of school and trying to find a new way too fit i. Probably when acts poorly at school the kids all laugh with him instead of at him and for a couple seconds he feels accepted. Think of a young Bart Simpson there. Then when it is you or your mom or some other adult he is probably just acting out from stress. This isn't to say his behavior isn't wrong, but he is probably acting out from other stimulous in his life. As for his acting out last night, what exactly was he doing? Most of the time I have seen behavior like this its a mixture of OCD and asperger's, not just asperger's. So I must ask does he show any other signs OCD? I mean there is only so much you can do in the bathroom, but if your spending 5-10 minutes washing your hands... yea it will take forever. Theory of the mind difficulties + obsessive habits and rituals = disaster 9 times out of 10. I think what he needs the next couple days is for them to be as stressfree as possible. It sounds a bit like a 4 or 5 day vacation (not sure if he has tomorrow) couldn't have come at a better time, but of course if he has the stress of a very different schedule in an unfamiliar environment (at least a little bit). So yea, celebrating your boyfriends kids birthday might not be the best idea tomorrow, and might not be entirely fair to either one of them (your son gets in trouble and the other boy will feel robbed of his party.) If they get along just fine it might be a better idea to invite him over later to hang out and to play with whatever he got for his bday. Sadly, I don't think depression is that uncommon in kids like him. I wasn't that depressed in 2nd grade, but by 4th grade certainly, and by 6th or 7th grade suicidal thoughts were starting to creep in. I wish I could say it will get better right away, and in some ways it will like the stressors for you should get better sooner rather then later (most of the "brattyness" gets better around middle school I have found) but he is probably going to be stressed for years. Here are a couple suggestions for you. 1) You CANNOT ever yell at him. In fact, probably best if you never direct your anger at him. I know this is hard, I know sometimes it seems like he isn't listening to a word your saying unless you yell, but yelling will just stress him out more. You can still punish him in just about whatever way you do, just make sure to be reassuring while you do it (example: "I am doing this because I know your a good boy and this isn't like you"). Note, acting out of anger tonight doesn't make you a bad mom, but you do need to control it in the future if he is going to get happier. 2) He needs a friend more then just about anything else. I know this can seem impossible to achieve but schedule a playdate or whatever with another kid with asperger's or ADHD or whatever that tends to be on the outside looking in more often then not. If he your boyfriends kid is nice to him and doesn't mind an annoying lil bro type (make very sure of that first!) then he might make a good friend. You would be amazed at how much that one good friend does for you. I was never popular at school but when I had the one good friend I tended to be a lot happier then when I didn't and I could list them all off to you now (Mike E. and Tim (who hated each other btw lol) during elementary school, Rocky during 6th grade, Mike A. during the first part of 8th grade, Troy during the first part of 9th grade (note the last two pretty much betrayed me after a while, the second far more then the first but he was part of a very different clique... still good while it lasted) during 11th grade (finally a friend who was just as messed up as I was lol, he was living in the RTC here, thank God because I don't know if I would have survived 11th grade without him, that was when my depression was just about at its worst), and Matt in my senior year). Even having one friend all those times made me so much happier 3) Don't get too down on yourself. You probably made a mistake tonight, guess what, I am just about willing to bet that just about anyone in here has made the exact same one with similiar results, God knows my mom made it a few times before, doesn't mean shes a bad mom. If you get too down on yourself its just going to make things worse. But on the same token try try try not to do it again, for his sake. 4) When and where possible try to make his homelife as stressfree as possible. Some thoughts for this, try to go to the store when it is as empty as possible, always hard with younger guys but if there is a way to do it, try, there aren't many places as stressful to a young aspie as the store (noises and crowds... even at 23 I still must say YUCK!). I am sure his bedtime prevents this on weekdays, but generally around 8 or 9 at nite the store is empty... if hes allowed to stay up that late on a Friday or Saturday its worth trying. Also in my hometown we have 2 Hy-Vees and a Shnooks (probably misspelled that) as our grocery stores. The Hy-Vees have been here forever and therefore have a huge clientale and are always busy. The Shnooks has been here maybe 2 or 3 years and theres never more then 2 or 3 dozen cars in the parking lot... I so grealy prefer going to Shnooks, especcially considering the prices are roughly equal. I am sure there are other ways that you must determine yourself, and I know the critics out there will say, "But life is stressful" but when you have a depressed 8 year old on your hands, help him out a bit. 5) Tickle him more... okay probably not real advice but he is probably goofy (not quite sure why I just said probably...) and goofy kids need ticklings, so always always be tickling him! 6) Feel free to talk to me on Messenger, I am known in parts as the UOPHA (unofficial official parent helper aspie, I gave it to myself :-p), so sometimes I am good at helping GMs out. I think thats enough for now, really don't get too down on yourself, I am sure your doing a great job and he should turn out to be a great kid. Nobody likes this time but it will get better (and worse) in time before it all gets better . This coming from someone who is right now a boomerang kid... lol. From: gina9431verizon (DOT) netDate: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:21:05 +0000Subject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses.Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically. ....that' s a whole different story!So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling "blah, blah, blah" and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!! !). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are "good") and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful.. ..he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does.Guess I'm looking for suggestions! ! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!!Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the "Disneyland" Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!! !!! Bing brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 , first off. dont ever feel like the worst mother in the world. you have been given a task in life that in the past would just have parents putting their children in mental hospitals and forgetting they existed (th efar past, thank God). it is probabaly very possible that your child is having a very hard tiem addapting to his new curicular and surroundings. my daughter is also 8 and it is amazing that she actually says the same thing " blah blah blah " when someone is jabbering on at her. but in her mind she is trying to be funny. she is not being disobedient or disrespectful by doing that. it is her way to fit in when she is with her peers. unfortunately, she is in the same situation. she had a excellent year last year and this year the kids are terrible with her. she comes home every day crying ans saying " no one plays with me " . my suggestion would be to ask the teacher if there was a way to get your child to have " some part " of what went well last year. for my child it was her teacher that was her " anchor stone " . so now when my daughter has what they call a " good day " they allow her to go see her last years teacher for the last 30 minutes of school. this regained her stability a little. they even decided to have her go to the class and read to the children a short story (this made her feel important and useful)and gave her a feeling of accomplishment and self esteem, knowing that the younger kids were all listening to her becuase she read so well. as far as a behavioral plan, " DEMAND ONE! wether they say your child is doing well now or not. im not sure how your state works, but in connecticut, if we ask for a iep or a behavioral assessment, the school system has 45 days to get it done. if they dont they are in serious trouble with the state and can be sued by the parents. you are now a mama lion and someone is threatening your cub or cubs. of course the claws will come. be proud of yourself for even looking for answers. fight the good fight and pick your battles carefully, but most of all make yourself heard. as my wife puts it " i have to speak loudly for my child because these children really dont know how to speak for themselves about what they need, nor will anyone listen to them. God bless you and stay strong. God never gives us more than we can handle. Most of all stay strong and proud and never feel as though you are a bad mom. youre only doing what is best. > > I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses. > > Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically.....that's a whole different story! > > So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling " blah, blah, blah " and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. > > The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!!!). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are " good " ) and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. > > I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? > > He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful....he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does. > > Guess I'm looking for suggestions!! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!! > > Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the " Disneyland " Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!!!!! > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2009 Report Share Posted November 26, 2009 Is this ....if it is the gina I know...welcome back...if not...welcome. Put it in the school that you want an FBA done ASAP. Writing...handwritten or type...just make sure the school gets it...take it up and have the secretary sign it and sign a copy you have made. I will write more tomorrow...must go to sleep is almost 1 am jan < From: gin2504 <gina9431@...> Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 10:21:05 PMSubject: ( ) I Feel Like The Worst Mother Ever!!!! I sometimes just can't take it any more!!! My son will be 8 in a few weeks, and has been a real challenge the last few days. Over all, he is going great this year in school, compared to past years (he is in 2nd grade now). However, the year is still early, and his pattern is to get worse as the year progresses.Anyway, yesterday it was a nasty email from the art teacher, and today from the bus driver. I am irritated with the school, because I have asked repeatedly for a behavioral plan, but whenever I do, his behavior is suddenly not a problem. I mostly get the impression they don't want to give him any more help because he does well academically. ....that' s a whole different story!So.....he has been getting in trouble at school, and has even been bad for my brother and mother, who he is usually really good for. Today he threw a notebook at my Mom, when she tried making him write sentences for being bad on the bus (he kept yelling "blah, blah, blah" and the bus driver told him 5 times to stop, and he would not listen). It's one thing for him to act up with me....but not so common with my Mom. The final straw was tonight, when I took him shopping. It was getting late, and I was in a hurry. He continues to do everything he can to be pokey and slow us down, including spending 20 minutes in the bathroom (I actually let him go in to them men's restroom for once, and this is what happens....but he is turning 8...I need to eventually!! !). This is an ongoing issue with him. He does everything at his own (very slow) pace, and when he wants to. The world must revolve around him!! Mornings can be terrible because of this. I had just had enough tonight, and literally yelled at him all the way home from the store. We get home, I'm fuming, he's crying hysterically and apologizing. I start feeling really guilty and sat down to talk to him. He tells me that he wishes he were someone else (and starts naming kids he knows who are "good") and not him. He hates being him and said he wishes I would kill him, that he doesn't want to be alive any more!!! My 2nd grader is talking like this. I probed more in to his behavior, and he finally admitted that he hates the kids at school because they are mean to him. He has asked me (actually begged me) before to move so that he could go to another school with nice kids. I get so frustrated, because everything is someone else's fault, or he has an excuse. He never does anything wrong!! Then he says this and I feel bad. Could he be acting out because of how the kids are treating him? He sees a therapist, so I could bring this up to her. He is also in social skills classes with the same therapist. I am so worried about him, and feel like my losing it is only hurting him more. He is soooooo smart, and I know he gets what is right, and what is respectful.. ..he just doesn't follow through. He says he doesn't know how to be good, but is that just an excuse?? I asked him if he thought I loved him....and he said no!!! I have always tried to let him know that when I am mad at him, I still love him, I just don't like the way he is acting or what he is doing. Is this typical for a child to think this way? I also heard my Mom tell him she loves him no matter what he does.Guess I'm looking for suggestions! ! I worry sooooo much about what everyone else things of us, and I know I shouldn't. That causes way more stress, and I know this. Tomorrow we are suppose to go to my boyfriend's parents house for a birthday party (my boyfriend's 11 year old son), and I don't even know if I want to go now. He will probably act up, since he has been on a roll lately, and I will just stress out. I don't always feel they are the most understand people. My boyfriend's son (the only grandchild) couldn't be any easier, sweet, quiet!!! I just don't feel like they understand, and I worry about it more than I should!!Sorry to go on.....I just feel soooooo bad and frustrated right now. I am a single Mom (Dad is what I would call the "Disneyland" Dad).....and it wears on me doing this by myself sometimes!!! !!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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