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On 6 Nov 00, at 10:00, tammy@... wrote:

> When do you start feeling better, and when do you start eliminating

> the yeast during urination? Oh, and one last question... during the

> program, can you have one slip up (like, say, a piece of cake) and not

> ruin things? (I haven't done this, but it's been tempting at times).

Tamy - it took me weeks and weeks to start feeling better, my die-

off was very gradual rather than a big dramatic event, and I've never

yet eliminated any yeast in urine, even though it's now almost all

dead! I've had two slip-ups, and came out in massive spots within

hours of teh first. Teh second was this Saturday, and I still feel

foggy and mildly nauseous after it, but then it was a big, chocolate-

coated sugar mouse, so serves me right!



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> When do you start feeling better, and when do you start eliminating

> the yeast during urination?

What are the signs that you are eliminating yeast in your urine?


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SF-722 capsules are for intestinal candida, not systemic candida.

For Systemic Candida you'll need stuff such as Oregano, Grapfuit Seed

Extract and Kolorex.

> I started my anti-candida program a week ago. I'm following a diet

> that is sort of a combination of Tripp's diet, the one from

> Modern Herbalist, and the Body Ecology Diet book (modified to be

> something I can live with). I've given up caffeine and am drinking

> lots of water. I'm taking two SF722 caps (I am thinking of


> this) with each meal, one black walnut hull cap with each meal, as

> well as two iso-cort (adrenaline supplement recommended by

> Modern Herbalist) and two CFS support super-vitamins (from

> Mothernature.com) with breakfast and lunch (was told the iso-cort

> and vitamins could cause sleeplessness if taken with dinner). I'm

> drinking yucky Progreens probiotic swampy stuff whenever I can

> handle it (not often lol).


> The first few days I had definite brain fog (still have it some)


> other than that, I don't notice any extreme symptoms of die-off...

> have had a slight headache, slight sore throat, but don't feel


> much worse than I did to start (maybe I was so bad to start that I

> couldn't get any worse? lol). I guess I am somewhat

> disappointed...does this mean I don't have systemic candida? I

> seemed to fit the profile so well, had almost every symptom... have

> suffered with it (or CFS/FMS or whatever) for so long I was really

> hoping this was going to be the big break I was looking for.


> When do you start feeling better, and when do you start eliminating

> the yeast during urination? Oh, and one last question... during


> program, can you have one slip up (like, say, a piece of cake) and

> not ruin things? (I haven't done this, but it's been tempting at

> times).


> Tammy

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

yes, this can be die-off!!! Also get the blueberries and grapes out of your

diet, they have a ton of mold in them... that's why grapes make wine, Don't eat

them,, citrus is peobably only safe bet lemon, grapefruit as far as fruit

until you get rid of this. After your better you can try adding small amounts of

fruit bak in but for now refrain , eat veggies.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


> Hi everyone, I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is die-off...but

the last couple of days i've been getting an EXTREMELY dry mouth, dry

eyes, absurdly constipated, and tingly arms and hands (the tingling is



> Are these die-off symptoms? (The dry mouth/eyes seems the opposite of

> a healing reaction -- where a lot of mucus gets produced.) They're

> not very flu-like...I just can't tell... I'm on day 29.

==>Yes they are die-off symptoms. Sometimes the fluids in the mouth

and eyes get blocked - mine did. Massage around the eyes, particularly

by the tear ducts and lubricate them with drops of coconut oil. For

your dry mouth massage around the bottom and sides of the jaw and

inside the mouth under the front of the tongue and swish some

antifungals per the Thrush Treatments in your mouth for up to 2

minutes. Ensure you are getting enough ocean sea salt and good fats -

both help the cells utilize water.

==>To help your constipation you need to UP your good fats. Is it

possible you changed your diet too quickly? Lowering fibres and upping

protein will cause constipation particularly if you aren't able to get

the high ratio of fats at the same time. I recommend you do the 9-day

program for your constipation:


> Thanks, bee for this amazing group!

==>You are so welcome my friend!


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  • 10 months later...

My 10-month-old baby girl was sick today and yesterday. She is not officially on GAPS but we have all been on the Biokult for a few weeks now. She ramped up to 4 capsules per day on Monday (doubled the dose). She started getting sick yesterday -- very runny nose, lots of mucus, coughing, sneezing, slight fever.

Could this be a die-off reaction?Or maybe it's just a cold...I'm just surprised that she would get a cold if she is on all these probiotics. Seems like they would protect her. Which is what makes me think it is die-off. I took her back down to 2 capsules per day.

And I read online that excess mucus and fever are symptoms of die-off.She also had SUPER STINKY poops today. Much stinkier than normal. Other than that, the stool looked normal. But phew!!!!! It was bad.

What do you think?Ann Marie

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


> The last two days I have tried to adjust my diet to reduce protein and

increase fat to meet suggested ratios. Each day I had Bee's Egg Drink (only)

for both breakfast and lunch, but with only one egg.

+++Hi Amy. You need to consume " enough protein " and vegetables in addition to

the Egg Drink.


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