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I'm New also

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Barb D. Welcome. Get a little sign for your desk. NO FOOD... LOL Or nicely show them you are eating better. Thanks for the idea of notebook for his slimaway notebook. WHAT a great idea. Welcome ..


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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> I'm new to the group and would like to introduce myself to everyone.

Welcome, Barb. You remail address looks familiar - I must have seen you on

some other lists.

> kids, a calico cat named Daisy Mae,

I wonder how many people here even remember Li'l Abner comics.

> At one time I was 250 pounds. I'm currently down to 220 pounds


> It gets rather expensive for

> me to go every week but I really like their scale. It shows ounces which


> good for me.

It's probably cheaper to just buy a digital scale for home that does the

same thing.

> reasons (I have asthma and high blood pressure)

When I was a kid, only the skinny, sickly kids had asthma. Now, I'm meeting

more and more people of all shapes and sizes with it. Many times as an adult

I felt these are the sxact same symptoms I had as a kid, but I wonder if I

*wasn't* diagnosed asthmatic becasue it was felt only the sterotype scrawny

kids got it? Who know? At that time my doctor always examined me with a pipe

in his mouth! LOL

>Just to purchase that size would be a great

> feeling.

You said it!

Sue in NJ

Together We Can do what we Cannot Do Alone

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> So ... now I'm on the road to getting slim and trying the best I

can. I have

> my ups and down days but that's normal so I've heard. Like I

said .. it's

> hard work but at least I'm trying. I need to lose my weight for


> reasons (I have asthma and high blood pressure) not to mention I

would like

> to get down to a size 16 again. Just to purchase that size would

be a great

> feeling.

Good luck Barb....we are all on this road together !!

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  • 6 years later...

Check out this website ...I love it




From: mcheretic <mcheretic@...>Subject: [ ] I'm New also Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 6:38 AM

Hi All,I just joined. My family is now starting the GAPS diet. I watched Dr McBride's dvd an ordered her book. Any suggestions on a healthy breakfast?Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to post the same site--the egg and tomato dish is really good.


> Hi All,

> I just joined. My family is now starting the GAPS diet. I watched Dr

McBride's dvd an ordered her book.

> Any suggestions on a healthy breakfast?

> Thanks



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