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Re: A.L.L.

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Thanks fiona! What a gift!

Love and blessings,


At 06:00 AM 11/10/99 -0000, you wrote:

>From: myvision@...


>I wrote a book while my daughter went through two stem cell transplants

and every complication possible.

>I promised her on her deathbed to have the story published to help other

carers and health practitioners.

>I have had positive feedback from everywhere.

>And now the story will be an E-book within a month and I feel great like a

weight has been lifted from my life.

>I have kept a promise and that is the important thing.

>If you know anyone who might be interested in reading the book have them

contact me directly at myvision@... and I will let them know once

it is released.

>In love and light



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  • 9 years later...
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started at 91% and at Day 8 was 58%. By Day 15 he was at 1.5%.

Hopefully, you will see a bigger decrease this next week. I'm keeping Ashlyn in our prayers.

Jo (mom to , ALL dxed 4-28-08)

[ ] A.L.L.

How quickly did your child respond to ALL treatment?Ashlyn started with 96% in her marrow and her day 8 marrow results are at 90%. I guess I was excepting a bigger change.Thanks,NickiAshlyn 4 1/2 (AML survivor, ALL fighter)

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Hey Nicki,

I wish that I could remember that for you! All I know is that by Day 28, we were "in remission".

Prayers that Ashlyn's numbers come down more and more with each passing hour.


[ ] A.L.L.

How quickly did your child respond to ALL treatment?Ashlyn started with 96% in her marrow and her day 8 marrow results are at 90%. I guess I was excepting a bigger change.Thanks,NickiAshlyn 4 1/2 (AML survivor, ALL fighter)

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Hello! I was speaking with our son's Oncologist to get his % of cells upon diagnosis. As I continue to read so many of you discussing this number, I wasn't sure why we hadn't remembered it. I figured it was due to the initial shock at dx. She mentioned that this number isn't really the concern. However, it is most important to know how well/fast the child responds to chemo. I hope this makes sense to everyone. As an example, how long did it take for the leukemic cells to disappear based on the blood work and the bone marrow aspirate at week 1. Just food for thought.... still trying to figure all of this out.

Take care,


Please help support people with Down syndrome, by shopping through this link:

http://www.dsaction.com/content/view/59/137/ or at "Give Back America" at this link: http://www.givebackamerica.com/charity.php?b=132

This is a great way to donate and support others.You will find many popular retailers, such as Amazon, Department Stores, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. They will donate a percentage of your purchase to DS Action, which provides advocacy for individuals with Down syndrome. Please recommend these links to your friends.

From: Nicki <mizbehvnkidz@...>Subject: [ ] A.L.L. Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 1:22 PM

How quickly did your child respond to ALL treatment?Ashlyn started with 96% in her marrow and her day 8 marrow results are at 90%. I guess I was excepting a bigger change.Thanks,NickiAshlyn 4 1/2 (AML survivor, ALL fighter)

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started with 95% blast cells. I forget his day 7 results but it was better, and by day 21 it was less than 5%. He was high risk, rapid early responder.


[ ] A.L.L.

How quickly did your child respond to ALL treatment?Ashlyn started with 96% in her marrow and her day 8 marrow results are at 90%. I guess I was excepting a bigger change.Thanks,NickiAshlyn 4 1/2 (AML survivor, ALL fighter)

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Hi Nicki

I don't know what 's counts were at day 8, but like the others by

day 21

he was in 'remission'. His counts were less than 1%, he was a rapid

responder with standard risk.


Nicki wrote:



> How quickly did your child respond to ALL treatment?


> Ashlyn started with 96% in her marrow and her day 8 marrow results are

> at 90%. I guess I was excepting a bigger change.


> Thanks,

> Nicki

> Ashlyn 4 1/2

> (AML survivor, ALL fighter)



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