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Re: Baby probiotics safe?

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yes, I gave my baby Dr. -McBride's baby probiotics to my young infant when he had thrush. It is safe. It helped restore the gut's natural flora but could not clear the candida. I would try feeding your baby raw, organic coconut oil in bits and dabs during the day but honestly, I ended up giving my baby a prescription of Nystatin which worked wonders. It is not metabolized (it can't be broken down and absorbed by the intestinal wall) but passes through the intestine, killing the yeast as it goes. The baby's pediatrician needs to prescribe it. After the medicine is done, I would continue doing the probiotics. My baby is now 14 months and I'm still doing them; I started when he was around 3 months old. I still feed him coconut oil, too, to prevent yeast from overgrowing. Diflucan is another anti-fungal which has been prescribed to newborns for 10 years or more but Nystatin has been around longer and isn't taken into the bloodstream so I feel better about it.It's really important to get rid of the yeast before it tunnels into the walls of your baby's gut. Once it does tunnel, it is much harder to get rid of. I have heard gentian violet is effective but I'm not sure of it's toxicity. I've only heard of it being used externally.On Aug 3, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Danila7 wrote:Hello,Has anybody given their baby probiotics? My daughter is 2 months old, and has been battling thrush since she was 1 week. Doctor had her on two different antibiotics, and now suggesting gentian violet (which I read is linked to cancer). So now I am left with a baby whose gut flora is probably killed with two rounds of different antibiotics, and Candida is still having a good time in her body. I see that Dr. -McBride has baby probiotics, and wanted to check if anybody has given those to babies as young as 2 months? Any issues?=

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Have you thought about giving her homemade sauerkraut. Or at least starting off by giving her the juice from it?


From: Danila7 <danila7@...>Subject: [ ] Baby probiotics safe? Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 9:43 PM

Hello,Has anybody given their baby probiotics? My daughter is 2 months old, and has been battling thrush since she was 1 week. Doctor had her on two different antibiotics, and now suggesting gentian violet (which I read is linked to cancer). So now I am left with a baby whose gut flora is probably killed with two rounds of different antibiotics, and Candida is still having a good time in her body. I see that Dr. -McBride has baby probiotics, and wanted to check if anybody has given those to babies as young as 2 months? Any issues?

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My daughter is 2 months and she has already been on Nystatin (single, then

double doze) and Diflucan, neither worked... She still has thrush, and so far I

am brushing the white stuff off with a baby toothbrush. Of course that does

nothing for her gut, only the mouth. I am panicing that I am scaring my child

for life with Candida and antibiotics. Gentian violet is linked to cancer, so I

am very hesitant to use that. I am really scared to " break " her immune system,

and at the end of my wits with this thrush. my oyjer kids responded to Nystatin

very nicely


> > Hello,

> > Has anybody given their baby probiotics? My daughter is 2 months

> > old, and has been battling thrush since she was 1 week. Doctor had

> > her on two different antibiotics, and now suggesting gentian violet

> > (which I read is linked to cancer). So now I am left with a baby

> > whose gut flora is probably killed with two rounds of different

> > antibiotics, and Candida is still having a good time in her body. I

> > see that Dr. -McBride has baby probiotics, and wanted to

> > check if anybody has given those to babies as young as 2 months? Any

> > issues?

> >

> >

> >


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My daughter had thrush multiple times and I gave her gentian violet a couple of

times...I heard it was linked to cancer in the mouth but this is after

prolonged/repeated usage. Like you I was at the end of my rope...it worked

really fast and I only used it three days at a time. That and the probiotics

should work wonders. If you are not into the gentian violet, well I guess you

could try GSE (grapefruit seed extract, not grape seed extract) Also, I took

coconut oil, uva ursi, and GSE myself to transmit it to her during


Have you heard of Jack Newman? His protocols are here. (including how to

administer gentian violet and GSE)

http://kellymom.com/bf/concerns/thrush/thrush-resources.html I used his gentian

violet protocol and all-purpose nipple cream (I had to convince my doctor to

order it from a compounding pharmacy) that stuff was awesome.

Hang in there, thrush is nasty and I remember those days with not much fondness

at all. Hugs! I have a lot of empathy for you!

> >

> > > Hello,

> > > Has anybody given their baby probiotics? My daughter is 2 months

> > > old, and has been battling thrush since she was 1 week. Doctor had

> > > her on two different antibiotics, and now suggesting gentian violet

> > > (which I read is linked to cancer). So now I am left with a baby

> > > whose gut flora is probably killed with two rounds of different

> > > antibiotics, and Candida is still having a good time in her body. I

> > > see that Dr. -McBride has baby probiotics, and wanted to

> > > check if anybody has given those to babies as young as 2 months? Any

> > > issues?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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I just mad sauerkraut a few days ago, so I have some available. But can I give

it to a 2-month old? She hasn't had anything besides milk yet. Will her stomach

process cabbage juice?



> From: Danila7 <danila7@...>

> Subject: [ ] Baby probiotics safe?


> Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 9:43 PM







> Hello,

> Has anybody given their baby probiotics? My daughter is 2 months old, and has

been battling thrush since she was 1 week. Doctor had her on two different

antibiotics, and now suggesting gentian violet (which I read is linked to

cancer). So now I am left with a baby whose gut flora is probably killed with

two rounds of different antibiotics, and Candida is still having a good time in

her body. I see that Dr. -McBride has baby probiotics, and wanted to

check if anybody has given those to babies as young as 2 months? Any issues?


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