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In Re: NYTimes article-didn't eat

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My son starved himself when I didn't give him what he wanted. He developed a

condition...I think it's Ketosis...he was consuming his own muscle to survive.

Then he started peeing ALL the time and it had something to do with the ketosis.

The doctor said, " Give him whatever he wants. Give him ice cream. He's not

getting enough calories. " That old thing about " give them what everyone else is

eating " is complete crap for kids with sensory issues. will literally

vomit at the table if made to put food in his mouth that bothers him. So, lots

of PBJ (at least I've found a high fiber bread he'll eat) chicken nuggets (at

least he eats store bought ones now instead of just mcdonalds) fries, grilled

cheese, ramen noodles and plain pasta. He will sometimes eat apple and

applesauce but often makes faces and has to gag a bit to get it down. He can do

it, though, and seems willing to keep trying with that. He won't eat plain

chicken or any other meats. Peanut butter is a main source of protein for him.

It's probably the closest thing to a vegetable that he'll eat unless you count

popcorn or ketchup. Vitamins and fiber supplements help avoid ricketts, scurvy

and constipation. Oh, he'll drink chocolate milk. I can put Benefiber in his

chocolate milk and there isn't a change in taste or texture so he's okay with



> >

> > Scared and Silent, Runaway, 13, Spent 11 Days in the Subways

> > Posted by: " " cyclist2006nz@   cyclist2006nz

> > Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:01 am (PST) Scared and Silent, Runaway, 13, Spent 11 Days

in the Subways


> > The parents of Francisco Jr., who has

> > Asperger's syndrome, wonder how he went unnoticed for so

> > long despite police searches.

> > http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 11/24/nyregion/ 24runaway. html?th & emc= th

> >  

> > He lasted 11 days on the food he could buy in subway shops for $10. This

brings out a characteristic of AS I don't usually see mentioned: they're not

particularily motivated by hunger. I know of a couple of AS children who went up

to 3 days without eating anything rather than giving in and finishing the food

on their plates.

> >  

> > Buck

> >


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