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I did take my pics... i had my boyfriend do it last night... it was

horrible! But, it can only get better from here on out! My mother was

recently diagnosed with a rare heart disease, and she would be in a lot

worse shape, but thankfully she always took care of herself. I on the other

hand have always struggled with weight and am currently at my heavist. When

my mom got sick it really scared me, and I realized that I am only 24, i

should be heathly and happy, and tired and depressed. Also I recently have

been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have been dealing with this

for about ten years now, and have seen all kinds of doctors for it... Well,

I am now on sleeping medication to help me sleep through the night, and its

horrible. I am hoping that by getting in shape and eating right i can ditch

the sleeping pills and be able to sleep!

>From: " Kanala " <wtgsandy@...>



>Subject: Hi !

>Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:51:28 -0000


>Hey, there, welcome to the ride with BFL!

>Did you take your before pics yet?

>What type of goals do you have?


>Sandy - - > 41, 4 kids, am on C1W3D1 (tomorrow) (challenge 1, week 3,

>day 1).





> > Hello everyone!

> >

> > I am new to this group, and tomorrow is day one of my challenge! I

>am very

> > excited to be doing this for myself, and a little scared as well. I


> > spent some time looking at the photos in this groups photo album

>and it has

> > really given me so much confidence. And Misty, you look great

>sweetie! Keep

> > up the good work!

> >

> > anyway, just wanted to say hi!

> >

> > :0)



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  • 1 month later...

I recently read in a newspaper technology article about just such a thing.

It is new on the market, or perhaps not yet on the market. I do not recall

the name of it, the manufacturer, or the price range. I thought it was a

great gadget as I have a son who struggled through college by taping and

transcribing all the lectures. I probably read about it in the New York Times



You really seem to be doing so well with your implant that you shouldn't

worry so much about missing a little here and there. Even technology will make

errors in speech recognition, so it cannot be perfect. Look at all the

errors in TV captioning and relay.


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The computer software could be any one of the commercially available speech

recongnition packages . There is voice recongnition built into Windows XP

but it's probably pretty basic. There is a degree of " training " - getting

the software to recognise the voice, but " theoretically " once this done

there is no reason why it wouldn't work. You'd have to play the tape and use

the computer microphone to let the software listen - there is not direct

input method that would take the speech straight off the tape. There would

probably be a bit of editing to do afterward to correct the words or noises

the software didn't understand. Worth a try though.


> hi !



> hi ! I am a 2 year implantee with an auria....and I was just

> wondering if

> there is anything that where you can take your tape recorder

> say to a class

> or seminar and record the whole thing and then plug it into

> your computer at

> home and have the whole thing in notes printed up for you

> word for word

> .....



> I was just thinking since they already have the feature now

> where you can

> talk into your computer and then it will type your words on

> the screen and

> then you can hit print......



> ?????????????????????????????


> I have been out of touch ..... something like that I could

> REALLY use

> ...... for seminars and things ....so if I miss a word with

> my CI ( which I

> would DIE for it has been so profoundly wonderful )


> ( I have an Auria by Advanced Bionics )



> Kindest regards,


> Jeanne Lee






> No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an

> unchartered land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.....


> Helen Keller



> I wish you all nothing but the best in your future endeavors,

> and I hope

> that you find a balance between enjoying the game while still

> focusing on

> your goals, whatever they may be. I leave you with a quote

> that I hope you

> will apply to your life so that even if you have pre-game

> jitters, you know

> that success is not impossible: Impossible is just a big word

> thrown around

> by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've

> been given than

> to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is

> not a fact, it's

> an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare.

> Impossible is

> potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.


> From Sara Beth Lee's high school valedictorian speech !


> *






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Don't doctors transcribe their medical notes into a phone system now,

which then saves/prints out a copy at the " other end " , the

transcriptionist looks it over, edits it, shoots it back. I had a

transcriptionist friend who did this, good money.

Anyhoo, I'm VERY interested in technology like this, if it could help

my CI boys in the future. PLEASE, if anyone finds anything about it,

send the info to this forum, and a copy to me, too. :)

--Karin, mom to (CII 11/01), and Tommy (90K 5/04)


BEA Volunteer

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" Voice to text " software is currently available, but it needs some

improvement. Captionists (particularly C-Print captionists) are

investigating the possibility of using voice to text software as a

replacement for the shorthand system they use. My captionist gave me the

opportunity to try voice to text software a few months ago. While the

translation wasn't very accurate (especially when names and technical

vocabulary were used), it wasn't bad considering how new this technology

is -- as well as the fact that the software wasn't " trained " to understand

my captionist's voice. If my captionist spent more time with the software,

I'm sure the accuracy rate would have been much higher. All in all, I was

very impressed by what I saw. Despite the inaccuracies we experienced with

the software, it still holds many exciting possibilities for the deaf and

hard of hearing!

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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  • 11 months later...


All the best for your daughter and you all!

Hi !

~just a reminder...My daughter had violent episodes of her stomach not being able to empty, which we resolved with manual induction of the pylorus; an osteopathic visceral manipulation technique, usually half an hour or so after meals. Sorry to hear things aren't going well. We're back in hospital too, this time with Leukemia. All the best; .

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How is your little boy?? We haven't heard any updates on him?? I

hope you are all feeling better and he is on the mend.


> Heavens!

> All the best for your daughter and you all!



> Hi !



> ~just a reminder...My daughter had violent episodes of her

stomach not being

> able to empty, which we resolved with manual induction of the

pylorus; an

> osteopathic visceral manipulation technique, usually half an

hour or so after

> meals. Sorry to hear things aren't going well. We're back in

hospital too, this time

> with Leukemia. All the best; .


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


So great to hear from you! I've not been able to get onto s group for a

while with no explanation, my ocmputer just wouldn't let me!

How great you have found this group. Did I give you this s website

address, or did you find this as a coincidence?

When you have time, how would you feel about writing a small intro to the

group? Is that ok?

Where's your appointment with McCloskey? PMH?

Is in pain with his spine? Is this normal after a fusion? How long has

he had the pain for now.

Yes, our group is growing. It's wonderful, there must be so many more people

out there in Australia with this, we just haven't found them yet!!!

Take care, don't forget to introduce yourself to the group. You will be

invaluable to our group I assure you!

Fisher wrote:

Hi ,

All is well and yes, I have joined the group.

I had to change my email address for the group. It is lcadgn@... . I

started to join under cladgn@... but I stuffed it up.

I have been reading all the emails that I have been getting through. Amazing how

many children have scoliosis. When was little, I don't think there were

very many.

We are off, hopefully, for our last appointment with McCloskey, on the 11 of

May. I have a few questions for him regarding . He limps and gets sore

legs, when he has walks around the shops in Perth. And sometimes, still gets a

sore back.

Hope all goes well for in Sydney. All the best.

Thanks heaps


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  • 2 years later...


You are on the right path by obtaining a diagnosis for your daughter, I would definitely go by what the medical doctors have to say vs. the school. Schools can be a big help when it comes to noticing a child has a problem, but they are not doctors and cannot make the final decision in your child's diagnosis. My son with AS is very different at home compared to when he is at school. When teachers, paras or who ever try to tell me they have the experience and understand how work with my AS child, I correct them by saying if you had the experience than you would realize that each person on the autism spectrum are very different from one another and will need a program set up to fit that individual, it is not the one size fits all when it comes to working with a person on the spectrum.

In my own experience, it has not been an easy road caring and advocating for my son, especially since his AS diagnosis came at 9 yrs. old. It seems I am trying to hurry and play catch up with all the services and therapies that he is in need of. I must say that it is a bit easier now than it was a couple of years ago. It has become easier due to support from this group and others such as family and friends. There are still those days where I feel like banging my head against the wall, but I get my thoughts together through those who help support me and I this gives me strength to move ahead. I also live one day at a time, I try not to overwhelm myself with thoughts of the future, this would drive me crazy. Keep faith in yourself and your child and don't forget to ask for help and support. This group is a great place to start.


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Hi Jan,

Thank you so much. I know from what I have read that

it is rare for a girl to have it. I have been reading post and

have found my daughter in them. I will just make a list of

what she is about and get your opinions.

I know it is not suppose to be this hard to raise a child.

I have questioned myself to see if it is me that has a problem.

At school she is in speech and has an IEP.

She has high anxiety and is scared to break a rule at school.

She will not raise her hand and participate in discussion.

Low self esteem and confidence. She is the one that sits in class

and absorbs all that is said and done. She will not do her homework.

She is failing in math, has problems in science and cannot read a map.

She has missed school lots b/c she does not like school. I take her to the ped

just for the doctors excuses. She is unorganized. She has short term memory but,

her long term memory is incredible. Her grades are high/low. She is the opposite at home than she is at school. She has secrets. She wets the bed nightly. She takes a Barbies and breaks the legs off and squeezes them, walks around and hums . Her hands are calloused b/c of this. When no Barbie leg is available she squeezes her fingers. She is constantly scratching picking at her head. She pulls the top of her socks up over her feet b/c of the seam. She get physical with me and her sisters. God forbid I tell her "NO"! She gorges herself with food at home. I feel there is no "off" button. She is a world leading expert on and Girlicious ! She has a huge vocabulary and is as articulate as an adult. Her bodily hygiene is low. She does not like to be touched or hugged. She has friends but only a few close ones.

She manipulates and lies. She cannot make eye contact with others when speaking. She has melt downs. She has routine she follows in the a.m. and at night . She has a difficult time going to sleep at night and getting up in the a.m.

She has her own concept of time. I feel like I am sitting here complaining about my child.

I love her very much. She is my baby and to me is very gifted. I have been going down

a path of medical and psychological testing for 3 years. The school system is

creatively avoiding testing her. They are telling me that a child with AS is no different at school then they are at home. Am I wrong here. I will deal with them after I get the neuropsycologist evaluation. I am sorry so lengthy . Thank you for your time.


From: rushen janice <jrushen@...> Sent: Sat, February 27, 2010 9:01:37 AMSubject: Re: ( ) Hi !

I think boys are diagnosed with it more...but girl have it to... we have a girl in our school with it and she is a senior now. I have worked with her for 4 years. Any questions... post away. And welcome...i will try to help if i can...from my experience.


From: Elinor Mullin <elliemullin> Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 11:57:45 PMSubject: ( ) Hi !

Hi All,

I am a newbie here. I am Elinor and have 5 children.

My youngest is 11 y.o. and a girl.

I came to your group for I know that I should go to the

experts to get some help ! : ) I have read where it is

rare for a girl to have AS . Is this true?

Thank you,


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Elinor....first of all write a letter to the school requesting she be tested...they can NOT deny you..it is your right to have your child test!!!!! Put it in writing...and there is a time limit...i have to look it up ...i think it might be 60 day from the time they receive the letter. I brought my letter to school along with a copy and had both of them stamped with the date it was recevied.

A lot of what you write sounds like Aspergers. Now, as far as the school telling you they she can not be different at home than at school is a line of BS...if you know what i mean. My son is nice in school...and another person at home. None of his teachers could believe (they did) that he would throw and break things.

Have you had you daughter tested? Does she have a DX? Why does she have an IEP? Is she in regular classes, inclusion or special ed classes? Does she or can she get a Paraprofessional to be with her at school? Does she need one? What accommodations does she have in her IEP?

It sounds like she has a lot of anxiety/stress and sensory issues too! Does she have a stress ball? Does she get stressed in school? Can she take walks when she needs to? Does she know any breathing techniques?

What grade is she in? I have so many questions for you. But she has a lot of Asperger's signs...but I am not a psychiatrist...

Write more and tell me more...

Hang in there we are all there for you...


<font face="arial black" color="#bf00bf">Janice Rushen</font>

<font face="Arial Black" color="#bf00bf"></font> & nbsp;

<em><font face="Arial Black" color="#7f007f">"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"</font></em>

From: Elinor Mullin <elliemullin@...> Sent: Sat, February 27, 2010 12:23:48 PMSubject: Re: ( ) Hi !

Hi Jan,

Thank you so much. I know from what I have read that

it is rare for a girl to have it. I have been reading post and

have found my daughter in them. I will just make a list of

what she is about and get your opinions.

I know it is not suppose to be this hard to raise a child.

I have questioned myself to see if it is me that has a problem.

At school she is in speech and has an IEP.

She has high anxiety and is scared to break a rule at school.

She will not raise her hand and participate in discussion.

Low self esteem and confidence. She is the one that sits in class

and absorbs all that is said and done. She will not do her homework.

She is failing in math, has problems in science and cannot read a map.

She has missed school lots b/c she does not like school. I take her to the ped

just for the doctors excuses. She is unorganized. She has short term memory but,

her long term memory is incredible. Her grades are high/low. She is the opposite at home than she is at school. She has secrets. She wets the bed nightly. She takes a Barbies and breaks the legs off and squeezes them, walks around and hums . Her hands are calloused b/c of this. When no Barbie leg is available she squeezes her fingers. She is constantly scratching picking at her head. She pulls the top of her socks up over her feet b/c of the seam. She get physical with me and her sisters. God forbid I tell her "NO"! She gorges herself with food at home. I feel there is no "off" button. She is a world leading expert on and Girlicious ! She has a huge vocabulary and is as articulate as an adult. Her bodily hygiene is low. She does not like to be touched or hugged. She has friends but only a few close ones.

She manipulates and lies. She cannot make eye contact with others when speaking. She has melt downs. She has routine she follows in the a.m. and at night . She has a difficult time going to sleep at night and getting up in the a.m.

She has her own concept of time. I feel like I am sitting here complaining about my child.

I love her very much. She is my baby and to me is very gifted. I have been going down

a path of medical and psychological testing for 3 years. The school system is

creatively avoiding testing her. They are telling me that a child with AS is no different at school then they are at home. Am I wrong here. I will deal with them after I get the neuropsycologist evaluation. I am sorry so lengthy . Thank you for your time.


From: rushen janice <jrushen (DOT) com> Sent: Sat, February 27, 2010 9:01:37 AMSubject: Re: ( ) Hi !

I think boys are diagnosed with it more...but girl have it to... we have a girl in our school with it and she is a senior now. I have worked with her for 4 years. Any questions... post away. And welcome...i will try to help if i can...from my experience.


From: Elinor Mullin <elliemullin> Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 11:57:45 PMSubject: ( ) Hi !

Hi All,

I am a newbie here. I am Elinor and have 5 children.

My youngest is 11 y.o. and a girl.

I came to your group for I know that I should go to the

experts to get some help ! : ) I have read where it is

rare for a girl to have AS . Is this true?

Thank you,


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Dawn is right...never go by the school...they are not doctors and/or psychiatrist...they can inform you that your child might need testing...that they see this or that...but OMG...they are not doctors. Have your child tested by someone with a Degree in this field.....

AS is a spectrum disorder and varies from one child to another....and each child is an individual and my child may have some of the same symptoms as yours but may not have all the same symptoms...that is why AS is difficult or harder to deal with ...and meds for one child may not work with another. Just watch, read, listen, talk and test...if things don't work one way ...try another...


as far as sleeping at night...there is an over the counter nonpresciption medicine that people on this site use to help their children go to sleep....i forgot the name of it but I am sure others here know the name. My son takes a small does of Geodon for his anger at night and it helps him sleep...

From: "azucarmama68@..." <azucarmama68@...> Sent: Sat, February 27, 2010 4:44:29 PMSubject: Re: ( ) Hi !


You are on the right path by obtaining a diagnosis for your daughter, I would definitely go by what the medical doctors have to say vs. the school. Schools can be a big help when it comes to noticing a child has a problem, but they are not doctors and cannot make the final decision in your child's diagnosis. My son with AS is very different at home compared to when he is at school. When teachers, paras or who ever try to tell me they have the experience and understand how work with my AS child, I correct them by saying if you had the experience than you would realize that each person on the autism spectrum are very different from one another and will need a program set up to fit that individual, it is not the one size fits all when it comes to working with a person on the spectrum.

In my own experience, it has not been an easy road caring and advocating for my son, especially since his AS diagnosis came at 9 yrs. old. It seems I am trying to hurry and play catch up with all the services and therapies that he is in need of. I must say that it is a bit easier now than it was a couple of years ago. It has become easier due to support from this group and others such as family and friends. There are still those days where I feel like banging my head against the wall, but I get my thoughts together through those who help support me and I this gives me strength to move ahead. I also live one day at a time, I try not to overwhelm myself with thoughts of the future, this would drive me crazy. Keep faith in yourself and your child and don't forget to ask for help and support. This group is a great place to start.


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Hi Elinor

I have a 14 y.o. daughter with aspergers so I don't think it's that rare...just

misdiagnosed. Some of your daughters symptoms sound familiar. Especially the

walking around humming thing. My daughter used to do things like that. My

daughter also has extreme anxiety. Her psychiatrist says it's the worst he's

ever seen in a kid. I feel like a walking commercial for Prozac sometimes but I

have to say it saved my daughter's life. It allowed her to work through the

anxiety and function somewhat normally.

My daughter also acts different at home than at school. She's as sweet as can be

at home. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. Apparently at school she's very

blunt and says exactly what's on her mind and this gets her into much trouble.

She's homeschooled now because she just couldn't figure out how to interact

positively with other teenagers.

Be as patient as you can be with your daughter. You have a long journey ahead

and you'll need to work through it together. Don't let people bully you (they'll

try) and they'll insist they know better for your daughter than you do. Read as

much as you can. Join groups like this and get tough.

If you have questions, somebody on here might know the answer.



> Hi All,

> I am a newbie here.� I am Elinor and have 5 children.

> My youngest is 11 y.o. and a girl.�

> I came to your group for I know that I should go to the

> experts to get some help !�: )��I have read where it is

> rare for a girl to have AS .� Is this true?�

> Thank you,

> Elinor


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi All,

I am Elinor mom to Maeci. We got our dx today and yes it is AS.

Hard to absorb all the info of the EEG results. I cried...

Got a question ...has anyone tried the EEG therapy where they

put the cap on the head and try to stimulate the brain waves?

This is what the neuropsycologist wants to do with Maeci .

I am not to sure about it . Need some advice...

This is an alternative to medications.

I am hiring an advocate to go to the school with me during

her upcoming IEP. I feel this is important for all concerned.

I will post later and let you all know what the school system tried

to do to Maeci and myself. I am just so livid right now.

I could just have a good Maeci tantrum on them ; )

Thanks to all who have helped me so far !



BTW Did find some good herbal formulas for her to take (day) Happy Camper and Calmness (night).

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