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From: " grandma35peg " <peg10435@...>

Subject: ; you're down, not out/ Oldsters don't?? I resemble that.//Re:


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I do resemble that remark about oldsters (not understanding)..I are one.. a=

nd I'm the one who did the research and instruction phase.:-)

but. I'll try to help you in reaching your Mom-inLaw..you must relate to so=

mething they do understand..such as other special diets for health reasons;=

the allergic responses of folks of any age to peanuts, the special diets f=

or Diabetes or Heart patients; even weight loss diets but the kind that are=

for life and death situations...This gfcf diet is more akin to the peanut =

allergy diet because most of the others may accept subs foods amounts just =

as long as they balance out the fats, sugars, carbs, etc., to a certain amo=

unt. The gfcf kid may not show an immediate reaction, but again, some do. =

they get sick to the stomach, have cramps, diarrhea or constipation in seve=

re forms...that can happen within hours or days. So many of his symptoms mi=

ght have only appeared at home, she didn't get the 'benefit' of reactions t=

o a wrong diet.

The basic thing and difference with this diet is that it's based on molecul=

es of certain foods, those with gluten or casein in them. Most manufacture=

rs nowadays are complient with the new FDA law that allergens in their prod=

ucts must be listed on the labels however, not all do this nor are they req=

uired if that substance is under a certain percent to list it...But, It Sti=

ll affects those with allergic and intolerance issues. So, no food subs by =

amounts and none that aren't also gfcf(and soy, egg, corn, whatever).

Fast food places don't comply with this law in most instances tho some do m=

aintain a gfcf list if it's asked for. That's why the gfcfdiet.com site has=

compiled lists of many common grocery foods by brand name, from the resear=

ch calling to manufacturers by many people. Perhaps if Mom had one of thes=

e books, the gfcf shopping guide ... as it also lists some fast Food items.=

Better still, if she is a pc user, she can go to the site and read the why=

s and wherefors of the diet. books also have reasons for the die=

t in them..as do many of the gfcf recipe books and websites.

If you have any printed out material from our 'founders', get them to her a=

nd Ask her to please read them. Those from Dr.s might carry more influence=

....?? They will explain about leaky gut and all that detailed info.

Get over being mad, but do show the upset concern for your child's health..=

.. and tell her of any consequences the boy has had due to jumping off the d=

iet. She does Not want to make her grandkids sick or ill, I'm Sure of that.=

...so she must read the info.

My grandson was once remanded to a state school where they didn't have to g=

ive him any vitamins/bio-protocol but were required by law to maintain spec=

ial diets. They had other kids there who also had gfcf diets. They didn't s=

eason any of the gfcf foods and he soon wouldn't eat it. The Dr. there dec=

ided he should be put on a regular diet...because he wasn't eating well, an=

d, because he was now seemingly segregated-separated from the other kids, (=

all who were Dev. Disabled), and because the dieticians said he Liked the R=

egular foods..!! Every time we picked him up for a weekend at home, we spen=

t the whole time with him being absolutely miserable, completely bowel plug=

ged and most of the time on the toilet passing yard after yard of backed up=

feces. This is what could happen for grandMom if she keeps feeding him uns=

anctioned foods. They finally had to switch back but we weren't told except=

by the teacher that their diets experiments turned disasterous...which I t=

ook to mean rampant diarrhea..of the smelly copious kind. They got what the=

y deserved but how many years set back did they put on my grandson?? GrandM=

om needs to know that too...that everythime he's given regular or unknown f=

oods, they cause a serious setback for her grandson.

This post is long enough but think I said all I intended...exept this examp=

le. In my own family is an older person who lists wheat, corn and soy as al=

lergies on any Dr's reports...yet will continue to eat it but as long as th=

ey don't eat it everyday, they think they're 'safe'. Another relative who t=

hinks it only means bread, crackers etc. so ignores the idea re; coated fri=

ed foods. I've been put on a wheat free diet since July 2008, by a Dr., no =

more gut cramps, nor off and on constipation/diarrhea...unless I ingest som=

e that was unknown to me...have had a few of those..but, the point is, unti=

l these folks get the idea that it's about MOLECULES, not bits and pieces..=

they will keep on damaging their selves.

It's actually even more delicate than molecules, as you know, it's about th=

e Peptides of those molecules. How many of our folks have ever seen a mole=



Hope there's something in this to help grandMom and your family.

grandma peg



, " W " <yvonneweaver@...> wrote:


> I come home from a week away with my husband. A break all of us need to =

keep sane and married. My husband's mom watched our kids. My oldest is auti=

stic and on the diet. I planned, cooked, prepared and ordered his food so i=

t would be a no brainer for her. His bowel movement was horrible this morni=

ng. I ask her what he ate and she said she took him to Mcs. She let h=

im have the fries. AHHHHHHHHH!=20

> I'm so made, so hurt that she doesn't trust that all the research I've d=

one on diet, the money we spend on his food. The effort I put out to help m=

y son and it is all in vain when she lets it all go to the wind. I'm broken=

because she spent the last week watching them so I feel I don't even know =

how to approach her or let he know how upset I am. My husband was f


urious, too. He is the quiet on and not good for telling his mom off.

> I guess I'm not looking for any answers from you ladies just sympathy.=

Just makes me want to throw my arms up and say, " I quit. "


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