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This is great info. 


From: Nesbitt <nesbitts@...>

Subject: Re: [thoughtfulhousecenterforchildren] Thoughtful House being slammed

in the Austin American Statesman...


Date: Friday, February 13, 2009, 2:59 PM

The complexity of autism hides the truth from most but eventually the med

schools will teach the immune links to austim that are so denied by many in the

popular press this week. We need to present the evidence of research studies -

they referenced in Jepson's & Bock's books. Post more about how thoughtful house

helped your child.

I posted this.

Who's fit to judge an autism M.D. specialist on his medical opinion that's based

on reading thousands of research articles about autism? An attorney or

accountant? A GP that read 1 paper on it from the AMA? The causes of autism are

described in the pdf below. The Immune System is definitely involved in many

cases. Dr. Jepson at thoughtful house is a world leader in reviewing new autism

research and has written the new PDR of Autism called " Changing the Course of

Autism " . It was based on the material in this pdf at the TH site and has 1000

medical research study references. Don't prejudge based on the bias of others.

They just want everyone to take their shots. Slaughter of a few lambs to protect

the herd - so be it. The CDC's private memos from freedom of info act reveal

that they are aware and some of them share the same concerns we do. Be

scientific and read this if you want to gain understanding. Some people have a

sensitive immune system that can be

overdriven by total lifetime exposures, resulting in inflamation in the brain

and reduced neural connectivity: autism. Also there are 80,000 new chemicals in

our environment that didn't exist 20 years ago. There are multiple subtypes of

the disorder also. See the research references here: http://www.thoughtf

ulhouse.org/ exploring- the-biomedical- issues-of- autism.pdf  The full book:

Page shows most likely cause. http://books. google.com/ books?id=

BP86uPB3bi8C & printsec=frontcover & dq=changing+ the+course+ of+autism# PPA45,M1

 -- See healing the new childhood epidemics: allergies, asthma, autism, adhd by

Bock, M.D. http://www.4ahealin g.com/autismland ing.html Research

backing: http://www.4ahealin g.com/medjrnupda tes.html    Geier, D.A., et al. A

Comparative Evaluation of the Affects of MMR Immunization and Mercury Doses from

Thimerosal-Containi ng Childhood Vaccines on the Population Prevalence of

Autism. Med Sci Monit. 2004; 10:P133-P139. Horvath, K.., et al. Gastrointestinal

Abnormalities in Children with Autistic Disorder.. J Pediatr. 1999; 135:599-563.

Much of the immune system is in intestines. , S. J., et al. Impaired

Methylation Capacity and Increased Oxidative Stress in Children with Autism. Am

J Clin Nutr.

From: Kecia drow <kjohndrowgmail (DOT) com>

Thoughtful House Group <thoughtfulhousecent erforchildren>

Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 3:33:31 PM

Subject: [thoughtfulhousecen terforchildren] Thoughtful House being slammed in

the Austin American Statesman...

http://www.statesma n.com/news/ content/news/ stories/local/ 02/13/0213locala


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