Guest guest Posted February 14, 2009 Report Share Posted February 14, 2009 Please link in the link below and reply to Mrs. . http://www.cnn. com/2009/ HEALTH/02/ 12/campbell. brown.vaccine/  Editor's note: Brown anchors CNN's " Brown: No Bias, No Bull " at 8 p.m. ET Mondays through Fridays. She delivered this commentary during the " Cutting through the Bull " segment of Thursday night's broadcast. CNN's Brown urges parents to get their children vaccinated against the measles. What I am about to say, I know, is controversial. And I know that a lot of people are going to disagree with me. But as a mother, with a second child on the way, I believe this is vital to the safety of our children and must be said. The verdict is in. There is no connection between vaccines and autism. And it is time that all of us get our children vaccinated. In 2008, the United States had the highest measles rate in 10 years. An increasing number of parents have been refusing to vaccinate their children against measles because of this fear of a connection. It is not grounded in science. There is no evidence to support it. Major medical groups and government research are unanimous: the measles vaccine is safe, and you must get your children vaccinated; because if you don't, you are endangering my children. You are endangering your neighbor's children. You are endangering all of our children. Watch Brown's plea to parents » A baby needs to be 12 months to get the measles vaccine. That means that infants are protected from the measles only because everyone they come in contact with, we hope, has already been vaccinated. Infants hide in the herd of other vaccinated people. 'No Bias, No Bull' Get the latest on the day's main events. 8 ET Monday through Friday see full schedule » As adults increasingly refuse to vaccinate their children, we will continue to see a rise in measles outbreaks. This is serious stuff. Measles can be deadly. I do feel for the parents of autistic children. I can only imagine the pain and frustration they must feel -- the desperation to find a cause for your child's illness. But parents, please don't endanger all of our children based on a myth. Medical science has proved there is no link. Let's all move on together and focus on finding the real cause of autism and at the same time protect all of our children from deadly diseases like measles that we know how to prevent. I'm sure many of you are passionate about this, so please e-mail me. Send us your iReports. And let's continue the conversation. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Brown. E-mail to a friend Share this on: Mixx Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon MySpace | Mixx it | Share All About Measles • Vaccines • Autism Vaccines and autism 2:05 CNN's Brown encourages parents to get their kids vaccinated after a court said they're not to blame for autism. • Show Pages - Brown - Source: CNN  | Added February 12, 2009 Vaccines and autism 2:05  more CNN videos »  Embed this video Copy and paste this code into your blog/website Or click on the button to copy the code Mixx reddit Digg StumbleUpon Facebook MySpace Share this video The story What I am about to say, I know, is controversial. And I know that a lot of people are going to disagree with me. But as a mother, with a second child on the way, I believe this is vital to the safety of our children and must be said. The verdict is in. There is no connection between vaccines and autism. And it is time that all of us get our children vaccinated. In 2008, the United States had the highest measles rate in 10 years. An increasing number of parents have been refusing to vaccinate their children against measles because of this fear of a connection. Read full article » All About Measles • Vaccines • Autism 'No Bias, No Bull' Get the latest on the day's main events. 8 ET Monday through Friday see full schedule » Sound Off: Your opinions and comments Abraham updated Fri February 13, 2009 From " Kookster " I don't need your advice on how to keep my children healthy No, you need to understand that the well-being of children is not about only your child. Hopefully schools refuse entry to c ...more From " Kookster " I don't need your advice on how to keep my children healthy No, you need to understand that the well-being of children is not about only your child. Hopefully schools refuse entry to children who are not vaccinated - keep your kid at home and home school him/her/them. From " Joe " You mentioned in your show that kids that are not vaccinated endangers " your kids " (I'm assuming you mean the 'vaccinated kids'). That does not add up.. How would vaccinated kids be in any harm if they have the " vaccine protection " ? 1) As she said, infants are not eligible for vaccination until they are one year of age. Until that time they are susceptible. If there are people who have not been vaccinated interacting with infants (and in the case of viruses, it can be spread through CASUAL contact), they stand the chance of exposing children to the virus. 2) Viruses and diseases evolve because of people who misuse medical science.. If children contract measles because they aren't vaccinated, they receive treatment. The treatment must be administered regularly or they run the risk of creating different strands of the virus. In the case of measles, which can be deadly, this is a threat to all - children and adults. less kathy updated Fri February 13, 2009 Joe - even vaccinated children are not protected 100%. There is a need to maintain a high level of coverage in any population in order to keep a disease at bay. Cider - delaying vaccines until three leave ...more Joe - even vaccinated children are not protected 100%. There is a need to maintain a high level of coverage in any population in order to keep a disease at bay. Cider - delaying vaccines until three leaves a child vulnerable during a period when they are most at risk for the complications of the disease.. less Herriet updated Fri February 13, 2009 If you have a child who changed after getting the shots and then diagnosed with Autism , you wouldn't air that show tonight. Let a mother/parent make a decision of what they want to do with their kids, at the end of t ...more If you have a child who changed after getting the shots and then diagnosed with Autism , you wouldn't air that show tonight. Let a mother/parent make a decision of what they want to do with their kids, at the end of the day what we suffer at home with kids with autism nobody has a clue unless they have experienced it. Don't worry about your kids as long as they are vaccinated they will be safe, but I know you don't understancd you just said what you hear from medical reserach first then you can give people healthy advice. less Rob R updated Fri February 13, 2009 Is there a risk that a vaccine could cause complications, sure. We are, after all, injecting a foreign substance into their bodies. However, when you look at the good it has done, smallpox, polio to name a few, the ...more Is there a risk that a vaccine could cause complications, sure. We are, after all, injecting a foreign substance into their bodies. However, when you look at the good it has done, smallpox, polio to name a few, the rewards far outweigh the risks. Would you be willing to sit on your child's hospital bed and tell them that their (possibly) fatal disease is better than the extremely small risk of getting autism? less Trigo Brag updated Fri February 13, 2009 I agree with your thesis on the need for vaccinations, but not the logic. Medical science HAS NOT FOUND any link between vaccinations and autism. This is not the same as PROVING that no such link exists. I agree with your thesis on the need for vaccinations, but not the logic. Medical science HAS NOT FOUND any link between vaccinations and autism. This is not the same as PROVING that no such link exists. less updated Fri February 13, 2009 You need to get your kids vaccinated so that you do not endanger the INFANTS who are too young to get the vaccination! Even if everyone was vaccinated, exposure to the measels is still possible; keep your kids vaccin ...more You need to get your kids vaccinated so that you do not endanger the INFANTS who are too young to get the vaccination! Even if everyone was vaccinated, exposure to the measels is still possible; keep your kids vaccinated so that my 7 month old doesn't die from the disease you don't mind your kid getting. The person who " proved " there was a link ADMITTED to MAKING INFORMATION UP. Don't blame a vaccination; search for the real cure of autism, and keep your kids vaccinated. less Mike updated Fri February 13, 2009 .....cue the emotional fallacious arguments with no basis in fact and attempts to discredit real science with red herrings and cute phrases like " Big Pharm. " It wouldn't be nearly as disgusting if these horri ...more .....cue the emotional fallacious arguments with no basis in fact and attempts to discredit real science with red herrings and cute phrases like " Big Pharm. " It wouldn't be nearly as disgusting if these horrible people were not putting other people's children at risk. They care more about being right, even in the face of scientific evidence, than they do about their own children. Funny how an overwhelming majority of doctors and scientists agree with the year of research, but soccer moms, actors, and the mechanic down the street's know better. Awful. less Tom updated Fri February 13, 2009 How is not vaccinating my children a danger to your children, if your children are vaccinated? Wouldn't my children be the only ones endangered? After all, your children have been vaccinated against whatever disease a ...more How is not vaccinating my children a danger to your children, if your children are vaccinated? Wouldn't my children be the only ones endangered? After all, your children have been vaccinated against whatever disease and should be completely protected, right? Or do you not trust the vaccine? The non-vac crowd is nowhere near as hysterical or irrational as Ms. Brown or other media personalities would make them out to be. If indeed there is no link between thimerosal and problems with children (autism, death, or otherwise) why did manufacturers take it out of vaccinations? Ms. Brown, do you know what is getting injected into your children's bodies? less updated Fri February 13, 2009 It is amazing how ignorant you are. What degree do have that makes you even remotely qualified to make such a statement? Just because finding the link between vaccines and autism is like finding a needle in a haysta ...more It is amazing how ignorant you are. What degree do have that makes you even remotely qualified to make such a statement? Just because finding the link between vaccines and autism is like finding a needle in a haystack, it doesn't mean the needle is not there, it just means it is hard to find (e.g prove). I have a Ph.D. in Public Health. less leslie updated Fri February 13, 2009 thank you campbell! there needs to be more media attention on the benefits of vaccinations rather than the suspected risk of vaccinations and autism. there is a reason that vaccines exist... it is to protect our children from deadly diseases. thank you campbell! there needs to be more media attention on the benefits of vaccinations rather than the suspected risk of vaccinations and autism. there is a reason that vaccines exist... it is to protect our children from deadly diseases. less updated Fri February 13, 2009 As the mother of two autistic sons, I'll take a chance on measles any day. Life with autism for the past 18 years has been something that NO ONE can possibly imagine. I'd not wish that on anyone. Measles lasts a few w ...more As the mother of two autistic sons, I'll take a chance on measles any day. Life with autism for the past 18 years has been something that NO ONE can possibly imagine. I'd not wish that on anyone. Measles lasts a few weeks, autism is the gift that keeps on giving. And no matter how many studies the drug companies fund, I will not buy that vaccines have nothing to do with the autism surge. I saw it happen...and I know how my boys were. Given the alternative, measles don't scare me. And if YOUR kids are vaccinated, I fail to see how my choices endanger them. less ketta updated Fri February 13, 2009 Joe, unvaccinated children do put my child at risk. She' s 2 months old and had only had her first series of shots. Until she's fully vaccinated unvaccinated kids could get her catastrophically sick. We live in such ...more Joe, unvaccinated children do put my child at risk. She' s 2 months old and had only had her first series of shots. Until she's fully vaccinated unvaccinated kids could get her catastrophically sick. We live in such a litigious society. I don't understand why someone hasn't sued over their partially vaccinated child getting ill from an unvaccinated one..... less Doc updated Fri February 13, 2009 Cider: Delaying vaccinations has deleterious effects in regards to herd immunity. Why delay if we have no evidence of harm? Delaying vaccinations has evidence of harm. What is it with people wanting to do what is harmful and not doing what is safe? Cider: Delaying vaccinations has deleterious effects in regards to herd immunity. Why delay if we have no evidence of harm? Delaying vaccinations has evidence of harm. What is it with people wanting to do what is harmful and not doing what is safe? less leslie updated Fri February 13, 2009 thank you campbell! there needs to be more media attention on the benefits of vaccinations rather than the suspected risk of vaccinations and autism. there is a reason that vaccines exist... it is to protect our children from deadly diseases. thank you campbell! there needs to be more media attention on the benefits of vaccinations rather than the suspected risk of vaccinations and autism. there is a reason that vaccines exist... it is to protect our children from deadly diseases. less d. updated Fri February 13, 2009 I waited until my child was older to get this particular shot. I waited until my child was older to get this particular shot. less doc updated Fri February 13, 2009 Way to go! Thanks for taking a stand. Way to go! Thanks for taking a stand. less updated Fri February 13, 2009 Thank you for your wise words! Thank you for your wise words! less updated Fri February 13, 2009 Thank you! While I understand parents are in a very difficult situation when their child develops autism, just because they develop it around the time children get vaccinated is just a silly correlation and ...more Thank you! While I understand parents are in a very difficult situation when their child develops autism, just because they develop it around the time children get vaccinated is just a silly correlation and does not mean the two have any link. People need to stop arguing about it and focus on things that are actually not well tested, instead of something that has been beaten to death (symbolically, of course). less Surprised updated Fri February 13, 2009 I'm amazed that someone trying to sound educated about a topic would not use person first language. I support vaccination, but opinions coming from someone who does not value the person before the condition are not particularly convincing. I'm amazed that someone trying to sound educated about a topic would not use person first language. I support vaccination, but opinions coming from someone who does not value the person before the condition are not particularly convincing. less Renae updated Fri February 13, 2009 I am a mother to two VERY healthy unvaccinated children. I only speak for myself but I know that the Vaccine-Autism debate really played very little into my decision to allow my children to remain vaccine free. I feel ...more I am a mother to two VERY healthy unvaccinated children. I only speak for myself but I know that the Vaccine-Autism debate really played very little into my decision to allow my children to remain vaccine free. I feel that the risks of vaccinating (Autism aside) far outweigh the risks of not vaccinating. Most of the older generation has lived through measels, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, chicken pox, etc with no harm. I myself, had chicken pox as a child and made it through unscathed. I do not fear the illnesses that the US demands we vaccinate against. I do fear the vaccines and NOT because of autism. But because of aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, aborted fetal tissue, monkey DNA, other animal DNA, monkey fetus. I believe that NONE of that belongs in the bodies of itty bitty babies. And that vaccines trigger a false immune response that is not only not complete but can do more harm than good to ones immune system. I hate it that well-educated non-vaccinating parents like myself and like most other non-vaccinating parents I come in contact with are brushed off as conspiracy theorists and ignorant and relying on a 'myth' or junk science. That is NOT the case for the vast majority of us. Vaccines are NOT safe. True they may not cause Autism but they are not completely safe and are not without MAJOR sometimes life threatening complications. less Ann updated Fri February 13, 2009 Great article! I agree 100%! Vaccines are safe, if you do the research and don't read the hype you will see that they are safe. Again, well said! Great article! I agree 100%! Vaccines are safe, if you do the research and don't read the hype you will see that they are safe. Again, well said! less updated Fri February 13, 2009 I wasn't away that you had a medical license, . I don't doubt you're right but leave the medical advice to the experts. I wasn't away that you had a medical license, . I don't doubt you're right but leave the medical advice to the experts. less Ellen updated Fri February 13, 2009 I think it is so unfair that some decide not to vaccinate their kids based on unsubstantiated claims yet are willingly putting everyones children at risk. We live in a time where none of us worry like my grandmother ...more I think it is so unfair that some decide not to vaccinate their kids based on unsubstantiated claims yet are willingly putting everyones children at risk. We live in a time where none of us worry like my grandmother did about their children being claimed by the next polio epidemic. It was real, it maimed and it killed. Because polio is not a threat to you, because the majority of parents do vaccinate, you have the luxury to decide no. Yet by deciding not to vaccinate your child you are putting my child at risk, I felt dread each and every time my baby and toddler faced a needle. Get the facts before making your decision not to vaccinate from someone with a solid scientific background. less Sally updated Fri February 13, 2009 I respect your opinion, but in reality do you think the federal government or the health system would ever come out and say that vaccines are responsible for autism..No. If anything, someday we will just see a change ...more I respect your opinion, but in reality do you think the federal government or the health system would ever come out and say that vaccines are responsible for autism..No. If anything, someday we will just see a change in the schedule. I have a son with autism and yes he is vaccinated, but on a schedule that my doctor and I decided on. He is on time with them, we just don't give everything on one day. There is so much going into the children that some of thier bodies just can't handle it. If you ask most parents of autistic kids, they will tell you the same child was normal UNTIL the 18 month appointment when he recieved 5 shots at one visit. It is too much. I agree that all children should be vaccinated, but we need to look at the schedule that the CDC had advised. less updated Fri February 13, 2009 I was never concerned about any one vaccine. It is the combination of several given together that has me most fearful. I was a strong supporter of vaccines till I did some reading and discovered the positional issues ...more I was never concerned about any one vaccine. It is the combination of several given together that has me most fearful. I was a strong supporter of vaccines till I did some reading and discovered the positional issues are the regular combining 3+ vaccines together. I requested my doctor to give my children the vaccines separately over a course of time. It took weeks to get an answer. The answer was that the vaccines would have to be purchased in bulk by me in the tune of over $1000.00, we just couldn't afford to do this. I will never vaccinate my kids again until they divide these into separate injections and have a new dispensary time table. If you are concerned you might need to keep your kids inside. less kookster updated Fri February 13, 2009 I don't need your advice on how to keep my children healthy I don't need your advice on how to keep my children healthy less Joe updated Fri February 13, 2009 You mentioned in your show that kids that are not vaccinated endangers " your kids " (I'm assuming you mean the 'vaccinated kids'). That does not add up.. How would vaccinated kids be in any harm if they have the " vaccine protection " ? You mentioned in your show that kids that are not vaccinated endangers " your kids " (I'm assuming you mean the 'vaccinated kids'). That does not add up.. How would vaccinated kids be in any harm if they have the " vaccine protection " ? less Sydney updated Fri February 13, 2009 Thank you! The reason these diseases BARELY exist anymore is because of vaccines. The reason certain parents feel they have the luxury of keeping their children unvaccinated without risk is - ironically - because of ...more Thank you! The reason these diseases BARELY exist anymore is because of vaccines. The reason certain parents feel they have the luxury of keeping their children unvaccinated without risk is - ironically - because of vaccinations! Now they are starting to endanger others, which is shameful, and worse, dangerous to their own children as well as others in the community. Let's let science determine our health care decisions, not fear and hysteria. less Post a comment | Put your thoughts on video Next 25 comments » | Next 25 comm  Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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