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Calcium supplement

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In a message dated 7/31/01 7:54:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, gwc@...


<< calcium / magnesium supplements, and that the ratio should be 2:1 Mg/Ca.

...What brands are available with the new ratio? >>

I bought the 'Vitamin Shop store brand....Chelated Cal-Mag. It has 500 mg

calcium and 250 mg magnesium. My understanding is that chelated vitamins are

more easily absorbed too.


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  • 1 year later...
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There are chewable calcium supplements from a company called USANA, they

are supposedly very well absorbed, however you must buy directly from

them or a sales representative. During the first stages we use TUMS as

calcium supplement.

Elsa Pinto, RD, MS,LND

Calcium Supplement

Hi all,

I was wondering if you have any suggestions for calcium citrate sources

other than citracal liquitabs after bariatric surgery?

Naomi Wedel, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., C.D.


Dean West Clinic, 752 N. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717

Phone: (608) 824-4207

Fax: (608) 824-4349

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How about Viactive (Calcium Chews)? One can get them at the market.

Kendra W. McConahy, R.D.

Clinical Nutrition Manager

Largo Medical Center


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> Calcium Supplement


> Hi all,


> I was wondering if you have any suggestions for calcium citrate sources

> other than citracal liquitabs after bariatric surgery?


> Naomi Wedel, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., C.D.

> naomi.wedel@...

> Dean West Clinic, 752 N. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717

> Phone: (608) 824-4207

> Fax: (608) 824-4349


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> Thank you.





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Thanks for the info. I understand that Calcium citrate is the preferred

calcium supplement after 2 weeks post bariatric surgery, due to low gastric

acid levels. Checked the web site for USANA, and it is calcium citrate.

($13.25 for 100 chewable tablets of 200 mg calcium, compared to Citracal

which is ~ $9.00 for the same amount ). But I wonder if there's any study

Calcium bicarb vs. calcium citrate for post gastric bypass surgery. Would

you know?

Naomi Wedel, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., C.D.


Dean West Clinic, 752 N. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717

Phone: (608) 824-4207

Fax: (608) 824-4349

McConahy Kendra


" ' ' "


< >


03/20/2003 08:08 AM Subject: RE:

Calcium Supplement

Please respond to



How about Viactive (Calcium Chews)? One can get them at the market.

Kendra W. McConahy, R.D.

Clinical Nutrition Manager

Largo Medical Center


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> Calcium Supplement


> Hi all,


> I was wondering if you have any suggestions for calcium citrate sources

> other than citracal liquitabs after bariatric surgery?


> Naomi Wedel, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., C.D.

> naomi.wedel@...

> Dean West Clinic, 752 N. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717

> Phone: (608) 824-4207

> Fax: (608) 824-4349


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> Thank you.





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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


There are no great studies done with gastric bypass patients, but

look to the research on the elderly and calcium supplementation.

That research indicates that calcium citrate is best absorbed without

the presence of acid in the stomach. Apparantly, the elderly also

loose stomach acid and there is a lot more research on that



Ft. Lauderdale, FL


> Thanks for the info. I understand that Calcium citrate is the


> calcium supplement after 2 weeks post bariatric surgery, due to low


> acid levels. Checked the web site for USANA, and it is calcium


> ($13.25 for 100 chewable tablets of 200 mg calcium, compared to


> which is ~ $9.00 for the same amount ). But I wonder if there's

any study

> Calcium bicarb vs. calcium citrate for post gastric bypass

surgery. Would

> you know?


> Naomi Wedel, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., C.D.

> naomi.wedel@d...

> Dean West Clinic, 752 N. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717

> Phone: (608) 824-4207

> Fax: (608) 824-4349





> McConahy


> <Kendra.McConahy@HCAHealt

" ' ' "

> hcare.com>

< >



> 03/20/2003 08:08 AM Subject:

RE: Calcium Supplement

> Please respond












> How about Viactive (Calcium Chews)? One can get them at the market.


> Kendra W. McConahy, R.D.

> Clinical Nutrition Manager

> Largo Medical Center

> 727-588-5491


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> > Calcium Supplement

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I was wondering if you have any suggestions for calcium citrate


> > other than citracal liquitabs after bariatric surgery?

> >

> > Naomi Wedel, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., C.D.

> > naomi.wedel@d...

> > Dean West Clinic, 752 N. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717

> > Phone: (608) 824-4207

> > Fax: (608) 824-4349

> >

> > The information contained in this e-mail message and any

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> > Thank you.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

IMO any lead is too much. Lead is common in calcium from oyster shells and

dolomite (cow bones).



Posted by: " k.ozbo " k.ozbo@... k.ozbo

Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:28 pm (PDT)

On Kirkman's product list of calcium it states that these supplements

have traces of lead up to 3ppmillon is this too little to worry about?

Does all Calcium supplements contain lead?

It seems to defeat the object when trying to chelate lead.



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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Does anyone have a good calcium supplement they use and like? My son cannot have

dairy and is not getting enough from his diet or supplements. He cannot take

pills so it has to be a powder or liquid or I can open up capsule and poor the

powder into his juice. My DAN! Dr recommend the Might-a-mins calcium complete so

I'm looking at that one but I thought I'd ask ere first! Thanks,

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