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( 9 years old) has an appointment with his ND today and we will be

doing a dry blood and a live blood analysis. 's skin is looking

good right now so keep praying ladies.

of the isle~~~~~

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well we just got back from the ND and we are doing a cleanse other than

an enema. 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil juice of two lemons and 1 cup

of water. the ND said this would help the liver and the gallbladder

flush. Also we put him on phsyllium husks powder form for a whole week

to see if we can clear him out. the live blood analysis less yeast but

digestive problems that are happening in the small intestine..He is doing

ok and we are just trying to relieve the digestive tract because it seems

to be trying to rid itself of something. He also had a lot of free

radical damage that was seen but his blood cells are forming much better

and are not clustering at all. This is all i know and i already gave

peter the lemon juice thing and he took it no prob. It kinda tastes like

a lemonade with too little sugar. The bottom of 's feet are looking

better. His eczema is looking a little better too. That is all i have

for you ladies and gents right now .

of the isle~~~~~

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What do you mean " Digestive problems that are happening

in the small intestines? "

Have you considered giving him slippery elm to take? It is

good for the bowels. Look this herb up. I am sorry I


found the recipe for this slippery elm pudding. I am still in


lookings for it because I want to take it myself.


Re: Re:


well we just got back from the ND and we are doing a cleanse other


an enema. 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil juice of two lemons and

1 cup

of water. the ND said this would help the liver and the


flush. Also we put him on phsyllium husks powder form for a

whole week

to see if we can clear him out. the live blood analysis less

yeast but

digestive problems that are happening in the small intestine..He is


ok and we are just trying to relieve the digestive tract because it


to be trying to rid itself of something. He also had a lot of


radical damage that was seen but his blood cells are forming much


and are not clustering at all. This is all i know and i already gave

peter the lemon juice thing and he took it no prob. It kinda

tastes like

a lemonade with too little sugar. The bottom of 's feet are


better. His eczema is looking a little better too. That is all i


for you ladies and gents right now .

of the isle~~~~~

--- rabbitbrain@...


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  • 4 months later...

Thanks for this, Judy. We'll have to do your session after my return from the

ortho. So it'll be after 4. Is that ok? I'll call you! love, dayu

[Tap 'n B Free] ET


As I read this your name kept coming to mind and the thought to forward this

article to you - here it is for you disernment.

Love, Laughter and Light


What's Up with Nibiru?

By Jelaila Starr

Written January 27, 2002

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  • 1 year later...

Glad you got an appointment ,

Hope all goes smoothly and you get a quick surgery date. Hard to

say, but at least you will be through the worst of winter most

likely. That'll sure help with having to travel that distance.

Keep us posted, and have a wonderful holiday.



In , <hobbes@n...> wrote:

> Well I found out today that I have an appointment with Dr s

at 2pm

> Feb 2d. Will find out then if I make the date for the surgery

then or not.


> susan & hobbes

> michigan

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  • 3 months later...
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Hope this goes through as the orginal message was returned to me .

Sheila & Mentor

Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 6:02 PM

Subject: Appointment

I have just had my appointment for April 13th with the respiratory

specialist confirmed . I have to be in London for 11:45 a.m. & see Dr.Leasa at

noon . If he says my respiratory function is okay I will be cleared for CI

surgery with Dr. Parnes. We are still hoping for a June date for surgery . I

have waited almost a year so do hope this is the final hurdle . I have posted

this to all my groups so hope everyone will get the message . This is exciting

for me & I hope to get a positive decision .

Thanks for your support .

Sheila & Mentor

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  • 2 years later...
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Hi Carol -

I think you knew and I are old friends from High School - and we've really only reconnected since all of my revisions. I had made plans to stay with her for almost a week at the time or our original appointments, and already had my flights reserved. Well Ann (Dr. Hu's scheduler) knew this, so made sure that our rescheduled appointments were together. Mine is at 12:30 and 's at 1:00 on the 26th. I tried to twist Ann's arm to schedule you with us - which she did when we were first put on August 2nd - but because of 's problems with her insurance,she thought she couldn't do it in August...it had to be July. So Ann squeezed us in on the 26th, the soonest Dr. Hu returned from vacation. I was disappointed also that it turned out this way - I was looking forward to meeting you too. It isn't often that we flatbackers here on-line get the chance to meet up!

But as we're both in California, who knows???

Take care -

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  • 1 year later...
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Nine weeks is really no time to expect to feel a great difference in your health. You don't tell us what dose thyroxine you are taking Ann, though I doubt it is very much. The average dose is between 125/150 mcgs. When are you next due a blood test?

I don't know anything about Dr H as I have not seen spoken to her but no doubt somebody has here. Is this the Dr Nicola H?

Luv - Sheila

Hi,I have an appointment to see Dr H in Bristol in May, hoping to get Armour prescribed, has any one else been to see her recently?I was offically diagnosed in January and have been taking thyroxine for 9 weeks, not long I know but shouldnt I have had some improvement by now?AnnAnn

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Hi Sheila,

Yes Dr Nicola H, I'm on 100mcgs Thyoxine and my TSH at 6 weeks was 2.4. Not due another blood test for a couple of months. Have had all sorts of bloods since. FBC, Fasting Glucose, Ferritin, AIB, ENA, dsDNA ,RF and lipids. Have high LDL and Cholesterol. positve ANA's and Rheumatoid Factor 89. Ferritin 44.

How long do you have to be on thyroxine to start feeling better?


Re: Appointment

Nine weeks is really no time to expect to feel a great difference in your health. You don't tell us what dose thyroxine you are taking Ann, though I doubt it is very much. The average dose is between 125/150 mcgs. When are you next due a blood test?

I don't know anything about Dr H as I have not seen spoken to her but no doubt somebody has here. Is this the Dr Nicola H?

Luv - Sheila

Hi,I have an appointment to see Dr H in Bristol in May, hoping to get Armour prescribed, has any one else been to see her recently?I was offically diagnosed in January and have been taking thyroxine for 9 weeks, not long I know but shouldnt I have had some improvement by now?AnnAnn

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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Hi Ann, I've been thyroxine since May 2005, working my way up slowly

and I'm still not feeling a lot better.

It can take a long time to start feeling anything like human again.

It's a slow process.

Luv Dee


> How long do you have to be on thyroxine to start feeling better?


> Ann


> http://www./r/hs


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Hi ann,

Following you diagnosis and start of thyroxine have you been retested

and dose increased- this is normal after 6 weeks.

Subject: Appointment


I have an appointment to see Dr H in Bristol in May, hoping to get

Armour prescribed, has any one else been to see her recently?

I was offically diagnosed in January and have been taking thyroxine for

9 weeks, not long I know but shouldnt I have had some improvement by





Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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  • 1 year later...

I have an appointment tomorrow to schedule testing for my daughter. I am

trying to get her into the school's pre- school program,I expressed concerns

with teh social worker at the school and she put me in touch with a woman that

schedules the tests. I don't have a Ds yet.. I have mixed feelings about the Ds

but I don't want to wait til next year to get things moving for her. I am very

concerned about her social skills,and the potty training which seems to have

gone by the way side. She is very attached to me,that is a concern as well.

I was wondering are there questions I should be asking on the evaluation day?

and at the appointment tomorrow afternoon? I feel so lost sometimes,I have the

voice for my child without any second thoughts,but I'm just not sure what to

ask.. Any suggestions?

P.S. Forgive my rambles....

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  • 1 year later...
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I dont think you should phone on a wednesday as this is when his patients have

booked in to talk with Dr P about the progress and next steps ect, by just

phoning up on wednseday you could hold up somebody who has been waiting 1-2

weeks to speak with dr P.



> Hi , try a Wednesday this is when he usually is on the phone,. Angel.


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I usually get through in the mornings say around 11ish. Whenever i have tried in

the afternoons i have the same problem. One advice which i have not tried yet

but somebody gave me to me is, if you phone out of office hours you can leave a

message on their answer machine and they will contact you once they get time.



> Can anyone please tell me if there is a particular time I should try to call

Dr. P's Crawley clinic? I've been trying for days and days, but just can't get


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I can't remember what time I called, but as Steve said, I just left a message

when the answer machine came on and Dr P's secretary called me back that evening

to arrange an appointment.

Good luck,




> >

> > Can anyone please tell me if there is a particular time I should try to call

Dr. P's Crawley clinic? I've been trying for days and days, but just can't get



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i have *always* found them to return voicemails within a resonable time

> One advice which i have not tried yet but somebody gave me to me is, if you

phone out of office hours you can leave a message on their answer machine and

they will contact you once they get time.


> Steve


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