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Anyone using Lamictal as a mood stabilizer?

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Hi all!

My 7yo DS's dr is starting Lamictal in hopes of getting some relief from

behavior issues. The list of medications we have tried is extensive and the

available list is dwindling. Currently, we have had some success with 2mg of

paxil and 3.75mg of zyprexa. But, it does not seem to be helping as much as we

would like and we can't increase those or we get wretched behavior issues. DS

has comormid anxiety. When he is anxious due to change/transitions, he gets

very impulsive. He tends toward behaviors that he knows is wrong but doesn't

care. No punishment has worked, no reward for good behavior has worked...he

just does not care. He is very close to getting kicked out of after school

care. They have been incredibly tolerant and I mean incredibly. He has hit

kids and counselors, flushed objects down the toilet, pulled poop out of the

toilet and smeared it, tried to run away. He loves the program however so it is

confusing to us. He does this stuff at school as well including telling

teachers to shut up, that they are stupid, etc. He hears this language from

older kids and just jumps on it because he knows it upsets people and he gets

attention, albeit negative. Honestly, he is just not appealing to be around.

We are at wits end. UGH!


Mom to Jack (aspie,anxiety) and Sophia (ADHD, dyslexia)

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